We often see very vehement anti-Christian sentiments expressed by so-called “White Nationalist” circles. Their sentiments are much the same, centering on the demonstrably false idea that the faith of the Bible is a “foreign” or “alien” religion not native to the white European race — and that Jews created “Christianity” as part of a conspiratorial plan to subjugate and ultimate destroy the “noble” Aryan peoples.
A recent essay entitled “Yahweh Did Not Create Us” by Chris Rosetti, an editor for National Vanguard, caught our attention because it contained most of the typical talking points — and straw man arguments — made by White Nationalists against the “Jewish” religion of Christianity.
A similarly themed anti-Christian essay recently appeared in The Occidental Observer by Tom Sunic — containing similar straw man arguments and same superficial understanding we see in Rosetti’s essay.
Ironically, the founder of The Occidental Observer, Kevin MacDonald — although not a Christian himself — is objective enough to readily concede that Christianity has historically benefited the white European people as a mechanism of “in-group survival” that — when cohesive and strong — provides a beneficial opposition to the destructive forces of Judaism.
That said, these sentiments expressed in “Yahweh Did Not Create Us” are rather ironic coming from someone with a decidedly Christian name as “Chris Rosetti”. His given name obviously comes from “Christ” — and his surname — “Rosetti” has both Medieval Christian and Hebrew origins. No, that doesn’t mean “Rosetti” is Jewish, but it does show the profound historical connection between Christian Europe and the Near East — and as we shall see, for good reason.
So here we will quote Rosetti’s essay point-by-point and offer our response to each of his allegations against Christianity — and hopefully show that Christianity — real Christianity — not the straw man “Christianity” practiced by most of the subverted and distorted mainstream denominations — is indeed the original — and “native” — faith of our European ancestors.
Rosetti begins:
“Even after having been exposed to the great qualities — and achievements — of European peoples before they were swept up in the Middle Eastern religion that now dominates them, one racial patriot recently stated: “I still trust the Bible and Christianity.” I responded: ‘But why? Christianity isn’t the native, organic, ancestral belief of the White race. None of our ancestors were Christian until it was forced on them through tyranny, oppression, and brutal violence.”
CFT: The great achievements of the European peoples occurred after their conversion to Christianity — not before. Before Christianity brought widespread civilization to Europe, the Romans saw our ancestors as backwater “savages” — nor had they built any civilization worthy of Roman admiration.
But for the last 1,000 years, the vast overwhelming majority of our ancestors were indeed Christian. In fact, there’s evidence that Christianity was first established in Britain not long after the death of Christ in Glastonbury — a remarkable accomplishment considering it’s allegedly such an “alien” faith to the Anglo-Saxon race.
This connection to Britain shouldn’t surprise us considering that in 2 Timothy 4:21, Paul directly greets individuals with direct ties to Britain — some commentators believe Claudia was likely a converted princess in Britain — which makes sense considering the Roman presence in Britain which began around the time of the death of Christ. Also, archeologists have found early Christian artifacts from the Roman occupation of England — demonstrating that Christianity had taken hold far earlier than they had originally believed.
By the time of the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066 by William the Conqueror, Christianity had already been established in different enclaves for almost 700 years.
Prior to 900 AD, our pagan ancestors on continental Europe largely worshiped — to one degree or another — pagan gods — which, ironically, can trace their origins to pagan cults of Rome, Greece, and the Near East — and even Babylon.
In fact, during the early Saxon invasions of Britain from the 5th century on, the Saxon invaders destroyed most of the Christian temples they came across and forced the Christians to submit to their pagan polytheistic practices — the exact opposite of what Chris Rosetti and his pagan ilk are wont to claim — portraying these Saxon pagans as victims of Christian aggression.
Aryan Origins
No one with any historical understanding would argue that the Aryan race didn’t have its origins in the Near East. In fact, the original, Adamic Aryans arose in the ancient Persian Empire. And this may infuriate many such White Nationalists, but the ancient aryan Persians — also known as the Medes — according to the Roman historian Josephus — descended from Noah’s grandson Madai — yes, the son of Shem — the same patriarch of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob — making the Israelites not-so distant cousins of the original “Aryans” — hardly an “alien” race.
Many White Nationalists dismiss this documented ancient history and instead claim the white Europeans somehow “evolved” either from monkeys and Blacks in Africa — or natively in Europe from Cro Magnon man or some such nonsense — nonsense because there is absolutely no archeological record in Europe of any transitional skeletal remains between Cro Magnons and modern Homo Sapiens. And for good reason — there simply wasn’t enough time elapsed between the time when Cro Magnons lived and when white Europeans first appeared — so-called necessary “evolutionary” changes in DNA would take hundreds of thousands of years — if not millions — if you are foolish enough to even believe in the occult metaphysics of the Freemason, Charles Darwin.
Yes, “evolution” is a freemasonic concept promoted in the Protocols Of Zion — evidence shows that Jewish elites such as the Rothschilds may have actually paid Charles Darwin to promote this metaphysical theory — knowing full well that it was false.
Despite this Jewish hand in the promotion of evolution, it has remained very popular among God-less, so-called “Jew-wise” White Nationalists — even though the Protocols admit it is a hoax:
“We are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories….Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism.”
(Protocols 2:2-3)
White Nationalists cling to evolution because it provides them with a “plausible” explanation for the appearance of the white race in Europe — without having to resort to actual, documented facts that trace them back to the Near East.
White Europeans are known also as “Caucasians” for a reason — many of our ancestors entered south eastern Europe from the Near East and passed through the Caucasus Mountains — and rather significantly, the pass through which they traversed those mountains is still to this day called “The Pass of Israel.”
“Forced” Conversions
Which leads us to Rosetti’s next allegation — an oft-repeated legend that Christianity was forced on the native European pagans “by the sword.” This theory is demonstrably false. Forced conversion was strictly forbidden by the early church fathers, such as Tertullian of Carthage, Hippolytus of Rome, and Origen of Palestine and Egypt.
In fact, many Christian circles even reject infant baptism as unscriptural because baptism — as performed in the New Testament [see Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3-4] — required the subject to freely and consciously accept Christ as his savior — and clearly, new-born infants are incapable of such understanding.
Much to the chagrin of White Nationalists who are ignorant of the true history of Christian conversion in Europe, it largely did not take place “under threat of the sword” with only a few exceptions. There are literally hundreds of examples of free conversion of European tribes and nations [see the Timeline of Christian Conversions here.]. The Gregorian mission to the Anglo-Saxons did not involve force — nor did the mission to the Picts at Iona by Columba — nor St. Boniface’s conversion of the (German) Saxons — nor the Christianization of Scandinavia.
If Christianity were such a hostile and alien religion, why would they so readily accept it without coercion? After all, the religion of the pagan Druids shows many signs of having both Phoenician and Israelite origins — not surprising considering that the Phoenicians were among the earliest settlers of Britain.
As stated above, if anyone was guilty of “forced conversions,” it was the Saxon invaders who destroyed the Christian temples and made the vanquished Christians submit to their pagan rites.
Most forced conversions to Christianity occurred much later — when Crusaders misguidedly compelled non-Europeans — racial Saracens and Jews — to convert by the sword. And then later, of course, in the 15th century when the Catholic Church compelled racial Jews and some Arabs to convert during the Inquisition. But neither of these cases involved white European people.
Was The Old Testament “Jewish”?
Rosetti continues:
“Why do you trust a book written by the very same race of people you recognize today as a threat? The Bible wasn’t written by our White ancestors. It was written by the ancestors of Jews, and written for the Jewish people.”
The Bible was not written by “Jews” — no matter how many times White Nationalists insist that it was — and certainly not by the ancestors of today’s Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews who are not legitimate descendants of the ancient Israelites who actually did write both the Old and New Testaments.
In fact, the 1980 Jewish Almanac admitted that today’s Jews are not the same people as the ancient Israelites: “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
And white Europeans most decidedly are related to the ancient Israelites — the evidence is overwhelming that the ten northern tribes of Israel — who were never known as “Jews” — did migrate north west through the Caucasus Mountains into Europe — some became known as the “Scythians” who were earlier known as the Israelite Cimmerians in the Bible. The “noble” Germanic Goths were descendants of these Scythian tribes who migrated into Europe from Parthia.
In fact, in the 1320 Declaration of Arbroath, the Scottish people declared that they were descendants of the very same Scythians who had their origins in the ten northern tribes of Israel — of course, mainstream historians obfuscate or ignore the Israelite origins of the Scythians, falsely claiming that they were solely the descendants of the ancient Persians — perhaps understandable considering the Persians were Aryans as mentioned above.
