(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Despite all the allegations for the last 75 years of 6 million™ Jews murdered by the Germans during World War II, there were no mass graves ever found after the war with scientifically documented remains of Jews.
During the war, the Jews clearly anticipated this problem, which would undermine their pre-planned Holocaust narrative, so they planted stories in the newspapers, which they largely controlled, with stories explaining why no such mass graves with Jews in them would be found after the war ended:
In 1943, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, a major Zionist newspaper, published one such cover story [see below for facsimile of original article]:
Fearing the retribution which the United Nations announced they would deal out to them for their atrocities against civilians, the Nazis in Poland are endeavoring to remove all traces of their crimes against Poles and Jews, according to a report in the Dziennik Polski, official organ of the Polish Government-in-Exile, published in London.
The Nazis, the paper charges, are exhuming the bodies of Jews and Poles murdered at Lublin, Warsaw and Treblinka and cremating the corpses. It is the intent of the Nazis, when called to account for the crimes to demand of the United Nations the evidence of such crimes. This, they believe, the Allies will not be in a position to offer, if the bodies are cremated.
After the war, at the Nuremberg kangaroo show trials, a small number Jewish “eye witnesses”, who were never allowed to be cross-examined by the defense, made astonishingly exaggerated claims about gassings and mass murder at three camps in Poland: Sobibor, Belzec, and Treblinka.
Jewish groups claimed that 2 million Jews were “liquidated” at these three camps alone — literally the population of Chicago — without a trace.
These numbers are so absurd that there are many prominent Jews now who are openly questioning the Holocaust dogma.
A major problem for these jewish “exterminationist” conspiracy theorists was that there was no room in these tiny camps to bury 2 million people, so they came up with an elaborate explanation why no mass graves were ever found — and why even ground penetrating radar studies showed no evidence of mass burial of any cremated remains.
According to this jewish conspiracy theory, the “Nazis” forced the inmates to dig up 2 million corpses that had previously been gassed and buried, and then those 2 million corpses were cremated on open air ‘barbecue’ pyres. The cremated ash and bones were then allegedly pulverized by hand into dust and then reburied.
After the war, a massive cement memorial was conveniently built over the spot were the Germans allegedly ordered the Jewish inmates to bury the ash of 2 million fellow Jews so that the “evidence” could never be “disturbed” and exhumed for verification.
The best documentary ever made about this massive hoax is titled, “One Third Of The Holocaust” is archived and can also be viewed here.
The “5 million” number of non-Jewish victims has driven Holocaust historians crazy ever since Simon Wiesenthal, the famous ‘Nazi’ hunter started to peddle it in the 1970s. Wiesenthal told the Washington Post in 1979, “I have sought with other Jewish leaders not to talk about 6 million Jewish victims anymore, but rather that 11 million civilians died, including 6 million Jews.”
Yehuda Bauer, a well known Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Simon Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust had also claimed 5 million non-Jewish lives.
I said to him, “Simon, you are telling a lie,” Bauer recalled in an interview, Wiesenthal replied: “Sometimes you need to do that to get results for the things you think are essential.”
Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said that the Nazi hunter told them that he had chosen the 5 million figure carefully: He wanted a number large enough to catch the attention of non-Jews who might otherwise not care about Jewish suffering, but no larger than the number of Jews everybody knew had been murdered in the Holocaust.
Unfortunately, the idea caught on: President Jimmy Carter, issuing the executive order that would establish the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, referred to the “11 million victims of the Holocaust” as an accepted fact.
-Yehuda Bauer
So now we know, sometimes they lie to get results for the things they think are essential
As to the 6 million, these are newspaper articles from between 1915 and 1938.
here’s a link to the actual JTA bulletin of the time, 2nd item from top;
Thanks, JB, we posted an image of the original article you provided. How did you find the original pages of the JTA article from their archives? Does access require a subscription?
