National Vanguard — a White Nationalist website which purports to continue the work of the late Dr. William Pierce — recently published an essay entitled, “Jesus The Jew” by Thomas Dalton, PhD — which enumerates many of the anti-Christian talking points that both Dr. Pierce and the late Revilo Oliver have already made.
We previously addressed another anti-Christian essay published by National Vanguard — Yahweh Did Not Create Us — which attempted to claim that the God of the Bible has no historical or racial connection to White Europeans — and that it was forced upon our ancestors under the threat of death.
Here we would like to address the criticisms that Dalton directs toward Christianity point by point, but before we start, we would most certainly acknowledge that the vast majority of “judeo-Christian” denominations today certainly deserve the criticisms that many White Nationalists have brought against it — the most important and valid being that it has allowed Jews to infiltrate, subvert, and destroy our White, historically-Christian nations.
However, the reason that Jews have infiltrated and subverted Christianity is that it was a serious threat to Jewish power rather than an instrument of Jewish domination. And Jews began infiltrating the Catholic Church very early on as “conversos” who worked feverishly to “judaize” the faith — and corrupt the European bloodline.
And then Jews openly supported the Protestant movement in order to break up the hegemony of the Church — for the self-serving strategy of divide and conquer Christendom by replacing our hereditary aristocracy with judeo-Masonic bankers and their willing executioners.
That said, we will now address each of Dalton’s talking points.
Dalton writes,
“It’s hard to believe in the present day, but yes, it’s true, there are still a lot of Christians out there in the world. According to some estimates, they number around 2.4 billion or about 30% of humanity. In terms of sheer numbers, the US technically has the most: about 245 million, representing around 75% of the country — although many of these undoubtedly are so weakly religious (“Christmas and Easter Christians”) that they would barely pass any theological litmus test. The next three largest Christian populations are hardly an honor roll (Brazil, Mexico, and Russia), and the countries that, percentage-wise, are the most Christian, are mostly laughable: East Timor, Armenia, New Guinea, Haiti, and Paraguay, among the Top Ten.”
[CFT: It shouldn’t be “hard to believe” that Christianity is still a dominant religion, considering that for the last 2,000 years it has been the faith of the White European race which colonized the entire world.
But while it is true that most Christians today in America are merely “Sunday Christians” or cultural Christians at this point — that same criticism can be laid on most Nationalists who have never read the Constitution or Bill of Rights, and express their watered-down patriotism a couple of times a year by displaying an American flag on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July while they drink beer and grill hot dogs with their mixed race grandchildren and non-white neighbors.]
Dalton continues,
“Obviously, there is a huge variety in specific beliefs among these millions of Christians. The World Christian Encyclopedia infamously notes that, globally, there are some 33,000 “distinct denominations” of the Church, including 242 Catholic, 9,000 Protestant, and over 22,000 “independent.” We can only imagine the variation in beliefs among these groups — and of course, only one (at most!) can be right. I’d hate to pick the wrong one! (Do I hear, “Going to Hell,” anyone?)”
[CFT: Yes, there are a lot of Christian sects, but once the Catholic Church lost its monopoly on the Bible in the wake of the Protestant Reformation, it was inevitable that each new sect would create schisms and splinter groups. Once Christians could read the Bible for themselves, they took the words of 2 Timothy 2:15 to heart:
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
It was also inevitable that there would arise false teachers promoting false gospels, as both Paul and Peter warned,
“For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully.”
–2 Corinthians 11:4
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.”
–2 Peter 2:1
In Romans, Paul warns Christians that there will come false teachers who cause divisions of the faith:
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”
–Romans 16:17
Paul tells Christians that they must study the Gospels and discern what is true — and what is false:
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”
–2 Thessalonians 5:21
So all these thousands of Christian sects are not de facto proof that Christianity is false, but rather are proof that Christians have continued to try to practice the one true faith by breaking away from false teachers — an essential part of the faith.]
Dalton continues,
“But presumably they all must share at least a few core beliefs, simply in order to call themselves Christian. We can guess what these might be: (1) there exists a personal, moral God who loves us; (2) believers will prosper in the afterlife and non-believers will suffer; and (3) Jesus is the son of God and humanity’s redeemer and personal savior…”
[CFT: Dalton here greatly over-simplifies these banal “core” beliefs — which can be summed up under the term “Christianity Lite” — a watered-down faith that has very little to do with the original Gospels. The notions that Christ is “humanity’s redeemer” and a “personal savior” appear nowhere in the gospels — and are merely proof that Christians have been mislead by not taking Paul’s warnings to heart.
It’s no wonder that Luke questioned that when Christ returned whether He would find any true believers:
“When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”
—Luke 18:8
Dalton continues,
“First, I should note that there is a high likelihood that no such man ever existed. We can say this with confidence because there is no — literally, zero — contemporaneous evidence for his existence, either as a miracle-working Son of God, or even as a rather ordinary rabbi. We can understand the latter case — most ordinary rabbis from 2,000 years ago are lost to history — but not the former.
If Jesus was anything close to the miracle-worker that the Bible describes, there would be a mountain of testifying evidence: documents, carvings, engravings, letters, etc. And these would exist from his followers, his skeptics, his critics, and the Romans who ruled the region. There would be a vast and well-documented account of a man who walked on water, raised the dead, healed with a touch, calmed storms, and fed thousands with “five loaves of bread and two fish.” These testimonies would all date to the time of his alleged ministry, roughly, 27 to 30 AD. And yet, from that time period, we have… nothing.”
[CFT: This is patently false — the synoptic Gospels are documented first-hand, eyewitness testimonies to the historical existence of Jesus Christ — and they are far more detailed and consistent historical accounts than most other historical figures of that time.
Not only that, the Roman historian, Flavius Josephus, does mention Jesus in his writings, but we must also acknowledge that Catholics later embellished Josephus’ original text by inserting obvious self-serving Christian doctrines into it — which the early Church dubbed the Testimonium Flavianum.
That said, the original text from Josephus’ Antiquities read as follows,
“At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good, and [he] was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive. Accordingly, he was perhaps the Messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders.”
Dalton is under the misapprehension that there was some sort of “mass media” in Roman-occupied Judea at the time of Christ. There were no newspapers, books, etc. — and the Romans recorded only what was important to themselves — and a religious leader of a small sect in Judea would not have been newsworthy or worthy of historic preservation to the Romans.
We know from the Gospels that the Pharisees and Sadducees conspired to slander Christ and portray Him as a revolutionary who desired to overthrow Roman rule in Judea — and brought these false accusations to Pilate — the Roman governor of Judea. Pilate looked into these accusations — and after interviewing Jesus and looking at the evidence — he found these charges against Him to be false — and decided not to get involved in this internecine religious dispute.
The fact that there are no written Roman records of this dispute shows that Pilate did not take these accusations of sedition seriously — after all, if he had taken them seriously and put Jesus on trial, there most likely would have been independent Roman records of such a trial.
And we don’t have any additional “Jewish” written records of this dispute between the Pharisees and Christ — and His subsequent crucifixion — for the simple fact that the Romans destroyed their Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD — and all their documents archived there were lost.
That said, the Jewish Babylonian Talmud does acknowledge the existence of Jesus — and how and why he died:
“On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald . . . cried, ‘He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy.'”
–The Babylonian Talmud, transl. by I. Epstein (London: Soncino, 1935), vol. III, Sanhedrin 43a, 281, cited in Habermas, The Historical Jesus, p.203
However, aside from the written record, we do have archeological discoveries that confirm the historicity of Jesus Christ — such as the ossuary of James, the brother of Christ — and an early Christian tomb that pre-dates the writing of the Gospels — and a Nazarene inscription from circa 68 AD showing how the Jews attempted to deny the resurrection of Christ — and a Caesarian inscription circa 35AD confirming that Pontius Pilate was a real historical figure, not simply a fictional character made up by the Gospel writers — and archeological artifacts confirming Luke’s account of riots in Ephesus — and the discovery of the tomb of Philip, apostle of Christ, in Hierapolis, Phrygia.]
Dalton continues,
“In fact, nothing even close. In fact, nothing for literally decades. According to conventional dating, the earliest reference of any kind is in the letters of Paul, the earliest of which — Galatians and First Thessalonians — date to around 50 AD, two full decades after our man got crucified. The rest of Paul’s letters, intermixed with a few fraudulent ones attributed to him, appear between 50 and 70 AD, by which time (a) Paul had died, and (b) the Jews were defeated in Jerusalem by the Romans, and their temple destroyed.
Only then did some other Jews — presumably followers of Paul — decide to write about Jesus’ life and sayings in their “gospels.” The gospel writers are formally anonymous; we know nothing about who they are, their motives, or the circumstances. The names attached (Mark, Matthew, Luke, John) mean nothing; it would be like saying “Bob’s Novel” or “Joe’s Cookbook.” But based on textual evidence, scholars can roughly date the Gospel of Mark to around the year 70; Matthew and Luke to 85; and John to 95. We can only imagine how much veracity they contain, given that they claim to quote Jesus precisely and cite details of his life, 40, 50, or 60 or more years after his death. The obvious answer is: not much!”
[CFT: Based on internal evidence, the Gospels must have been written before 70 AD for the simple fact that the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans that year — and if the Gospels were written after that event, all of them would have noted that catastrophic event in their writings. After all, Christ predicted the destruction of the Temple in the Gospel of Luke (21:5-38) — and if Luke already knew that this prophecy had been fulfilled, he surely would have mentioned it.
