One of our readers posted a link to a German blog — Verbotenesarchiv — or Archive Of Forbidden Knowledge — featuring the article Is God Racist? Some Thoughts On Christians For Truth — and we’d like to take this opportunity to respond to its assertions and the evidence they offer in attempting to disprove our anti-universalist position on the Bible, including the New Testament.
We would first like to make clear that we have read through some of their posted material — which includes links to some of our articles — and we would acknowledge that they are a sincere and surprisingly courageous Christian website, considering it appears to be run by Germans or German speakers — and much of their material could lead them to be prosecuted under German “hate crime” laws — if they reside either in Germany or many other western European nations.
They certainly deserve our encouragement and praise for their courage to defend their faith — and identify their enemies.
So please keep in mind that none of our comments on this particular article should be construed as a personal attack on the website or its writers — while we may have some scriptural and doctrinal disagreements with them, their overall work is excellent and worth reading — especially for German-speaking people who have been demoralized and alienated from their own race, history, and God.
The Verbotenesarchiv article is rather short — and their “evidence” amounts to a few cherry-picked verses taken out of context to support their belief in Christian Universalism — and our series on Charles Weisman’s book Is Universalism Of God would sufficiently answer all of their objections.
Simply enter “Charles Weisman” into our search engine to find those articles.
So here we will present that article point by point and then offer a response — however, we cannot possibly offer all the scriptural and historical evidence that support our views — there are over 2,000 articles on this website — so instead we will provide links to relevant essays we’ve written on relevant subjects.
We abbreviate Verbotenesarchiv below as VA.
‘Is God Racist?’ — Some Thoughts On Christians For Truth
[CFT Note: Right from the start, with the title the writer poisons the well — using the modern Marxist trigger word — “racist” — a term that appears nowhere in the Bible. We have never written an essay which posed such a question for that very reason — and if we have ever used the term “racist”, we have done so strictly in an ironic sense — as it is a weapon to demonize only White people who have the audacity to believe that they have the right and necessity to preserve their own kind, their history, their heritage, and their unique faith.
And we should point out that before the nation-wrecking Marxist Jews poisoned the term “race”, English-speakers used the term to refer to one’s family or extended family of common descent.
By asking someone, “What is your race?“, you are asking them who their people are. Thus your race is your closely related kindred — which includes the entire White European people. To love them — your extended blood-related kindred — above all others is not “hate”. It’s not only natural, it’s common sense.]
VA writes,
“Christianity as it is represented by the mainstream-churches today has been highjacked by the enemy of Christ. Therefore, a false interpretation of the Gospel or, often, teachings that clearly are not in agreement with the Gospel are used to undermine Western society and Christianity itself.”
[CFT Note: We agree with this statement — however, we would go one step further and assert that one of the most pernicious “false interpretations of the Gospel” is Christian Universalism, which opened the door to the Jewish subversion not only of the original faith, but also of the Christ-bearing European race.]
VA continues,
“This is especially the case with the commandment of loving one’s neighbor, which is supposed to justify mass-immigration of mostly non-Christian third-world-materialists and jihadists, who come to Europe and the former European colonies to benefit from their wealth and generosity and, in the case of most Moslems, to colonize them and replace Christianity with Islam. In addition, the mainstream-version of alleged Christianity today not only condones but promotes all forms of sin such as homosexuality.”
[CFT Note: Jews have always been the primary agents who have used non-White “immigration” and invasions to destroy White civilizations — from ancient Persia, the Byzantine Empire, Spain, and now all of Europe.
In fact, former German Chancellor — Angela Merkel — admitted that she flooded Germany with Third World migrants “because of her commitment to Jews.”
However, we disagree that the Jews merely wish to replace Christianity with Islam — their goal is to Judaize, not Islamify — and Islam is merely a tool, a step along that path. The Jews want to replace the very real suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross with the ersatz “suffering” of Jews at Auschwitz™. “Holocaustianity” will become the only state religion for any of the surviving “goyim” in their New World Order.
And the ultimate purpose of non-White immigration into our nations is to destroy us racially through race mixing — and rule over the resultant mixed-race horde — as spelled out over 100 years ago in the Kalergi Plan.
And by destroying the European Christ-bearing race, the Jews hope to eliminate all Christianity, which they consider “idolatry” — and we firmly believe that Christianity cannot survive if the White race were to disappear and it were left to the non-White “Christians” to keep it alive — and oppose the Jewish onslaught.]
VA continues,
“The website Christians for Truth has the merit of exposing this falsehood, albeit based on an erroneous argument, i.e. that God only made a covenant with “Israel”, which they interpret as everlasting and rigorously in racial terms, with the conclusion that Christianity is a religion only for white (Aryan) people, who are the descendants of the true Israelites known as the protagonists from the Old Testament.”
