(i24news.tv) French police discovered an arsenal of weapons including machine guns after arresting four men suspected of belonging to a neo-Nazi group in the eastern Alsace region, officials said Friday:
Some 200 officers detained the men, aged 45 to 53, at their homes on Tuesday near Mulhouse after intelligence services determined the group’s members took part in a “Jew hunt” during a football match in Strasbourg, prosecutor Edwige Roux-Morizot told a press conference.
They discovered an “alarming” number of guns — 18 legal and 23 illegal — 167 magazines, 30 kilograms (66 pounds) of gunpowder and materials for potentially making explosives, she said. The bullet equivalent of “at least 120,000 cartridges” was also found, Lieutenant Colonel Yann Wanson of the local police unit said.
France stepped up its surveillance of far-right extremists in line with an increase in anti-Semitic incidents in recent years, with President Emmanuel Macron visiting a vandalized Jewish cemetery in Alsace in December 2019.
So far investigators have not determined if the men were planning an attack, but anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denial works were found and computer equipment is being analyzed, Roux-Morizot said.
They also discovered equipment for making bullets and over 25,000 euros ($26,800) in cash. The suspects were charged with arms trafficking and face up to 10 years in prison.
Do Jews in France actually believe that “neo-Nazis” — armed to the teeth — are taking breaks from watching soccer matches to hunt them down in the streets?
Does this story have anything to do with a story from four years ago when Israeli soccer fans were banned from the center of the city of Strasbourg because police believed their mere presence could incite “antisemitic” attacks?
Either way, one would think that Jews would be offended by such a story — that police think Jews are so credulous as to believe this modern-day Grimm’s fairy tale.
If France is unsafe for Jews, it’s not because of some random “neo-Nazis” — rather, it’s because France now has the largest population of Muslim arabs in Europe — which they’ve imported for No Reason Whatsoever™ except to undermine and destroy the white Christians in France — not its Jews.
Jews unapologetically promote racial diversity everywhere — from schoolrooms to entire nations — for the simple reason that they don’t feel comfortable being the only “racial minorities” — i.e., non-White — in the room.
So they are willing to destroy the very fabric of a nation just so they don’t stick out like a sore thumb in White society — but as we can see from this situation in France, even when there is a huge — and often hostile — Muslim population, Jews are even less safe.
But then again, although the article doesn’t mention the ethnicities of the arrested “neo-Nazis,” it shouldn’t surprise us to find out that they are Arab Muslims.
“Historically, Jews had always thrived in nations and empires with multicultural, pluralistic and tolerant environments, while they fared badly in strong ethnic or nationalistic societies. European Jews have always been the emblematic stranger or ‘other’. Therefore, by definition, a society where the stranger is welcome is good for the Jews, although they have not always appreciated this link. The future of European Jewry is dependent on our ability to shape a multicultural, pluralistic and diverse society.”
—Göran Rosenberg, Jewish author and journalist
“American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief ~ one firmly rooted in history ~ that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of U.S. Jews to endorse ‘gay rights’ and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called ‘social’ issues.”
—Charles Silberman, Jewish writer and journalist
… and the hits just keep on coming!
Christ is King
Another holocaust averted! Phew!
Who was concerned about this? Why Kent’s jewish comunity of course!
“Kammerzell’s union lawyer nevertheless argued he was being offered up as a “sacrificial lamb” to city politics. Mayor Dana Ralph led the charge in calling for his resignation after the initial punishment of two weeks off without pay failed to pacify Kent’s Jewish community.”
What a big fuss over nothing!
lincoln logger
One keys to Jewish power is their refusal to be satisfied with any action or gesture to “pacify” them, anything from a simple apology to billions in reparations.
It doesn’t matter: never forgive, never forget.
Always bear a grudge.
Treat any insult as if it were the beginning of another Holocaust.
Complain about everything so that people will give you what you want just to shut you up so they don’t have to listen to you anymore.
Wear them out with your dissatisfaction.
This is the mentality taught to every Jew from the cradle.
You’re spot on, mate.
I wonder if it’s coz they’re all nuts to start with (which they are), or if it’s the endless conditioning, that makes them so paranoid and odd, or a combo of many things. I guess we’ll never really know.
Public Law 87-297 , signed into law September 26, 1961 is 9 pages long.