So would have all of the Gospel writers — after all, they mention that Christ prophesied His own death and the fulfillment of that prophecy. The fulfillment of the of the destruction of Jerusalem would have been treated the same way — as proof of His foreknowledge and therefore diety, yet none of the Gospel writers mention it — for the simple reason that it hadn’t happened yet.
As far as suggesting that there is any kind of “consensus” among biblical scholars concerning the post-70AD dating of the Gospels, this is simply false — we would suggest you read William Craig Lane’s essay on the early dating of the Gospels, which clearly shows that the post-70AD date for their writing makes no sense based on internal evidence in the Gospels and Paul’s epistles.
And by the way, the earliest histories of Alexander the Great were written 200 years after his death — and there are no surviving first-hand eyewitness accounts written by his contemporaries. Yet no one doubts Alexander’s historical existence.]
Dalton continues,
The likeliest conclusion to this mess is that the Jew Paul and the anonymous Jewish gospel writers made it all up: that there was no miracle-working Son of God, no virgin birth, and no resurrection. They did so, not for fame or money, but because they believed that promulgating a pro-Jewish, anti-Roman theology would aid the Jewish cause. (Pro-Jewish, because the Christians are to worship the Jewish God, the Jewish rabbi Jesus, and the Jewish ‘virgin’ Mary; anti-Roman, because “the worldly powers” of Rome are a manifestation of Satan and must be defeated.[1]) And in the end, it did. Judeo-Christianity flourished, ideologically defeated Rome, and then took up residence in Rome itself. “Without doubt, Rome has been conquered,” as Nietzsche said.[2]”
[CFT: Here Dalton resorts to ad hominem attacks against Paul and the Gospel writers whom he dismisses as “Jews” who cannot be trusted — taking advantage of his White Nationalist audience’s innate and visceral hatred and distrust of anything involving “Jews”.
But the “Jews” — the Israelites of the southern kingdom — who wrote the New Testament — were not the same people who masquerade as “Jews” or Judah today — and you will be hard pressed to find any White Nationalist who is willing to acknowledge that fact, even though the Jews themselves have admitted to this identity theft in the 1980 Jewish Almanac:
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
If Dalton were honest, he would acknowledge that today’s “Jews” are most closely allied with the Pharisees who conspired to murder Christ rather than with those Israelites who wrote the Gospels, but that would undermine his entire argument, so it’s best that he completely ignore the fact that Judaism as we know it today came out of Babylon, not Roman-occupied Judea at the time of Christ:
“Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name . . . the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered . . . From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia, and eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered . . . demonstrates the enduring importance which attaches to Pharisaism as a religious movement . . .”
—Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, “The Pharisees. The Sociological Background of Their Faith”, 1938
“Judaism was not evolved in Judah; it was in Babylon that Judaism first became that which it was and still is.”
—”The Hebrew Peoples” written by Dr. H. Winckler, L.M. King, Dr. R. G. Brandis, and H. R. Hall. On pages 1781-4, Vol. 3, appearing in Helmsworth’s “History of the World”
Dalton continues,
“But to the point: Although there is no direct evidence for either a miracle-Jesus or a rabbi-Jesus, I suspect that some such man by that description did live, and die, in Judea. And the reason is simply this: Since Paul and friends claimed something as true — a miracle-Jesus — that certainly did not exist, and that they knew did not exist, they were liars. Whether they were ‘noble’ liars or malicious liars, I will leave to another time. But liars they were. And any lie works best with a kernel of truth. Therefore, I consider it likely that an ordinary mortal, the rabbi Jesus, did live, likely did agitate on behalf of the oppressed Jews, and likely did get himself crucified — end of story.
So let’s assume that a mortal Jesus did exist. What, then, do we know about him? Virtually nothing for certain. Apart from a few tidbits from Paul, literally everything that we think we know about him comes from the highly-dubious four Gospels; there simply is no other source. And in the Gospels, we find a striking claim: Jesus was a Jew.”
[CFT: So Dalton first claims there is no evidence for the historical existence of Jesus Christ, but then he concedes that such a figure probably existed. He refused to accept the Gospels without offering any evidence for them being “highly dubious” — yet if we had such eyewitness accounts of a non-religious figure in Roman Judea, they would have to be taken more seriously. For Dalton the eyewitness Gospels are “dubious” simply because he refuses to acknowledge any kind of divine being.]
Dalton continues,
“Wait a minute!” says the Christian, with alarm. “Jesus can’t be a Jew! He’s the original Christian — the ur-Christian, we might say. He can’t possibly be a Jew!” Indeed — many Christians, both in the past and today, have attempted to argue that Jesus was a non-Jew, a Gentile, even an Aryan. They seemingly cannot bear the thought that their beloved Savior might be a Jew, and that therefore they must worship a Jew. And yet, all the evidence says he was.
In fact, the evidence suggests that Jesus was a double-Jew: ethnically and religiously.[3] Let’s first see what it says in the Gospels themselves (which Christians must believe!).”
[CFT: We’re not aware of anyone with any credibility who would claim that Jesus was a “gentile” — if by “gentile” they mean someone who is not from the tribes of Israel of the southern kingdom — Judah, Benjamin, and Levi — collectively referred to in Greek as “Ioudaios” — which is misleadingly translated as “Jew” in English.
And since Jesus was from the Israelite tribe of Judah, He would have technically been a “Ioudaios” from the Greek-Roman perspective — but that doesn’t mean He was a “Jew” in today’s parlance — those related to Jerry Seinfeld, Rodney Dangerfield, and Barbara Streisand — which Dalton would like us to believe.
As far as those who like Wesley Swift believe that Jesus was an “Aryan”, this too is inaccurate. While the original “Aryans” — or ancient Persians — were, in fact, descendants of Noah’s son Shem — making them Shemites — they were not Israelites, so Jesus, while distantly related to the ancient Aryans, He should never be counted as one of them.]
Dalton continues,
“Start with his mother, the “virgin” Mary; she clearly was a Jewess. Mary was a blood relative of Elizabeth, of the tribe of Levi (Luke 1:5, 1:36). When Jesus was born, she, along with Joseph, “performed everything according to the [Jewish] law of the Lord” (Luke 2:39). And she and Joseph attended Passover services in Jerusalem “every year” (Luke 2:41). Since Mary was a Jew, this alone makes Jesus a Jew (on the orthodox reading) because Jewishness is matrilineal, being passed along by the mother; if you are born of a Jewess, you are a Jew.
What about Jesus’ father? Let’s set aside the nonsense about God being his father, which is nothing more than regurgitated Homeric mythology about demi-gods on Earth. Joseph was of the “House of David,” as Luke (1:27) informs us. And as noted above, Joseph rigorously followed Jewish law and attended Passover annually. He was clearly an observant Jew, and (presumably) the biological father of Jesus.”
[CFT: Dalton really shows his ignorance here. While today’s ersatz “Jews” do track “Jewish” identity through the mother, the ancient Israelites always derived their identity through the father — and the “Jews” switched to matrilineal descent sometime around 200 AD, long after Christ had died — proving that they cannot be legitimate Israelites.
Mary was an Israelite through her father, not through her mother. And Jesus’ earthly father’s genealogy is provided in Luke, which shows that Joseph also was an Israelite through his father, not his mother — both conforming to patrilineal descent for all legitimate Israelites.]
Dalton continues,
“Paul obviously thought Jesus was a Jew. In the early Galatians (4:4) he says that Jesus was “born under the [Jewish] law,” and in Romans (9:5), he declares his own Jewishness (“my kinsmen by race…are Israelites”), adding that “of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ.”
[CFT: Yes, Paul describes himself as a “Ioudaios” — because he was from the tribe of Benjamin, an Israelite from the southern kingdom, but this doesn’t mean he’s related to Marty Feldman or Mark Zuckerberg — Ashkenazi Jews descendant of the Turkic Khazars who were completely unrelated to Paul’s bloodline.]
Dalton continues,
“Likewise, the Gospel writers clearly viewed their Savior as a Jew. Jesus is repeatedly called ‘rabbi’.[4] He was circumcised (Luke 2:21) and celebrated Passover (John 2:13). The Gospel of Matthew opens with these words: “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham.” Even the non-gospel Hebrews remarks that “it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah” (7:14). Jesus regularly attended the local synagogue (Luke 4:16). He himself told the people that he came “to fulfill the [Jewish] law and the [Jewish] prophets” (Matt 5:17). And of course, everyone thought of him as “king of the Jews” (Matt 2:2; John 19:3).
It could hardly be clearer: Both by genetic heritage and according to his evident beliefs and practices, Jesus was a Jew. He was a biological Jew — surely embodying all those wonderful Jewish phenotypical characteristics — and he was a religious Jew.”
[CFT: Again, Dalton relies on his readers’ complete ignorance that the Israelites of the Gospels are not the same people who pass themselves off as “Jews” or “Hebrews” or “God’s Chosen People” today — and he uses the trigger term “biological Jew” so as to manipulate this readers into rejecting Jesus, Paul and the Gospel writers.
The term “biological Jew” comes from the title of a book by that same name by Eustace Mullins — but what Dalton doesn’t seem to know is that Eustace Mullins did not believe that today’s “Jews” were real Israelites — which he makes clear in his book The Curse Of Canaan — wherein he shows that today’s Jews are actually descendants of the ancient Canaanites, one of the eternal enemies of the ancient Israelites — yes, the Israelites who wrote the Gospels.]