[CFT Note: We rarely use the term “Aryan” to describe the White European kindred people — for the same reason we don’t use “racist” — as “Aryan” has become a pejorative trigger term used by Jews to demonize anyone who has the audacity to identify as White. Most White people today are afraid to even utter the word “Aryan” — for to do so is the equivalent of wanting to “kill 6 million Jews for No Reason Whatsoever™.”
However, we most certainly believe that the White European people are living descendants of the lost tribes of the House of Israel — and we have written numerous essays to support that position. Nowhere in this VA essay does the writer provide any evidence that this is not true. So we would like to see them address the evidence instead of merely stating that it isn’t true — or merely ignoring it.
And it’s a gross over-simplification to suggest that we believe in a “rigorous” racial covenant between God and His people, Israel. God has a spiritual covenant with one race or tribe of people, but that doesn’t mean it’s strictly a “racial covenant”.
We have stated repeatedly that we agree with the Apostle Paul — that merely being an Israelite according to the flesh does not guarantee salvation — either in the Old or New Testaments.
However, unlike most Christian Universalists, we do believe the words of the prophet Jeremiah when he said of the New Covenant:
“Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
—Jeremiah 31:31-33
These words of Jeremiah are confirmed by Jesus Christ when He said in no uncertain terms,
“But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
—Matthew 15:24
And this New Covenant with Israel — as spelled out by Jeremiah — is repeated almost word for word in Hebrews:
“For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.”
—Hebrews 8:7-12
These verses are like kryptonite to any Christian Universalist — and they avoid them like the plague — or come up with some spurious idea that God somehow “changed His mind” when “the Jews” rejected Christ — and decided to ignore the words of both Jesus Christ and Jeremiah and make a “New” New Covenant with every biped hominoid on the planet.
Unlike fleshly humans, God does not change His mind:
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
–James 1:17
For a more in-depth refutation of Christian dispensationalism — which claims that when “the Jews” rejected Christ, God “changed His mind” and transferred His covenant to the entire general population on earth — read our three-part series, The Error Of Christian Dispensationalists: Did Israel Reject Jesus?
VA continues,
“The following considerations will critically place this assertion in context:
Before Jesus died on the cross and redeemed us of our sins, only a tiny minority was willing and able to obey the Lord as well as they could, while the rest of humanity surrendered themselves to evil by following a variety of satanic cults. Therefore, the Lord made a covenant with this tiny minority, a branch of the descendants of Noah (Gen. 6,18; 9,8-17), Abraham (Gen. 17) and Moses (Ex. 19,5f.).”
[CFT Note: This use of the term “tiny minority” here unwittingly smacks of Marxist phraseology — and amounts to a false appeal to the virtues of “democracy” — an egalitarian political ideology promoted by Jews because it allows them — as a tiny minority — to wield enormous power over the majority.
Minorities or not, Jesus Christ cannot “redeem” anyone who wasn’t His in the first place. The word “redeem” means to “buy back” what was formerly yours. God divorced Israel [Jeremiah 3:8-11] — and Jesus Christ came to “buy back” all of Israel — to remarry them and purchase them with His blood.
The English word “redeem” is translated from the Greek lutrósis [Strong’s 3085], meaning
“…(in the Old Testament: ransoming from imprisonment for debt, or from slavery, release from national misfortune, etc.), liberation, deliverance, release.”
And that’s exactly what Jesus Christ came to do — release Israel from its “national misfortune” — which was its divorce from their God. We can clearly see in the Gospels that “redeem” and “redemption” are used specifically in reference to the 12 tribes of Israel, as Luke attests,
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people”
–Luke 1:68
“But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.”
–Luke 24:21
We have shown in a number of essays that the Great Commission — to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ — was a command to His Israelite disciples to seek their fellow Israelites dispersed among the many nations and bring them to be redeemed through faith in Christ — their promised Messiah, as Acts 2 confirms,
“And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven….Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians.”
–Acts 2:5-11
These words from Luke and Acts are confirmed and echoed in Revelation 5:
“And they sung a new song, saying, ‘Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.’”
—Revelation 5:9
Christian Universalists will often bring up Paul’s epistle to Titus, where he writes,
“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”
–Titus 2:13-14
However, the phrase “a peculiar people” here refers only to Israel — a simple word search of the Bible will readily show that this phrase is used repeatedly to describe the Israelite people — and no one else.]
VA continues,
“As the laws regulating every aspect of life given to Moses demonstrate, staying loyal to God and His commandments was an effort that most people could only make within a rigid framework of rules and a cohesive and controlling community. In consequence, “Israel” in the Old Testament is a group of people with blood-ties, stemming from the same patriarchs.”
[CFT Note: God did not chose Israel for such practical reasons — allegedly because He thought only a closely related group of people could obey the rules and stay loyal to Him. Rather He chose them because He loved them [Deuteronomy 7:7-9] — from among all the peoples in the world:
“Hear this word which the LORD has spoken against you, sons of Israel, against the entire family which He brought up from the land of Egypt: You only have I chosen among all the families of the earth; Therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.”
