(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Straight out of the playbook of Marxist dialectics — problem – reaction – solution — in 1960, Jews in West Germany demanded an official “denazification commission” to address the alleged increase of “antisemitic” incidents that had been fomented by the Stasi secret police in East Germany, orchestrated by their Jewish spymaster Marcus Wolf:
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer today rejected proposals that the German Government establish a special commission for denazification of anti-Semitic and anti-democratic elements in the federal administration, Judiciary, educational services and the press.
Dr. Gerhard Schroeder, Minister of the Interior, told newspapermen here that the Chancellor “will not consider such a move,” declaring that such action might result in “unnecessary difficulties.” “With the help of the people,” Dr. Schroeder said, “the authorities can deal with the problem, without resorting to such drastic step.”
A “White Book” on Nazi atrocities is being prepared by experts in London and Vienna, and will be distributed to all schools in West Germany, Dr. Schroeder added.
The specific proposal for the creation of a new denazification commission was presented over the week-end to Foreign Minister Heinrich von Brentano by Alec Easterman, political director of the European department of the World Jewish Congress.
The need for “fundamental action” by the Government was emphasized here by Zachariah Schuster, European director for the American Jewish Committee, who cited the need for eliminating former Nazis from policy-making positions in the Government, including Cabinet ministries and the field of education.
Expressing the hope that Cabinet action “will be more in keeping with the hope and attitude of the Job to be done,” Mr. Schuster declared “there can be no doubt about the real shock, shame and indignation” provoked by the recent anti-Semitic incidents “among all decent and responsible elements” in West Germany. However, he added, the measures thus far proposed “still do not correspond to this shock and indignation.”
Erich Ollenhauer, chairman of the opposition Social Democratic party, proposed yesterday that the United Nations investigate the current wave of anti-Semitic excesses in West Germany and charged that no solution was possible as long as former Nazis held high posts in Chancellor Adenauer’s Government.
Ollenhauer cited by name such officials as Theodor Oberlaender, Minister for Expellees and War Victims, Dr. Hans Globke, and Minister of the Interior Gerhard Schroeder.
Protests against the activities and demands for action were also made by Protestant Church leaders, German University Women, the German Soldiers Association, Frankfurt Mayor Werner Bockelmann, and the Hessian Trade Unions.
More arrests were announced today in efforts at various levels of the West German Government to apprehend and punish the culprits in the anti-Semitic actions in the Federal Republic.
Werner Schaefer, 18, a locksmith, was arrested in Aschaffenburg. Heinz Hetten-hausen, 42, a Dortmund waiter was sentenced to four months in jail for libeling Jews.
A 19-year-old soldier at the Boelingen military base was suspended for anti-Jewish activities. He was reported to be a member of the Deutsches Reichs Party.
West Berlin police yesterday arrested nine youngsters for anti-Semitic daubings at the Marienborn border station between West and East Germany.
West Berlin’s school superintendent, Carl-Heinz Evers, announced today he would take immediate disciplinary action against school teachers who refuse to teach the facts about the Hitler regime. He pledged also to keep former Nazis out of teaching jobs and educational administrative posts.
West Berlin’s Mayor Willi Brandt asked the West German Parliament to deal with the incidents at its meeting Thursday. He urged action by the West German Federal Republic against all anti-Semites and neo-Nazis.
Bishop Richard Silbelius, the president of the German Protestant Church, sent a cable to Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion of Israel expressing the “horror and deep perplexity” of German Christianity over the anti-Semitic incidents.
Meanwhile, at Kaiserlauntern, West Germany, the right-wing Deutsches Reichs Party, two of whose members committed the Christmas Eve Cologne synagogue desecration which touched off the current world-wide wave of anti-Semitic incidents, concluded its “State Conference” yesterday ahead of schedule. The party called off a big demonstration, which had been scheduled for today in the city’s Agricultural Hall, after the Rhineland-Pfaltz Government banned the conference and other public demonstrations.
We previously published an article about how the East German Stasi orchestrated a clandestine operation to foment “antisemitism” in West Germany, stating:
“Records of the Stasi and East Germany’s Politburo reveal that the Communist government used its agents in the West to enlist — often unwittingly — Western leftist groups, Jews, intellectuals and vestigial Nazi sympathizers in a campaign designed to persuade Washington, London and other Western power centers that West Germany remained a hotbed of racism and revanchism.”