Dalton continues,
“The few Christians willing to engage with this issue and to defend a non-Jewish Jesus typically offer one of two responses. First, “Jesus was from Galilee, and Galilee was a Gentile stronghold.” But this is a persistent myth, propagated by those averse to the notion of a Jewish Jesus. Over 100 years ago, E.W. Masterson wrote of a “Jewish Galilee,” one that was “hemmed in on all sides by hostile [Gentile] neighbors”.[5] More recently, we now have such works as The Myth of a Gentile Galilee (2002) by Mark Chancey, who acknowledges the stubborn idea but notes “how little data there is to support such a claim [of a Gentile Galilee].” Archeological evidence from Nazareth is scarce, but what we do have shows “evidence for Jewish inhabitants at several sites, [but] very little evidence for Gentiles.” Of the major, nearby town of Sepphoris, evidence of Gentiles is “extremely limited” during Jesus’ life; by contrast, says Chancey, there is “ample evidence” of Jews there at that time. In sum, while not denying that some Gentiles lived there, evidence for them is “practically invisible”; and as a confirmation, Chancey notes that Gentiles “are not prominent in literary discussions of Galilee either”.[6]
[CFT: Here again, Dalton shows off his superficial understanding of the issues at hand. There were, in fact, Israelites from the ten northern tribes in Galilee — and because they were not practicing the faith of the Hebrews — and because they’d lost their identity as Israelites — they would have been grouped under the term “gentile”.
But this is irrelevant because Jesus was born of the tribe of Judah in Galilee — as were many of His disciples — so it didn’t matter where he was born per se — ethnicity is independent of geography — just as Paul was a Benjamite born in the largely “gentile” Tarsus — but he was still an Israelite.]
Dalton continues,
“Despite all this, some on the dissident-right, such as Internet bad-boy Andrew Anglin, who, despite his trenchant and humorous critiques of Jews, periodically displays his (apparently sincere) Christianity, occasionally railing against those who dare assert that Jesus was a Jew. Nick Fuentes dodges the question when put to him, saying “Jesus fulfills the law” and that the Jews “who remain” held on to “old sacrifices and old ways of doing things,” ultimately becoming “Talmudic Jews.” Obviously Jesus had no chance to become a Talmudic Jew, given that the Jerusalem Talmud was not written until the 300s (in Galilee!) and the Babylonian Talmud not until the year 500. Thus, despite the evidence, both men cling to their myth of a Gentile Jesus even as they (rightly) condemn Jewish domination and corruption in present-day society.”
[CFT: Dalton fails to mention why Andrew Anglin denies that Jesus was a “Jew” — and as far as we know, Anglin probably is aware — unlike Dalton — that today’s so-called “Jews” are not the same Israelite people of Roman-occupied Judea in the first century.
As far as Nick Fuentes goes, he’s a card-carrying Catholic, and Catholics are largely under the same misapprehension that Dalton is — that today’s “Jews” are legitimate Israelites. But Fuentes is correct that today’s Jews are descendants of those who wrote the Babylonian Talmud — and that Talmud did exist at the time of Christ but only in the “oral traditions” of the elders as practiced by the Christ-hating Pharisees — it just wasn’t written down until much later.]
Dalton continues,
“The second defense one occasionally sees is both contorted and confused: that the teachings of the Old Testament represent “true” religion and that the Hebrews deviated from this true path, degenerating into a rabbinical and ultimately Talmudic Judaism. But Jesus, they say, adhered to the true, original teachings, to the Law and the prophets — later to be called “Christianity” — thus putting him into conflict with the fallen and erroneous Jews. This essentially admits that Jesus was an ethnic Jew, but that, implicitly, it is irrelevant. Furthermore, it overlooks the fact that the Talmud, and later documents like the Shulchan Aruch, are elaborations on Old Testament teachings, not deviations from them.[7] But the main point is that simply because Jesus (the Jew) had (alleged) conflicts with other elite Jews, this does not mean that he wasn’t an ethnic Jew, and it doesn’t mean that he adhered to any “true” religion distinct from Judaism.”
[CFT: This apparently is Dalton’s idea of a “gotcha” moment — but the reality is that the Pharisees did practice proto-Talmudism despite being Israelites — but since today’s Jews aren’t Israelites though they still practice Talmudism, all of this line of argument is irrelevant. Christ was from the Tribe of Judah — today’s Jews are not, and that’s a crucial point that Dalton is unwilling to address.
And Dalton completely misrepresents the Shulchan Aruch — published in the 16th century — which is completely removed from the Old Testament — and its “elaborations” are in direct opposition to the Torah because its writers are heavily under the influence of rabbinical Talmudism.]
Dalton continues,
“The implications of this short exposé are devastating for Christians and Christianity. Given the total lack of corroborating evidence, we can say with certainty that the miracle-man Jesus did not exist; therefore, Christianity is a farce and the Gospels are at least half fiction. If they contain even a shred of truth, then Jesus was an ordinary Jew whose life mission was to validate Old Testament prophecies and “fulfill the Law,” thus saving his fellow Jews from the evil Romans. In this case, Christians need to admit that they are worshipping a long-dead ordinary Jew who has no ability whatsoever to “save their souls.” Finally, in the case that there was no Jesus character at all, then Paul and the Gospel Jews are flat-out liars and need to be viewed with total contempt.”
[CFT: If there is anything “devastating” about Dalton’s argument, it is devastating to his own cause — exposing just how ignorant and superficial his understanding is of Jewish identity — and who today’s Jews really are — and who they are not.
We highly doubt that Dalton’s essay would undermine the faith of any Christian — even misguided “judeo-Christians” who erroneously believe — just like Dalton does — that today’s Jews are the same people of the Bible.
And it is the ultimate irony that Dalton’s “contempt” for Christianity — and for Jesus Christ — is based on the false idea that Christ was the equivalent of a modern-day Jew — the exact same reason why judeo-Christians foolishly worship today’s Jews.
“Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise.
–Thomas Gray, Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College, 1742
Dalton continues,
“Any way we look at it, it’s bad news for Christians. Under any plausible scenario, they have been duped into believing in a long-dead Jewish rabbi and his fake sayings — all constructed, years after the fact, by a handful of Jews interested in undermining the hated Romans, and indeed all Gentiles.”
[CFT: Again, Dalton shows his ignorance of the Gospels here — the “Jews” who wanted to overthrow the Romans were the Pharisees — not Christ and His followers. It was the Pharisees who rejected Christ as the promised Messiah of Israel because He wasn’t an earthly king who would overthrow their oppressors. It was the (Talmudic) Pharisees who falsely accused Christ of insurrection — and goaded Pilate into having Christ put to death for these false charges.
The “conspiracy theory” that the “Jews” invented Christianity to overthrow Rome and subjugate the “gentiles” is preposterous — Christ said “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” — and the Pharisees hated Him for it because He refused to take their bait.
And after His crucifixion, these Pharisees and their Christ-rejecting followers found common cause with the Romans — and encouraged the Romans such as Nero to persecute and destroy Christians — because they were a threat to their control over the Israelite people. And today’s so-called “Jews” continue with that anti-Christ fervor — intent on wiping Christianity off the map — just as Dalton — who is truly one of their “useful idiots” — does as well.]
Dalton concludes,
“But what would we do without Jesus?” cry the believers. How about this: Build your life and your worldview around basic, universal, and age-old ethical ideals; defend and protect the Earth, which sustains all life; defend human dignity against corrupters, liars, and deceivers; work toward a transparent, human-scale society; spend time with your children and grandchildren; and celebrate the accomplishments of human creativity and the human spirit without yielding to Judaic nonsense.”
[CFT: In other words, adopt a Christian worldview — and the values that have sustained European Christendom for the last 2,000 years.
The “judaic nonsense” is anything that undermines that worldview — and promotes the false idea that Jesus was a parasitical hook-nosed Khazarian Jew who promotes this nation-wrecking agenda. If anyone is promoting “judaic nonsense” it is Thomas Dalton — his “PhD” not withstanding.]
Renegade Tribune has a similar articles to National Vanguard e.g.
Christianity: The Great jewish Hoax.
“jesus of Nazareth,” most likely did live at that time. He likely was a jewish rabbi
The jews Fear Paganism
Here is further information offered about Kyle Hunt the founder.
Kyle Hunt.Sinead McCarthy
Just three short years ago, Kyle Hunt was selling something called the “Rainbow Alphabet” on a left-wing New-Age “Cosmic Gnostic” internet radio program. While Hunt, or, more appropriately, Khunt, has withdrawn the podcasts from public view, vestiges of his appearances are found on the Star Theory and Sync Book web pages.
In fact, on the Life is an Art blog the “Rainbow Alphabet” episode was posted under the “Jewish Mysticism” category, where we would also agree that Khunt belongs. (screenshot) So three years ago he was promoting things Jewish, and now he is hating on Christians. Go figure.
This is what I want to see more of. For every anti-Christ post in WN circles, a prompt firm response must be made so that readers aren’t mislead. Funny how D(((ALT)))on doesn’t show such eagerness to scrutinize pagans, the loud annoying aggrieved negresses of the WN community.
According to a March 2021 PRRI report, pagans are the strongest supporters of the sodomite agenda, and how nearly half aren’t even straight according to a Tøllefsen study. Not to mention “odin” and other false idols have gender bending and other degeneracy being promoted within the false religion itself. No, it’s always about attacking Christianity.