There is a box under the photo of Hitler saying “see original daily bulletin from this date” there.
see https://www.jta.org/archive/nazis-exhuming-bodies-and-cremating-them-to-hide-crimes-from-united-nations
Not sure about the access problem, I just clicked and got there.
It will probably work for other days by changing the relevant date;
many articles
correction: JTA have made them all not available (!) now, lol
you still get the date of publication in the titlebar though
Just when you think you’ve heard it all another fraud pops up….but the victims narrative is forced down you throat and the US congress passes another act to perpetuate the fraud and deception “The Never Again Education Act, which would help provide federal funding to expand Holocaust education in the US, passed the Senate with bipartisan support”…..https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/us-senate-passes-holocaust-education-act-heads-to-trump-for-signature-627929?fbclid=IwAR0h5cTz2_yc6dMgo2dECli7-kEvQf2OYJ2ihVPnvAGLKwSgT6w9U0_RzCw
The “holocaust” is Insurance Fraud.
If you apply for a disability claim from an insurance company or, especially, the government, you have to PROVE you have been injured, REPEATEDLY. The insurance companies and government do not just “take your word for it” and never question you again.
Israel SOLD the Holocaust for Political Leverage and Monetary Reparations, Israel itself opened the Holocaust up to questioning when they SOLD it. Israel FEARS the TRUTH about the NON-holoCOST because the MONEY would dry up, or WORSE have to be RETURNED.
About 1.1 million people, around one million of whom were European Jews, died at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp between 1940 and 1945.
In July 1990 the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland, along with Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Center, reduced the estimated number of victims at Auschwitz from the four million figure engraved on the plaques down to just over 1 million. That is a reduction of almost 3 million.
Yet the claimed 6 million figure, claimed to include the Auschwitz numbers, WAS NEVER REVISED downward by THREE MILLION. At that moment, any claims to knowing the numbers of victims are discredited.
And guess how many jobs the NS created in the first three years they were in power, after kicking international finance out? He he, that’s right, 6 million!
“About 1.1 million people, around one million of whom were European Jews, died at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp between 1940 and 1945.”
Sorry Moshe, but Awwshitz-Birk weren’t death camps, but work camps, which probably seemed like death to Juden who have a gut hatred of doing actual physical labor.
One of the first things I learned when I started using the internet almost 30 years ago now was that the Holocaust was a hoax. And once I learned that, the whole jewish con game unraveled. It’s sad that most people only use the internet for Facebook and YouTube.
Just to be clear, the official Declaration of the United Nations was drafted in 1941, and the term began to be officially used in 1942, one year before this JTA article was published. The most important purpose of the founding of the U.N. at this time was to create an “official” international body that could recognize the new state of Israel after WWII–using the fake Holocaust as justification for it.
It appears to be a lie, and the World needs the truth and their greed for power . Trump appears to be their puppet!
One of the early unemployment numbers numbers suggested an additional 6 million applied for unemployment compensation. I was shocked because I thought that number was copyrighted.
Yeah, I’m surprised that Jews haven’t started to accuse anyone who uses the 6,000,000 number for any other purpose than the Holocaust of “antisemitism”. It is their sacred number, and only they should be allowed to use it.
The Nazis created 6 million jobs in a few years! : ) Well, maybe 5 1/2.
There may still have been some credibility in the narrative had the ‘6 million’ figure been revised together with the updated Auschwitz plaque when the change took place in the early 90’s….. but to ignore a 3 million downward revision is pure stupidity on the part of the Zionists.
For the Goyim to believe this fairy-tale makes them either ignorant, very gullible or extremely poor at basic arithmetic.
For the Goyim to believe this fairy-tale makes them either ignorant, very gullible or extremely poor at basic arithmetic.
Unfortunately, the goyim are all these things, and more. They revel in their stupidity and don’t you dare tell them anything they can’t access from the jewsmedia.