And these Stasi-staged “antisemitic” incidences — which specifically included targeting synagogues — took place exactly at the time that this new “denazification commission” was proposed.
In reality, “antisemitism” is the life blood of Jewry — it feeds off of it — and even depends on it — in order to justify their pre-planned draconian counter-measures to limited free speech and freedom of assembly.
Hypocritically, when the “Nazis” cleansed the German government and educational institutions of Jews, the entire world heard the Jews screeching, “Antisemitism!” — but when Jews gained power in Germany after the war, they felt totally justified in ridding the West German government of any former “Nazis.”
And that even included West German Interior Minister, Gerhard Schroeder, who had resigned from the NSDAP in 1944 because of his politically-incorrect marriage to Brigette Landsberg, a Jewess.
And again after the fall of communism in Poland, when the new Polish government wanted to rid the new government of apparatchiks from the former brutal communist regime — many of whom were Jews — the Jews predictably screeched about “antisemitism.”
That it was Alec Easterman of the World Jewish Congress who presented the proposal of a “denazification commission” to the West German government should come as no surprise — Eastman sat on the judges’ bench at the Bergen-Belsen show trials — and also worked behind the scenes at the Nuremberg kangaroo court.
Note how the above JTA article from 1960 equates “anti-Semitic and anti-democratic elements” — which explains why Jews love “democracy,” a form of government easily manipulated and controlled once they’ve gotten a stranglehold on the press, academia, and banks.
As the late, great Ezra Pound cogently observed, “Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a ‘country run by Jews.’“
Why have no former communist countries gone through a “de-bolshevization” process?
Why did no one bat an eye when Nora Volkow, the grand daughter of bolshevik mass murderer Leon Trotsky was appointed head of the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse?
Backlash in Bethesda, part 1 MORE AND MORE PEOPLE are becoming wise to the Jews — to their lies, their tricks, their lachrymose tales of victimhood, and their plans for subversion. People are waking up to the peril in their midst, and they are being vocal about it.
I came across a site called Brasscheck TV, which it seems would be interesting to find some things , suppressed for example snake vernon and other substances used in research and out into our medicines.
too many other topics, many videos. Some suppressed.
According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, the chief intelligence officer in communist Romania, what happened in Russia and how Putin took over resembles plans reportedly discussed by Stasi officers. The plan specified to the West about re-branding East Germany as a democratic capitalist country, but which would be in practice taken over by Stasi officers. It was registered as Top Secret Document 0008-6/86 of 17 March 1986. According to Pacepa, other communist intelligence services had similar plans. On 12 March 1990, Der Spiegel reported that the Stasi was indeed attempting to implement 0008-6/86. It is also important to note that four months before he was poisoned Alexander Litvinenko accused Putin of being a paedophile.
https://youtu.be/-yr5tTePw_s Putin and Medvedev Jews pretending to be Christians. https://fitzinfo.net/2021/05/18/putin-is-a-jew-documents-from-the-presidents-biography-confirm-rumours/
Tons of confirming evidence in above links to my ongoing exposure of the antichrist one world system unfolding since WWII. BIG THANK YOU TO NORMANT
Who you can’t criticise….
You can’t criticize Jews because of all the people on earth, they are the most deserving of it.
Carl Cameron
Jews are attempting to “denazify” all white western nations by replacing whites with the Third World, but I guess they don’t realize how popular Hitler is in places like Thailand and India. To Jews, any white person is a potential “nazi”.
The Bear
Well, when someone claims that Hitler could actually have been Crypto Jew implementing the Kabbalistic agenda of Sabbatean Frankist Cult, some people respond with outrage. They find it impossible to entertain the possibility that a group of Jews could have been behind the so-called “Holocaust”
But this testimony by General Horst Hoyer tells another dark sinister of the Jews; He says:
“These Jews were paid volunteers. To secure smooth operations, I had to trust “my Jews” as head of departments and keepers of logs. Through them I was informed of all world happenings, even on an hourly basis. This was, for me, incomprehensible and even fantastic. Thus, I got insights which left me speechless, for “my Jews” knew full well, what world Jewry had in store for them and they were as helpless as the German people themselves.”