I don’t know why but people never question Pierce, who not only shares a hatred of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, but shares some jewish physical traits in his younger photo with the uniform – mousy, ears sticking out.
What a happy cohencidence that Pierce’s “cosmotheism” is the same name of another BS philosophy made by Mordechai Nessyahu, an israe liejew! Pierce couldn’t even raise his own son right, and if he hasn’t repented, is currently burning in Hell for trying to lead others astray.
Sea People
Thank God! My Savior Was Not a Jew
Col. Jack Mohr
Christ Was Not a Jew
Jacob Elon Conner
Benjamin H. Freedman
Jesus was not a Jew
Hans Auht
Thomas Dalton, Ph.D is the type of person that values the opinion of his fellow humans to an extraordinarily high degree, which is likely why he states that he is a professor of humanities at a major university in the United States, why he always titles himself as a Ph.D, why he uses the fictitious name of Thomas Dalton along with concealing his true identity from his major university employer, why he invented the publishing house name of Clemens & Blair to make it appear that this fancy sounding “publishing business” is owned or partially owned by him that he lists on the books that he “supposedly” writes, edits, or in the case of Mein Kampf, he translates, and why this arrogant lover of his fellow humans’ opinions of him probably engages in other “chickenshit,” “phoney,” and likely other acts of “tomfoolery.” I would guess that he does not write, edit, nor translate any of the works that bear his fictitious name, Thomas Dalton, Ph.D, and list “Clemens & Blair” as the publisher. Rather, the foolish jackass scoundrel that uses the name “Thomas Dalton, Ph.D,” is most likely an inflitrating little “peeper” hired by hooked snooted little jew bastards for purposes of spying, or “jew peeping” on white nationalists while they have him disparage Jesus Christ and true Israel in hopes of having white nationalists turn their backs on Jesus Christ and the truth of Christian Identity. Heck, this jerkoff Dalton, or more appropriately Mr. Ph.D, might very well be a little jew bastard himself with a cute kike surname such as Frankenheimer, Fartstein, or even one of those great “Cohen” line of men that have bullshited the goyim into believimg that they descend from a great “priestly line” line of ugly little Khazar bastards that are kiked out with self-agrandizing chitter chatter where they espouse to us their great worthiness as a “sage” just short of their beloved and incredibly brilliant Maimonides, also known as Rambam. Yes, Mr. Dalton, the Ph.D professor and scholar in humanities at a major U.S. university of higher learning, a.k.a. an institution for goyim to advance in the knowledge of advanced jewish ass cheek kissing, has likely studied the timeless works of the great Rambam, the sage of assramming and more effective behind-bamming and slamming. Hee-hee, ha-ha! Oh giggle and chuckle all you ugly little jew bastards that slither onto this great website to engage in the typical jew-peeping around like the sneaky little jew bastards love to do. Roughly three to four years ago, I listened to a podcast that featured the great Thomas Dalton, Ph.D, or as I like to call him “peeping Tommy.” This peeping little pissant was poking fun at Christianity on the podcast as he was doing in his article on National Vanguard as quoted above. And, true to the nature of this peeping little prick, Tommy boy unleashed his verbal venom towards Christianity and Christians in a very smart ass manner that only a fake, jew or jew-loving, little prick rascal would do. When we win this war against our resident jewish overlords, we will thereafter discover whether “peeping Tommy” and other scoundrels and skinned-back pricks that behave like him were jews or goyim hired by jews to engage in efforts to demoralize our fellow white kindred and to do some “jew-peeping by proxy.” We might just find out at that time that “Tommy the translator” was himself a jew and thus our most diabolical enemy or in the little jew bastards’ employ. Take care my fellow white kindred, God bless, and be safe.
Pope Pius X The Jews Have not recognized our Lord,therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people.
Hey, CFT:
I wasn’t sure where to ask this question so I’ll ask it here, what are your thoughts on Paul being a false apostle?
I’m not really buying into that idea though many like Finlay, David James etc. Have work supposing that Paul was an infiltrator and a deceiver. What re your thoughts?
Justin, we’ve read many of those arguments that Paul was a false apostle, but none of it really adds up.
They argue that Paul is the only apostle who didn’t meet Christ in person while He was alive. True, but Paul provided us with an example of the “shape of things to come” — most of Christ’s followers would have to believe in Him by faith alone, having never actually met Him. We are all in the same position as Paul.
Next, they make a big issue of the fact that Paul changed his name from Saul, implying that he was a “Jew” who changed his name in order to deceive. Not true. It was very common at that time for people to have multiple names. Christ also was known by many names. Peter was formerly known as “Simon” yet no one makes a big deal about his name change.
All the other apostles were commanded to take the Gospel to their fellow Israelites, while Paul took it to his fellow Israelites and the so-called gentiles or nations. But there’s a great misunderstanding over this issue. The term “gentile” can mean Israelites who didn’t practice the faith of the Hebrews and had lost their identity as Israel, such as the Samaritan woman.
The original apostles were brought up to have nothing to do with the “gentile” Israelites, such such as the Samaritans, but Christ said He came for ALL the lost sheep of the House of Israel, to regather all His sheep. That would be Paul’s mission, to regather the lost sheep for Christ.
Paul did go and seek out his fellow Israelites according to the flesh, but were “uncircumcised”, such as the Galatians, Colossians, Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, etc. It would be these lost sheep of Israel who became the White Europeans, many of whom were already living in Europe.
Recall that Paul had planned to bring the Gospel to Tarshish or Spain, but never made it because he was persecuted and executed in Rome.
Paul was an example of the power of Christ to change His enemies into followers and true believers. In his early life before his conversion, Paul was a persecutor of Christians, and participated in the murder of Stephen. He said he was the worst of all sinners, but was made new in Christ. If this stubborn Pharisee could convert, any Israelite surely could.
The Gospels are replete with examples of the stiff necked Pharisees denying Christ and conspiring to kill Christ. Paul provides us with an example of how even they could be converted without having even seen Him in the flesh. Without Paul’s example and ministry, Christianity may never have spread outside of Judea and never reached the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
Hey thanks CFT, I’ve been involved in CI for a couple years now, though I left DSCI, as I have seen many other have here to. That makes sense, what these other guys were saying about Paul just didn’t seem right.
Michael Bennett the book, “The Jesus Hoax” by Dr. David Skrbina (University of Michigan).(2019)
..he states that certain jewish interest groups (Saul of Tarsis/Paul) invented “christianity” as a jewish subversive movement, so as to destroy/subvert the Roman Empire….which worked!
…there is NO historical evidence that this Jesus christ character ever existed…!
6million Julies
What is “Things a troll says”, Alex?
Conspiracy theory that “certain jewish interest groups (Saul of Tarsis/Paul) invented “christianity” as a jewish subversive movement, so as to destroy/subvert the Roman Empire”
Jews have been promoting this “conspiracy theory” where they “admit” that they were behind Christianity to destroy the goyim.
They are lying. Jews are promoting this theory in order to turn Christians away from Christianity, which they hate because it stands in their way of total domination.
If Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy, then why are they trying to subvert and destroy it….if it benefits them? Makes NO sense at all. Completely illogical.
Because without their enemies jews have no reason to exist and if they do not have enemies then they create them. Cause – reaction – solution. It is a great way to keep people motivated and focused; play the victim because the victim always has the “moral high ground” in particular in a jews eyes.
Create a guilt complex in those who you wish to destroy then fill their heads with all of the ideas that will lead them straight to destruction but slowly so that they may rob, steal and suck as much as they can out of the target population, all the while complaining about “anti-semitism”.
Using “proxies” to do their fighting for them; and in the United States that happens to be blacks and other “poc’s” which they have admitted to in their publications. Poisoning the minds of young people through their control of academia so that they will be controlled once they get into positions of power. Have I left anything out?
A. Clifton
No Dallas Cowboys at the Alamo
No TALMUDIC TERRORIST {{{ JEWS}}} in the Old Testament,
SEE also : Matthew 13 : 39 – 43
There are entire books written to list the evidence of Jesus’s physical existence…The Case for Christ by Strobel…The Historical Jesus by Habermas. The latter author, Habermas, is currently releasing a 4 volume set of his investigations covering 50 years.
The first volume is now published and the second can be purchased prior to publication. These are all large volumes. It had to be expanded and republished as 4 volumes because so much new information has been discovered.
Simply claiming that there is “no evidence” merely makes you look like you have not bothered to even do a basic Google search before reaching your conclusion.
You are certainly free to disagree with the evidence and critique it as you see fit, but making a claim that no evidence exists is, frankly, silly when the evidence can so easily be found.
In reference to Chris Moore and E. Michael Jones/Dugin rhetoric/connection that has nothing to do with Scripture but all to do with AntiChrist Communist jews/Putin Russia and the Communist takeover of America.
Via Fitzinfo Twitter
I Trained in Moscow for Black Revolution – Leonard Patterson (1928-1935)
Paul O'Donohoe
look up saul alinsky ” best way to destroy the west is subvert it from within “
Chris Moore
West wrote: “That being said — and I hate to assume — but do you believe that “all Humanity” i.e., the 4 Distinct Races — White, yellow, black and red — ALL emerge from the loins of Adam and Eve and or Noah and his family?”
No. I believe they all evolved over however many millions of years, and did not originate the way the Bible claims. I believe the Bible story is an explanation that was assembled from various groups, including Sumerians, and then collated by Hebrews, parasitically granting themselves authorship.