White Nationalists cannot explain, for example, why the Welsh people — who call themselves Cymry/Cymru — speak a unique language that is virtually identical to that of the ancient Khumry — the name that the ancient Assyrians used to describe the ten northern tribes of Israel they held in captivity.
And like the Welsh language, Gaelic clearly has numerous — and “inexplicable” — similarities to the ancient Hebrew language — a fact that modern linguists refuse to recognize for “fear of the Jews” who dominate academia — and falsely maintain that they are the only living remnant of the ancient Israelite people.
Rosetti continues:
“In the Old Testament, the Jewish authors describe themselves (with no apparent shame) — terrible, depraved, wicked, sadistic, savage, greedy, deceptive, subversive, genocidal — in great detail. So why would you take the words of such people as absolute, eternal truth?”
Again, Jews didn’t write the Old Testament — Israelites did. And if White Nationalists weren’t too busy chauvinistically defending the white European race, they’d admit that our history shows us, at times, to have the very same qualities that Rosetti attributes to “Jews” — we indeed have been “depraved, wicked, sadistic, savage, greedy, deceptive, subversive, genocidal” — the endless fratricidal wars in Europe — even among the early pagan tribes to ruthlessly dominate each other — demonstrate these unflattering tendencies.
The pagan Greek and Roman emperors were notorious for their moral depravity and savagery — and enforcing their pagan beliefs on their subject under threat of death. But because they weren’t “Jewish” the White Nationalists give their depravity and coercion of faith a free pass.
Indeed, in the Bible those who were “depraved, wicked, sadistic, etc.” had fallen away and disobeyed God’s simple commandments — and instead worshiped pagan gods and idols — the same type of “native” pagan gods that Rosetti endorses. The Bible does not hold up the wicked as paragons of virtue for others to follow, as Rosetti seems to suggest. They are punished — as examples of what awaits the ones who refuse to live by these simple precepts.
As Christ said in Matthew 11:30, “My yoke is easy, my burden is light.” Christianity does not encourage followers to live in fear of the material world — or death — quite the opposite. Those who live in fear do not trust God — as Christ advises, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).
The same principles appear in the Old Testament about the alleged wrathful “Jewish” God — “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). The Ten Commandments — our basic code of moral behavior — is the foundation of Christian civilization, and we find it hard to believe that any pagan such as Rosetti could possibly point to any of the Ten Commandments and claim that they are “anti-white.”
Rosetti continues:
“Why trust what Christianity teaches? Is it because you fear Yahweh’s wrath and want to avoid an eternity of torment? Who created the narrative that we’re all damned to an eternity of torment? What does this actually teach us?”
This belief is hardly unique to Christians — in fact, the false Catholic and Protestant teachings about “burning in hell” were based on the pagan Greek myths of the underworld — Hades — where the wicked were tormented for eternity by the vengeful and angry gods. But we suppose this Greek belief — to fear the wrath of the pagan gods — is defensible because these beliefs were “native” to the white race? No doubt even the pagans of Europe feared the unknown “gods” in the sky — and carried out their own rituals to “appease” them — in hopes of a good life and bountiful crops. But these primitive beliefs are more “virtuous” and “valid” merely because our racial kinsman believed in them. Makes sense.
Rosetti continues:
“The New Testament’s Romans 3:10 gives us the doctrine of “sin equity.” As Saul of Tarsus explains, Jews are superior to non-Jews, but “sin equity” ensures all are “equal under the power of sin.” Much like how Communists want everyone to be equally poor, so that none can claim to have more than others, your Christianity needs everyone to be “equally wicked,” so none can claim to be more moral than others.”
The phrase “sin equity” appears nowhere in the Bible — and a quick search of the internet will show that the only reference to that phrase occurs in Rosetti’s own essay. His presumption that the Jews who created communism had used the same concept when they invented Christianity — is a classic example of the logical fallacy “begging the question” — the premise is same as the conclusion — “after this, because of this.”
Contrary to Rosetti’s claim, Paul denies that his Israelite racial ancestry makes him superior in any way to Adamic non-Israelites — in fact, Paul admits that being born an Israelite is worthless “rubbish” without having redeeming faith in Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:8). In fact, Christ praises the pagan Roman centurion in Matthew 8:10, claiming that his faith — his righteousness — was far superior to any of the Israelites.
Rosetti continues:
“Do you not recognize how this belief was crafted by the very race of people who are more depraved and wicked than any other tribe or race on Earth? Jews have taught you that you are as wicked as they. That you are as damned as they. That you need to “confess your wickedness” to their god, so you can avoid eternal torment. You were not created so you could be damned.”
Modern — non-Israelite — Jews indeed proclaim their innocence, insisting that they are sinless and have never deserved any accusations against them made by “gentiles” — they certainly have done a masterful job in convincing “gentiles” that they are morally depraved compared to their Jewish superiors, but none of this has anything to do with what the Bible actually says.
The Jews manipulate Christians into “turning the other cheek” to Jewish depravity because they falsely claim to be “God’s Chosen People™” and that “Jesus was a Jew™” — neither of which is true. It isn’t the Bible’s fault that Christians have been duped by the Jews who have subverted and perverted both Christianity and the faith of the Old Testament.
Rosetti continues:
“You were also not created so you could be “saved,” because you don’t need to be saved from anything. The fact of your human existence in our physical reality is not a curse. It is a gift from your gods — the gods of your ancestors, not the god of Abraham and Isaac. Christianity has nothing to offer the White race. We were moral and virtuous without it. We maintained stable, secure societies without it. We did “the right thing” without it. White people never needed Christianity to be moral people.”
It sounds like Rosetti has written his own religion that all White people should follow — but where he gets the authority to do so remains a mystery. He claims that Christianity has “nothing to offer the White race,” yet the Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution — our fundamental precepts of law and order — are based on inalienable biblical principles of freedom and justice for all under God. European civilization — the first built to glorify Jesus Christ — has been far more advanced, tolerant and prosperous — and morally grounded — than any previous societies built by the White race.
Only in the last 100 years — when Jews have gained ascendancy over Christendom — have the white European people fallen away from Christianity — and fallen into a state of moral degeneracy where a form of neo-paganism is promoted by the Jews.
If Christianity is a “Jewish” conspiracy to subjugate the White race, then why are Jews feverishly trying to discredit it and encouraging White people to become like-minded atheists and pagans? If Jews benefit from White people being “passive” Christians, then why don’t they encourage and promote Christianity 24/7 in their media?
Rosetti continues:
“If you have not already, I encourage you to read ‘Germania’ by the Roman historian Tacitus. You will likely be shocked speechless when you discover that the Germanic peoples lived much like we would live today if we were able to live without Jewish influence and subversion.”
Tacitus’ Germania is hardly laudatory of the pagan German peoples — many historians have noted that, if anything, it is condescending and patronizing toward them — seeing them as “noble savages” compared to the sophisticated Romans.
What White person would want to live as the early Germanic peoples did in, say, pre-500 AD — when even the Romans didn’t? Is that life — full of superstition, disease, and grueling labor — really something modern White Christians would readily trade their lives for? According to historians, white slavery was common in pagan nations of Europe — how “noble” of them. This praise of the “good old” pagan days sounds like some very romantic wishful thinking.
Rosetti continues:
“You don’t have to fear Jewish “Hell.” You don’t have have to fear the wrath of the Jewish god. These are Jewish inventions, crafted to keep you terrified and obedient. If you love and cherish your White ancestry, you must come to the realization that your religion was invented by non-White people for the purpose of enslaving White people — and destroying our culture and heritage.”
Rosetti is starting to repeat himself here — perhaps because he’s run out of any more arguments. Early Anglo-Saxons worshiped their “warrior-god” — Odin — who wasn’t even a god at all — he was a real-life tribal chief named Wotan, whom they ignorantly turned into a god over time — not much different from the pagan Egyptians who worshiped their mortal pharaohs. What did worshiping a dead ancestor ever offer the White race? If these pagan gods were so beneficial for the White pagan race, why did their civilizations not advance until after they were converted to Christianity?
Rosetti continues:
“Remember: Christianity is responsible for teaching us that our ancestors were wicked and brutal monsters who had to be “converted” for our own good.”