(Hoyer Memorandum, By SS Lieutenant General Horst Hoyer, Appearing in the Rese Article “Wartime Collaboration Between Zionists And The German Government By Dr. Harrell Rhome 7-17-8)
It’s worthy repeating; “my Jews” knew full well, what world Jewry had in store for them and they were as helpless as the German people themselves.” The Jews, are their own worst enemy.
The Bear:
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. This “General Horst Hoyer” does not appear in any online searches of WWII, nor does he appear anywhere on the WWII Revisionist site:
The only place his name pops up is on the article you cite by “Harrell Rhome” whose website http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com is defunct.
The only website that has this Hoyer memo is the Jewish-run, Jeff Rense’s UFO/Bigfoot site Rense.com…
Here’s a link:
That is a huge red flag for any serious researcher of WWII.
Next problem is that both Rhome and his alleged subject General Hoyer both seem to support the standard Jewish narrative that the “Holocaust” was real. Another huge red flag.
When Hoyer writes about “his Jews” he’s clearly talking about the Jews that worked under his supervision in the factories to produce materiel for the war effort. Nothing “crypto” about that at all.
No one denies that there were Jews and half Jews (mischlings) enlisted in the German war effort as soldiers and even officers. That proves nothing. According to Goebbels’ diary, Hitler told him that they would have to address this issue of those kind of Jews after the war. Uprooting them during the war would cause too many problems and undermine the war effort.
According to Theodore Herzl, to the Zionist Jews “the final solution” always meant Jews emigrating to Palestine and establishing a Jewish state. It never referred to any mythical “Holocaust”. So when Hoyer heard Zionist Jews talking about this issue, he clearly misunderstood what they were really talking about.
No historian worth his salt denies that the Zionist Jews and the National Socialists entered into formal agreements to relocate the Jews to Palestine under the Transfer Agreement, and that commemorative coin that everyone, including Rhome, refers to was not issued by the German government but by a private Zionist organization.
And many historians know that the Zionist Jews in America and England pressured their respective governments to not accept many Jewish refugees. What’s disputed is why. The real reason was that the Zionists wanted to create the appearance of disproportionate Jewish suffering so as to justify the formation of Israel after the war.
That’s also why the Zionist Jews promoted the “genocide” propaganda so heavily, to shame the world powers into accepting a “safe” homeland for the suffering Jews.
And to suggest that somehow this “Hoyer Memo”, even if it is real, somehow supports the idea that Hitler was a “crypto-Jew” as you seem to suggest is just preposterous. It does no such thing.
That allegation was first made by Jewish communist newspapers in Germany during Hitler’s rise to power in order to discredit him. That’s a documented fact. That you still believe it shows just how susceptible you still are to Jewish disinformation, such as similar scenarios promoted by the pro-Holocaust Jew, Henry Makow.
Kevin. Great research! Thank you. The Bear likes to undermine White Unity at every turn.
If he is white, he has a horrible guilt complex.
I had that once too. This is what “Christendom” will do to a person.
Where is his “conviction” to flee false teachers???
He is either very naive or calculated. I suspect the latter.
The Bear is a card-carrying Catholic, if I recall, and if the Catholic Church says the Holocaust happened, who is The Bear to question the Jew-pleasing Pope?
Even Catholic writer, E. Michael Jones is now openly questioning the Holocaust, along with SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson, but apparently The Bear didn’t get the memo.
There are some independent thinking Catholics who are not anti-white or white-denialists, but they are few and far between.
Hi Kevin,. In reference to the YouTube link you shared, when watching it I stopped and said out loud, ‘Just why do Christians have to swallow this poison when Muslims (most) are unashamed at their hatred to the Jew. We really need to stop this fear as it becomes a form of worship to them. As for me, I brush them off and will never compromise the truth of what they are. Our worse enemies are these Jew bootlickers who have bowed down to them. Thank you for your insight.
