(National Vanguard) On February 29, 1944 the British Ministry of Information issued a letter to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) along with high-ranking members of the British clergy urging these groups to cooperate with an orchestrated propaganda campaign designed to distract the British and American public from the murderous acts committed by the approaching Russian Bolshevik army by accusing the Germans of far more monstrous crimes against humanity:
The letter reads:
I am directed by the Ministry to send you the following circular letter:
It is often the duty of the good citizens and of the pious Christians to turn a blind eye on the peculiarities of those associated with us.
But the time comes when such peculiarities, while still denied in public, must be taken into account when action by us is called for.
We know the methods of rule employed by the Bolshevik dictator in Russia [Stalin] itself from, for example, the writing and speeches of the Prime Minister himself during the last twenty years. We know how the Red Army behaved in Poland in 1920 and in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Galicia and Bessarabia only recently.
We must, therefore, take into account how the Red Army will certainly behave when it overruns Central Europe. Unless precautions are taken, the obviously inevitable horrors which will result will throw an undue strain on public opinion in this country.
We cannot reform the Bolsheviks but we can do our best to save them — and ourselves — from the consequences of their acts. The disclosures of the past quarter of a century will render mere denials unconvincing. The only alternative to denial is to distract public attention from the whole subject.
Experience has shown that the best distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy. Unfortunately the public is no longer so susceptible as in the days of the “Corpse Factory,” and the “Mutilated Belgian Babies,” and the “Crucified Canadians.”
Your cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your wholehearted support of various charges against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry.
Your expression of belief in such may convince others.
I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,
The Ministry can enter into no correspondence of any kind with regard to this communication which should only be disclosed to responsible persons.
Essentially, this letter demands that the BBC and British churches enter into a conspiracy to falsely accuse the Germans of heinous wartime atrocities and ‘crimes against humanity’ in order to protect the public reputation of their Allies, the blood-thirsty ‘Russian’ Bolsheviks (many of whom were indeed ethnic Jews) as they raped, plundered, and murdered their way west across Europe during the German retreat.
The letter proves the ‘Holocaust’ propaganda campaign was planned long before the war ended, and certainly long before the Allies opened the concentration camps and saw the alleged ‘evidence’ of German ‘atrocities’.
Victor Cavendish-Bentick, the Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive (Propaganda), in a handwritten note, written on Aug 27th, 1943, confirmed that the alleged mass murder of Jews in the so-called ‘death camps’ was a psy-op when he wrote:
“We have had a good run for our money with this gas chamber story we have been putting about, but don’t we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out and when we are found out the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare down with it? So isn’t it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and concentrate on other lines that we are running.” [Public Record Office Document F0371/34551 revealed by Stephen Mitford Goodson, Inside the South African Reserve Bank]
And right after the war, in his 1949 memoir, Bruno Baum, the jewish-communist President of East Germany and former inmate at Auschwitz, admitted that Jews in the concentration camps had indeed made up the war crimes that they had accused the ‘Nazis’ of:
“It is no exaggeration when I say that the majority of all Auschwitz propaganda, which was spread at that time all over the world, was written by ourselves in the camp. We carried out this propaganda [for] the world public until our very last day of presence in Auschwitz.”
This psy-op by the orwellian British Ministry of Information was so successful that 75 years later, the vast majority of the public still believes this wartime atrocity propaganda to be historical truth.
People can even be shown these three above-mentioned independent witnesses that confirm the ‘Holocaust’ stories are 100% fiction, and yet most will still insist on believing that they are true.
In part because it’s far easier to convince someone of a lie that it is to convince someone that they’ve been lied to.
And people are terrified to confront the cold stark truth that the ‘innocent’ Jews intentionally fabricated the blood libel of the ‘Holocaust’ against the German people — and White European Christians in general — in order to cover up their own very real and documented crimes against humanity committed by their fellow jewish Bolsheviks — a death toll in excess of 60 million.
And Hitler’s great crime was trying to save Europe from these Bolshevik hordes.
But the Jews live in constant fear that if this truth ever spreads to the general public, there will be a great day of reckoning for them.
And they know they can’t keep this truth hidden indefinitely — thanks to the free internet, millions more are waking up with each passing year.
But they’ve invested far too much in the Holocaust ‘get out of jail free card’ to let it drop as they should; instead they are doubling down, investing billions in Holocaust indoctrination programs in order to silence their critics.
Yet the younger, computer-savvy generations are far more skeptical — the Jews are losing the propaganda battle.
And the harder they fight ‘antisemitism’ with Holocaust ‘education’, the more ‘antisemtism they create.
Note: the best documentary film to demonstrate the homicidal depravity of the Bolshevik Army as it swept across eastern and central Europe on its way into Germany is Thomas Goodrich’s Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, which can be viewed here.
*The above-mentioned Information Ministry letter is reproduced in a 1958 book entitled Allied Wartime Diplomacy: A Pattern in Poland by Edward J. Rozek, the image below is captured from the first edition, pages 209-210 (courtesy of Nationalvanguard.org).