Most people who have never looked for themselves into the jews’ holocaust narrative, just assume and believe there is mountains of evidence proving that the socalled holocaust happened, that Hitler premeditatively ordered the extermination by ‘gassing’ of 6 million jews. But the truth is that there is absolutely no physical, forensic, or scientific evidence that proves these allegations to be true. When these believers in the holohoax are made aware of this fact, that there is no evidence, they say there are thousands of eyewitnesses who made these claims and even their oral testimony and written affidavits recorded at the notorious Nuremberg Trials.
Yes, there were many, many, eyewitnesses, mostly jewish eyewitnesses, conveniently, and they created hundreds of thousands of affidavits. Here’s the thing. Any jew, who was either deported from Germany or actually was a camp inmate could make any revengeful allegation that he pleased. Most incredible of all, perhaps, was the fact that lawyers for the defense at Nuremberg were not permitted to cross-examine prosecution witnesses. That’s right. The Defense was not permitted to question witnesses. What kind of a trial is this?
More facts that some say totally discredit the socalled Nuremberg Trials, in fact, might label them as Kangaroo Court is the fact that The Rules of Evidence, developed by British jurisprudence over the centuries in order to arrive at the truth of a charge with as much certainty as possible, were entirely disregarded at Nuremberg. It was decreed that “the Tribunal should not be bound by technical rules of evidence” but could admit “any evidence which it deemed to have probative value,” that is, would support a conviction. In practice, this meant the admittance of hearsay evidence and documents, which in a normal judicial trial are always rejected as untrustworthy.
That such “evidence” was allowed is of profound significance, because it was one of the principal methods by which the extermination legend was fabricated through fraudulent “written affidavits”. Although only 240 witnesses were called in the course of the Trials, no less than 300,000 of these “written affidavits” were accepted by the Court as supporting the charges, without this evidence being heard under oath. This is the “evidence”, absurd by any standards, that the existence of a jewish holocaust promoters hang their collective hats on.
Yep, and I highly recommend David Irving’s book, “Nuremberg: The Last Battle” which goes into detail about just what a farce this “trial” actually was….probably the greatest miscarriage of justice of the last 200 years…..
Paul Rassinier of France is credited with noticing that in the over 3000 pages of the WW2 memoirs of Winston Churchill, Charles DeGaulle, Dwight Eisenhower there’s no mention of organized Jew killing and no mention of the Nuremberg revenge trials. Rassinier served prison in France for speaking truth. Germans facing trial were tortured by Jewish torturers extracting confessions and almost all of them were defenestrated by kicks to their scrotum causing lacerations and “ungloving” of their testicles.
Isnt it interesting that (((they))) use the term ‘united nations’ as it infers an organisation; the ‘UN’ didnt come to pass until after the war… [i know, the war criminal fdr used the term in reference to ‘allies’ , but thats not the contexct here]
Dont tell me the ‘un’ isnt a total jew controlled organisation, preplanned to usurp national sovereignty and bend the planet to their will…
The newspaper article (at the time) probably referred to the ‘League of Nations’ which was the forerunner to the UN…. Drafted in-part by Jan Smuts who most certainly was a Zionist puppet.
That’s a good film. And even the number 6 million was also pre-planned by their prophecy “ye shall return minus 6 million”, and the countless number of jewish print articles from the early 1900s before ww2 with the repetitious pleas to help the “6 million jews”. The holocaust chimney at Auschwitz is a fake built by Stalin’s men after the war. The absence of blue staining on the walls as well as the forensic tests performed by Fred Leuchter prove Auschwitz had no gas chamber. Anne Frank’s Diary is a fraud. All the gas chamber escape stories are lies.
This is the most heavily censored subject in the world. There’s only one reason free speech on this has been shut down. The goyim must not know the truth. But because jews throw their weight around with threats, bribes, blackmail, even assassinations, they shut it down everywhere. In Europe, they jail people for telling the truth.
Yep, the 6 million figure is non-negotiable, which is why they insist upon it in the face of overwhelming objective evidence that it is patently absurd and impossible. Thanks to the Kabbalists and the Gematraists…..