—Amos 3:1-2
We find it interesting that Christians do not read the above verses and screech “Racism!” — but when God comes in the flesh as Jesus Christ and says he came only for Israel, they suddenly have to come up with some complicated explanation to explain it away — such as dispensationalism or supercessionism.
After all, to suggest that Jesus Christ — like His Father — favored one race or family of people would violate the first commandment of judeo-Marxism — that race does not exist — that it is irrelevant to a person’s worth — and that it’s merely a “social construct”.
VA continues,
“However, if we look at the patriarchs and their offspring, we see that crucial divisions among groups of people often go back to siblings. It begins with Cain and Abel, who represent worldly and godly life, and it continues with the descendants of Noah, among whom we know of several similar cases. God had made a covenant with Abraham, but already two generations after, Jacob, one of his two grandsons, confirms and renews the covenant, whereas Esau, the other, turns away from God, which is also reflected through his marriages to women from outside the covenant-people. Thus, the defining trait for an “Israelite” in the spiritual sense is the commitment to honor the covenant with God – which was hardly possible without the community of “Israel” – and not merely being a genetic descendant of Abraham.”
[CFT Note: So in other words, VA is actually agreeing with us — that a closely-knit kindred people is necessary to fulfill God’s Covenant.
But, again, that’s not why He chose Israel. That’s not why He chose Issac over Ishmael, or Jacob over Esau — or why Abraham’s promises passed from Jacob to his son Joseph and to not any of the other sons.
God chooses because that’s His sovereign prerogative — and we must submit to His will, regardless of whether or not we think His choices are “fair”. His reasons for His choices are His alone — nor does He need to justify those choices to us. He obviously has a reason for doing so — and we need to trust that He knows what he is doing.
If we question His choices — and “lean on our own understanding” — we do not recognize and submit to His sovereignty over us — and we cannot be His sons.
We accept God’s sovereign choice to have a covenant only with Israel — and we accept the punishment that only Israel will be subjected to for disobeying Him (Amos 3:1-2).]
For further reading on this subject, read our essay, Does God’s Law And Judgment Apply Universally To All People — Or Only To Israel?
VA continues,
“This situation changed radically when Christ came to earth. He taught:
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5,24).
The option of opening oneself to God’s grace merely by believing in Christ and following His example did not exist before, but now, it is well possible to establish a close connection with God without being part of a tribal community such as the “Israelites” of the Old Testament. After all, God’s realm is not of the world but within us, and the decisive factor here is a heart devoted to Christ.”
[CFT Note: Again, VA unwittingly employs another Marxist buzz phrase — “radical change”. As we have already stated, Jesus Christ confirmed in the very first gospel of Matthew that He — like His Father — came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 15:24).
VA quotes the Gospel of John here — but nowhere in that entire gospel are non-Israelites mentioned — except for when the Israelite John quotes the anti-Christ Pharisees who mistakenly believe that Jesus might go and hide among “dispersed” Israelites — and bring His message to the so-called “gentiles” [John 7:35].
VA continues,
“I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12,46-48).
Now, the assumption of “Christians for Truth” seems to be that Christ’s words are only directed at the Israelites, but Jesus does not say so explicitly. In the teachings of Christ, there are no ethnic/racial conditions, we only are taught that believing in Christ and following Him leads to salvation. Also, the majority of Jews, or rather those among them who held power, the pharisees, rejected Christ, whereas many “gentiles” accepted Him as their Lord and Savior.”
[CFT Note: Quite the contrary — Jesus Christ explicitly states the only people He came for in Matthew 15:24,
“But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
And again in Matthew 19:28, Jesus makes the identity of those whom He will ultimately judge when He says to his disciples,
“Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
This verse from Matthew echoes and confirms the words of Psalm 147:20,
“He has not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them.”
VA continues,
“If we look at who has been more willing and able to follow Christ, it indeed is the White, Aryan Europeans, as history confirms. This correlates with evidence for racial disparities: statistically, non-Whites perform poorly in comparison to Whites in all fields of civilization, but they excel in violence and crime. But does that allow us to make general assumptions about their potential to believe in God and do His will? Why should we?”
[CFT Note: It would seem that VA here answered his own question — a question that we’ve raised many times before, such as answering, Why The Apostle Paul Did Not Write An ‘Epistle To The Bantus’. Or why all attempts to bring real Christianity to Africa have been an absolute failure for the last 400 years.
We believe that White Europeans have been the willing and able Christ-bearing people not because they are “Aryans” but rather because they are literally Christ’s “sheep” [John 10:27] in the flesh — and “sheep” is an exclusive term used in Scripture to describe only Israelites.
The non-White’s ability or desire to “believe in God” — or in “Jesus” — is not at issue. As James makes clear that even “demons” can believe:
“You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.”
—James 2:19
Merely “believing in Jesus” guarantees nothing — as Jesus Christ makes very clear,
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”
–Matthew 7:21-23
Make no mistake — Luke warns that many who presume they are saved merely because they “believe in Jesus” will be in for a rude awakening:
“There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.”
