Eighteen Jewish organizations called on Congress to pass a bill seeking to end US President Donald Trump’s executive order banning citizens of certain predominantly Muslim countries:
On Wednesday, Senator Chris Coons, and Representative Judy Chu introduced bills in the Senate and House, respectively, to repeal three versions of the president’s travel ban. The current version places entry restrictions on citizens of Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Somalia and Yemen.
HIAS, an immigrant advocacy and aid group formerly known as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, organized the letter sent Wednesday to members of Congress.
“We stand in solidarity with our Muslim neighbors, and in support of refugees and asylum seekers from around the world,” the letter reads. “As American Jews, we are proud of our country’s legacy as a place that welcomes people who are forced to flee their homelands in search of safety.”
Among the signatories are official groups representing the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist Jewish denominations as well as the Orthodox social justice organization Uri L’Tzedek. American Jewish World Service, the Anti-Defamation League, J Street and the National Council of Jewish Women also signed.
Last year, the Supreme Court upheld Trump’s executive order mandating a ban on travel from several Muslim majority countries, a decision criticized by major Jewish organizations. Trump had issued similar bans twice before but they were blocked by lower courts.
How would Netanyahu respond to a demand that Israel allow in Muslims from known countries engaged in international terrorism? Need we ask? In reality, none of those 18 jewish organizations would even dare suggest that Israel open its borders to these potential terrorists, but they have absolutely no problem demanding that the U.S. open its borders to everyone, regardless of risk. Israelis are allowed the most draconian measures in the name of “national security,” but all measures the U.S. takes to secure its borders are labeled “racist” and “xenophobic”.
This brazen hypocrisy ultimately leads to what the Jews claim to fear most: “antisemitism”. If Jews truly feared antisemitism, they wouldn’t behave in such subversive and hypocritical ways. That they do consistently behave this way could lead one to conclude that perhaps this well-advertised fear of “antisemitism” might just be “a trick” to silence anyone who dares to notice the vicious and consistent double-standard when it comes to America’s security and that of Israel and the Jews in general.
“It really is outrageous. Taxpayers shelled out $24,493,743 in federal grants to the ‘non-profit’ Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society according to its most recent Form 990 available and the group is in Israel community agitating and badmouthing the Trump Admin at the same time.”
The Muslims accused of dumping blood, piss, fecal matter and guts from slaughtered animals into public waterways are also accused in the Ohio Illegal Slaughterhouse Case.
“As American Jews, we are proud of our country’s legacy as a place that welcomes people who are forced to flee their homelands in search of safety.”
There is a perfect irony here that no one will call these ‘American’ jews out on –
how they can claim America as ‘their country’ and therefor somehow lay claim to it’s ‘legacy’ of safety for immigrants, yet have a backdoor country in Israel to where only ‘American’ jews can flee ‘in search of safety’. How should these ‘American’ jews have a want or need for citizenship in Israel if America stands for everything the jew stands for? It could only be as a place to FLEE. If it was as simple as ‘a place to vacation’, then the same aliyah/citizenship should apply to the ‘global citizenry’ as per the jewish global standard, or that every ‘American citizen’ would have the same ‘dual citizenry’ allowance for them and their ‘ancestral’ homeland too. But that obviously is not the case, and never will be the case, not until the jew has completely been exposed, more than likely by crumbling under the weight of their own lies, and they are PURGED from white Christian nations!
As you’re already aware, Ottify, it is not only the single-loyalty, dual-traitor jews who are residing in America who cause and support their Muslim fellow-invaders. It is jews in the UK and elsewhere, too, who support the invasions of White lands.
“”Mend is a cause for alarm — here’s why” [November 9, 2017 – The Jewish Chronicle]
“One expert said Mend was regarded as a “problematic organisation” because it appeared to encourage Jews and Muslims to oppose each other rather than to work together to tackle racism and extremism. There are other partners in the Muslim community who we think are more genuine and reliable in their opposition to antisemitism and extremism,” said one source.
None of that stopped Jeremy Corbyn and a series of Labour MPs speaking at the Portcullis House event last week. Mr Corbyn told the audience at the Islamophobia Awareness Month launch: “Our future lies in mutual respect between all communities.”
Jennifer Gerber, director of Labour Friends of Israel, said it was “utterly unacceptable” that Mr Corbyn “chose to attend an event organised by a group which has repeatedly peddled myths about the power of the ‘Israeli lobby’ that play into classic antisemitic tropes”.