The Bear
I think we are getting distracted here. While appreciating your feedback, let me try and make my point clear. You know, am trying to understand what exactly you are refuting? It appears more like you are refuting that there was ever an “ SS Lieutenant General Horst Hoyer” However, you dismiss the existence of SS Lieutenant General Horst Hoyer, together with the fact that Elite Zionists Jews conspired to have their non-Zionist Jews murdered in order to “fulfil” the “Kabbalistic Prophesy” of “Six Million”
You state that “According to Theodore Herzl, to the Zionist Jews “the final solution” always meant Jews emigrating to Palestine and establishing a Jewish state. It never referred to any mythical “Holocaust”.”
I am not claiming that the so-called “Holocaust” actually happened. Rather, my claim is that “It was made to appear like it actually happened” for it was a requirement by the Kabbalists! And that is why, Elite Jews started to speak of this “Six Million” figure long before the War started. They started building up the idea over the years, by associating the Six Million with specific catastrophic experiences, until the masses got used to the six million fugure. Why? Headlines started screaming all over Europe; “ six millions of Jews; systematically degraded,( 1902)..” starving”……”facing annihilation”………. “ being crucified”…………. “men and women call to us for help”…….…” facing extermination”…………”doomed to destruction”……… “perhaps as many as 6 million,” murdered by Nazi, etc. ( See Don Heddesheimer The First Holocaust Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims During and After World War One)
So, it is evident therefore that there was a deliberate effort to build-up and familiarized the public, with the Six Million figure until when the Zionists were able to make it appear like it actually happened ( Because of Hitler) it was adopted as a “fact” which no one, Jew or nor-Jew was permitted to question. So, one may question the existence of a specific individual, but it is hardly possible to question the “Religious Significance” of the “Six Million” and the Kabbalistic requirement that it be treated as “A Holocaust”
It is not about “The Truth” Kelvin. its all about Kabbalah Messianicism, and how the World affairs have been manipulated for the last 300 Years, in order to manifest “The Jewish Messiah” If you just examine world affairs from a “race” angle, or “Political angle” or a “Religious Angle” or a Cultural Angle” you will miss the Big Picture. You need to udjust your perspective to accommodate a wider approach.
You see, we keep fighting each other over the peripheral issues while we let the main issues remain undiscussed. I do not think its prudent.
The Bear …
“……you will miss the Big Picture…………..”
What is the “Big Picture” Bear?
“….we keep fighting each other over the peripheral issues while we let the main issues remain undiscussed…..”
What is the “main issues” Bear that we all here seem to be missing?
If this is your answer — how World affairs have been manipulated for the last 300 Years, in order to manifest “The Jewish Messiah” ……”
We here ALREADY have figured that out.
“Christendom” has not figured that out yet, so I hope you are preaching to your Catholic family and friends.
But maybe the “Big Picture” is something different. If so ………… please share with us all what that Big Picture is.
The main problem is just JEWS not what denomination any Christians are or what any other people are. Anyone left alone to the jews are weak, but any people that stick together and know what jews are can overcome their evil – that’s it.
Or is my point of the Big picture. THE JEWS The movie and lesson for the world. After that then pick on the differences we will have the time with peace and Olympics every other month.
James ………………….
Forgive me — I’m having a hard time understanding your comment.
Are you speaking FOR The Bear? Or are you trying to address my conversation with “the Bear” from your own perspective?
Your comment was very confusing as it relates to my questions to — “The Bear”.
Of Course not speaking For anyone, just agree with what Bear said was not prudent. Me, I’m just seeing a lot of people on our side or could be on our side that may not be good enough or perfect.
Anyone that’s learning of THE JEWS – who cares if they’re Catholic or it’s hard to say, but Libs Gays Nigro’s or even jews. And if they’re with the jews or don’t care, then they belong to them I’m just wanting all to know about THE JEWS I see – a lot of people saying let’s run the jews out or violence ?
Can we just focus on the learning about jews and spreading the truth and get past that? It’s 2023, whites look weak like jews going after freedom of speech. This white man wants all non jews on the same side against JEW WORLD ORDER and after 2000 years. It’s getting late, I can’t keep up on all the distractions. Forgive my poor writing! I know.
James ………..
Just want to remind you that CFT stands for “Christians for TRUTH”.