—Luke 13:28
VA continues,
“After all, they too are God’s creatures. Why should God create human beings who, after all, would not be able to recognize and accept Him as their Father? Does the fact that some souls currently are unable to do so mean that God does not intend for them to be saved?”
[CFT Note: This is an emotional appeal based on our earthly ideas of “fairness” — the same question is posed in Malachi — by those who seek to squeeze Esau and his descendants into the Covenant with Israel:
“Have we not all one father? has not one God created us?”
—Malachi 2:10
Both Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal Man have gone extinct — and both were more advanced than sub-Saharan Africans — yet who mourns for them having never known God or having the chance for salvation? Why did God create them if they couldn’t be saved?
Homo Erectus — an extinct race of ancient, pre-Adamic “people” whose DNA can be found in every sub-Saharan African lineage — also could not be saved or recognize God, yet we are to believe the people who still carry this archaic DNA today magically can be saved?
God has created many primitive peoples who lacked the ability to recognize Him and accept Him. Before the White man showed up, the Australian Aborigines were a Stone Age people who did not even understand that sexual intercourse lead to pregnancy and birth.
Without the intervention of White people, early European explorers — who first witnessed these God-forsaken, savage people — believed that sub-Saharan Africans could eventually become extinct.
As we have stated many times, we do not believe that all “people” on the planet could possibly have descended from Adam and Eve — in fact, as the Bible makes clear from the beginning, it is the story of Israel — written by Israelites for Israelites — and Genesis is the story of their unique origins — from their patriarch, Adam:
“This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.”
—Genesis 5:1
This verse suggests that the “generations of Adam” were indeed a unique creation — made “in the likeness of God” — unlike other creations — such as pre-Adamic Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal Man — who were not created “in the likeness of God.” In fact, both archeologists and anthropologists believe that the Africa and Asian races easily pre-date the Adamic creation by tens of thousands of years.
And in Genesis 10, we are given the identity of the unique “generations of Adam” who descended from Noah — the so-called “Nations” — but there is no logical way that anyone could argue that in such a short period of time that all the races of people could have “evolved” from these tribes.
It would seem that even in the time of Jesus, Peter spoke of people on the level of “animals” who were part of God’s creation yet who were destined to be destroyed from birth:
“But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed, reviling where they have no knowledge, will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed.”
—2 Peter 2:12
By today’s standards of political correctness, this verse should be targeted as racist “hate speech” — and a violation of judeo-Marxism and its step-child, Christian Universalism.
For further reading, we recommend our critique, Debunking Abdu Murray’s ‘Ethnic Mosaic’ Of Christian Racial Universalism.
AV continues,
“But before all: “Do not judge…” (Matt. 7,1-20) – “…the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12,48). Just as God lets shine the sun for the good and the evil alike, we should do good even to our enemies.”
[CFT Note: We do not judge anyone — we have repeatedly stated that we do not sit in the Judgment Seat — nor do we presume to know who will or will not achieve salvation.
However, we must interpret the scriptures and the gospels according to what they actually say — and not by what we want them to say — and what we think they should mean, especially when we are under the influence of the judeo-Masonic cult of “fraternity, equality, and liberty” which has no place in the Bible.
Whatever our interpretations are, we cannot make one verse contradict another — especially when we are motivated to impose our very fallible human desire for “fairness” upon the Bible. These Marxist concepts of “equal opportunity” and “equal outcome” appear nowhere in Scripture from the beginning.]
VA continues,
“Jesus gave us the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10,30-37), who did not make a distinction concerning the ethnic and spiritual identity of the person who needed help. A heart full of love will be kind and provide help to everyone.”
[CFT Note: We would strongly recommend that VA read our essay, How Christians Misuse ‘The Good Samaritan’ To Promote False Universalism Of The Gospels, which is based on the work of Charles Weisman.
Weisman clearly shows that there were, in fact, racial Israelites dispersed among the Samaritans — and explains why Jesus told His disciples not to go to the cities of the Samaritans — because of a long-standing animosity between the “believing” Israelites in Judea and those uncircumcised “lost” Israelites in Samaria — the northern kingdom of Israel.
Recall in John 4:12 that the Samaritan “woman at the well” tells Jesus that she knows Jacob was “our father” — proof that there were “lost” Israelites among them. Again, this verse confirms that Jesus did not contradict Himself when he stated unequivocally, “I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel” [Matthew 15:24].
VA concludes,
“This being said, the truth is as important as love, and as explained at the beginning of this article, it is true that the commandment of loving one’s neighbor is being abused to implement the agenda of our enemies, i.e. the modern “Jews”, who know well that they thrive and remain undetected best within a broken, multicultural society, i.e. one without identity, religion and morals.
But nothing prevents us from speaking the truth and, at the same time, being kind and helping anybody truly in need, be it our enemy or an undesired invader who is a pawn of our enemy. The most valuable help, after all, is bringing the Gospel to everybody who still ignores or wrongfully rejects it. Anything beyond that concerns the wisdom, grace and judgement of our Lord and should not hamper our efforts to change ourselves until we receive a perfect heart by God’s grace.”