One source familiar with the Muslim community said there was “real concern” that the group had been “given a veneer of respectability” thanks to the appearance of prominent figures at the session. “These politicians have legitimised Mend and their xenophobic, poisonous version of Islam,” the source added.”
You are absolutely correct. I’m specifically addressing ‘American’ jews as per this article, as well as their penchant for twisting the ‘American’ legacy of immigration – which used to obviously mean EUROPEAN immigration…
You were clear on that, Ottify, and your comment was excellent on that issue. I’ll expand more on that “Muslim” problem:
While Flanders does not agree with the very 1st statement made in the article below about Muslims not being the enemy, because all of the imported non-Whites are enemies to true American people, I do note that it’s NOT the Muslims who are the ones who are importing the Jews.
And, so far as importing other Muslims goes, Jewry does more of that than the Muslims themselves do.
“The Muslims are not the enemy. They do not extort usury but rather oppose it. They are not manufacturing population-reducing vaccines and GMO seeds. They did not put SV40 into the polio vaccines to create pandemic cancer. They did not create the medical mafia. They did not devise our abortion laws (about fifty-six million dead). They have not instituted the draconian healthcare laws to provide less care to people and extraordinary amounts of profit to well-connected insurance companies. They did not bail out the banks or orchestrate the nation’s economic crashes. They did not create the Department of Homeland Security and impose the PATRIOT Act or massive surveillance of the population. They are not wire-tapping our private conversations or scanning us at the airport. They are not mandating dangerous smart meters on every home to comply with Agenda 21. They did not impose godless Communism on several countries and cause the death of millions of innocent people.” [This list is continuing with even more at the link. This excerpt is near the end].
(((Satanic forces))) – [Jewry] – attack the White people whom they recognize to be the only ones who have the capability to stop them. The Satanists use the problems and issues which are of Jewry’s own creation to sow division and chaos, and try to place the blame onto White people, many of whom are too gullible in their innocence amidst their ongoing indoctrinations to be capable to understand that is what is happening.
How (((Satanic forces))) cause chaos and division.
Today’s problems come from a hidden hand that controls every social, political, and religious institution, and that evil force is never identified and attacked. Fighting “gun control”, “poisoning of food, water and air”, “unconstitutional laws”, “bank confiscations”, “economic fiascos”, “insane immigration policies”, “social entitlements for all non-citizens”, “affirmative action”, “increasing national debt”, “more taxes”, “redistribution of your income”, “control of the internet”, “corruption of media”, “corruption in government”, “corruption in society”, “corruption in education”, “corruption in religion”, “corruption in …”, well, the list is infinite, but there is only ONE cause. Treat the disease, not the symptoms. Ignoring the root of the problem will only cause the symptoms to become legion, and their toxicity will become so overwhelming for the body that it sickens and dies.
The real problem is not one of misdiagnosis, but is one of NO diagnosis. This satanic species has focused all attention away from itself and upon a vast myriad of ISSUES which it has spawned.”
“..Who are forced to flee their homelands in search of safety.” They fly home for vacations. I don’t think they are fleeing anything.
The modern day Jews are not Israelites.
“Political Zionism is almost exclusively a movement by the Jews of Europe. But these Eastern European Jews have neither a racial nor a historic connection with Palestine. Their ancestors were not inhabitants of the ‘Promised Land’. They are the direct descendants of the Khazar Kingdom which existed until the 12th century” (Dr. Benjamin H. Freedman, National Economic Council Inc., Council Letter #177, October 15, 1947).
The jewish lineage can be briefly overviewed thus:
Fallen angels (tree of the knowledge of good and evil) – Pre Adamic hominids (Neanderthal, Cro-magnon, etc.) – Kenites (Cain) – Edomites/Idumeans (Esau) – modern day jew (Sephardic, Ashkenazi, crypto, etc.)
Khazaria is not their only modern lineage, it is just the most reported one, as it deliberately limits and misleads the scope of the proliferation of their diseased lineage throughout the entire earth and doesn’t properly address the Biblical connection.
If you look at where Khazaria was on a map, which is directly north of the Levant and directly in the path that the ancient Israelites took as they migrated north and west into Europe, it is reasonable to conclude that the original Khazars numbered many Whites among them. That they eventually race mixed with others, including the Edomite Jews, shouldn’t surprise anyone. And as you pointed out, to claim that all Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars is a gross oversimplification of who they are racially.
I suspect Gog and Magog are the Biblical connection to Khazaria. They fit the bill geographically, and can Rev 20 7-9 be talking about anyone else?
” And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.”
