(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Following the widespread urban rioting across American inner cities in the summer of 1967, the Johnson administration convened the Kerner Commission to find the causes of the rioting — and they found that one of the contributing factors was how racist Jewish merchants were ‘over-represented’ in the economic exploitation of Blacks in the ghettos:
Jews are “proportionally over-represented in ghetto business” and a large proportion of such retail merchants “exploit” and “mistreat” Negroes, according to the findings of new supplementary studies released this weekend by the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders.
The report also disclosed that a minimal number of white social workers aiding ghetto Negroes were Jews. “With regard to religion, only six percent of the social workers were Jewish, while 60 percent were Protestant, and twenty-eight percent were Catholic,” according to the new study. The figures were based on a survey of 15 large cities.
Former Gov. Otto Kerner, of Illinois, chairman of the Commission, and New York Mayor John V, Lindsay, vice-chairman, submitted the new report to President Johnson. It was prepared by the survey research center of the Institute for Social Research of the University of Michigan.
A portion of the survey dealt with the charges by the black community against merchants trading in the ghetto areas, “With regard to religion, our sample seems to back up the popular notion that Jews are proportionately over-represented in ghetto business. Thirty-nine percent of our sample of ghetto merchants were Jewish, with Protestants (35 percent) and Catholics (24 percent) making up the rest of the total.”
“Thus,” said the report, “our typical merchant was a man about 50 years old with a high school education, who moved to his present city in his early twenties. He was most likely Jewish, voted Democratic, and owned his own home…He had not been active in civil rights organizations (only 11 percent are members of civil rights groups).”
The report asserted: “The merchants in our sample were among the most unsympathetic to the plight of the ghetto Negro of any occupational group in the study…Along with this lack of sympathy, they showed a series of beliefs from which one can infer that, in our sample at least, some merchants engaged in unethical practices. Further, the merchants endorsed attitudes about Negroes that would lead us to believe that they are apt to treat Negro customers considerably less well than white customers.”
Not all of the retail merchants in the ghetto were condemned “but a sizeable percentage, from 25 to 50 percent, seem to do business in a way that leaves many improvements to be desired.” The report warned: “As long as these improvements are not made, the retail merchant in our urban ghettos will continue to be one of the primary targets of Negro antagonism.”
It wasn’t just the Jewish merchants who exploited the Negroes — so did the Jewish slumlords who were also vastly over-represented as absentee ghetto landlords.
And no much has changed in the last 55 years — today Jewish slumlords dominate the “worst landlord” lists in many major U.S. cities.
And not surprisingly, the Wikipedia entry on the Kerner Commission fails to mention this role the exploitative Jewish merchants played in fomenting the simmering resentment among Blacks in the ghettos that ultimately lead to the riots.
Of course, the Kerner Commission Report ultimately blamed the rioting on generic “White racism” rather than the exploitative Jewish merchants and slumlords.
But this conclusion should come as no surprise considering that the Chairman of the Kerner Commission was the Jewish lawyer/activist, David Ginsburg — who was also one of the many Jewish founders of the “progressive” Americans For Democratic Action group, which Senator Joseph McCarthy suspected of communist ties.
And notice how the Report pointed out that Christian charities were far more active in the ghettos than Jewish ones — indicating that the Christian merchants gave back to the Black communities while the Jewish merchants largely exploited them — and were far more likely to openly treat their Black customers in “racist” ways.
While “progressive” Jews founded and lead the NAACP for many decades, they did so, not because they felt any particular sympathy for the plight of Blacks — but rather because advancing and controlling Blacks in a White Christian America was a strategy to break up White solidarity and social cohesion — which ultimately benefited the Jews through their tried and true strategy of “divide and conquer.”