We are not aware of any such Christian teaching about our ancestors. As we previous pointed out, our European ancestors converted to Christianity, for the most part, quite willingly, without threat or coercion. Was there any coercion in pagan tribes about being forced to worship their “gods”? Yes, but since they were largely illiterate, we don’t know much about them — but it wouldn’t be surprising if there wasn’t some punishment meted out for those who mocked the pagan gods of thunder and hunting.
Rosetti continues:
“If you reject the wildly misnamed “progressives” who claim your being White means you were born sinful, it’s time for you to also reject the doctrine that claims your humanness means you were born sinful. You weren’t born sinful. Your nature is not a curse or a burden. You weren’t created to pursue a Jewish version of “perfection.” You weren’t created to be put in a tiny box that forces you suppress your human nature for the sake of empty promises made by someone else’s god for another race of people.”
The concept of “original sin” has been debated by many Christians — it’s not a universal belief. God did not create Adam as “sinful” and inherently “bad” — contrary to what many believe. It was Adam and Eve’s disobedience of God that brought sin into the world. God created Adam to worship and obey Him for Adam’s own benefit — but he disobeyed God by putting his trust in the words of the Serpent — who promised eternal life without obedience to God. This disobedience is our problem — but it’s not an intrinsic part of our innate Adamic “nature.”
All societies — even pagan ones — demanded that we “suppress” some of our “human nature” — especially if those “human” desires were a threat to the order of the tribe — say, murder, rape, lying, etc. — so our obeying the Ten Commandments hardly puts us in a “tiny box” and restricts our ability to enjoy life. And to call these common sense rules a form of “repression” is hypocritical, considering Rosetti himself probably lives by them himself — and would even defend those “rules” if he didn’t know they came from the “Jewish” Bible.
Rosetti continues:
“Friend, you don’t have to believe in anyone’s gods to recognize that Yahweh, the god of Abraham and Isaac, represents genocide, subversion, tyranny, degeneracy, usury, and greed.”
Rosetti again repeats himself — he’s clearly run out of ideas. He holds up all the behaviors that are prohibited and punished in the Bible and suggests that they are encouraged instead. This is a classic straw man argument — it’s pointless to defend such a misrepresentation of the God of the Bible, but Rosetti feels this is a valid form of argumentation — something even his pagan Greeks would have admonished him for engaging in.
Rosetti concludes:
“You don’t have to accept the Jewish description of your Creator to recognize and be in awe of your Creator. But your Creator is nothing like the entity described in the Torah, in the Jewish scripture. The Jewish scripture teaches you that your Creator is a jealous, easily-angered, vindictive, mercurial despot who specially favors Jews and will execute people on the spot if they anger him enough. You were not created by such a psychotic, anti-human entity.”
More repetitions of the same straw man arguments. Notice the emotional appeal — if you hate “Jews” the way Rosetti does, don’t worship their “psycho” god. Again, Jews have nothing to do with the Bible — they didn’t write it — yet Rosetti, who knows Jews are inveterate liars, chooses to believe them when they make this spurious — and destructive — claim.
But somehow, at the same time, Rosetti claims to know who the “true” god (or gods) of White people is — and even what kind of personality he has, as if he’s met him firsthand. Most likely, Rosetti’s pagan god is much like himself — an entity he’d gladly follow.
Ironically, the Jews are pagans like himself — their occult religion — Judaism — is based on pagan beliefs straight out of Babylon — in complete opposition to the Bible — and they literally worship themselves — their talmudic desire is to replace God and rule the world themselves. Their beliefs, ironically, are very similar to the “native” pagan beliefs of his European ancestors before their conversion to Christianity.
Two of the greatest tools that Jews have used to dominate and subvert Christian nations are the so-called “Holocaust” and the myth that Jews are “God’s chosen people” from the Bible — and, ironically, when White Nationalists like Rosetti grant them this false stature of being true Israelites, they unwittingly aid and abet this Jewish domination over the White race.
If Rosetti and his ilk truly had the best interests of his beloved Aryan people in mind, he would expose the Jews as the Israelite imposters that they truly are — and thereby help free his own people to reclaim their identity and their proper place in history.
Thank you for this.
The remains of 1,000 people were found in Germany while excavating a new building site.
The remains showed that they were ritually murdered, skinned alive, and cannibalized.
This is the true nature of pre-Christian, “noble” pagans in ancient Europe:
Petr ……………..
Which begs the question —- were the perpetrators Adamic?
Obviously our Peoples have the capacity for Evil — but one still has to wonder.
The Spirit of anti-christ is powerful. But this type of act is not in “character” generally speaking.
The thing that I don’t understand the most of this is why White people should have inhabited these middle eastern and north african territories, where the Israelites lived, if White people having low melanin means we get very frequent sunburn in these places especially us Nords.
Arabs, Blacks and Indians are used to those climates and have very dark skin and they get no sunburn at all.
The homeland of Whites is Europe, the place where we were created and are supposed to live, I mean Whites literally die and have so many health conditions because of those hot climates, it’s clear that it’s improbable the fact of us having inhabited those places before colonialism.
The fact that this applies even to southern Europeans like Greeks and Italians makes it more improbable.
You never see the ancient Israelites, Egyptians or Sumerians complain about sunburn and the hot climated as we Europeans do.
So you believe white people “were created” in Europe? By whom? Or do you believe, as “evolutionists” do that white people came from Africa and “evolved” into white skinned people to “adapt” to the northern climate with less sunshine?
Or do you believe that whites “evolved” from apes in Europe? No archeological discoveries support either of these theories.
There is overwhelming evidence that white people migrated up into Europe from the Near East. That is why they are called “Caucasians”, as they passed up through the Causcasus Mountains through what is still today known as “the pass of Israel”.
The climate of ancient Greece, Rome, and Antatolia (now Turkey) have essentially the same climates as other places in the Near East, and no one disputes that all three of those areas were originally white, despite the warmer climate.
The original Aryans arose in ancient Persia, and no one disputes that they were white. The DNA of King Tut has been analyzed and shown to be indistinguishable from modern western Europeans. All facts.
The meaning of the name “Ethiopian” means “bright shiny” in the face, indicating that the original Cushites who occupied that land were white, and, yes, they were known to have sun-burnt faces.
Also, no one disputes that the northern coast of Africa was originally occupied and civilized by whites — the Carthaginians. No one can dispute that the original Phoenicians who settled Spain, southern France, and the British Isles were, in fact, white. And the original homeland of the Phoenicians was the west coast of the Levant, now near Gaza.
Keep in mind that over the last 3,000 years, the climate in the Near East has changed. It was not always the harsh desert that it is today. Greek and Roman historians attest to this. Lebanon was known for its vast forests, which were clear cut in Roman times. Mesopotamia, now in Iraq, was the cradle of civilization, known for its verdant, fertile lands. That’s all gone today. 3,000 years ago, that area of the world was far more conducive to white-skinned peoples living there.
Ruben ……………………
What is your OVERALL point? Are you suggesting the Israelites of the Scriptures were not White Peoples???
You wrote — “…The homeland of Whites is Europe….”
Question — How did we get there?
Do you believe in a Creator? If Yes ………. are you suggesting God planted us there (as in the Garden of Eden/or close proximity)?
There are non-white people in the non-European cold parts of the world too. The people who live in southern Peru & Argentina aren’t white, people who live in Siberia aren’t white usually, southern Africa is devoid of white people. Southern Pacific Islanders. The theory that the cold weather & lack of sunlight is the reason white people exist is incomplete, and the notion that black & brown people naturally gravitate to the middle-east is also incomplete.
Which begs the question: since there’s no concrete answer regarding where white people came from, what if the bible’s right?
This excerpt was found at https://www.medievalists.net/2015/07/how-christianity-came-to-europe/
Murdering 4 Thousand 5 Hundred innocent human beings is horrific. Someone is whitewashing the truth!
Carolingian Wars against the Saxons
The Carolingian Emperor Charlemagne led a series of campaigns against the Saxons, a Germanic tribe, in order to pressure them to convert to Christianity. This included the destruction of the Saxons’ holy site at Irminsul and the massacre of 4500 Saxon captives at Verden in 782. Three years later the Saxon leadership and peoples surrendered and accepted baptism.
Ulrik, that article you linked to above has no footnotes and no bibliography. Whoever wrote it just wants us to take his word for it. It is worthless as scholarship and should not be used as any kind of authority.
The CFT article on the other hand refers to articles about Christian conversion that are highly footnoted and includes an extensive bibliography. You need to refute those sources, and citing a hearsay article with no bibliography is not persuasive. Sorry.
Ulrik Thorsson
Plenty of Bibliography in this article, in fact overwhelming.