Getting away with this monstrous lie of the Holocaust must have emboldened the Jews to pull off any treachery they could dream up, like 9-11 or killing JFK. No wonder they think the goyim are so stupid….believing such obvious nonsense. Hopefully, their next whopper will truly expose them for who and what they are….
Please don’t tell me we’re missing the next big one right in front of our eyes? It’s called COVID-19!
That’s what I was thinking too. It’s possible that this Covid thing could be the biggest thing ever to piss off the entire world, even dwarfing the Holohoax. What if there’s a mandatory vaccine that ends up seriously harming everyone who took it? THAT would do it, in spades. . .
Sure, COVID is a big fake, but I don’t see specifically jewish hands in it the way they are all over 9-11, JFK, Holocaust, and WWII & WWI….How does it specifically empower Israel or “The Jews”? I need to see the fallout, along with the new laws, etc. before I jump on that train….it’s possible, but I’m waiting for the evidence….
This is an exercise in world control, centralized into the hands of a few, to see the reaction of the world populace – to see how well their propaganda, as well as all their corruption, has affected our perceptions. The only ones who could possibly benefit from this is the jews, especially when this seems to at least be the beginning of the cultivation of the fruits of their efforts. “By their fruits, you will know them.”
You’re describing a textbook oligarchy, not something particularly jewish as the other events I mentioned. Yes, I know Jews are vying for control of the world, but like I said before, this virus hoax doesn’t specifically have jewish fingerprints all over it, with all roads leading back to Israel, like the other hoaxes I mentioned before do.
So until I see more proof that Israel, the Mossad, or specific powerful Jews orchestrated this hoax, I’m going to just see it as a CFR/Bilderberg/Trilateral/CIA/etc manufactured event that the Jews will try to take advantage of as it unfolds, and use it to their best advantage.
My point is that all of these un-Christian organizations vying to put the finishing touches on this ‘one world government’ is entirely jewish in nature anyway. Not all paths of subterfuge lead back to Israhell, but to the worldwide jewish mafia in general.
onerus…………………..I hate to endorse this person because he is extremely anti-Christian (especially Israel Identity), but Kyle over at Renegadebroadcasting and Renegadetribune has excellent articles and discussions of how the Jew is directly behind this. From Minuchin to Black Rock.
You have to also understand the Supernatural aspect to this conspiracy. The Jew is the game master; and their “Illuminati – Freemasonry” is their religion ……and the players (non-jews) worship that religion (play the game).
In a sense, the Jew is worshiped by those who are deceived. Yes……sadly many Whites are part of that deception and also non-whites.
It’s like any cult. Look at the Mormons! Millions of White people deceived into worshiping and following the likes of Joseph Smith and all the other “prophets” that followed. Look at Judeo-c.hristianity! They are proof of Goyim worshipping the jewish jesus (anti-christ).
Surely you believe in the Supernatural???
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” 2 Corinthians 11
westwins, a while back Adam Green discussed those issues with Whitney Webb, concerning how the Jews (Black Rock, , Kushner, Mnuchin, et al) are using the scam-demic to create a total surveillance society….much better than Kyle Hunt, and more in depth:
Ironically, it wasn’t the Germans who had to worry about making 6 million bodies disappear….it was the Jews!
I seriously doubt the average person has any concept of what an impossible task it would be to make 6 million people disappear without a trace, even if cremated. Roughly 5 pounds of ash and bone per cremation, multiplied by even the 2 million allegedly at Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec, equates to 10 million pounds of ash and debris.
That would make a mountain a couple hundred feet tall. And they couldn’t bury the ash in that area because the water table was only 5 or 6 feet below the surface. The only reasonable conclusion is that this part of the “Holocaust” never happened, and there isn’t any proof it happened. You might as well believe in the Tooth Fairy.
Eisenhower’s Rhine-Meadows Death Camps – Documentary
Hell storm