That ‘Hellstorm’ documentary has me fuming.
Why didn’t Yahweh intervene? Why are we in this hell?
Paul Kent
So you believe that if God were “real”, He wouldn’t allow evil in this world? How would we learn anything if He didn’t allow evil? Virtue untested is no virtue at all. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone…..
Sorel McRae
The only source I’ve ever seen for this letter is the Polish nationalist Rozek’s book. Any others? (It seems ‘too good [i.e., crafted] to be true’!)
It’s a bit disappointing there’s no original source for these
here is a link to the original book;
https://archive.org/details/edward-j-rozek-allied-wartime-diplomacy-a-pattern-in-1958, pps 209-210
Karl Marx and the Secret Language of Jews
Raeto West
It is amazing how extensive the Jewish system was and is. It is increasingly clear that Jews and their secret allies – as far as I know, mostly Freemasons, but they must include diplomats, civil servants, lawyers, ‘news’ sources, aristocrats, trade unions, ‘Christian’ collaborators – had huge power. The entire WW1 and WW2 was planned mostly by Jews, no doubt to maximise deaths of Germans, Slavs, and other whites and non-whites.
I think the same thing must have happened in China, where Jews have existed for at least 1,000 years.
‘Atrocity management’ is part of the Jewish-collaborators system.
Do not forget the Papacy. They have been persecuting the Christians since they were the “old”Roman Empire.
Human sacrifice and the smell of burning flesh are integral parts of judaism:
“The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way…. They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust.” -Jewish Karl Marx, Marx People’s Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981 (A Jew advocating “HOLOCAUST” in 1856 … years before Hitler was even born)
Those Bolshevik Jews murdered my wife’s great grandfather in front of the whole family, they came to their home in Siberia and shot her great grandfather in the head and demanded the entire family to leave Russia. They had to leave their farm and everything they owned to move penniless to Western Canada. Many Latvians were part of the murdering crew of thieves, and their country now is being exploited by the small hat grabblers.
Dmitri 316
Many Latvians were brutally victimized during WWII by the Bolshevik/Soviet army as it moved west in pursuit of the retreating Germans. I know of one Latvian who told me some men actually shot their wives and daughters instead of allowing them to be brutally raped and murdered by the Bolsheviks.
Yes, their reputation preceded them, and the world has been kept in the dark for too long about what wicked, evil people they were–and are to this day. If they ever get that power again, they will repeat the heinous crimes of WWII against all of Christian Europe.
The British Ministry of Information letter may be found at pp209-210 of E.J. Rozek’s “Allied Wartime Diplomacy – A Pattern in Poland” (1957) downloadable here:
As for Latvians assisting the Bolsheviks, I have read similar in the past (the references typically being to “Letts”, the archaic name for them). Of this assertion I have been somewhat sceptical not least because the Latvians themselves suffered horrific atrocities at the hands of the same malefactors, see for example
KOVALEVSKIS, Paula, NORITIS, Oskars and GOPPERS, Mikelis (Editors):
Latvia: Year of Horror (1942)
Judaic-Communist-Bolshevik atrocities perpetrated by Soviets against Latvian Nationalists.
– that copy is in Latvian but an English translation is on archive.org somewhere if I recall right.
A further clue to the real identities of the Letts/Latvians assisting the Bolsheviks is (inadvertently) suggested by the book “MI5, the British Security Service”, written by Cambridge University Professor Christopher Andrew. In that he refers to the participants in the pre-WW1 London, Sidney Street siege as “Latvians” – whereas they were Jewish anarchists / terrorists.
All in all I think it quite likely that the “Letts” assisting the Bolsheviks were more likely than not to have been crypto-Jews or simply ethnic, but probably irreligious, Jews.
Herr Voice Of Germany
This answers what i was wondering about when researching the ve-cheka. Now the spirit of the Cheka befell the (((Modern Medicine))).
My grandmother(born 1914) had to flee from silesia back then in 1945 with her 2 yrs old son, which is my dad(her husband died in prior years as soldier). She told me alot gruesome story about the red army, rape torture and murder included. This sure was contrary to what we got told later in our german school education system, we surely had 3.Reich every year in history lessons as topic…but only focused on Holocaust and the warcrimes germany did. Pure brainwash school system, always believed in my grandma.
People call me crazy when I talk about the Bolshevik communist genocide in Germany, because the propaganda machine keeps repeating the victims of Hitler and Nazi propaganda as the beginning of European history, but people are waking up to the scam a matter of fact the world is getting out of the Marxist , Bolshevik coma because they do the same to American’s as they did to German’s….they dictate American foreign policy and this is an eye opener
the TRUTH shall set us free…
Hellstorm was a great documentary. You won’t get such truth from the jewish monopolized media
Kurtz Bees
This is another smoking gun for the explanation as to how deep this psy-op runs. When a lie of this magnitude has had the help of ALLIED institutions for nearly 80 years, no wonder the reality people today are stuck inside is such a small box…