Mark Scanlon
What a joke, did you actually read this article? It clearly states that Christians were a small minority in Rome and had very little power. The prohibitions again paganism and their blood sacrifices were largely ignored. Which pagans today believe in sacrificing live animals to their pagan gods? It’s absurd even by today’s standards.
You also ignored this direct quote which completely contradicts your view on “forced conversion”: “Conversion was not the principal aim of a social order that declared the God-given dominance of Christianity.”
Only 4 of 32 allegations of pagan temple destruction have been confirmed. So this suppression of paganism is largely exaggerated.
The article clearly states that pagan Rome was NOT tolerant of other foreign pagan gods, and they suppressed the worship of those pagan gods they did not approve of, and that would include your European pagan gods.
If you know anything about ancient history, all pagan civilizations destroyed statues and temples of previous rulers. New rulers enforced worship of their pagan gods under the threat of death. That’s why so much of the archeology of many ancient civilizations no longer exists. Pagan intolerance.
The article also points out that Edward Gibbon’s anti-Christian bias has unfairly influenced the study of the ancient world and portrayed Christians as far more intolerant and powerful than they really were. Quote:
“The belief that Late Antiquity witnessed the death of paganism and the triumph of monotheism, as a succession of Christian emperors from Constantine to Theodosius II played out their God-given role of abolishing paganism, is not actual history but is, instead, a “representation” of the history of the age created by “a brilliant generation of Christian writers, polemicists and preachers in the last decade of this period.”
Ulrik, you have incredibly poor reading skills. Your bias against Christianity is not your own, and you’ve been influenced by these highly biased sources. But as others have pointed out, you are not interested in the truth. Your only interest is in confirming your own ahistorical bias.
Ulrik Thorsson
I see that one of my other links did not yet make it through the censors, which indicates someone is being selective. I am very much interested in the truth, however I have bigger fish to fry than only responding to people here.
History always gets written by the victors and Constantine’s efforts to create a new religion was a victory for the Roman Empire of that time period but not yet a victory for humanity.
There is no external God who is going to save us, the key teaching is that we all have a divine spark within us and only when all of humanity unites against warmongers and war profiteers will they begin to lose their power.
Also one of the key reasons that Roosevelt and the British pushed for war against the Germans just prior to WWII is that Hitler had found an economic system to cut them out. Unfortunately he used that system to build up his military and then because the British would not make peace, he did respond, in other words he took the bait.
Usary is a huge problem for all of humanity and a big reason for poverty and enslavement to the evil ones. There are verses against it in the Bible so that can of course be instructive.
Someone else acknowledged that the moral weakness of Christians is why we continue to lose. No doubt about that!
Also no doubt that Whites have a right to live in safe, peaceful countries. We are divided and this website shows it.
No one here is willing to make alliances with others such as Tibetan Buddhists or perhaps Hindu’s. The Dali Lama is one who has spoken out against African muslim immigration into Sweden for example, especially in the recent case when a Somali immigrant raped a 9 year old white Swedish girl who was in a coma at the time I saw the thread on Twitter.
Here is the thread, hopefully this time it is allowed. Lose your egos and work for the common good.
If any of your comments didn’t make it through moderation it is because you failed to address facts that refute your position, which is exactly what you are doing again. You have been shown to be wrong with the link you provided, and you aren’t even man enough to admit that you were wrong.
Instead, like many who lose arguments, you move the goal posts, and focus on something else, something irrelevant to the subject at hand, such as the Dalai Lama, who, if you aren’t aware has been on the payroll of the C.I.A. So much for your “spiritual” leader.
You’ve wasted enough of people’s time here. You don’t know enough about what you pretend to know, and when corrected, you ignore the evidence. Go to one of the many websites that fawn over the Dalai Lama and see how much he and his navel-gazing acolytes care about your fellow pagan white nationalists who are foolish enough to think that Christians are your enemies.
Ulrik Thorsson
I really don’t know if the Dalai Lama is on the CIA payroll, what I do know is that I saw a thread where some Ukrainian women wanted to go back to Ukraine, once they saw what was happening in Sweden, and the Dalai Lama was one who specifically said that the Somalian who raped a 9 year old girl, should be sent back to Africa with all of his fellow tribesmen, to make Africa a better place, that Sweden was for white people, just as Tibet is for Tibetans.
I appreciate that you posted the link which I believe is researched well enough, that 4,500 pagans were indeed murdered by Charlemagne.
I also do not see any acknowledgement that Christians did indeed deface statues and that they did indeed burn the library at Alexandria in Egypt.
So it is actually the people here who do not wish to be corrected and do not wish to admit that Christianity has had some problems.
If you’re not the enemy of white Nationalists, then one wonders why you apparently believe that you would have a right to force agnostics or those of other faiths to believe in Christianity?
Certainly if you were to say that absolutely no jew should be allowed to be in Congress, no jew should be allowed to work at Wall Street, no jew should be allowed to sit on school boards, no jew should be allowed to push Marxism in any way shape or form, no jew should be allowed to control the content of our motion picture industry and especially no jew should be allowed to have anything at all to do with the source of the printing of our money, you can be sure that any sane person who is pro-white would go along with all of that whole heartedly.
It is sadly the people here who do not wish to consider any other alternative to what is now considered the Bible, when in fact it has been re-written many times by people with a political agenda.
Why was the book of Enoch left out in the first place? Care to take a guess? When corrected? Corrected by whom? The same people who have put out a website pretending that National Socialist Germany did little wrong? Can any of the so-called experts here show me where Jesus wrote, blessed are the warmongers and blessed are the war profiteers and blessed is the guy who destroyed his Nation and his peoples reputation?
Take your time CFT expert.
We posted your link to the article about Charlemagne because it didn’t include any citations or bibliography, and somebody picked up on that. You went to wiki and posted another article to “prove” it correct only to be shown it proved no such thing.
No one here denied that Christians haven’t defaced pagan statues. That wasn’t the point. You were trying to prove that Christians forced pagans, on the whole, to convert, which is not true, and your own article proved that. You were also shown how pagan cultures forced their pagan beliefs on people by force, but you ignored that. That’s the point.
And whether we agree that Jews should be kept out of the public services is irrelevant to the conversation of the validity of the Bible and forced conversion. Did you not know that the only society that banned Jews in the way you want is the Eastern Roman Empire? The Byzantines forbid Jews from all public realms where they could influence the people. Christians did that, not pagans.
The Book of Enoch was left out of the Bible because it is a fabrication, plain and simple. Much of the so-called apocrypha literature is spurious based on internal evidence. People who know ancient history and the Bible much better than you determined this about Enoch. Some Christians believe Enoch is valid because it suits their agenda. Just like other apocrypha.
The Bible is the most studied book ever written and has been shown to be historically accurate as far as ancient history goes, much to the chagrin of naysayers like yourself. You don’t know enough to discredit it. Stop pretending you do. You’re not nearly as clever as you think you are. You are a dilettante, which is why you were persuaded by some superficial fluff like “Yahweh is not our God.”
Harald ‘Bluetooth’ King Of Denmark “peacefully” converted the pagan Danes to Christianity:
Ulrik Thorsson
This is probably the best book to counter your arguments. I haven’t read it yet, but it looks promising.
CFT does not give real names of who they are and you do not have a real address. National Vanguard on the other hand gives real names of their authors, they have a real address and persons who wish to financially contribute can send check, money order or cast to an actual physical address, as well as Bitcoin. You guys only accept Bitcoin.
The fact you do not have a real address nor do any authors give real names indicates to me that this entire site might be a “honey trap” set up by the Feds.
Even so there are some very good thought provoking articles.
Ulrik, you are truly dishonest and pathetic. You endorse a book that you haven’t even read, a book that is endorsed by the anti-Christ Jews at the New York Times. You don’t bother to read any reviews by scholars, and if you had, you’d be embarrassed that you’ve promoted this drivel.
For example, the esteemed historian of Late Antiquity, Dame Averil Cameron, calls Nixey’s book “a travesty”, roundly condemning it as “overstated and unbalanced”. And Dame Averil is correct – this is a book of biased polemic masquerading as historical analysis and easily the worst book I have read in years.”
Cameron concludes, ““A quick look at the citations in Nixey’s footnotes shows what she has been reading,”she observes, “with several references to the same names from among a small group of like-minded historians equally hostile to Christianity.” And she pinpoints the likely source of this bias – Nixey’s “very limited early religious upbringing” – and concludes “it is a shame that Nixey has been encouraged to over-react [to this] so dramatically and to produce such an overstated and unbalanced counterblast”.