We find proof of this agenda in one of the recommendations of the Kerner Commission Report:
“Providing employment for the swelling Negro ghetto population will require …opening suburban residential areas to Negroes and encouraging them to move closer to industrial centers…”
Rather than support Blacks in starting their own businesses in the inner cities so as to not be economically dependent on Whites, they instead recommended moving Blacks into the prosperous White suburbs — which is exactly what has happened — with the same result — when the Blacks moved in, crime went up, property values plummeted, and Whites moved further out beyond the suburbs into the “ex-burbs.”
All of which raises the question — Black city neighborhoods were far more prosperous under Jim Crow segregation laws because they were forced to live there and make the best of it on their own — so why not encourage Blacks to re-take their own neighborhoods and build them up on their own — with Blacks supporting only Black-owned businesses while boycotting Jewish-owned businesses?
The simple answer is that any type of Black economic independence is not “good for the Jews” — they have always promoted racially integrated neighborhoods, which undermines and destroys White solidarity.
Jews want Blacks to continue to be dependent on government noblesse oblige — and continue to convince Blacks that all their problems are caused by “White racism” and the “legacy of slavery” — conveniently leaving out the fact that Jews dominated the slave trade in the Americas.
And while today the Jewish supremacist organization — the Anti-Defamation League — claims that the “happy merchant” is an antisemitic Jewish “stereotype,” this 1968 article from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency points out that this “popular notion” of the exploitative Jewish merchant is supported by the facts — and doesn’t smear the “popular notion” as merely an antisemitic “canard.”
However, typical of Blacks’ lack of impulse control and propensity toward violence, these devastating riots only served to make their economic plight far worse — in Detroit alone 800 businesses were burned, looted, and destroyed — and the city has yet to fully recover from the legacy of that senseless, self-inflicted violence.
Satan is their god. Evil is their game. Take a good look around…you’re in a kosher gulag.
As soon as these Jews landed in Australia they set up antifascist periodicals to agitate in favor of leftist, anti-racist causes. Their politics had a strong international bent, making use of Jewish publications from both America and the Soviet Union.
Public opinion was so opposed to Jewish immigration that the government dared not spend any money on resettling them themselves. Instead, American Jewish organizations sponsored immigrants by paying for visas and ships. Every Jew that migrated to Australia depended on these funds.
From 1938 to 1961 the number of Jews in Australia tripled as a result of migration. WWII veterans’ groups like the Returned Services League published Antisemitic tracts and Australian newspapers attacked government initiatives to resettle Jewish refugees.
SOURCE April 2 2023 comments in link below
Beneath the Planet of the Apes…
“We don’t kill our enemies. We get our enemies to kill each other”.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
I remember seeing the 2011 riots in Britain on tv after a black man was arrested – it was used as excuse to loot, destroy businesses, burning them to the ground, peoples homes torched – some escaped with their lives. I do think there was a jewish hand guiding these riots.
Just a jewish hand bringing them here in the first place.
I doubt Blacks would ever burn down their own neighborhoods if they didn’t believe that Whites would throw money and entitlements at them to help them rebuild and calm down the restless savages. But then again, maybe they would anyway. Deep down Blacks must know they deserve the ghettos they live in.
What a hot mess! On the one hand, there is the typically predatory and satanic jew; and on the other hand is the always-rage-ready gibs me dat black horde. No wonder Whites don’t want to be in the middle of that family feud! Can you say ‘BLM Riots?’
Years ago I worked out at a gym with a 7-11 convenience store downstairs. One day an Indian employee there told me that he was “MAD at you White people.” When I asked him why he said it was because we allowed the criminal blacks into this country!
You see, our jew infested city leadership had already ‘approved’ diversity/equity ‘law’ that was allowing the crack-smoking hobos to steal up to 750 dollars each day without going to jail, making an already horrible shoplifting problem far worse.
Scores of blacks were walking in and getting all they wanted then walking right on out without paying, even staring at the store employees with disdainful glares daring them to do something.
That was years ago, and the jew has predictably worked night and day to make things worse and worse. Truly, Everything the jew touches turns into black death.
It doesn’t take a genius to see that this loathsome problem would VANISH if we had no blacks and no jews in our White country.