Section 2: “An ultimate goal of the United States is a world which is free from the scourge of wars and the dangers of armament’s in which international adjustments
to a changing world are achieved peacefully.
It is the purpose of this act to provide impetus toward this goal by creating a new agency of peace to deal with the problem of reduction and control of armament , looking toward ultimate world disarmament.”
Then it refers to the detection, identification, elimination, inspection, monitoring , limitation ,reduction , control of thermonuclear, ,nuclear, missile, conventional ,bacteriological, and radiological weapons, elimination of armed forces in space, areas on and beneath the Earth’s
surface, and underwater regions.
With the Biden administration spokesman revealing openly that they are working for a New World Order, and want Russia to never become a power in the world, we now and should be able to see why we are having wars, accusations of weapons of mass destruction, more crime and violent crime, in order for us to be conditioned to see these things happening, getting worse and angry about them , our politicians, special interest groups, stirring up more and more people to want them banned until they work away at our freedoms and emotions until a minority sell our country out. One of the purposes of mass immigration is to out number us in elections. That’s why Joe Biden is President and he paying them back giving them all jobs.
Zelensky released prisoners to fight against Russia, the same things the Communists did . He armed everyone, the same thing the communists did.
Jackie Petru , has a website called “Sweet Liberty.” She became involved when she attended meetings and found out that this country and /or world is to be sectioned into regions, I believe. She has passed away , but her site has good information on it..
Anyone interested can look up “Globalist plan to disarm America. Look up “Public Law 87-297.”
Also the website; ‘From the Trenches.” And : Hour of the Time” for other views.
So this is not just a everyday event where crime is increasing and we just can’t understand why , and believe we must stop the crimes with guns by banning guns, but a deliberate program to reduce , ownership of weapons of all kinds , even by the individual world militaries, eventually to bring peace into the world , reduce or eliminate individual nation’s military armies and from what I have read of others who keep track of what is going on: when there is peace in the world , the Jews will have brought about their kingdom on Earth.
I don’t not know how to put these on any other way .
I am sure Joe Biden does not really feel sorry for the children who have been murdered ,because it makes the case for gun control which he and his One World bosses more desperate to achieve seem to be necessary when over the years, it is they who have wanted to liberalize our imprisonment law’s, mental health law’s, legalizing more and more sins that we were always taught were wrong such as bestiality, rape, homosexuality, and many more.
And the reason, I mention these, because when looking up articles, I came across and remembered in the past about Israel making it legal or permitting soldiers to rape in war, and other filthy crap hard to put into words.
And Mr. Zelensky wants to accuse Russia of war crimes when the news revealed everything today denied, was told to us before the war, and one thing in particular was his Corrupt government of which he was president when the Democrats and his fellow Jews tried to impeach another Zionist , Donald Trump for withholding funds from him.
So another proof , the Jews or “so called Jews” as some call them, will sacrifice anyone for their ultimate goal of world domination and the rebuilding of their temple.
Those that fought on D-DAY and elsewhere ,what they said:
Weimar Germany to Weimar UK: the Britain we once knew no longer exists ‘This isn’t the Britain we fought for,’ say the ‘unknown warriors’ of WWII.
They despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. It’s not our country any more, they say, in sorrow and anger. Sarah harks back to the days when ‘people kept the laws and were polite and courteous. We didn’t have much money, but we were contented and happy. ‘People whistled and sang. There was still the United Kingdom, our country, which we had fought for, our freedom, democracy. But where is it now?!’
‘I sing no song for the once-proud country that spawned me,’ wrote a sailor who fought the Japanese in the Far East, ‘and I wonder why I ever tried.’
‘My patriotism has gone out of the window,’ said another ex-serviceman.
: ‘Those comrades of mine who never made it back would be appalled if they could see the world as it is today.
‘They would wonder what happened to the Brave New World they fought so damned hard for.’
‘People come here, get everything they ask, for free, laughing at our expense,’ was a typical observation.
‘We old people struggle on pensions, not knowing how to make ends meet. If I had my time again, would we fight as before? Need you ask?’
Many writers are bewildered and overwhelmed by a multicultural Britain that, they say bitterly, they were never consulted about nor feel comfortable with.
‘Our country has been given away to foreigners while we, the generation who fought for freedom, are having to sell our homes for care and are being refused medical services because incomers come first.’