We have chosen to be anonymous here because all too many Christian sites are cults of personality, and we want people to focus on the ideas not the people involved. If you think that makes us “Feds”, then you are a lot more ridiculous than your lightweight comments suggest.
If any sites are infiltrated by the “Feds”, it’s White Nationalist sites. Literally all such groups are targeted by “Feds”, Jews and the IDF. You are doing their work for them, an unwitting arrogant clown, who deals in cliches and superficialities. You have no idea what you are talking about. You are not only wasting our time, you are wasting your own time because you have no interest in anything that doesn’t agree with your naive and superficial take on Christianity. Humble yourself lest the Truth eludes your forever. Get a life.
Farley (wrote:)
October 27, 2022 at 10:51 am
You need a link? It’s the CFT essay at the top of this page!
I have read the article from top to bottom and I’m not convinced of the claims made. I am far more convinced that the Ancient Hebrews were originally the Apiru aka Habiru, who were bands of outcasts and criminals who would find a way to subvert a Kingdom and steal from it.
Does that sound familiar to today’s modern jews? They then became the Hyksos of Egypt, they were NOT slaves, that was one of their typical mind-fu&* psyops. Moses was actually Ahenaton and then when they were forced out of Egypt because of their usual criminal activity, they created the myths in the OT.
That is well researched, or I should say at least as well researched as the article above if not more so.
I am not going to bother with sources, Google is not your friend either.
So then the Ancient Hebrews converted to Christianity? For a lot of the wealthier ones, not really.
Wealthy Christians are just as dishonest and just as eager to steal from average Christians as wealthy jews are eager to steal from average jews and anyone else they can steal from.
The mention of Scots in the article is perfect. The wealthy ones are notoriously tight-fisted and do their best to take all they can from the poor and shaft them every chance they get.
And the better looking women? Just look at the one who married wealthy jew Mnuchin. What a gold-digger.
Good luck to everyone here.
Ulrik, saying that you’re “not persuaded” is not an argument. You dismiss evidence without showing how it is wrong. Instead you talk about something like the Haibiru, which isn’t even addressed in either article. I’m sorry, you have the attention span of a flea. And I can’t engage with you any longer.
You have no interest in learning anything or being corrected. You can’t admit you’re wrong about anything. You just want to tell everyone what you think you know, which appears to be not so much. It’s pointless.
What a surprise, jews who want to commit crimes against gentiles in the coming year, also call their god Yahweh. Hmmm.
The Jews’ true god is themselves. They give lip service to Yahweh. If you haven’t figured that out by now, you are truly lost.
Their true god is obviously Satan and they worship money and themselves as well.
The Apocryphon of John, excerpt.
“It is infinite light, holy and pure. Its perfection cannot be uttered or corrupted. Yet it is not just perfection, blessedness, or divinity – it is far greater than all of these. It is neither corporeal nor incorporeal, neither large nor small. No one can say how much of it there is, or how it can be classified, because no one can comprehend it. It does not exist in the way that other things exist, for it is far superior to them. But it is not superior to them; rather, it exists apart from them, apart from time. For whatever exists in time has been conditioned by another. No one gave it a span of time, for no one can give it anything. That which was first to exist does not need anything from anyone else in order to exist. All it sees is its own perfect light.
The One is majesty and total purity, eternity that grants eternity, life that grants life, blessedness that grants blessedness, gnosis that grants gnosis, goodness that grants goodness, mercy that grants mercy, grace that grants grace. But the One does not have any of these things. Rather, what it has to give is inexhaustible, inextinguishable light.”
I also read this site. While I agree that there should be the option to have prayers and Bible studies at public schools, I do not agree that our Founding Fathers were exclusively Christian. There should be some separation of Church and State. Thomas Jefferson frequently critisized Christianity yet he maintained he was a better Christian than most.
Good luck and God Bless to all here — the true God is/was a rising loving consciousness, one which loves ALL of humanity.
And yes, whites MUST have safe secure peaceful mostly white Nations, once again!!
Ulrik wrote, “There should be some separation of Church and State.”
Elite Jewish Law Professor Admits ‘Separation Of Church And State’ Is A ‘Jewish Conspiracy’ To Undermine A Christian America
Yes, I have read that. Fritz Berggren makes the argument that the Mayflower compact says that this is a Christian nation which clearly it was primarily at the Founding.
I wrote “some”. Christians have no right to force Pagans or others to their belief system. It was done forcibly to Northern Europe at the tip of a spear, etcetera.
Christian thugs also burnt down the Library in Alexandria, Egypt in order to destroy esoteric knowledge.
Do you agree with all of that? Murdering people who don’t agree with you? That is why Europe was called “the Dark Ages” after forcible conversions.
Hardly very Christian, but certainly in keeping with the hypocrisy of Yahweh, when he said, Thou Shalt Not Kill, but then the worshippers of the golden calf were killed. In fact about 200,000 of their own people were killed.
Sounds more like Stalin type of repression and killing to me.
Ulrik, I really don’t understand why you keep insisting that Christianity was imposed on pagan Europeans by “force”.
Did you not read the evidence in the CFT essay above proving that the conversion of pagan Europeans was largely peaceful and voluntary?
Or did you just ignore that evidence because it doesn’t fit into your current narrative?
Can you please give me a link? I will gladly read and consider it.
All of the smashed faces on Greek and Roman and Egyptian statues shows the handiwork of the early “Christians”.
You need a link? It’s the CFT essay at the top of this page!
To the editors of this site:
I agree that ancient Adamic peoples were white, no doubt about it.
Therefore I believe in the concept of Christianity. I was raised a Christian and Baptised as a teenager like most.
I am not going to be a slave to a religion though, I am first and foremost a sovereign man.
Ulrik Thorsson
Yahweh is not our Creator has some excellent truths, mainly that the OT is evil.
Anyone with logic skills can see this, unfortunately this excludes many religious people.
Research by Zacharia Sitchin, Paul Wallis and especially the author of The Naked Bible confirms that the OT does not mean what most people think it means.
Divorcing the OT from the NT was what Origin and Marcion on Sinope wanted, but Paul a jew and an agent of Rome did not allow that.
The Gnostic Gospels are likely the true teachings, but those people were rounded up and murdered.
Ulrik Thorsson
You guys claimed you wanted a response from somebody who reads National Vanguard and then you deleted two of my responses. That’s pretty pathetic, so much for “the truth will set you free”, you’re not interested in the truth, you just want an echo chamber.
Ulrik, no one “deleted” your comments. All comments must be approved, and we do not have the staff to sit up all through the night or 24/7 to moderate comments. When you submit a comment, a message appears telling you that your comment is awaiting moderation. That does not mean it’s being “deleted”.
Okay, thank you very much for allowing my comments to come through, I appreciate it!
You do know that Zacharia Sitchin was a Jew, don’t you? Why is a white nationalist like yourself holding up a Jew as some kind of authority on the Bible or the paganism you believe in? Much of Zacharia Sitchin’s theories on ancient history have been discredited as pure fantasy that he made up. But you believe him. Interesting….
If you actually read the New Testament, you would know that it’s impossible to separate the Gospels from the Old Testament. Christ clearly stated that in order to believe in Him, you must first believe in the promises of Abraham and the teachings of Moses. See John 5:46-47.
You unwittingly believe in Gnosticism because it is pagan with its origins in Babylon, the same origins of Talmudic Judaism.
Vanannu the nuclear scientist who did 12 years in isolation while in prison for disclosing Israel was working on a Nuclear bomb at Dimona is also a Jew and then he became an Orthodox Christian.
Sitchin was a scholar of decoding the Sumerian tablets, it doesn’t matter that he was a Jew, are you some sort of fool who believes that all Jews are evil? There are also good honorable Jews who report the truth that Israel has used white phosphorus weapons against Palestinian children, just as they are getting out of school.
Sitchin’s writings are only “discredited” by the elites in power, are you always so gullible? You do know that the story in Genesis is an abbreviated version of what was discovered in the Sumerian tablets, do you not? This discovery was made in the USA by a Baptist scholar teaching Semitic languages at a major University, he was then accused of heresy and then he taught at a different University who took him on.
Impossible to separate the NT from the OT? That’s only because both were edited for political reasons, but of course you did not know that because you’re gullible.