I wonder if he stopped to wonder who let in all the Pakis and Indians, and that they’ve done to whites like blacks were then doing to him?
As recently as 2017, 7-11s here were regularly staffed by whites. Now it’s all indian/paki. This imported cheaper labor did not lower the prices and it did not increase quality, perhaps we can get recompense from the estate of economist (((Milton Friedman)))?
RB ……………..
If you have some type of Media, check out the Documentary — “The Donut King”.
Basically, back in the late 60’s, following the Korean and Vietnam Wars, of course the State Department was importing boat loads of asians from the war theatre.
It was actually a White guy (the founder of Winchells) who hired asians to work his new franchise stores. However ………. it was literally ONE asian who took the Winchell’s concept and then blew the whole thing up and started his own franchise of donut shops and then his importation of asians became 100 fold.
It is reported that pretty much every Donut shop in the 70’s/80’s was owned and staffed by asians. Then Dunkin Donuts (Jew owned) jumped in the and the rest is history.
I’ll never forget growing up in S. California and just down the street from us was an Original Winchell’s staffed by White peoples and it was one of my fondest memories of being there once a week with my family.
Now Orange County is predominantly asian. Breaks my heart. We are literally vanishing off the face of the earth.
B.N. Angel
in 1940 NY was 92percent white in 2020 it’s 30 percent LA in 1940 was 86 percent white in 2020 29 percent ,I was stationed in San Diego back in the 70s it was 79 percent white now 40 percent hard to believe
BN Angel …..
I should have stated — OC is now predominantly asian and mestizo.
Your statistics seem accurate to me. We are shrinking fast. You have to go to extreme cold environment places to find 99% White peoples. I live 30 miles South of the Canadian Border. When we see someone other than a White, it’s like seeing a grizzly bear in town. It’s so out of place. The closest city to me is a tourist destination. It is becoming tourist season and the other day I say a mestizo family walking through town. It just was bizarre. I don’t know how they don’t feel uncomfortable. And how in the world can they afford to vacation here!???
I recently drove across country. The midwest is still pretty white. But the economies there are poor. It would be hard for any White family to make a decent living there. You’d have to be “born-in” to a farming family. There is hardly any small business employment.
We all know it here — these are the last days for White peoples. 20 years we will be a powerless minority and then the gloves are off.
But this is the Choir! How do we get this message to our sleeping brethren. That is the question.
I remember the ‘BUGS” people 10/15 years ago. ??? They seemed organized and coordinated and I thought their message was creative and attention grabbing. It seems they were 5 years too early. I wonder if they were as active today as they were then, we’d see some momentum. Not sure.
There are a few commenters here who believe some of the non-white races will come to our rescue. NOT A CHANCE! WHEN PIGS FLY.
“With regard to religion, only six percent of the social workers were Jewish, while 60 percent were Protestant, and twenty-eight percent were Catholic,” according to the new study. The figures were based on a survey of 15 large cities.
Of course – Christians are the penultimate race traitors, helping other races to the detriment of our own so we can all be ‘one under Christ’ aka total white genocide and the end of humanity.
Gen. Walker
When I read that paragraph, I had a different take, though I agree with you that judeo-Christians are brainwashed race traitors.
I noticed that the writer tried to couch this problem in terms of religion, not race. And suggested that the Jewish merchants were “white”, just like the Protestant and Catholic merchants.
In reality, it’s the racial Jews vs. the Whites, and how each group behaves. I can guarantee you that the White merchants did not exploit and alienate the Black customers the way the Jews did.
Unfortunately the same is going on today. White, idealistic social workers are still going into the ghettos to uplift the Blacks, and most walk away disillusioned or even red pilled.
Blacks can’t be helped by the White man because Jews have convinced Blacks that even the most sympathetic Whites are racists. And that will work to our advantage in the end, as White will eventually throw their hands up and walk away, leaving Blacks to their own devices, meaning self-destruction.