The reason European peoples are more advanced is because of climate, and because the Bible pits groups against one another, placing the Hebrew line at the top. And because Moses set the tenor for the Jews by whacking out Hebrew grifters and cutthroats — the same grifters and cutthroats that have taken control of much of the the human race by assuming Moses’ moral authority.
But Whites have genetic racial authority due to evolutionary factors, and moral authority due to being forged by Christianity. Christian Logos is the naturally and morally ordained leadership of the human race (“The Way”) but must now be allowed to dip into the moral authority of Moses to survive.
The Hebrew grifters and their stooges framed the Nazis for a “Holocaust,” but it is the Hebrew grifters and their stooges who are trying to orchestrate a holocaust of Whites and Christians.
I propose unleashing the wrath of Moses on these Satanists — again.
Christ Moore writes “The reason European peoples are more advanced is because of climate….”
If that were true, then why aren’t Eskimos, Laplanders, Nepalese, and Siberians the most advanced people on the planet?
The Greeks and Romans were White, and they built the most advanced civilizations the world had ever seen, yet they lived in very temperate climates compared to northern Europe, no snow, no harsh environments to “adapt” or “evolve” to “survive”.
How did the Greeks and Romans “evolve” to be White without a harsh climate?
Or are you claiming that the Greeks and Romans “evolved” independently from northern Europeans, despite having virtually identical DNA?
Chris Moore
“How did the Greeks and Romans “evolve” to be White without a harsh climate?”
The Greek stories served the same purpose as the Bible stories to a point, but Christ was the component that put Whites over the top. Christian Logos does not downplay Christ’s contributions. In fact, without fidelity to Christ, all is lost.
Christ did not come through the Hebrews who were mostly desert cutthroats and grifters all the way through, but primarily through the sword of Moses, who was a killer of Hebrew Golden Calfers.
That means money worshippers /hyper materialist (eg Marxists) are dead men walking. They’ve killed themselves and their own lines. Worthless magalomaniacs, egoists and narcissists. Marxist-Zionist Israel epitomizes this scum: “rich” with grifter loot and blood money. Same with the post-Christian Anglosphere, now sputtering on Christian fumes, milked to the last by “Jew” moneychangers.
Christ (backed the sword of Moses) was the moral authority holding it all together, and will be again after the “Jewish Century” is laid to rest or kicked to the curb.
Chris, you completely ignored my comment and questions about your theory that Whites “evolved” due to living in harsh, cold northern Europe.
Sounds like you’re having a conversation with yourself, not with others who have challenged you on a number of your points. Merely repeating yourself doesn’t make your theories more persuasive.
And you don’t cite any scripture or historical sources to support your theories about the Bible. I doubt you’ll persuade anyone without proof.
Chris Moore
“The reason European peoples are more advanced is because of climate….”
Petr wrote: “If that were true, then why aren’t Eskimos, Laplanders, Nepalese, and Siberians the most advanced people on the planet?”
Asked and answered: Because they didn’t evolve under Christendom: environment/race + culture. They worked together to shape Christendom into what it became: Western Civilization.
The Greco-Romans hit the wall but then Christianity kicked in to preserve the “fire” until the Northern Kingdom could evolve into Western Civilization.
Chris Moore, you can’t be serious. Are you suggesting that Christianity causes races to evolve? Surely not in a physical sense.
Eskimos, after 2000 years of Christianity will still look like Eskimos. And the Romans and Greeks didn’t change physically once they became Christian, so why would the Eskimos change and turn white?
If you honestly believe such nonsense, there is no point in going any further with this discussion. I’ve been suspecting you’re a troll, because the alternative is even worse….
I’m a bit surprised that this debate doesn’t mention the theory that the Greeks did come from a harsh, cold environment–the Baltic–and eventually emigrated down to the Med.
That theory explains the Odyssey, which makes no sense if set in the Med, but I’m not sure if it would jibe with the Biblical timeline.
Although this idea that Christianity causes a people to evolve reminds me of the E. Michael Jones series from a few weeks ago, where he claimed that several more centuries of Catholicism would make postmodern Africans like Europeans in their prime.
EMJ and close ally DUG-IN. Russian AntiChrist. Knew it from getgo “Logos” and anti white jews.
Chris Moore
Petr: “Chris Moore, you can’t be serious. Are you suggesting that Christianity causes races to evolve? Surely not in a physical sense.”
RB: “Although this idea that Christianity causes a people to evolve reminds me of the E. Michael Jones series from a few weeks ago, where he claimed that several more centuries of Catholicism would make postmodern Africans like Europeans in their prime.”
E. Michael Jones makes no mention of Zoglodytism. He’s a company man Catholic. Under my theory, the African WILL evolve but only if he forges himself by eliminating Zoglodytes. In other words, the very act of sorting out the belly-crawlers triggers evolution. Similarly, Whites will stop their devolution and continue their evolution if they sort out the Zoglodytes and their string-pullers.
And the opposite — Satanism/Zoglodytism causes people devolve. Look at the Synagogue of Satan Hebe-Yid: hunched, beady-eyed, rat-like, sneering, suspicious. Contrast that with Jesus who evolved from Moses: filled with confidence and righteousness, clear-eyed, upright and upstanding. Now look at these Zoglodyte Anglosphere specimens: obese, corpulent, hunched and glaring like the diseased Satanist, and demanding that everyone “accept us as we are” no matter how depraved and slovenly they become. Literally feeding everyone garbage and poisonous vaccines, putrefying the atmosphere with their pollutants and war munitions so they are as decrepit and fallen as is the Satanist. “That’ll show’em” spits the bitter ((jew)), poisonous bile flying like in ‘The Exorcist’.
As its stands now, in the shadow of the “Jewish Century” and under the influence of the Synagogue of Satan, all races are devolving into worthless belly-crawlers overseen by these sick freaks.
I’m really surprised so many participants on here are ignorant of this basic logic and, like the sick, paranoid ((jew)) resort to “Oy! He must be a Fed!”
Charles Martel
Chris Moore, there’s no such thing as “Zoglodytism”. You made that up.
And there’s no such thing as “evolution”, which is a judeo-masonic doctrine to replace God with man and nature. You can’t eliminate Jewish influence on our race by insisting that the Jewish boondoggle of “evolution” is real. By claiming “evolution” is real merely serves to validate and reinforce Jewish influence.
There’s nothing “logical” about evolution. It’s metaphysics, just like your theory of “Zoglodytism” is metaphsyics. So you flatter yourself.
Physical degeneration has nothing to do with “evolution”, and it has nothing to do with Jews except that they are the prime promoters of it, as the Protocols of Zion admit.
The degeneration of the White race can happen either through race mixing, poor lifestyle, and spiritual malaise, or poor mate selection, which is usually confined to the extreme lower classes in geographically isolated communities. The only one of these that changes DNA in the largest sense is race mixing, which is why Jews heavily promote it.
Africans will never “evolve” into anything other than what they are. Their DNA is stable and constant. They cannot change genetically by removing “Jews” from their lives, just as any race can’t. They presence of Jews may affect our spiritual health, but our DNA doesn’t change permanently from that influence.
Unless we mix with Jews, they cannot have an effect on our DNA. In fact, the discovery of DNA was a death-toll to the theory of “evolution”. Any random changes to it are lethal and degenerative.
So if Greeks originally came from northern Europe, where did they come from before that? Or did they just spring out of the primeval forests of Europe like mushrooms or decided they didn’t want to be Cro Magnons anymore?
Problems with that theory are the cultural connections between the Greeks and other and older cultures from the Near East, like Persia.
Kylos ………..
Read “Tracing Our Ancestors” by Frederick Haberman. Great book on the early beginnings of our Peoples.
Chris Moore
Charles Martel June 15, 2023 at 3:58 pm: “Chris Moore, there’s no such thing as “Zoglodytism”. You made that up”
Language and knowledge are constantly evolving and growing. New words are formed all the time. Some will last, some will not. I believe Zoglodyte will stand because it’s a perfect description of Satanic/Sociopathic/useful idiot sticks in the mud outfitted with Zionist blinders and stunted, dogmatic, usually self-serving modes of thought.
If language can evolve with discipline, why can’t Christian Logos, as Moses evolved into Jesus? But sometimes you’ve got to go backwards to move around road blocks and then move forward. I advocate moving backwards to Moses’ summary execution of Hebrew Satanists so that we can move forward.
What are you scared of? You remind me of the Orangutans in ‘Planet of the Apes.’ They claimed man had evolved in an evil, destructive trajectory. I agree — because he refused to do as Moses was instructed by God: remove all of the sociopaths.
Charles Martel
Chris Moore:
Jews are not real “Hebrews”. They admit this in their own writings. Therefore, they cannot be “Hebrew satanists” as you allege. And “getting rid of them” somehow won’t restore some sort of pure Hebrewism because they aren’t Hebrews in the first place.
All your theories collapse because they don’t take into account that Jews are imposters, playing a role as genuine Hebrews or genuine descendants of Judah. They are neither.
Jews may be “satanists” in the strictest biblical sense of being the “adversaries” of God and His children.
You also don’t take into account this truism, that we opened the door for the Jews to step through:
“A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.”
—Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Chris Moore:
Logos, by definition as God’s eternal order, does not change, and cannot “evolve”. Christ came to fulfill the law of Moses, not change it.
However, humans can distort and change the meaning of Logos, such as E. Michael Jones who claims that Logos is embodied in the corrupt and anti-scriptural Catholic Church. And it sounds like you are no different from EMJ, changing the meaning of Logos to conform to your personal theories about evolution.