[CFT Note: Truth and Love are inseparable. True Christians cannot love a lie, just as we cannot love a false Jesus preached to us by pastors who tickle our ears and please our earthly desires.
We would strongly recommend that VA read our essay, How The Error Of Unconditional Love Of ‘Thy Neighbor’ Subverts Christianity, which is based on a sermon by Sheldon Emry.
As Emry shows with numerous examples from Scripture, nowhere are true Christian followers of Christ commanded to help enemies of Christ — and enemies of His followers — regardless of whether or not they are unwitting “pawns” of the anti-Christ Jews.
Paul warns us against having any sort of relationship with “unbelievers” — or “infidels”:
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?”
—2 Corinthians 6:14
And John confirms exactly how we should treat these racial alien invaders:
“If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into [your] house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”
—2 John 1:10-11
And as Jude makes clear, we have no business extending our “charity” to these anti-Christ racial aliens:
“These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.”
—Jude 1:12
CFT Conclusion:
To conclude, we hope that anyone reading this will see that our views opposing the Christian Universalism espoused by Verbotens Archiv are entirely based in Scripture — and what we’ve presented here barely scratches the surface.
It has been the anti-Christ Jews — and the “judaizers” within our churches going back to the very foundations of Christianity — who have promoted — and benefited from — Christian Universalism.
Up until recently — that is, well into the 20th Century — the term “Christian” was synonymous with “White man” — as anyone from the Third World will tell you. Thanks to Jewish taboos against “racism”, that intimate connection between our race and faith is no longer allowed — in fact, it is strictly “verboten” to suggest such a marriage — a covenant if you will.
We believe it is impossible to separate Christianity from its Christ-bearing race — the European Israelite peoples — and if they are ever successfully separated by the anti-Christ Jews — which would never happen — neither will survive.]
surely demon JHWH is a racist with his chosen tribe ordering
them to kill all Amalek (all nonjews) . the worst demon is Molech
of Talmud .
The freedom of expression that you Americans enjoy is incredible, here in Brazil the owner of this website would face at least 10 years in prison, even more so with the ex-convict elected president
I confess that years ago I spoke in Facebook groups about the issue of pre-Adamics, I was threatened with being sued/arrested
I hope that God frees me from a possible arrest, because in the future I intend to speak to the few white people in my country about their Israeli identity.
Dustin Nemos speaks out on this problem of Christian “racism” in the bluntest way I have ever heard from an American. Dustin talking to Scott Bennett – another two two audacious American Christians:
Dustin is used to being seen as a “toxic” person, he does not care – himself being fatally sick as he mentioned.
If blacks aren’t humans then why did God give the possibility to whites of producing fertile offsprings with non-whites?
Robert M.
Ronald asked “If blacks aren’t humans then why did God give the possibility to whites of producing fertile offsprings with non-whites?”
The short answer is to show us the consequences of disobedience and sin. If mating with other races did not produce offspring, there would be no consequences to mating with them, and we couldn’t see that it was wrong.
Mixed race offspring are agents of chaos that destroy the cohesion of our society. They rarely have allegiance to the White parent, and identify with the non-white.
They hybrid offspring is never as capable as the White parent.
God’s first law was “kind after kind”‘ in Genesis. Adam was a unique “kind”. He was to remain separate. Noah was preserved from that race of Adam because he was “perfect in his genealogy”, unmixed. That was a warning to us all.
Robert M — @ (Ronald)
“…The short answer is to show us the consequences of disobedience and sin….”
Wise words. And True; which is Self-Evident. Thank you.
Can any one of these “Universalists” give me ONE positive that has resulted from multi-racialism in White Nations???
That is a serious question I wish they would respond to.
Here’s a great example of things to come for the USA with their new “anti-semitism” laws…,hatred%20against%20Afghan%20local%20workers.
This news highlights just how backwards laws to protect “minorities” are, and the lengths the leftys are willing to go to protect them.
One silver lining in this cloud how-ever, is that Miss Kaiser has attracted even more fans. She said on Twitter that she gained 10,000 extra followers on Twitter in one day because of this nonsense.
Denying that you’re a “racist” won’t ever satisfy them because they don’t don’t hate you for being a “racist” but rather for being White.
The best answer ever to being called racist is this, “Racist, me, no I love White people”!
Heeby Kikeburger
Is there any chance CFT could bring back the “Weekly Headlines” series they tried two years ago?
The weekly headlines may have been a little ahead of their time. But since everyone’s spreading the CFT message over the Internet today, pretending they’ve never heard of the website despite sharing all of its memes and talking points.
And since CFT hasn’t put out as much content since the anonymous team member fell ill, the return of the weekly headlines would be a pleasant, welcome, and easy way to guide the flock, while continuing to devote real time on important articles. Perhaps making it “Bi-Weekly Headlines” would allow more flexibility?