This site is much more than exposing the JQ. I would say CFT’s more important mission is spreading the knowledge that White peoples are the Adamites and Israelites of Scripture.
Knowledge is very Important. But Knowledge without the SPIRIT lacks power.
And again, as I’ve said before in many other comments ………………….. I do not believe CFT, nor any of her loyal readers are excluding anyone from the table of cooperation.
Adolf Hitler wanted Germany for Germans, but he had no problem becoming allies with non-white peoples. But he didn’t want them in his Nation.
I will leave you with the words of Jesus —
“…And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations (Genesis 10), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Hey West Thanks for that info and wise words. I just can’t believe that jews have the power to threaten our freedom of speech like they have outlawed in 18 countries and white peoples leaders are considering that and the public are scared to speak up. That and people that watched to much fake wrestling and talk tough about violence when our people most are afraid to learn about jews and then be called a name ? or something like all the denomination’s if we had say 7% of non-whites in agreement about the jews it would get alot more of the white to agree also ?
James …………
“…if we had say 7% of non-whites in agreement about the jews it would get alot more of the white to agree also? …………….”
Probably, sure. There is always power in numbers. And then of course also White people have incredible “White Guilt” complex so if non-whites were speaking out against the jews, then it would certainly be easier for a White person to go along because the ‘racist’ stigma would be less.
But you have to ask the question —- Why aren’t they???
They have the same access to information we do.
I believe the answer is a Spiritual one. I will leave it there.
Someone put a article on the internet showing the figure six million to the Jews is a sacred or Kabbalistic number. They used it before WW11 to describe suffering Jews in Russia . The article I have somewhere shows the six million figure has been used by the Jews for hundreds of years and when I figure out or can have someone show me how to put it on the internet, I intend to.
An article I’ve read and believe I kept, has claimed that the Jews began their world conquest scheme, their race superiority scheme and belief back to the time they killed Christ. Also, that the Jews could have called off the crucifixion of Christ at any time during his route to Calvary, but they did not. This proves that Jesus was a Jew and they hated him for turning on or exposing their beliefs and practices or that he was not a Jew and they hated him for exposing them and their practices and used the Romans whose control the Jews were under to get rid of him and why they have gotten the Catholic Church to absolve them of Christ’s cru fixation and put the blamed on the Romans.
And ever since them, they have become bolder at calling Christians and anyone who opposes them antisemites and being in the public eye. I heard it over and over, in Church that it was the Jews who crucified Christ .Now that the Pope has claimed that homosexuality is not a crime , but a sin which it can absolve, I’m guessing that now we can also stop using Sodom and Gomorra as examples of evil and evil practices.
Still today and maybe 10-20 years ago, I can’t remember, the Jews have run television ads about poor suffering Jews in Russia. Isn’t it funny that we still have poor suffering Jews in Russia after the Russian people living under Jewish communisnm for almost 80 years or more, and probably still today are in control , but keep it quiet or secret.
With the millions, if there were actually millions of Jews in concentration camps, it would be natural to have crematorium ovens to dispose of the dead bodies to cut down the risk of disease. Where are the stories and videos of the Jews who told of money to spend given to them , commissaries , swimming pools, theaters, bands, sports and other activities? They hide those. Because it would destroy their lies.
The Jews at times talk about “peace.” Those who really know , claim that “peace” to the Jew is when he has obtained his kingdom on this Earth, world domination. And the young Jews know this as there are videos of them calling Mary a whore and Prostitute and others telling of every Jew having 2800 slaves. If you take 16,000,000 Jews in the world , which figure never seems to vary much , it almost, it I figured correctly will amount to almost the amount of people to be depopulated from this Earth or left as slaves.
Just like everything in life, we’ll put up with it until it becomes so bad that some will resist and set the example for others to follow. No wonder the Jews in Russia , if true killed off all or most of the ones who could or would someday , have had enough and oppose them.
The Jews must see the End Times so much talked about nearly coming true to want to see us attack Iran. And if Russia is out of the way, it will be one less opponent , to oppose, as I’m beginning to believe that Russia and China have a score to settle with the Jews for the communism, they suffered under all of these years. But that’s my guess from what I see or how I see things that have happened over the decades and what others have put in writing.