….I propose unleashing the wrath of Moses on these Satanists — again….”
Sounds like a FED to me.
Chris Moore
Also you need to read and understand what CFT has offered about who is Israel and Adamic lineage as Jesus Christ came for HIS LOST SHEEP ISRAEL…not the black Africans, Asians and many others. The lost sheep of Israel are the White race. There is no universal salvation.
Chris Moore
Common among the Fore People of Papua New Guinea
Deceased family members were traditionally cooked and eaten, which was thought to help free the spirit of the dead.[4] The disease was more prevalent among women and children because adult men rarely consumed the brain and other highly infectious tissue,[5] but the long incubation period meant adult men were also affected.
Transmission of infected prion proteins
Risk Factors
Thanks CFT for your excellent refutation of Dalton’s article. I found it to be a lot more coherent, succinct, and of practical referential value than Michael Hoffman’s attempt, which I found to be a little confused or confusing:
Michael Hoffman mainly quibbles with how Dalton equates the Talmud with the Old Testament, which is true, but he doesn’t address any of Dalton’s many other points.
Hoffman wrote an entire book exposing the anti-Christ Talmud, called “Judaism Unmasked”.
Most White Nationalists don’t know anything about the Talmud and will likely dismiss Hoffman’s argument as a sort of hair splitting, even though what he says is true, that Talmudism existed at the time of Christ and was practiced by the Pharisees.
What I found interesting is the comment section at Unz for Dalton’s article, and it shows just how little people understand about Christianity, and how little they want to know. It’s worth reading the comments, because this CFT article answers most of them and the points that Hoffman fails to cover:
Jeff A.
Dalton mocks Andrew Anglin’s embrace of Christianity, but I believe Anglin is sincere. He recently wrote:
“What has changed most about me since I began this website is that I’ve become much more Christian in orientation. In some ways, Christianity is a spectrum, and the closer we come to the truth, the closer we come to Jesus Christ. It took me a long time to really internalize this fact.”
I’m sure both the Jews and White Nationalists are very unhappy with Anglin’s Christianity. The Jews don’t like it because now he has “freedom of religion” as a defense, and it’s harder to smear him as a “racist” or “antisemite”. Jews know that real Christianity is anti-jewish, and they are desperate to make sure that Christians don’t figure that out as Anglin has.
isn’t Anglin a literal biological Jew? a non-Adamite?
No, Anglin comes from a White Christian family in Ohio. Many of his enemies and detractors have tried to claim he is a crypto Jew or even a mulatto, just like any high-profile anti-jewish voice has been targeted.
His early webmaster at the Daily Stormer was Andrew ‘Weev’ Auernheimer, a Jew who posed as a neo-nazi, but I don’t think he’s involved with Anglin anymore.
James Smith
“He was a biological Jew — surely embodying all those wonderful Jewish phenotypical characteristics — and he was a religious Jew.”
What is the basis for claiming Jesus had “Jewish phenotypical characteristics”? He first wanted to claim Jesus never existed, then he says Jesus looked like a Jew. A closer look at history suggests Jews inherited their large noses from Hittites, curled hair from negroes, and hairiness from their father Esau. None of those groups are in the genealogy of Jesus.
What makes them think Jesus is equivalent to a modern Talmudic Jew? Did Jesus not denounce the “traditions of the elders” enough in Mark 7?
Hadrian's wall
Good point. Dalton thinks Israelites 2,000 years ago looked like jews from “Der Sturmer”. Does he have a time machine?
It’s really pathetic that Dalton uses these tactics to persuade whites to reject Jesus Christ. It’s the kind of trickery I’d expect out of a Jew, same way Jews claim that they invented Christianity to destroy the “gentiles”. What a joke.
Clowns like Dalton and the National Vanguard expose themselves more and more each day to be either paid, controlled opposition, or unknowing dupes of the jew.
(I imagine Dalton and other ‘leaders’ are the former and their followers the latter in the main)
Either way, they do nothing but harm our people. Oh, sure there are some nuggets of fact in their writings, but the overall effect is to alienate the ‘normies’ and lead those honestly seeking Truth away from same. ‘Twould be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck…’
dream on
Luke, I think White Nationalists are “useful idiots”. Jews have always known how to deal with them, infiltrate their groups, and discredit them, for the simple reason that many WNers accept Jews as “white enough”, as long as they are against blacks and Mexicans. They play right into the Jew’s hand.
White nations will never go back to what they were 100 years ago, the cow’s out of the barn, the worms are out of the can. Trump can tell the Mexicans “you have to go back” but he knows that will never happen. I don’t think most White people have the stomach to forcefully remove non-whites from their nations, and white women especially will never go along with it. And the Jews know that.
“white women especially will never go along with it.” Oh please. As if white males aren’t statistically bigger race mixers than White women. As if white males didn’t create the modern raced mixed state of Latin America, or force desegregation at gn point. As if the average white male isn’t some niggerball athlete worshipping cuck who freaks out at hearing the word nigger.
White Nationalists and Patriots Meeting.Town Square Noon with speakers.
Elgin Scotland June 17th
What a revolutionary idea – “Scotland for the Scottish people”
The Scottish people, according to the 1320 Declaration of Abroath, were descendants of the ancient Israelites via the Scythians/Cimmerians.
How many at this rally know that fact?
Not enough!
Currently, the highest ranking Swedish Professional Tennis Player —
Don’t puke.
“Swedish” you mean?
They should refer to him as an “African currently living in Sweden” not as “Swedish”.
Citizenship or residency does not equate to ethnicity.
I could move to Nigeria, but I would never be a Nigerian, nor my grandchildren.
100% agreed.
If a White man was stationed in Japan and had a White child in a hospital in Japan, NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would ever consider the child “Japanese”!!!
If it were possible I could become a citizen of Japan, NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would call me “Japanese”!!!
Non-whites are the only races in the world that get that luxury. It’s absolute INSANITY!
I heard a good one the other day on Twitter — “…Indians won’t be a minority in India. Chinese won’t be a minority in China. Arabs won’t be a minority in Arabia. Jews won’t be a minority in Israel. And this is a GREAT THING….
…Yet when Whites complain about Europeans becoming a minority in their own Countries, the Media calls it “White Supremacy”. Why is this?
Hope it sparks some Grey Matter.
After revelations gleaned from Fitzpatrick Informer at, I now believe that all of these so-called ‘White Nationalist’s sites are controlled opposition FOR the jew synogog of Satan. Whether atheist, pagan or any other AntiChrist…it fits in the plan.
Dalton sure does know a lotta judaism to make his point completely moot…dead. In fact I believe he’s one of them talmudic rabinists doing its appointed job because, you know, they know nothing about truth. Good luck to the fools duped by them…maybe that god can scream louder to fullfil its faux dream. Lol.
All the blessings in Jesus Christ to CFT for exposing the typical mud slinging and correcting it with THE SPOKEN WORD of Truth who is Christ Jesus.
While reading I was thinking of Luke 16:19-31.
The Rich Man and Lazarus
19 “Now there was a rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen, enjoying himself in splendor every day. 20 And a poor man named Lazarus was laid at his gate, covered with sores, 21 and longing to be fed from the scraps which fell from the rich man’s table; not only that, the dogs also were coming and licking his sores. 22 Now it happened that the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to [u]Abraham’s arms; and the rich man also died and was buried. 23 And in Hades he raised his eyes, being in torment, and *saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his [v]arms. 24 And he cried out and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus, so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that during your life you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set, so that those who want to go over from here to you will not be able, nor will any people cross over from there to us.’ 27 And he said, ‘Then I request of you, father, that you send him to my father’s house— 28 for I have five brothers—in order that he may warn them, so that they will not come to this place of torment as well.’ 29 But Abraham *said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ 30 But he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent!’ 31 But he said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’”
Here is an excellent latest write up from fitzinfo that every Christian should heed or read again, ***very important***
Yes many leaders of Nationalist parties are controlled opposition , but they become easy to spot when they are affiliated with Israel as the new Right of Meloni. Berlusconi and Salvini are.It is a knack you have to acquire and Tim Fitz is quite good at it as you can see here:
Check out the drop down menu on Controlled Opposition.
You see even Churchill was controlled opposition and Jewish to boot as his mother was Jenny Jerome her father changed his name from Jacobson to Jerome.
Jenny Jacobson,Churchill’s mother was Jenny Jerome. Her father was involved in theatre investment and changed his name from Jacobson to Jerome.‘Cunning, no doubt, came to Churchill in the Jewish genes transmitted by his mother Lady Randolph Churchill , née Jenny Jacobson/Jerome.’ Moshe Kohn, Jerusalem Post.In England at the beginning of the 1900s commenting that there were very few English aristocrat families left that hadn’t intermarried with aspiring Jews. It was said that, when they visited the Continent, Europeans were surprised to see Jewish looking persons with English titles and accents.
Churchill also co-wrote a book with Kalergi the White Genocide agent backed by Warburg and Rothschild.The Book is discussed in the following link.Any doubts about Churchill being a traitor can be dispelled.
The Book Authored By Winston Churchill & Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
Kalergi Churchill Letter
Early reference to Churchills betrayal.
Just before the RMS Lusitania sailed in May, Churchill wrote this memo to Walter Runciman, president of Britain’s Board of Trade: “It is most important to attract neutral shipping to our shores in the hope especially of embroiling the United States with Germany . . . . For our part we want the traffic — the more the better; and if some of it gets into trouble, better still.”…..