This is potentially the history of the Khazarian Jew lead attack on European countries, perhaps from the time they were let out of Pale of Settlement to the wonderful conclusion, in three verses.
ExFideFortis, You and Chesterton, Ottify and everyone else here may be interested in what Willie Martin had to say about the Khazars. I’ll leave an excerpt.
“Know Your Enemy”
Chapter Eleven – Origin of The Jews
“The Jews fully understand their Khazarian heritage as the third edition of the Jewish Encyclopedia for 1925 records: [Skipping some to the section below].
“In 597 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar came down to Jerusalem and carried away its wealthier inhabitants to Babylon; but within a few years the remaining Israelites were found to be plotting with the enemies of Babylon, and in 587 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar, marched a second time on Jerusalem, and burned and razed it. And took away the king in chains, and also a great many more of its Israel people as captives. Then in 582 B.C. the authorities in Babylon found it necessary to invade a third time. It was during this time, the Jews, as a religious sect began and they along with thousands of other prisoners from all parts of the Near East, remained for centuries. Their stay in Babylon was profitable to them and they found it so advantageous that, when the Israelites received permission to leave Babylon, most of the Jews remained in Babylon. Nevertheless, true to their traitorous nature, they intrigued with the Persians to accomplish the downfall of Babylon. Many people believe that the favor shown the Jew, by Cyrus in 538 B.C. was bought by their services, in spreading sedition, etc., within the city while the Persian troops were still outside.
If this is so, and the authorities are correct who hold that the disaffection of the common people in Babylon was due largely to the monotheistic tendencies of the Court and the aristocracy, the Jews were shown to be opposed to monotheism, at that time and guilty of double treachery. Which they have done here in the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Those Jews who did return to Jerusalem found the country‑side occupied by the unfortunate people planted there by Esarhaddon. So the Jews intermarried with these unsuspecting people, who received the Jews kindly and helped them oppose the Israelites in rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. Thus, the Jews established themselves in the country, repudiated offers to help with scorn; and later in 458 B.C. drove out most of the non‑Jews from Judea.
The immigrants had brought with them a confused idea of the Babylonian calendar, the Babylonian system of numeration, weights, measures, and money, and also such scraps of mythology, ritual, sacred writings and philosophy, etc., as they had been able to absorb or obtain; “history” began to be fabricated and sacred writings and traditions to be adapted; and the result of these equivocal labor have come down to the present day, and is known as the Jewish Babylonian Talmud.”
While I will tend to agree with the majority of what Willie is saying, I believe he is presenting it in a confusing fashion especially with the missing Edomite/Idumean connection of the time. I find it misleading that ‘jewish treachery’, or the inherent jewish behavior, is presented as originating with the Israelites. While the Israelites were being punished for being a morally corrupt nation by our God, thus the overthrow by the Babylonians, they were/are not the source of the corruption.
The ‘unfortunate people planted’ in Jerusalem that opposed the rebuilding of the Temple were Edomites/Idumeans. They were at first in favor of the Temple being rebuilt – if they were allowed to be involved – but their offer was refused because the remnant Judaeans understood that non-Judaeans had no part in it (and thus starting the religious separation between them and the rest of their Israelite kin known as “the nations” or “goyim”).
As for the ‘jewish’ religion starting at that time is a misnomer. Since the Israelites no longer had their homeland to coincide with their hereditary government seat in Judaea, those who still made the effort to worship YHWH, the head of the Judaean government, kept their identity religiously as ‘Judaeans’ (keep in mind that the single nation of Israel was long since divided north and south through civil war, where the north basically pursued paganism and were already dispersing themselves by the time they were conquered by Babylon, with their Scripturally-inspired paganism, across the earth, while the south, where Judaea was the government seat, tried to retain their identity with their hereditary Scriptural government and worshiped YHWH). The ‘jewish’ religion, being the perverted form of the true Torah-based religion of the Judaeans mixed with Babylonian mysticism, is what was formed when the ‘seditious’ Judaeans who did not accept YHWH’s punishment, sided with God’s enemies and intermarried with them, bringing with them parts of the Judaean religion and parts of the Babylonian paganism…and thus part of the origin of the modern-day jew’s claim to be ‘the people of the Bible’.
Thank you Flanders, it is useful information though I would agree with ottify’s critique. I believe that understanding the history of the progressive Edomite intermingling with the remnant of the Judahites, politically, religiously, and genetically, is the Rosetta Stone of understanding talmudic judaism, and “jews”, both in the New Testament and today.