Yes, we can try the “Weekly Headlines” series again. At the time, we weren’t sure if our readers enjoyed that format, and we also felt that the material could get lost because there weren’t any associated articles on those subjects.
I went to that format because I was in the hospital during that time fighting a serious illness, so it was only a temporary change at the time.
For those who aren’t familiar with that series, take a look:
But we’ll leave it up to the CFT readers. Let us know if you’d like us to add this feature along with other more in-depth articles.
Yes to the Weekly Highlights offering!
CFT, many of us are praying for your health, both unselfishly because you are our beloved sibling (brother? sister?) in Christ and selfishly because we love your work and hope you can continue it.
Thank you, I am truly grateful to all of our loyal readers who have stuck with us through thick and thin. It has been an incredible journey.
And yes, I am definitely your “brother” in Christ.
—– CFT —–
Weekly Headlines —
There is so much happening currently in the World, some kind of Current Headlines or a Weekly Wrap-up would be edifying for sure.
“Christians” and even some Identity Christians are confused. There is a large contingent of “Kinist” Facebook Groups/People popping up as of late.
However …. such a task is time consuming and you all at CFT have a life too.
Do what you are led to do.
The CFT Website has an ABUNDANCE of Information and Truth. I can’t think of something that hasn’t been addressed. The truth is available to anyone who is seeking.
“…Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding…” Proverbs 2:3
If I could offer one idea —- if you are busy for a particular week and there is nothing new to Post — Recycle a Theology article from the past.
My experience on Social Media — Yes, I am finding more and more White People waking up to the JQ. But, they just won’t touch the “race” issue as they are so programmed to ignore it. They do not see themselves as unique i.e.., a Peculiar People; and will continue to put other families before their own.
At this point in time, this is about “Principle” because I can’t see how we will ever be able to change our Nations for the better. Only God now can make that change. We have no power to do anything any longer. Politics will never side with us — and there is no Billionaire on the horizon who cares about us. And the non-whites are certainly not coming to our rescue.
This leads me to believe that “Universalism” is a Salvation matter. It is about Knowing God. Ignorance maybe bliss — but is Ignorance an excuse?
Recycling Older Theology Articles might bring up new discussions with new people.
Time is short from the perspective of our ability to Evangelize. If they get this new antisemitism bill through the Senate — I suspect this Website will have to shut down. It is going to be Bolshevik Russia all over again.
Thank you for your service to the Kingdom.
Kathleen Bankhead
Why do they hates whites so much when many of them look white? And others look part white? Is it just part of their self hatred for all the evil things they have done to make the world start looking like a third world Hell hole? How do they expect to ever stay out of Eternal suffering in Hell when they murder people in every way they can think of deadly vaccines,wide open borders, deadly fentanyl,bad health care, endless no win wars for profits and powers and to get rid of most real people on Earth if not all of them and replace them with robots and A I systems,Are they also going to replace themselves with robots and AI? America has the sickest and most obese ,most poisoned,and most diabetic and pre diabetic and more murdered people than any other country now on Earth now! Are these the ‘blessings’ we got for helping Judea and Rothschild Land? Why are so many Jews And Rothschilds so Incredibly EVILE AND ANTI HUMAN??? IS IT BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT Totally HUMAN BUT OFFSPRING OF THE ANCIENT SERPENT SATAN AND OTHER FALLEN ANGEL REPTILES AND FEEL MORE IN COMMON WITH THEM THAN WITH THEIR HUMAN RELATIVES? OR HAVE THEY Become LIKE ORGANIZED CRIME MEMBERS AS A WAY TO SURVIVE SINCE THEY DON’T LIKE THE REAL CREATOR GOD AND HIS LAWS AND DO LIKE SATAN WHO DOES NOT CARE IF THEY BECOME EXTREMELY EVILE SINCE he WOULD LIKE TO DRAG THEM TO HELL WITH him since MISERY LOVES COMPANY? THERE ARE RIGHTEOUS JEWS OF COURSE BUT WHY SO FEW GOOD ONES??? I THINK SOME OF THEM WANT NUCLEAR WAR TO GET RID OF MOST OF US AND OTHERS! DO THEY THINK THEY WILL SURVIVE ANYTHING FOR 10 YEARS IN THEIR BILLIONAIRE BUNKERS??? OR DO THEY SUFFER FROM MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL ILLNESS AND HATE GOD TOO MUCH TO GET RIGHT WITH HIM THROUGH THE SAVIOR YESHUA OR JESUS CHRIST??? AND IF THEY HATE HATE SPEECH OR HATE CRIMES THEY SHOULD STOP 🛑 COMMITING SO MANY OF THEM!!! NO WONDER MANY OF THEM ARE HATED, THEY REAP WHAT THEY SOW!!! NO WONDER BOTH THEM AND SATAN’S CENTRAL BANKSTER S HAVE BEEN KICKED OUT OF MANY COUNTRIES AND WILL PROBABLY GET A REAL HOLOCAUST THIS TIME AFTER MURDERING BILLIONS OF PEOPLE WORLD WIDE!!! SND ALL FOR THE SAKE OF A ONE WORLD EVILE EMPIRE SO DETESTED THAT IT CANNOT LAST AND WILL BE DESTROYED BY MANKIND AND GOD ALMIGHTY AND ONLY A REMNANT OF JEWS SND ROTHSCHILDS WILL EVER GET RIGHT WITH GOG OR ANYONE ELSE!!! ONLY A REMNANT!!!! THUS EVER TO SATANIC POISONOUS VIPER SICK SERPENT WAYS!!!