“Blacks can’t be helped by the White man because Jews have convinced Blacks that even the most sympathetic Whites are racists”
No, the reality is negroes are lazy, lethargic, violent hominids.
It is hard wired into their DNA, or DNApe as I like to call it
I have nothing but contempt for them and their Jew kin as well.
I avoid them like the plaque they are.
I judge by personal experiences in life. Having grown up around the savages as well as serving in the military. They bring nothing to a civilized society. Just look at the state of the cities in the U.S.,
mayhem, death and destruction.
This nation has been trying to benefit and uplift negroes since 1964. It has been an absolute
And I don’t buy the myth there are some good negroes. Try selling that BS to someone else.
Gen. Walker
Bruce, I agree with your description of Blacks, but if you read my entire comment, you’d realize that I also said that when Whites have tried to help Blacks they become disillusioned or red pilled.
Without the interference of Jews, Whites would “help” Blacks by reinstituting strict segregation laws, forcing them to rely on themselves, not Whites. The ones that don’t want to do this, which means all of them, will receive a one-way ticket back to Africa.
Race problem solved.
Negroes are subhuman animals, they must be sent back, there’s no living and breaking bread with these beasts.
Bruce …
Are you a pre-adamite theorist?
bon s.
Blacks invent a fictional history for themselves (with the help from Jews) because they have no history of their own.
Lately, (((Marvel))) has been borderline plagiarizing fake black history, the “Hotep” movement, to write its films.
Although, since the Jews invented Hotep can they really plagiarize their own invention?
Ant Man Quantumania has a black guy named “Kang” who dresses like an Egyptian pharaoh, now their “Guardians of the Galaxy 3” has a black mad scientist who goes rogue and creates forbidden creatures, including a blond man named Adam.
[The actor playing this Adam character looks somewhat dysgenic, and he–Will Poulter–has ties to Jew and African ancestry so he might well be another black jew, but the film presents his character as a shining Aryan figure]
It’s suspiciously similar to the blacks’ (((Nation of Islam))) belief that Whites were made by an evil black race traitor scientist named Yakub.
Headline: “Jewish Behavior Causes Race Riots — But Whites Are Somehow To Blame”
Paul Kurt
Segregation benefited white and black. Equality as freedom was a communist absolute ideal inculcated in blacks and liberals for subversive purpose. Soon to be succeeded with black power and pride . Sex and moral revolution so infamous in Washington, a jew’s parade.
Segregation worked. In Maryland in late fifties blacks ( Not called blacks then) worked. They had families , assimilated to white Christian mind and were happy . They ate in different rooms , sharing the same , working together and shared a modest but separate life . There was mutual respect.
This terrified the subversives and they began thier frenetic ideology with revolt demanding equality and reparation. Restitution for “minorities” later to be concurrent with the advent of holycost.
The negro is the war head of the club . Or the WHite Man is the enemy of life , which the mindless children learn to obey the command to kill .
And though both Whites verbally or Colours literally , will attack the war head mercilessly beating them, they both lick with obeisance the hand , holding the cudgel..
Paul …….
Great comment, but I don’t understand your last 2 paragraphs.
Very esoteric. Could you re-word your thoughts for me?
West, I don’t mean to speak for Kurt, but what I think he’s saying in the last two paragraphs is that Jews use Blacks as a club to attack Whites, and teach them to hate Whites.
And Whites will attack Blacks verbally for their mindless violence against Whites. But in the end, both Whites and Blacks obey the Jews who wield the club that is attacking Whites.
Kevin …
Thank you! I can see this now. The last two paragraphs were “Poetry”. And you explained that poetry. 🙂
One Confusing statement —- Where are Whites attacking blacks verbally for their mis-behavior??? Not asking you specifically.
I wish we were. I can think of ONE public figure as of late — Scott Adams of Dilbert fame. Where is his now? Vanished in the wind.
Of course we are not collectively verbally criticizing blacks for their mis-behavior. I think we used to, to a certain degree decades ago.