The Bear
You can chew on this;
excellent comment, a clear, concise, pocket history.
saving it as a useful, no nonsense quick read…
Hitler was obviously a rothschild puppet and the evidence that he had a good amount of jewish blood in him- at least a quarter- is pretty overwhelming when you look into it. The idea that he was a savior of the German people is laughable and is something mossad pushes on white nationalist forums regularly.
The Germans had every reason to rise up and yes the holohoax is a bunch of nonsense that has been added to and modified over time to the point that only the dumbest of the dumb believe it- but Hitler was a jew puppet through and through. By the time of Stalingrad he was showing his true colors. Towards the end of the War he did everything he could to multiply the amount of German causalities that he could. He also went out of his way to deliberately obscure his past and ancestry.
Bertrand Comparet knew he was a bad actor. Pay little attention to those trying to shame you in this comment section. It is typical as they guard this topic extremely closely.
Todd, you say it’s “obvious” that Hitler was a Jew. Obvious? Because he lost the Battle of Stalingrad? Have you read any books on Stalingrad? They lost that battle for many reasons, none of which were directly attributable to Hitler. If you want to blame someone, blame Goering or Paulus for their blunders.
Even if the Germans had managed to win Stalingrad and extend the war for another year, the Allies at the prodding of the Jews would have dropped nuclear bombs on Germany instead of Japan, and the results would have been far more catastrophic.
As I’ve said before, this myth that Hitler had Jewish ancestry originally was promoted by communist Jews in Germany to discredit him and demoralize his followers. That you believe these lies shows how the Jews have successfully demoralized you and turned you into a cynic about the greatest leader of the 20th century.
Sorry, using Bertrand Comparet’s opinion of Hitler is hardly persuasive. Comparet, like Wesley Swift, made a lot of controversial, unprovable, and demonstrably false statements about historical events.
All of Hitler’s “Jewish” ancestry is explained in the CFT article here, and apparently you missed it:
If anyone was a “jewish puppet” it was Winston Churchill who all but admitted he was beholden to the Jews who financially bailed him out. David Irving’s books on Churchill make this abundantly clear.
This incompetent, alcoholic puppet Churchill essentially ordered the bombing of London under the guise of anti-aircraft artillery…
“Why the British army used heavy artillery to kill thousands of Londoners in the early 1940s”
“Over 52,000 civilians were killed in Britain during the second World War, assumed by most people to be victims of German bombs. In fact, as many as half of the casualties were caused not by the German Air Force, but rather by artillery operated by the British army.”
Todd ……………
“…..Pay little attention to those trying to shame you in this comment section. It is typical as they guard this topic extremely closely…”
First of all, if there is any “shaming” of The Bear, it’s not centered around Adolf Hitler. The Bear is the one who “shames” people here for ( 1) asking questions about the descendants of Adam and Eve — and (2) asking The Bear to prove his accusations with SCRIPTURE which he fails to do time after time after time.
In regards to “guarding this topic extremely closely ……………….
That’s just a load of malarkey. This may happen elsewhere, but it doesn’t happen here. Adolf Hitler was a man. Period, end of story.
If we are guarding anything, we are just trying to get to the Absolute Truth of anything.
ww2, Adolf Hitler, the NSDAP, the Holyfraud are the most LIED about events in the History of the world.
ww2 is their Lynchpin. If the truth of ww2 ever gets out and is accepted amongst popular opinion, their Game is OVER.
When people try to attack Adolf Hitler, what they are REALLY doing is attacking White Solidarity. Period. End of Story.
You have a problem with White Solidarity Todd? Am I a racist and going to hell? Because this is Bear’s accusation. Which he cannot defend.
Bojangles Whip
It’s so funny that they fight the domination of women by men via feminism, but don’t have a problem dominating and trying to erase the very bio-spirit of European people. That’s what causes the backlash.
Repeat the same mistakes reap the same results. Cultures and religions are like petals on a flower. You can allow some overlap, but when one petal tries to completely cover the other and deny it access to the sun (access to spiritual power) you end up with problems.
So they try to pass laws that the “covered petal” cannot complain. As such, they bring it on themselves.