The Lusitania set sail for Liverpool on May 1st, 1915 from New York harbor. It was carrying millions of rounds of ammunition and shrapnel. The previous captain Daniel Dow had resigned because of mixing civilian passengers with munitions. The ship was to have a British battleship escort called the Juno but was recalled before the rendezvous in spite of the knowledge that a Uboat was active in the path of the Lusitania.
On May 5th, the Uboat U20 sank the schooner Earl of Lathom. On May 6th, it also sank two more ships, the Candidate and Centurion. All of these sinkings occurred directly in Lusitania’s course. The Lusitania was given orders under the premise of saving coal to only run 3 of 4 boilers which would slow the vessel considerably. The only warning Lusitania received was a general “submarines active off south coast of Ireland”.
At about 2:10 pm on May 7th the Lusitania was hit with a torpedo that had been fired by U20. Immediately following the explosion, a second explosion occurred. The ship sunk in 18 minutes. There were 1,959 people on board of which 1,198 died including 128 Americans.
Captain William Turner was blamed by the Admiralty in an official Board of Trade inquiry held by Lord Mersey. Captain Richard Webb of the navy wrote to Mersey: “I am directed by the board of Admiralty to inform you that it is considered politically expedient that Capt Turner, the master of the Lusitania, be most prominently blamed for the disaster.” Winston Churchill’s response to the report given to Mersey was “Fully concur! We shall pursue the Captain without check!” Luckily for Captain Turner, Lord Mersey was a fair man and saw that Turner was becoming the scapegoat. Turner was found not guilty and the German government was blamed. Mersey resigned and called the trial “a damned, dirty business.”
The sinking of the Lusitania was a clear false flag perpetrated by Winston Churchill and the British Admiralty to draw America into the war. The blame should have been placed on Churchill’s orders and not the German government. It was probably no coincidence that the ship was owned by J.P. Morgan’s competition in shipping. The Lusitaniasinking did not immediately draw the U.S. into war however, and it was almost two years later that the U.S. finally joined the war.
Also an early Churchill WAR Crime , actually a POST WAR Crime even more despicable.
Immediately following the war(WW1) the British government, acting on orders from their hidden masters in the City, clamped a blockade on Germany. This move had a devastating effect on the German people. On March 4th, 1919, Winston Churchill declared in the House of Commons that Britain was “enforcing the blockade with vigor. . . This weapon of starvation falls mainly on the women and children, upon the old, the weak and the poor. . .”(The Nation, June 21, 1919, p. 980).
While the London Daily News was carrying eye-witness reports from Germany of “many horrible things. . . rows of babies feverish from want of food, exhausted by privations to the point where their little limbs were little wands, their expressions hopeless and their eyes full of pain,” the Associated Press was carrying a report (datelined Paris, July 24) that “Germany will have to surrender to France 500 Stallions, 3000 fillies, 90,000 milk cows, 100,000 sheep and 10,000 goats. . . Two hundred stallions, 5000 mares, 5000 fillies, 50,000 cows and 40,000 heifers, also are to go to Belgium from Germany. . .”Professor Quigley tells us that “the results of the blockade were devastating. Continued for nine months after the armistice, it caused the deaths of 800,000 persons. . .” (Tragedy and Hope,
p. 261). During the four years of the war Germany lost 1,600,000 dead. The German death rate during the blockade was five and a half times higher than during the war! P117
Thank you Normant for information.
Yes, I learned about the Lusitania and its cargo, but didn’t know the extras you added.
Churchill is one of the most evil along with the Bolsheviks that I simply can’t read about them anymore. But it’s good that you provide for others who need to know NOW!!! Thank you for the links too.
Paul O'Donohoe
i was watching a documentary about wales they were covering the miners strikes the miners were fed up with working in poor unsafe conditions for little pay so they downed tools went on strike and protested , so winston churchill sent his thugs against the protesters , winston churchill was also cruel in india too, churchill scuppered a peace treaty between parliament he behaved like a bully . The blockades mentioned is what was done to ireland too
Evil has no bounds when it comes from these false jews. I long for the Day when the shackles of them are no more and their carcasses burnt to ashes completely just as they worship so shall they receive. I hate them.
The true British (Americans likewise) need to make PUBLIC repentance of these bastards, burn effigies of their names to rid of the cursed they have made. Most of all give their hearts to Jesus Christ as their Banner and King…and return to Him in Spirit and Truth.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Light…The Only Liberator. Prayers for Israel.
Genuine question here. Was it then the Pharisees who rebelled against Hadrian with Bar Kohkba? Hadrian banned circumcision leading Bar Khokba to slaughter the Romans and Christians in Judea. Hadrian retaliated with a massacre of near 600K Judeans which led to the Judean diaspora in 134 AD.
Was this a diaspora of Pharisees and if so did the survivors become extinct and the false jews later originated in the Khazarian empire? Genuinely confused.
Seems to me some of the Pharisees had to survive in order to write down their “traditions of the elders” as their talmud all those decades later?
Well if that’s the case then the Khazarian false jews behave an awful lot like the extinct Pharisees imo.
Chris Moore
The essay originated in the Occidental Observer. Kevin MacDonald edits it. He is apparently an apostate Catholic who has now embraced ideological paganism as the best “religion’ for Whites/Europeans. Insanity.
“However, the reason that Jews have infiltrated and subverted Christianity is that it was a serous threat to Jewish power rather than an instrument of Jewish domination. And Jews began infiltrating the Catholic Church very early on as “conversos” who worked feverishly to “judaize” the faith — and corrupt the European bloodline.”
We know these “Jews” are not the Hebrews of the Law (Moses Jews) but Hebrews of the Golden Calf/Mammon. Moses attempted to physically destroy these Golden Calf Hebrews, who became the Synagogue of Satan. One could say the Synagogue of Satan infiltrated the Catholic Church.
“And then Jews openly supported the Protestant movement in order to break up the hegemony of the Church — for the self-serving strategy of divide and conquer Christendom by replacing our hereditary aristocracy with judeo-Masonic bankers and their willing executioners.”
So a faction of the Church had become corrupted by Satanism. Luther recognized that, and formed Protestantism as a response. Remember, Luther is remembered as another “anti-Semite” and wrote “On the Jews and Their Lies.”
But Protestantism eventually became corrupted by these Synagogue of Satan “Jews.” That’s why the British Empire went bad, and the Anglosphere has gone bad. Some argue that British Protestantism was corrupt from the beginning, and Henry the VIII was glutinous Anglo monster who needed a “religion” to accommodate his appetites and conceal his avarice and greed. Synagogue of Satan “Jews” had filthy lucre, and he worshipped money and power above all.
Was Henry VIII an example of the “hereditary aristocracy”? If so, the Synagogue of Satan can get to it, just as it’s gotten to everyone who isn’t vigilante, defiant, of highest morality and integrity, and willing to do what needs to be done to Synagogue of Satan “Jews,” as Moses and Jesus did.
Kevin MacDonald isn’t as vehemently anti-Christian as many White Nationalists. MacDonald sees value in Christianity, and its “ingroup preferences”, as a strategy for survival against the Jews.
But MacDonald is some sort of atheist who believes in “evolution”, which is unfortunate, as he of all people should know that evolution is mentioned in the Protocols of Zion as a ruse to control White people and turn them against God.
Chris Moore
“Kevin MacDonald isn’t as vehemently anti-Christian as many White Nationalists. MacDonald sees value in Christianity, and its “ingroup preferences”, as a strategy for survival against the Jews.”
Agree. But where the rubber meets the road, he needs to come up with a moral system to govern Whites. I choose Christian Logos, which follows the logic of Christianity all the way back to Moses, and deduces just how rational Christianity has been all the way through — yes, up to including Moses “holocaust” of “Jews” (Hebrew grifters, cutthroats and Molechites).
“But MacDonald is some sort of atheist who believes in “evolution”, which is unfortunate, as he of all people should know that evolution is mentioned in the Protocols of Zion as a ruse to control White people and turn them against God.”
I believe evolution can be squared with Christian Logos. I believe one way man can measure time and progress is by moral advancement. So Moses made a huge moral leap when he devised the Ten Commandments and imposed them on the Hebrews by cutting off and cutting out Hebrew scum, who he realized never would or could advance morally. They were destined to stay in their primitive, backward, backstabbing state of being forever.
Similarly, Jesus made a huge moral leap in his teachings, and concluded that the same bunch of Hebrew scum were destined to keep spinning their wheels in their putrid moral state, only “whitewashing tombs” to create the illusion that they had evolved, when beneath it all, they were a filthy Synagogue of Satan.
So if one takes the moral evolution from Moses to Jesus, and extrapolates it backwards, one can see that human evolution is also possible — for people of a certain core decency and truly progressive mindset.
Sometimes, however, core decency means violently breaking with the primitives, the wicked, the scumbags and their voodoo, who can mimic decency and civilization, but who deep down are the same old Synagogue of Satan rats and Molechite reprobates they always were.
Hillary Clinton, for example, projected this scumbag mentality onto the “irredeemable, deplorable” Christian core Americans. That was a Satanic act of inversion, because she knew full well her set of corrupt, criminal scum are the ones who are irredeemable. Hillary Clinton and her set dwell within the Synagogue of Satan.