Mr. Boris Johnson, you know, the one with the funny looking hair do, was one of the first to send arms to Ukraine. He by passed Germany to do it. He just had to show his desire to get a war going with Russia because he knew the United States would back him up. And it did by sending more arms and money than any other country.
The United States is the New World Order’s bulldog to keep the world in line until it can be taken over and then the United States won’t be needed, and it will then be overthrown. Then we will be dragging our few belongings behind us like we ‘ve seem other nations do in war.
Ya know…if there were even 10% of the NAAHHTTTZEEEES that (((they))) claim, then there wouldnt be any of these problems most likely. 🙂
I think of a line from the Donald Fagen song IGY….
“Antony Beevor (Inside Hitler’s Concrete Tomb, last week) mentions the foreign SS troops who helped to defend Berlin. Among them were soldiers of the British Free Corps, who were released from prisoner of war camps in return for donning German SS uniforms, with the understanding that they would not be asked to fight their own countrymen. As a National Serviceman stationed in Berlin, I met a Russian Red Army officer who was impressed by the fighting spirit of eight misguided British soldiers.
They held up an entire Russian regiment for almost two days until they ran out of ammunition. Only two survived to surrender and were promptly shot by the understandably irritated Russians, who had lost almost 100 men and three tanks.
The Russian officer said that had SS Unterscharfuher Cornfield and a soldier identified as Pleed been fighting the Germans; they would have deserved the Victoria Cross (VC). He told me: “I hope the British invented a good story for their families, for a brave soldier is still a brave soldier even when a traitor to his country.”
Bosnian Orthodox
Hi guys, I got a question for you, is the Multiplication of Bread another parable or an actual real event?
I believe in Jesus being God and therefore he is omnipotent and he can do everything whether possible or not but I was wondering if there is any clue on how he did it, like did he multiplicate it in front of everyone by magically making it appear or the sacks with the grain in it were always full and would never end and so on….
Am I missing anything?
Real event.
And it wasnt the first time He did something like that either – see 1 Kings 17:14.
How did He do it? I dunno – He’s God. How did he speak the world into existence? 🙂
Yes…you are missing the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who IS the One that will give you understanding. That is why we must be baptized with The Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Truth) to lead us and guide us. Read John 14 and all concordances. There are two baptisms…one in water (repentance) and one in fire (the Holy Spirit). We need to show ourselves approved by studying the Word of Truth (Jesus the Bread of Life) in this way. This is the only way we can receive Revelation, which in turn delivers our soul from darkness and restores us into the Light. There is no way our bodies can be delivered in one sweep…(only Jesus Son of God did that, and it is He who takes away our sin via The Holy Spirit). It takes many years of study, humbling ourselves to receive what the Holy Spirit leads us to…(revelation), deliver us from darkness and into the light, and prepares us for salvation. John 14
God Bless
Is this why a relative of mine and many others i know get water “baptised” every time they “join a church” – forced to do so to become a “full member”.
According to epistle of james no man as long as he or she has this current flesh on is capable of “pure religion” therefor the opposite is true.
“unspotted from the world” the flesh will always be part of a “world”
Same says this tidbit, do you do that which is right because words on paper/wood tell you or because YOU KNOW it’s the right thing to do?
How about all those “christians” these last 1700 years who killed each other?
How about the command by the bible to betray/divide your family/small part of a nation?
Decent People and Guns
Meanwhile real news is unreported by the Jewish controlled MSM.
In South Africa, 9yo Kayla Meyer watched her parents and grandparents be ruthlessly murdered. She was then tied up with wire, stripped down, gang raped then beaten to death with a shovel and stuffed into a closet. She was a kind little girl and her favorite color was purple.
Frank Capra
The Jews must always promote and keep front and center their eternal victimhood fairytale ,no matter what lengths of absurdity they must go to and false flag hoaxes they must create,in order to take the focus off of the new world order communist hell they are responsible for instituting.
And this country and the news media helped put the Rhodesian’s and South African’s out of a civilization they created in an area uninhabited , and when they did, the blacks came around and decades later felt they were deprived of their birthright and territory and lusted after it until it was given to them.
And they still can’t appreciate it.
When I read articles certain words jump out at me:
[…’arresting four men SUSPECTED neo Nazi (the only people who made up the word ‘neo Nazi’ WERE AND STILL ARE Communist jews)… ‘200 officers detained the men’…(that makes 50 officers for each man) W@W!