Heeby Kikeburger
Thank you.
@Eric with the log in his own eye. ANYONE who projects their own guilt onto others will suffer from it. Hypocrisy rules from “muh Jews”. Karma is a B*TCH.
Fr. John+
Absolutely stellar article, touching on all the salient points. The modern apostate age has purposefully darkened their minds against this Truth. That’s the problem, not your stances- which is the Church’s stance over 1900 years.
“Europe is the faith, and the faith is Europe…I say again, renewing the terms, The Church is Europe: and Europe is The Church.” -Hilaire Belloc, A.D. 1920.
As Justin Martyr (d. A.D. 165) so clearly said, ‘Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as Israel.”
“Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered.” – The Pharisees, Louis Finklestein, p. xxi
“Fundamentally, Judaism is anti-Christian!”
– The London Jewish World, 1923 (Issue 337)
Filthy pernicious kikes by any other name(s).
The noses want Whites totally destroyed or at the very least, cowed and mentally castrated to their wicked, malevolent ways.
They make God a liar!!
radio radio
Natural Oxytocin, a hormone produced by the hypothalamus gland, helps mothers bond with their newborn children.
But studies on Oxytocin have also found that it encourages people to feel natural bonding to those of their same ethnicity or race.
Looks like God designed us in such a way to naturally prefer our own race, and only brainwashing can make us overcome our natural hormonal responses to our own kind.
Video explains it:
If non-Whites were to disappear, White people would still find a reason to kill eachothers for how different they look and for power reasons. examples:
-Hundreds years war between England and France (Both had expelled their jews before the war started, don’t even try…)
-Thirty years which caused more deaths by percentage to the German people than ww1 and ww2 combined.
-The recent Ukraine-Russia war were 2 dying populations are so eager to kill eachothers over something useless.
-The Balkan wars, fought over stupid football style retarded nationalism
It is more useful to stop hate and to try to change for the better rather than pretending that non-Whites disappearing will automatically heal society.
all those wars were caused by rothschild bakers(jews) so your point is moot. I’m sure we would still have conflict but pain and suffering would diminish to a level unimaginable to the modern mind, would non whites disappear.
Rotschild bankers: first appeared in 1577, a century after the hundreds years war ended: “muh jewws started ittt!!!”
Whether the Rothschilds were around then or not is irrelevant.
Court Jews financed the wars in Europe and other lavish spending of the aristocracy long before the Rothschilds established their central banks.
Can’t fight a huge war without lots of money. Guess who had the money? Guess who was willing to lend it to the Crown at interest to fight the war? Guess who owned all the raw materials need to fight that war? That’s what Lain was talking about, I’m sure.
You obviously do not know about the “crypto” strategy – many disguises, same actor.
The Thirty-Year-War in Germany 1618-1648 was covered up as a “religious war”. You have to dive many layers deeper!
Here is a well censored documentary on the timeline of Jewish HATRED towards white Christians that goes all the way back to the time of Christ. Why? BECAUSE THEY HATE CHRIST.
Kathleen Bankhead
That could be true.Probably both Rothschilds and many Jews that didn’t know the were Jews were behind and still are behind many wars And much evil in the world ,now worse than ever!!!! See the book by Col. Smedly Butler of the Marine Corps, ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS!!!!
Kathleen Bankhead
That could be true.Probably both Rothschilds and many Jews that didn’t know the were Jews were behind and still are behind many wars And much evil in the world ,now worse than ever!!!! See the book by Col. Smedly Butler of the Marine Corps, ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS!!!! I did not say this before! Why censor it?
—— Eric ——
Your comment is ignorant and immature.
What is your Point? Are you a White man? Just curious. What about a Christian? Are you coming at this from a Theological perspective?
How about this ……. if Adam and Eve had not sinned in the Garden, would you still have said your stupid comment???
It is almost like you are saying —- “You like today’s world just how it is.”
What are you saying? You add absolutely nothing to this Website.
The problem is that White people sin too much and blaming jews is not gonna help white people.
—– Eric —-
“…The problem is that White people sin too much…”
You will get no argument from me.
HOWEVER ….. Why can we not do both — Teach “Christians” about their Identity as Israelites — and expose them to the Jewish Question — now the Jewish Problem?
Why can’t we do both those things?