(I believe evolution can be squared with Christian Logos. I believe one way man can measure time and progress is by moral advancement. So Moses made a huge moral leap when he devised the Ten Commandments and imposed them on the Hebrews by cutting off and cutting out Hebrew scum,…)
You sure have made some mental gymnastics with your understanding. Too much to unwind.
-Moses brought Israel out of Egypt all twelve tribes not just tribe of Judah.
-It was the finger of God who wrote the tablets for Moses to bring down from the mountain to give to the people. After Israel made a choice between God or the Golden Calf (mammon/wealth/world/power) 3000 fell that day and the rest were dedicated to the Lord.
– Human evolution is not mentioned in The Word of God forwards or backwards.
– The only way to decency and moral advancement is to be CHANGED by Spirit and Truth (not evolution)…as depicted in Job and exhorted by Jesus (The Word made flesh) to the woman at the well. Then ultimately as a witness Apostle Paul .
Finally, Jezebel (AntiChrist) with her prophets of Ba’al (fakes called jews, one world government, media) who have led Israel astray is what we are witnessing today.
Chris Moore
“– The only way to decency and moral advancement is to be CHANGED by Spirit and Truth (not evolution)…as depicted in Job and exhorted by Jesus (The Word made flesh) to the woman at the well. Then ultimately as a witness Apostle Paul .”
So can the Negro by “changed by Spirit and Truth”? How do we know, say, if the Negro lawyer has been “changed by Spirit and Truth” since he’s an adept liar, great at mimicking, and uses advanced rhetoric?
There is one acid test: Will the Negro destroy elements of his own clan for surrendering their humanity and joining the Synagogue of Satan? Will he go to war with elements of his own clan, who have surrendered their souls, to the point of willingness to remove them from the face of the earth permanently, as Moses did?
You see my point, no? Moses did not use bloodlines to determine loyalty; he used behavior. And he cut out the cancer.
Reading this, can you see why Whites are doomed unless they cut out the White cancer, and yes, replace it with the righteous Negro when he has earned his place at the table by going to war against the Black heathens?
Can you see how it was White devils like Hillary Clinton and Winston Churchill along with the Synagogue of Satan that ruled their souls who have destroyed Christendom? Can you see that Christendom has become filled with White devils just like Churchill and Clinton, under Satan’s spell?
Unless the door remains open to the Negro who, as you say, has been “changed by spirit and truth” and has proven it by carrying out great acts of obliteration of heathen elements within his tribe — as Whites must also do to prove themselves — does Christendom stand a near-term chance.
Long-term, of course, it will inevitably prevail. But how long that takes and how much suffering must take place before then is an open question.
Had Moses not perpetrated his courageous act against the the dark forces of evil three thousand years ago, we might all still be living like savage animals, and the suffering we’re experiencing today would be but a drop in the bucket compared to the suffering absent that act. But he did act, and Jesus Christ was eventually the result.
And unfortunately, I believe, “Moses” must act again and again and again — must be allowed to act again and again and again — until the human race proves itself worthy of the Christ.
Chris Moore
In all of my walk with God, in and out of three congregations, and left one on one with Truth and Spirit for many years, I have come to know Him and His Ways. It causes me to be able to DISCERN the fake…just as someone trying to fool you masquerading as your own mother or father. I have had many interactions with black ‘Christians’ and they ARE NOT CAPABLE TO BE FILLED OR LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. Therefore no change or ENLIGHTENMENT.
They or anyone for that matter can FAKE it and without discernment you can be tricked. This is why The Holy Spirit was sent and is why there is no forgiveness in blaspheming The Spirit of God. I don’t know where you get your understanding…but it is not from Scripture (Truth) and Spirit.
Jews focus on the man called Moses, but if you knew revelation by the Spirit you would know why Jesus THE WORD MADE FLESH was sent by Divine Intervention.
Also who is this black champion (like Moses) you speak of? Why not take your questions to God for the answers? This is the greatest problem in Christendom…NOT DOING WHAT IS WRITTEN, SUBMITTING TO GOD’S AUTHORITY AND FACE UTTER HELL TO BE DELIVERED.
Too many have been conditioned for PROSPERITY (mammon, Jew overlords) so God will SPIT THEM OUT OF HIS MOUTH…just as that was done in the desert with Moses. Without the Seal of God you can’t force or fake your way into His Kingdom. Period.
Take your focus off MAN and seek that which He tells us. Christ Jesus will SEPARATE the wheat from the tares…AND IS.
Chris Moore …….
“…..Moses did not use bloodlines to determine loyalty……”
I don’t want to speak for CFT, but I suspect most here would say that there was only ONE bloodline coming out of Egypt — Adamic men and women (which would be homogenous).
There “may” have been a few mixed race Adamites ………… but that is debatable and unprovable. No photographic evidence exists.
That being said — and I hate to assume — but do you believe that “all Humanity” i.e., the 4 Distinct Races — White, yellow, black and red — ALL emerge from the loins of Adam and Eve and or Noah and his family?
If YES ……………… would you kindly explain how that is possible?
If YES, I have a Question that I ask those who hold to this belief —
Question — if we today remove every Icelander from Iceland and replace them with 400,000 pure blacks from the Congo — in HOW MANY years will White children emerge from the loins of a homogenous black couple?
5000? 10,000?
Thank you.
Judeo-Christianity has done a great job being a punching bag for anyone who has any kind of racial consciousness.
And even though judeo-Christianity puts Jews on a pedestal, and blindly supports Zionism, the Jews still are doing everything they can to destroy it, and turn people away from it, which means even in this lukewarm state, Jews still fear it.
And if Christianity is so helpful to the Jews desire to takeover our nations, then why are they trying to get rid of it? Makes no sense.
Christianity in Europe lost touch with its racial origins because, well, all of Europe was White, and they didn’t need to have a daily racial consciousness.
Only when the Huns, Mongols, Moors, and Ottomans invaded did Europeans become aware of their bloodline, and once they beat back the invaders, they lost that consciousness over time, due to complacency.
And now with the Jewish domination and their non-white invaders flooding into Christendom, it is time for all Christians to become racially conscious once again for their own survival and defense of the faith, and they will find justification for this awakening in the Gospels if they’d only look.
Well said.
Were the Mongols of a different bloodline?
There was a theory from a western historian who specializes in Russian history here that Genghis Khan was a white man–Gray eyes and red hair, if I recall correctly–and that he added the conquered browns and yellows in as the shock troops of his grand army.
Granted, it’s difficult to square that with the pop culture and supposed historical depictions of Genghis as a savage yellow brute, but the idea of a small cadre of whites running an Apartheid-type civilization until getting assimilated via miscegenation seems to be the story of so many civilizations.
Exactly. And these hostile groups aren’t going to be joining Israel in the Kingdom either.
They know how dangerous true Chrisitianity is to them, and are exhausted from trying to keep a lid on it with their false Christianity. When the truth breaks through, they are doomed.
Norm Frost
Today’s Jews who are mixed with Esau’s descendants, are not threatened by Christianity per se…they are threatened by the fact that white Europeans are the real Israelites, and if they can wipe out Jacobs descendants, will lay claim to the birthrite that Jacob received. Revelation states that Satan is wroth with the woman, and goes to make war with the remnant of her seed. White people are that remnant.
Its pretty easy to prove to yourself that today’s Jews are not the true Israelites of scripture. They were to be a blessing to all nations. Have the Jews been a blessing to all nations? Hardly…more of a curse than anything. But thats because of who they really are. Satans offspring! No matter how you look at it, you cannot deny the verse in Genesis 3:15, that says God will put enmity between the two seeds.
And here we are today still battling it out with Satan’s literal descendants. People need to read the books of the bible that were removed. They sure explain a lot…Like Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees.
Norm Frost ….
“…..Satan’s literal descendants……………”
As in Serpent Seedline i.e., Satan had sex with Eve?
Norm Frost, It’s absolutely true the Bible is only for the White Adamic People’s! The Covenants for Israel the 12 Tribes are White. However I would urge you to reconsider the Serpent Seedline Doctrine, If Eve had Sex with the Serpent then what about Genesis 3:12, 3:17 and 3:22?
Verse 12 “And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” Many Dual Seedliners claim it was Adam merely accepting Eve back that equated him to eating the tree, though this is simply not what it says! It’s clear as day yet they twist it.
Another witness in verse 17 ” And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;”
YHWH is directly saying to Adam that he is punishing him because he ate of the tree, so did Adam have sex with the Serpent?! NO!
Finally lets blow this out of the water with verse 22 ” And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:”
So according to Dual Seedliners eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil means Sexual Intercourse, (which by the way is found in the Talmud and other ancient Pagan texts). So how do you explain away this verse?! Because by that Logic where YHWH says “Behold the man is become one of us, to know good and evil” according to DSCI logic that means God would have had to have had sex to gain wisdom. That’s Blasphemy!
I care about our White Adamic Brethren, I believe in the Covenants YHWH ELOHIM made with only the White Adamic Race. These false teachings whether it be Universalism, or Two seedline, only hurt our folk. I find often Two Seedliners claim anyone who rejects it is a Universalist, and that is a lie. I have seen at CFT they do believe in the Covenant Message and that the only Seedline Elohim is concerned with is the Adamic Seedline, everyone else is Beasts or Hyrbids (Like Kikes).
Many Two Seedliners follow one Man and can’t really think for themselves, then they result to ad hominem attacks because they are emotional, they cant control their feelings.
I’ve been reading CFT for at least a year now and figured I’d pitch in.
God Bless and continue in Study!