The roots of Gnosticism are more than likely in Egypt and many real scholars believe that Christianity was an Egyptian religion before being co-opted by the enemies of all humanity, but you’re gullible so you don’t wish to investigate that either. Sheesh, what a sheeple.
Anyone else? I am first and foremost interested in supporting my White brothers and sisters, regardless of whether they are agnostic, Pagan or Christian.
Kelly bb
Proof that the Jew, Zacharia Sitchin completely made up much of his “translations” of Sumerian inscriptions….not a “conspiracy” theory….
Ulrik: “Yahweh is not our Creator has some excellent truths, mainly that the OT is evil. Anyone with logic skills can see this, unfortunately this excludes many religious people.”
I sense that you did not read CFT’s response to ‘Yahweh is not our Creator’ very carefully. You should read it again with an open mind because it addresses all your objections.
You say the OT is “evil”. I assume you mean that Yahweh is evil? Have you ever been a parent? Parents must punish their children for wrong-doing and praise and bless them when they do right. Imagine you have millions of children and have to punish them for their wrong-doing. That’s what the God of the OT must do. He also brings blessings to his children when they obey. How is that “evil”?
Christ is just as judgmental and “exclusive” as God the Father, but He seems more approachable because He took on human form with its frailties. But if you read the NT carefully, you will see Christ follows the same commandments as Yahweh.
You object to the faith of the OT being “exclusive”. The Bible is the story of only one people, the white Adamic people descended from Adam (Genesis 5:1). Later, it is the story of a branch of that Adamic people, the Israelites. God chooses whom He will. If we left the choosing up to ourselves, we would be in a world of chaos. The gate is narrow for a reason. We are like children and need to be shown ‘they Way’.
Every man is right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25). Israel rejected God as their sovereign and demanded earthly kings, and what they got was despotism and disobedience. That’s a very humbling lesson, no?
Chris Rosetti nor any commenters at the National Vanguard have even acknowledged this refutation of their anti-Christian argument. Don’t hold your breath waiting for one. I know that one of their regular commenters, “Arch Stanton” also leaves comments at CFT, and he simply refuses to address any of the facts here.
They don’t know enough about Christianity or the real history of the European peoples to argue against it. And the last thing they want their readers to know is that there is an intelligent, well-supported refutation of their position here for all to read. Blind leading the blind.
One thing white nationalist don’t understand, or refuse to understand, is that Jews have gained power over us because of our moral corruption. They didn’t just magically get one over on us. WNs need to stop defending whites right or wrong and start holding whites accountable for contributing to the state of affairs we find ourselves in.
Božidar Šarčević
One thing that I hate with my whole heart is White nationalist trying to push the idea that White people are created from mixing, as you can see in this video I got from twitter they believe that Whites are formed with the mixing of some made up population named yamnaya, corded ware and “proto altaic mongolian”:
They are indeed retards and to be honest they deserve everything bad that comes in their direction.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
sparrow mentioned the new age nonsense which forms part of the un here is 2 articles to illustrate that 1st lucifer trust lucius trust the second article from un directly
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
after reading this article thought i would give a link to a facebook page its like to warn others of shills gatekeepers, frauds etc.. i have not posted much so if any of you that comment here are on facebook welcome to send a message with details of who you feel should be exposed as frauds , on twitter i would put out post detailing gatekeepers shills and so on, some find it useful here is the page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083195648843
Hey, White Nationalists, do you know what is responsible for the creation of the unified German nation?
The Gutenburg Bible.
Yes, the Bible codified the German language and created the common denominator that ultimately resulted in the unification all the different German provinces.
Without the Bible, there would be no German nation as we know it today. How evil!
Dixie Brat
The Gutenburg Bible was written in Latin.
I guess you missed my point, I wasn’t clear enough. Within 10 years of the Gutenburg Bible the first Bible was printed in high German by Johannes Mentelin. The printing press allowed for the Bible to be widely distributed across the German speaking peoples. And it undermined Catholic control over the prohibition against printing the Bible in local vernacular languages, thus breaking their hegemony over the Christian faith and people in general.
How many more “civil wars” will result because of said book? Almost all the English/Scotland civil wars almost all the Germany civil wars.
2000yrs proves only division comes from people reading the bible to much. “jesus” even commanded one to hate his or her own family. How can you not understand that abomination?
The wars are not “because of” the Bible. The wars are the result of the misuse and abuse of the Bible. The Catholic Church is a perfect example of using the Bible to justify their bloody oppression of people.
It’s not the Bible’s fault that man has used it to justify their own blood lust.
The “hate” that Jesus preaches wasn’t what you portray it as. Matthew 10:35, for example, says that the faith will divide families, because Christians cannot truly follow Christs and still have relationships with unbelievers. If you were a Christian, you would see that for yourself.
Families fall apart when someone believes in anything controversial, so this shouldn’t be surprising.
Remind me , why do you come here to read articles and make comments?
Where do you find the time to waste? You are either rich and bored, or ……….
Ulrik Thorsson
You should read more, perhaps read about the loyalty of German pagan women to their men prior to “Chrisitianity”.
The old testament is purely evil but the Talmud is even more evil. Much of the evil about jews is told at judaism dot is , but in Biblical terms.
Marcion of Sinope, Origin and Thomas Jefferson one of our Founding Fathers all believed that the OT should be completely divorced from the New Testament. Unfortunately Paul, a jew and agent of the Roman Empire won the day and the OT was included.
Going back further the TRUE teachings of Jesus are to be found in the Gnostic Gospels which were found at the Nag Hamadi cave.
Rome at the direction of Paul (most likely) had the original teachers of Jesus rounded up and brutally tortured and killed, just like the Catholics (universal religion, in Latin) had the Cathars murdered.
Each step of the way evil people have won the day. I suspect this site is actually a honey trap, if it was not you would recognize that the Serpent Seed doctrine is actually acknowledged by Jewish sources, instead you brush it aside.
Yahweh was an evil Extra Terrestrial, this is obvious from Zacharia Sitchen and now Paul Wallis research.
Since this site claims to be interested in The Truth, then get The Naked Bible, read it, learn from a real Semitic Scholar and then get back to us.
Yahweh is pure evil. This is not to say that the ancient Israelites were indeed white Adamic peoples, they were.
You’re both correct in a way, you just don’t realize it yet. When I say you’re both correct, I mean that the author of Yahweh is not our creator and this site both have truths.
Whites are divided and deceived, why not reach out to National Vanguard, which I also read, and offer a connection of sorts? Or are you so stubborn and incorrigible that you refuse to reach out to other whites??
You don’t know that for sure, you’re just surmising or shall we say you’re not being circumspect, meaning respectful of the circumstances.
The German tribes were doing very well taking care of their own and had very honorable culture prior to the unHoly Roman Empire forcing them to covert by force, how Christian! NOT.
You don’t know whether or not they would have united, what we do know is that every type of sin comes along with being forcibly united by a group of thugs forcing a religion upon native peoples.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
National Vanguard, I used to share some of their articles on twitter, but what you have mentioned about them, they are not honourable. They seem decietful. When I discover such frauds, i believe in true christianity, be true to your faith and your true heritage. In my opinion, being an Israelite is something to be proud of, and I appreciate Christians for Truth for all the articles on the Israelites .
If so called “white nationalist” websites are being dishonest about Christianity, they are not worthy of your support, not if they ignore you and promote new age nonsense which was promoted by Alice bailey via Lucifer Trust aka Lucius Trust which is part of the UN United Nations. Over the years I have observed things, reflect on what is going on around the world . You see a lot these new age type gurus on youtube, they have no interest to me. A follower on twitter who shared my interest in Lost Israelite tribes, then the mention of Hitler, and wham she said, “Oh I am trying to save your soul and you bring up Hitler”. And when i posted something criticising Tru News, well, she leapt to their defence. I am older than her and do extensive research on subject matters; sometimes the mention of hitler is enough to expose such people. I have not been on twitter much, decided to give it a rest.
Well done, CFT, for your response nicely done. Some of what you said I have come across doing some research. I have thought Darwin’s evolution theory is just that, a theory, a work of fiction against Christianity, like big bang theory, When someone at a science museum mentioned big bang created the universe, I said what created the conditions that led to the big bang, then he saw it my way, that God created the earth and all life.
