According to a 1943 report titled International Conciliation: Commission To Study The Organization Of Peace published by the Carnegie Peace Foundation,
Of some 1,750,000 Jews who succeeded in escaping the Axis since the outbreak of hostilities, about 1,600,000 were evacuated by the Soviet Government from Eastern Poland and subsequently occupied Soviet territory…About 150,000 others managed to reach Palestine, the United States, and other countries beyond the seas. (April 1943, No. 389, as quoted in The Fraud of Soviet “Anti-Semitism” by Herbert Aptheker, p. 6, 1962)
One would think that Jewish organizations worldwide would be ecstatic to find out that at least one-third of the alleged 6 Million™ Jews “murdered” by the “Nazis” actually survived the war and have been officially accounted for — safely protected behind the Soviet lines, far from the reach of the blood-thirsty, blue-eyed, blond-haired murder machine.
Another third of the Holocaust victims were accounted for when the Auschwitz museum quietly lowered the official number of Jews killed there from 4 million to 1.2 million in 1990.
Sadly, there is no record of any Jewish organization — especially those organizations that advocate for Holocaust “survivors” — of acknowledging this official report by the prestigious Carnegie Peace Foundation.
Nor is there any record of any Holocaust “historians” attempting to refute the findings of this Carnegie report — which we would naturally expect if they intended to insist on their seemingly non-negotiable 6 Million™ grand total.
What this silence confirms for us is that the elite cabal which controls worldwide Jewry wants all Jews to believe in this math-defying, kabbalistic 6 Million™ death toll — regardless of the mountains of such evidence that they have no need to go through their lives fearing the “goyim” want to kill them For No Reason Whatsoever™ aside from the fact that they are Jewish.
Perhaps Holocaust “historians” can now begin to understand why there is a “complete lack of physical evidence” — according to their own experts — to prove the Holocaust actually happened.
Interestingly, only four months after this report by the Carnegie Foundation was published in April of 1943, the Jewish press ran a story in August explaining to its readers why — after the war was over — there would be no mass graves to account for all the “murdered” Jews they intended to claim.
Using Occam’s Razor — the simplest explanation is usually the truth — we can safely assume that there would indeed be no “forensic” evidence — that is, evidence that would stand up in court — for the deaths of these two million Jews simply because they weren’t killed by the Germans — they safely survived the war behind the lines in the Soviet Union.
And many of the ones who didn’t hide in the Soviet Union — and “miraculously” escaped the Gas Chambers™ — got free transport to Palestine:
Can I post this, displaced people up to 1943 most go to the Soviet union.
Dear CFT,
I bought the copy of 1943 2nd report titled International Conciliation: Commission To Study The Organization Of Peace published by the Carnegie Peace Foundation, which does indeed confirm the 2 million jews transferred to the USSR.
I didn’t want the evidence to “disappear”.
I will post a pdf in the coming months…
I must buy a scanner first and scan it.
“New initiative to train influencers in combating antisemitism is launched” [Jerusalem Post – JANUARY 25, 2022]
“A new initiative to train online influencers to lead the fight against antisemitism was inaugurated on Tuesday to coincide with Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27 – the day Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated in 1945.
Dubbed “ProZ,” the virtual training is slated to feature six sessions beginning this February in an effort to mentor activists to become masters in combating antisemitic content and act together against intolerance on social media.”
yankee doodle
Regarding “blonde-haired,” blonde – with an “e” – is feminine, and blond – without an “e” – is masculine.
Dumping jews in territory soon to be retaken by the Soviets was the “FInal Solution” eventually decided upon by the Third Reich govt, especially when they realized they were likely to lose the occupied territory in the East. Simply shipping the jews out of Europe had always been their preferred option, but the advent of war in ’39 made that kind of coordinated long-range mass transport dangerous and impractical. As the campaign in the East began to seem lost, the Germans figured that they might as well make the best of it by dumping the jews on the Soviets. Sending them east on trains was the Final Solution, not mass executions.
Download While you CAN….
1972 … NATIONAL SUICIDE. US Military Aid to the. Soviet Union Antony Sutton.Bankers Supplying both sides.
That photo of the Jewish refugees in Soviet Russia is remarkable if you think about it.
At the height of the war, when Russia was in absolute ruins, someone had a camera with film in it to take that picture….someone with a lot of money compared to everyone else….those Jews were doing fine….
I can remember at least one Jewish historian claiming that of the 3 million Jews in Poland at the start of the rise of NS Germany, that a million or more fled east to Russia, then in the next breath claim that all of Poland’s 3 million Jews were Holocausted by the nasty Nahtzis! Such is peer reviewed court approved Holocaust™ history.
Holocaust is an initiative by Jewish leaders, to overturn the Messianicism of Christ, and replace it with the Messianicism of the Jews. That is Kabbalah Zionism. No Kidding!