[…DETERMINED…a jew hunt…
[…DISCOVERED…an ALARMING number of guns..
[SIXTY SIX (66) pounds of gunpowder…POTENTIALLY making explosive(s)
[…with President Emmanuel Macron visiting a vandalized Jewish cemetery in Alsace in December 2019. (JEWISH Macaroni)
[…SO FAR…HAVE NOT DETERMINED…BUT…(when a sentence has a doubt there IS ALWAYS A BUT)…anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denial WORKS were found and computer equipment is being analyzed…
[The suspects were charged with arms trafficking and face up to 10 years in prison. (BUT…BUT…BUT THEY WEREN’T CHARGED WITH JEW HUNTING?) (And so where is the PROOF OF ARMS TRAFFICKING?)
Here are some definitions:
1. have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof.
2. doubt the genuineness or truth of
1. new
2. a new or revived form of. (So that means the NEO JEWS are still at their old lies)
1. having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. (WITHOUT
CERTAIN PROOF)…see above
2. processing or displaying resolve
1. find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search. (UNEXPECTEDLY???) (Somehow this doesn’t chime with ‘having made a firm decision under the definition of DETERMINED)
1. worrying or disturbing (Do I need to spell out what jews do…to INVENT AND TO INCITE while they PROJECT their own guilt onto others?)
1. with the capacity to develop or happen in the future. (Which leads us to IMAGINE…)
a. form a mental image or concept of. (Remember the word MENTAL IMAGE)
b. suppose or assume. (ASS-U-ME)
1. assume that something is the case on the basis of evidence or probability
but without proof or certain knowledge.
AN AGREEMENT ONE HAS MADE. (See how this story is turning 180 deg?)
So this jew rag brought this farse full circle not only to IMPLEMENT white so-called Christians as “neo Nazi’s” in their own figment of their imaginations (Idolatry)…BUT TO IMPLEMENT THEMSELVES PROJECTING THEIR OWN GUILT.
1. referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has
become annoying or tiresome.
PSS…jews are KHAZARS which are not SEMETIC
THERE WAS NO HOLOCAU$T…it was and still IS in their imagination.
Yep, habitual liars will use the passive voice construction when writing….because it allows the greatest possible leeway in meaning and ambiguity, especially if you want to insinuate something that isn’t necessarily supported by the facts.
Talk about hitting the nail on the head “Dead Center” I couldnt of said it better!
THEY (the jews) love shoving those “numbers” in everyones faces w/o the people reading know THEY are doing so. The ones that dont see think its just a Cohencidence..
No cohencidence LOL! So with this breakdown…since this was all based on suspicion and the words they used, it is my ordinary conclusion that this story is completely false…and therefore can’t touch my mind. Smoke and mirrors is the only thing they can use via words to convince us they are the SUPPOSED ALL CHOSEN AND POWERFUL….when they are NOT!!!! They must resort to Communism via censoring the Truth…which they can’t do either!
Praise Jesus Christ!!!
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin”— J.R.R Tolkien.
“Time for a commercial break. Should be long enough for you neo Notsees to bag a few Juden?”
Jews will keep pushing their radical, insane agenda of hating & harrasing Gentiles till the predictable happens, then they’ll be kvetching in the streets, wailing bout anudda Holocost, except there was NEVER a first holocost.
If jews have outsized influence over, or even de facto control of the major European governments, and are the ones behind the drive to flood Europe with Muslims, why would jews engineer the importation of a group more likely than the native population to be fanatically anti-jew? Answer: Some jews getting periodically beaten up in a Marseille alleyway is inconsequential compared to the jewish global strategy of reducing Europe to a dysfunctional vassal state to world jewry headquartered in Greater Israel.
At a critical moment, such as during the jewish-planned intended World War 3, the Arabs of Europe are a fifth column that can be activated by the jews, provoked into organized internal uprisings that can bring down a country from within that is already under great societal stress and close to the breaking point. Even without such a crisis opportunity, in the longer term, one need only wait a few generations until the Arabs outbreed the natives for them to fracture the country just through the normal political process.
big easier
How do you control the Jews of France, or from anywhere else? Keep them scared with visions of pogroms, swastikas, and gas chambers. Make them feel that the only safe place for them is Israel, which is also under constant threat from blood-thirsty Palestinians and nuked-up Iranians. There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that everyone isn’t out to get you.”
–Old Jewish Proverb