As for the Israelites, some simple comparisons like with King David. I posted this on my facebook page in support of Christians for Truth, the subject of King David, David in Welsh can be translated as Dafydd, so King David in Welsh would be Brenin Dafydd . What is the meaning of the name Dafydd? The name Dafydd is primarily a male name of Welsh origin that means Beloved. Welsh form of David, pronounced “DAV-ith” (th as in the) david and dafydd means the same thing, so how old is the name The Dafydd name, which is a very unique Celtic origin, came from the rugged landscape of Wales. This Brythonic Celtic name is from the personal name David, which means darling or friend. I found this in a search, but notice the Brythonic name as mentioned in a CFT article I posted “How The ‘Lost’ Israelite Khumry of the Assyrian Captivity Migrated To Wales”; Britain. This article even says the meaning of David same meaning as the welsh dafydd
On the page I drew comparisons between the harp King David is playing. Here is a statue in Jerusalem https://scontent.fbhx2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/309146454_111021191772564_3336837065142013686_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=E3YQ-ZeA0RkAX9C15RN&_nc_ht=scontent.fbhx2-1.fna&oh=00_AT_Twg5YP9oQVgzl3jE1lQZQyGEvbdG8k0w_M-4JcwCqiw&oe=63436A24
Then you have celtic harp played by this welsh harp player singer:
In my region of Wales there is a place name Hebron. There are many place names from the biblical lands. I looked into The Lia Fail – Bethel Stone. aka Jacobs Pillow the stone of destiny. Jacob’s dreams seem to mirror mine, Jacob who lay his head upon the pillow in his dream he saw the angels and stairway to heaven, this mirrors my own experiences I had the same dream as Jacob. I saw the angels and stairway to heaven and heaven’s gates, it was part of a longer dream where I saw whom i think was King David , unlike Jacob i had many dreams of the angels and seen them for real.
To question those that call themselves “gods chosen” I brought this up, Looking at so called “gods chosen”. Would “gods chosen” desecrate his creations, pervert God’s creations? Look around what’s happening in the world, destruction to nature for profit, the abuse of God’s creations, meaning they are not “gods chosen”, as true God’s chosen would cherish the earth nature and God’s creations, be guardians of the earth .
Those wondering regarding my surname, my dad’s ancestors were Irish. There have been many variations but all go back to the original ancient Irish noble clan Donohoe or O’Donohoe is an Irish surname, reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Donnchadha ‘descendant of Donnchadh’, a personal name (sometimes Anglicized as Duncan in Scotland), composed of the elements donn = ‘brown-haired man’ or ‘chieftain’ + cath = ‘battle’. Spelling variations (which may include an initial O’ or omit it) include Donoghue, Donaghoe, Donaho, Donahoe, Donough, Donahue, Donahow, Doneghoe, Donehue, Donighue, Donoho, Donahugh, Donohough, Donohow, Donohue, Donaughue, Dunphy, Donaghie, Donaghy and many more.
First found in County Kerry, Ireland, where they held a family seat from very ancient times. The Scottish Clan Robertson, anciently known as Clann Dhònnchaidh, ‘Children of Dònnchadh’ or Duncan, is of separate origin.
I refer to CFT article How The ‘Lost’ Israelite Khumry of the Assyrian Captivity Migrated To Wales”; Britain
regarding what CFT said in this article:
The UK constitution is indeed based on Christian values, i did some research on that. Look up Alfred the Great. Wonderful article, CFT.
A. Clifton
The Children of Israel never….
{{{TURNED INTO PROSELYTES}}} to {{{TALMUDIC JUDAISM}}} in the Old Testament.
No Dallas Cowboys at the Alamo,
NO {{{JEWS}}} in the Old Testament.
…A “COMPANY” of Nations….
Excellent piece
John 8:44
Some NS’s have proper understandings, but are drowned out by deluded leaders.
So many of those fail to see that they are promoting the same propaganda as that of the jews and globalist Jewry’s Feds.
“FBI Terrorizes Catholic Family On Behalf Of Jewish Anti-Christian Bigot”
[October 1, 2022]
“The federal indictment of Houck implies that Love is a fragile elderly person, but in truth, he is very active and in great health. Photos taken from the last two years show the 72-year-old kayaking and skiing, while others show his love of dancing, including in women’s clothing.”
“In Australia they’re now coming for the Christians”
The National Socialists were Christian…..
”By this time the Christian armies invading Russia could see for themselves the closed churches by the ruins of Christianity which had been destroyed by Bolshevik Jews, as well as, perhaps, the statue of Judas erected by Bolshevism in commemoration of Christ’s betrayer. But from the cataclysm of war, from the surge of blood and fire, from the smouldering ruins of destroyed cities, from the thunder of bombs dropped on innocent children, Roosevelt, the most fateful figure of the 20th century, now emerges!”[Page 84]
“This war will be Roosevelt’s war!” the right-wing Republicans were saying. But people like Morgenthau, Baruch, Frankfurter, Einstein and Oppenheimer, knew better:“This war will be our war! World Jewry’s war!”For Roosevelt, this late descendant of the Spanish Sephardim, was the prototype of the 20th-century politician. In him was to be found the personification of the Protocols, although he was world deliverer and puppet at the same time. Standing behind were the real masters of America. Freemasonry and the Elders of Zion, Zionist leaders and bankers and the Galician-born trade union Bolsheviks.”
Trying to kill everyone who is a Bolshevik only gives the dark forces power. You can never kill them all in a war, they always find a way. War is a satanic sacrifice to the archons ie the dark forces.
Obviously why the H man failed…
He was a Christian say some? Show me where Jesus said, Blessed are the War Mongers, War Profiteers, and all those that kill Millions…
What version of the Bible would CFT recommend? This is coming from someone who basically walked away from being a confirmed Lutheran 26 years ago and is basically just lost with religion. Missouri synod was important to my German American family, but I feel almost nothing but a cliched sense of being spiritual and acknowledging a Creator.
My life, wife and young family are thriving. I do not feel lost or in need of faith, simply looking for truth a little harder now that I have a 6 month old son. I do listen to renegade and have thought Charlie Giuliani makes some strong points when highlighting the contradictions and vicious moments of whatever bible he is quoting.
I’m not here to argue, just looking to dig deeper and maybe one day I’ll be ready to accept something.
Thank you for your time and feedback.
I use an NASB and a KJV, an Interlinear with a Vine’s Hebrew-Greek Dictionary and Strong’s concordance.
There’s not one Bible version that is 100% without fault, my friend.
“There’s not one Bible version that is 100% without fault, my friend”
That’s an understatement.
Levee Breaks
Zach, well, as far as Charles Giuliani is concerned, I’ve been aware of him going back almost 20 years, and he has changed a lot over the years. At first he wasn’t anti-Christian, and he wouldn’t allow people to criticize Jews. Now he’s taken a 180 degree turn.
People change, I get it, but Giuliani, when it comes to Christianity, sounds hysterical and frothing at the mouth angry. I don’t care that he allegedly went to seminary or whatever, that doesn’t give him any special insight into the Bible, as all seminaries are heavily influenced by Jews and Jewish takes on the Bible. And therefore, he engages in one straw man argument after another.
It’s hard to take his critique of the Bible seriously because he cherry picks verses and takes them all out of context. He takes advantage of his listeners’ ignorance of the Bible, so he comes across as knowing more than them, which he really doesn’t.
I don’t trust angry people, and Giuliani is one of the angriest “truthers” out there. I don’t really think he even likes white people very much. I’m not sure what he really believes in because his views have changed so much.
Like it or not, the Bible is the foundation of our western civilization, and if Giuliani is incapable of seeing the good it has done us, I can’t listen to him. There have been many abuses by the Church, but that’s throwing away the baby with the bathwater. He’s not capable of objective thought. Alienating white Christians won’t get us anywhere.
Do a search, and you’ll find some excellent critiques of Giuliani, but this CFT article does a good job answering the essentials of what he preaches. He has no answers, so all he does is tear down, no very helpful. I think he creates despair in his listeners, black pills them, which is ultimately his goal.
Lone Star
Well done on the rebuttal. Mark Rosetti is clearly a crypto jew.
I’ve spent more time than is healthy crawling 4ch 8ch voat and other places where kikes and their various three letter clown organizations concentrate their focused efforts and I can assure you the secular white nationalist pagan/viking larp crowd is almost entirely feds and/or jews. You have very few actual real racially aware white people that believe this stuff online. If you see someone pushing that narrative, it is almost assuredly one of (((them)))
Over time you can practically just spot them by the way they type. The things they respond with, how long it takes them to respond etc…many many other tells. I find it fascinating that they are marked online, just like they are marked in real life with their ridiculous noses.