The Six Million figure started being thrown around, back in late 1800s. It’s not an actual number, but rather a“ Gemantria” number extracted from the hearsay of the “Jewish Esoteric Mysticism of Kabbalah Messianicism”.
It is a representative figure of “The Perfect Number” of the Israelites who escaped from Egypt. Its also treated as “An Article Of Faith” as a figure prophesied in their religious books, that “ Six Million Jews, “had to disappear in the “Burning oven” to pave way for “The Messianic times” Therefore that number had to be sustained to agree with the Kabbalistic prophecy, which claimed that God said, “You Shall Return Minus Six Million” (Do not search in the bible…….it does not exist!)
So, it is useless to explore the reason why the number is not changed, even after authentic reports , from reputable authorities, have tended to reduce the claims number of the Jews who died, by more than a half. The reason is that the number, is not based on commonness. So Commonsense has not effect on it.
The flip-side of accepting this Jewish Kabbalistic Messianicism, however, is to accept to be immersed in brainwashing, directed you, as a Christians, to feel ashamed of being a Christians, and to eventually, reject and abandon your faith. The dark hours are ahead of us.
Sometimes in future, the Christians will be made to pay for the Six Million Jews “they murdered”! Of course, they can pay by forfeiting all their possessions and become slaves. That, is the New World Order for you.
You will own nothing…………………and you will be happy!
Actually much of the destruction of the Catholic Church occurred with the imposition of the changes that were brought on by the “Vatican II Ecumenical Council”.
The beginning of the end of traditional Catholicism was sealed with the infiltration of the Catholic Church Vatican II Ecumenical Council of the 1960s by Jews and Protestants who were involved in the “modernization” of the Catholic Church.
Much Catholic ritual and doctrine was discarded or changed, in order to reflect the “age” that we live in, as well as the promotion of the absolution of the Jews for Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and death, despite vitriolic Jewish hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity which exists to this day.
The fact is, the Jews DID get the Romans to crucify Jesus Christ and DID accept full responsibility for his crucifixion and death. As is the case today, they got others (Pontius Pilate) to do their “dirty work” for them…
Prior to Vatican II, the Jews WERE held responsible for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. The changes brought on by Vatican II elevated the Jews to a supremacist state, being described as “our elder brothers”–a BIG mistake and corruption of Catholic doctrine.
The “new covenant” brought into being by Jesus Christ was reduced to that of a minor footnote in Catholic doctrine while Jewish supremacy over Catholicism was firmly established.
Abandoning the use of Latin in the Mass destroyed its universality. Previous to Vatican II, one could attend Mass anywhere in the Roman Catholic world and understand the meaning of the Mass.
Prohibition of the celebration of the Tridentine Mass (except by special ecclesiastical permission) pushed many Catholics away from the new Modern Mass and the New Church, in general. It took a brave Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X to push back” against Vatican II and re-legitimize the celebration of the pre-Vatican II Tridentine Mass and other Catholic rites. To this day, Novus Ordo church officials are attempting to stamp out pre-Vatican II practices.
In pre-Vatican II times, the priest (celebrant of the Mass) was considered to be a part of the congregation, and a representative of the people.
By turning the priest around to face the congregation, the priest was no longer a representative, but an actor, diminishing his status and importance.
It was a grave mistake by the Church to de-legitimize pre-Vatican II principles.
Fortunately, there are Catholic organizations that still subscribe to pre-Vatican II principles, one being the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX).
That’s the missing piece of the picture!
And now for us to destroy the evil Holocaust/Holohoax narrative completely by publicizing it…
Well done CFT!!
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“And many of the ones who didn’t hide in the Soviet Union — and “miraculously” escaped the Gas Chambers™ — got free transport to Palestine”
Many Khazars were transported to Palestine from 1933 to 1942, thanks to those nasty Nazis who signed an agreement with German Jews in 1933, called the “Transfer Agreement.”
This agreement stipulated that the Nazis would help German Jews move to Palestine. The Germans had to break the agreement in 1942, since they needed those resources to fight the Red Army on the Eastern front.
Yet Holocost Inc wants the gullible Goyim to believe that suddenly, one day in 1942, the Germans went from helping the Jews move to sticking them in Der Gassem Chambers, then roasting them in German pizza ovens.
There’s more…
In order to obtain free passage out of Europe, many jews tattooed “fake” camp number on themselves in order to “prove” that they were camp survivors. This also made them eligible for “reparations” despite most of them being nowhere near a camp.
Many jews lived unmolested lives in Europe throughout the war and were never apprehended for camp work.
In fact, there are jews who live in New York City and Miami that are receiving holocaust “reparations” despite never leaving the USA.
The renowned “yad vashem” database is so corrupted and dishonest that anyone can add to the “database” and that no corroborating evidence is required. Even Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are in the “yad vashem” database.