Newsmax (the news agency) replayed a clip from a speech by Biden back in the 60’s where he was blaming blacks for all the violence. I thought it was pretty funny because “Newsmax” was showing that clip as a way to paint Biden as a racist. When everything Biden was saying was true. Of course everyone knows it is true, even if subconscious. “White Flight”??? People move for the schools, so they say.
As if branding anyone a “Racist” is the ultimate punishment. Makes my head spin. I so wish we could embrace that term ‘racist’ collectively once again. Great site btw … http://www.4racism.org
Newsmax will run a story of a group of blacks rampaging through a Target or Walmart store — and then the very next story will be about some White racist or the next black astronaut.
It’s Psychological Warfare on full display.
Notice the bad behavior of blacks — but don’t you dare be a racist by not accepting them into your neighborhoods and schools.
Paul Kurt
@West: For the sake of brevity the word can be ambiguous. White race in own land is the enemy of others. Integration has created a disaster; but no one will repeal it nor even doubt its righteousness. . Therefore it must be the whites.
Although rarely published black race is inculcated and kills whites or rapes , murders even very old ladies. It is a war . A six year old precocious “pupil” shoots a teacher in Virginia. A Florida teacher is nearly killed taking a toy away from another exceptional negro 250+ pound motivated by rage. Most only see the weapon, the black asset and not the agency, from Congress to the ACLU, Education cabinet and media, that instigates it.
Speaking to anyone about this problem – and the moment you expose jew, the conversation suddenly ends. The weapon is not so dangerous as the privilege of the jew to create it.
Florida Governor just signed a bill into law in Israel conceived by the jew, which the Florida legislature may not even have seen. But silently approves.
Churches have replaced the New Testament with the law, an abomination of abominations. Is everyone so blind or terrified of Israel? Black and White have in common that Israel or the international jew is a god with no law.
White history is finished. It is the people who glorified the lie and crucified the Truth.
A. Clifton
RE-Segregation :
Isaiah 13:14. . . and further @ Matthew 13:39-43…and that is Jesus talking…
not the {{{Jews}}}.
I’m not sure what Matthew 13:39-43 has to do with racial segregation. It’s basically about how non-believers will be cast into the lake of fire. Christians are commanded to have nothing to do with unbelievers, and that includes White unbelievers especially.
The same is true of Isaiah 13:14. Israelites consorting with non-Israelites and their gods will be punished, and God will use the Medes (who were Aryans) to punish them. The analogy doesn’t work for me when comparing it to racial segregation in America.
A. Clifton
and….{{{who}}} owned the slave ships….?
Economic Justice….is inevitable
….think…. “remnant”
James Smith
I never gave much thought into the Jewish role of the slave trade. There’s nothing wrong with slavery in my opinion. Abraham owned slaves. Slavery as a moral ill is a (((marxist))) construct.
Slavery is bad if you import Blacks into your country and don’t deport them if they become freed.
In White nations in the ancient world, most slaves were White, so if you freed a slave, he wasn’t a problem once he became a citizen, which happened in both Greece and Rome.
Henry ……….
“…..Slavery is bad if you import Blacks into your country and don’t deport them if they become freed…..”
Yea, what happened there?! Do you know much about that period of time — Reconstruction and the Liberia idea?
Of course “christians” were a big driver in freeing the slaves, so I suspect they were also a big part of keeping them here. But this period of time seems to not have a whole lot written about it from a non-biased point of view.
Looking for First Hand Sources etc., etc.
On a personal note —- I’d love to go back in time and kick the arse of any White person who advocated for keeping the blacks here. What a major blunder. Major. Talk about selfish.
The asians are more docile, but our Ancestors imported them as well during the Railroad boom. Our Greed got the best of us ………….. again. “Stiff Necked Peoples”.
On one hand, we deserve it — but then there is us, who have been enlightened, and I say to myself, “well, I don’t deserve it!” And I’m the one who has to suffer. My liberal family and friends don’t care one bit and they don’t seem to be suffered by it at all. At least not yet.