I am not opening the can of worms here in this comment section by dropping any specific names, but beware: they’ve infiltrated the christian identity movement. A very popular figure with a well visited and even useful website is one of (((them))). God gave you discernment, start using it. At this stage of the game you have to expect them to have infiltrated this. And infiltrate they have, starting a good many years ago.
Never be afraid to question anyone.
Cheers Fren. Does the individual you speak of have the initials WF?
Adolf Richtar
Bible say that 2/3 of us will perish, but all jews will be wiped out from Earth forever. If I die with the 2/3 I will be happy to know that my White Adamic Brothers will inherit the Earth what our Father YHWH created for us, his children.
America /Europe are Israel
Another so-called White Nationalist is Kyle Hunt of Renegade Tribune with his constant blathering about Biblical Christianity being a Jew religion to keep the goyim in subjugation to the Jews. One look at Hunt and it is obvious he has the look of the tribe he supposedly criticizes. His co-hort Sinead is rumored to be a coal burner, or rumored to be in cahoots with FBI due to her being busted for drugs.
My point is, the creation of the White Nationalist movement I’m sure was to cause more division for the Caucasian race.
Adolf Richtar
I was banned by Renegade, specially the idiot Kale, because they think same as communist or sodomite soulless jews.
Lone Star
What (((they))) actually fear the most is for people to connect these three areas: White Christian Identity, Patriotism for ones country and White Nationalism.
They’ve infiltrated all three areas and are working diligently to keep you all separated. A racially aware, Christianized and Patriotic America is the literal definition of the kingdom, and its light would spread like a beacon everywhere else. The mongrelized, mamzer children of satan fear this more than anything on earth.
Beware any christian identity person who uses the term “patriotard” and the like. It is simply the other side of the coin and by that I mean on one side you have the secular white nationalists who claim christianity is jewish, and on the other you have the bill fink network of people who hiss and lash out at anyone who suggests any hint of patriotism or standing up for ones country (especially America…christogenea mods absolutely hate America)
Welcome to thunderdome. Satans children play both sides and this has been the game since the time of the prophets and apostles.
I have no problem with American patriots as long as they are grounded in real Christianity (Identity), and they do not get caught up in believing somehow that America will be “saved” for the white race through the corrupt political system and their corrupt political leaders, like Trump.
Lone Star
Entitled to your opinion, and I am definitely not getting into an argument about Trump on this website, so I will leave that part of your comment aside.
Nearly all of the old guard Christian Identity “pastors” were patriotic and only a blind person could not see how heavily America is featured in biblical prophecy. Just because the name United States or America did not exist during the time the prophets were does not mean the USA isn’t the new JerUSAlem.
It is a very new thing to suggest otherwise. The founding fathers and the puritans knew what this place was. Comparet, William Gale, Wickstrom and Emaheiser all wrote about it as well as Capt and a plethora of biblical commentary. Carefully reviewing scripture there is no other place on earth that fits the descriptions in the bible.
Many are confused because of the giant jewish TUMOR that has grown on this country during this time of Jacobs trouble. Do not confuse the tumor with the land itself. This is still the greatest country on earth with the highest concentration of God fearing Israel people.
I would remind you all that Gods children are called lost sheep for a reason. Many of us take for granted the blessing Yahweh has given us by waking us up early but do not forget how many of his children are still here, asleep, unaware of who they are.
Too many in CI are haughty and self righteous about how much they know and just assume all of these other people are going to be discarded. It is a complicated subject. Lukewarm will be spewed out, but many are victims of misinformation due to the jewish media and how are we to measure the difference with our limited view? Only God knows who has had an opportunity and who simply needs help.
God bless America. I do believe this is the location of the physical kingdom of God to manifest here, and I believe scripture supports me thoroughly. Its a longer discussion than I can have in one comment however
Lone Star, I’m certainly not a “Trump basher”, and his presidency showed just how he got cut off at the knees the second he took office so that he could do nothing he promised, except for his pal, Sheldon Adelson. The good that Trump did was reinvigorate the white conservatives in this country, and they have made a lot of noise every since. Also, he openly discredited the “fake” media. And that’s good.
I agree that government can make positive changes, but much more on the local level rather than the national level. Local is where change can happen, and where the evil agenda at the top can be resisted. And America is still the greatest country on earth, no doubt. It is the place where Israel was regathered. That makes it worth fighting for even though Christ said His kingdom is not of this earth.
And yes, you are right about many in CI groups, most are “haughty” know-it-alls who are far too quick to throw anyone under the bus who does not toe their party line and agree with every doctrine or opinion that they’ve decided is “the truth”. That’s why I like CFT. There’s no “you will believe this or else” here. They allow people to have polite disagreements, which I think is important.
Lone Star
I would also point out that Trump doesnt need to be a “total savior” of this country or the race…he simply needs to have a net positive effect by the time he is done with whatever he does.
The assertion that our political system of GOVERNMENT will have nothing to do with the good things that happen here is also a bit ridiculous. God has always done things through the vehicle of people and kingdoms and various forms of government on earth. I know it is trendy and “cool” within CI to claim that ( and you can thank the christogenea feds and their podcast network for this largely) absolutely nothing can be achieved via positive political change in America, but this idea is silly when you think about it. Government is a part of life in any country or kingdom.
Getting the jewish tumor removed from our government is a worthy effort. These end times may not play out the way you have been led to believe. I would encourage you all to at least prepare yourselves for a longer ordeal. CI has almost come up with its own version of rapture theology thanks to some bad actors.
Well done CFT! I can’t tell you how many times I see these kind of ‘white nationalist’ comment(s) across the board when reading basically anywhere. I even started to believe they were jew bots doing their duty to dissolve their ongoing attacks against Christianity on-line…posing as a white nationalist (which they hate too).
But given the ‘church’ that is promoted via National Vanguard…this kind of evangelism is accepted…and yes, they do hate Christianity there. They somehow forget that A. Hitler, whom they uphold (almost as a god) was a devout Christian…so it just doesn’t add up to me. A verse came to my mind when reading your report:
John 6:60-70 where many disciples desert Jesus.
60 On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?”
61 Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, “Does this offend you? 62 Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! 63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit[a] and life. 64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. 65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”
66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.
68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
70 Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!”
I also remember that the anti Christ jews in the book of John accused Jesus of being the anti Christ! And so are we now at this time living with this deception. That’s why we need Discernment with Witness as ‘knowing His Voice’
John 10:27-28
27 My sheep listen to My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand
A big part of the anti Christ deception prevalent now online and in the world is this New Age belief that the Light is within us (without the need of Jesus Christ), and that (false) light they call ‘the Christed light’…lol There is such a great deception now that many so-called Christians will fall away.
And believe me that New Age deception is a jewish-led one. I just recently was accused (by a so called friendly associate whom I knew for several years) “a toxic person” because of this New Age rebellion she has embraced. Basically the same thing that was accused Jesus in the Book of John over and over by the jewish pharisee’s that were well inundated with Babylonian demonic mysticism that ‘New Age’ is just modern word used.
Here’s another recent article to add to your library:
I looked at the article cited here by Tom Sunic at the TOO, and read the comments. I noticed that some of the people who comment here left comments on that article, disputing many of Sunic’s claims about Christianity, which I was glad to see. People like Sunic need to be challenged, because he clearly has only a superficial understanding of Christianity. I doubt he’s actually ever even read the Bible, but that doesn’t stop him from being an “authority” on the subject.
Ulrik Thorsson
I wonder if the Sunic you mention above is the same one inside of this link?
A much needed rebuttal. Thank you CFT.
It’s frightening how much some of these WN pagan types hate us. I fear them more, sadly. Go to Renegade Tribune as an example. I mean they hate us with a fervent hatred. To the point that if they were to ever gain control of a Nation, Country, Province, Town etc., they would string us up before anything else. And they seem to be completely unwilling to reason with us. I find it very sad.
An excellent,succint, concise,and a very intelligent rebuttal to a total fallacy of an article.
Mel Gibstein (legend), covered a lot of the truth you have covered in this article, here at CFT.
Wrote by a White guy, I don’t believe (and obviously he doesn’t) that, for a jew york minute!!
Ulrik T.
The same could be said about the some fascist leaning “christian nationalist” types, such as John Hagee. Freedom of religion is a good thing, within reason of course.
Trump aka Drumpf now says he wants to “put antisemites” to death. His parents died in a jewish owned nursing home. Is he really jewish? He certainly is an Israel (the modern nation) first.
He is not an America first. He claimed to want to take away power from the deep state. He is controlled by the deep state.
What choice is there in the upcoming national election? None.