Are you a Universalist? And do you believe White People are the Israelites of Scripture?
Trying to understand your motive here.
Yes goy’s don’t speak up stay silent good cattle. Bite me I’m no ones slave nor property. I can and will call out you vile jewish supremasists.
Many blacks are overwhelmingly appropriating everything White, from the moment they wake up in the morning, till they fall asleep at night. The next logical step was to appropriate actual white people.
If black history and culture is as great, rich, and extensive as they claim it is, then why do they constantly need to take from ours??
Because they are EA$Y TOOL$ controlled by jews
Ned Kelly
I agree with you that White people need to take responsibility for the mess that we are in, but a major part of that mess we are in is that we allowed the Jews to take over and bully us around, while ignoring many famous people like Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh who tried to warn us.
White people cannot clean up the mess that we’ve made unless we can identify the mess, and who caused the mess while we slept.
Yes, sure, like mosquitoes, Jews flourish in the swamp of our sins. They’ve encouraged us to turn away from our God, and that’s our fault for falling away. But they are the Tempters, hiding behind the mask of being “God’s Chosen”.
And if Christians are ever going to recapture their true Identity as true Christians, we need to rid ourselves of that Jewish influence, and we can’t do it without acknowledging it, but acknowledging it isn’t the same as playing the “blame game”.
So true. Reminds me of what Henry Ford said:
“The Christian cannot read his Bible except through Jewish spectacles, and, therefore, reads it wrong.”
Henry Ford, The International Jew Vol. IV, p. 238
Today’s Russia-Ukraine war is being fomented by Chabad Jews on both sides. The Balkan wars same thing. Yugoslavia was an artificial country created by the Jewish communists, and Tito himself was a cryto-Jew. Jews falsely claimed that there were “concentration camps” to demonize the government to justify the ouster of the Serbian leaders. Same old, same old
—– Eric —
Are you a Universalist? Do you believe the Primary Races — White, yellow, black and red — all emerge from the Loins of Adam and Eve?
“It is more useful to stop hate and to try to change for the better rather than pretending that non-Whites disappearing will automatically heal society.”
The most hateful demonic tribal spitting disgusting perverted satanic ugly smelly stench vile cruel reprobate murderers killers deceiving greedy premeditated bastard cowardly baal worshippers bribery torturers with no soul demon children of the synagogue of Satan antichrist destroyers of all things created by God mockers immoral despicable blood sacrifice evil psychopath giants looking for someone to devour den of vipers soothsayers WHOSE END IS NEAR.
I don’t think anybody is suggesting that if we removed non whites and fake Jews we wouldn’t still have issues as that would be very naieve and after all we do exist on an earthly plain as a fallen man so will always have conflict but to deny the fake jew is not responsible for I would say at least 90% of the troubles and woes we face would be very dishonest.
Good Lord
I am in total agreement.
Listen up and understand.
Charles Jennings “Who Is Lucifer?”
I apologize for having posted off topic. In terms of your article, I am entirely on your side, CFT, and I thank you and your commentators for the Bible evidence given.
In addition to what I have written … I came across a historical film documentary presented by Michelle Moore, which really surprised me, as it is the opposite of the usual narrative. It is part of a 10-part series:
Documentary: Europa ‘The Last Battle’
You had this documentary on your website since 2020, sorry, I found out too late. Thank you for presenting it, CFT!
I find this ( published paper by a Nigerian scholar who concluded that Adam and Eve must have been platinum blonde Caucasians due to the recessive/dominant gene fact.
Even if assuming all peoples descend from Adam and Eve (they do not), the only logical conclusion is that they were white. Also we know that a pure race individual never produces different raced children so we know that we have to preclude a conclusion that all peoples stem from Adam and Eve.
It’s interesting that unbiased blacks also admit white Adam and Eve.
Very good thread..if it lasts.
radio radio
Study proves that Whites are made in the image of God and blacks are not….
Mirror Test: White babies recognize themselves in a mirror at 15 months, while black babies cannot until they are 6 years old…..
radio radio
Even cats can recognize themselves in a mirror faster than black children….
I don’t know, if the number of killed Germans (during and after WW2) given in this article is too high, research has to be done, when possible …
But this new article kicked me off my shoes today:
In this article, the truth is side by side with fiction. For example, Hitler is called a Zionist agent in it, which is anti-historical.
Vladimir, I agree with you, there certainly is some fiction in it, even concerning Adolf H. – The number of the real German death toll has to be proven in the years to come.
Are you aware of the Nazi-story which is still used worldwide as a cover-up of other ethnicities agendas of genocide? It is Nazis who infiltrated the USA 1945 and after via mission “Paperclip” and it is them who have been and still are behind all the crimes against the American nation and all the corrupt structures. No word about the fact, that most Paperclip scientists and other useful personell was blackmailed to serve American interests after the war, as their families’ lives were threatened e.g.
Yes the “Nazis” are the criminals of the world in eternity and they even won WW2, as Laura Eisenhower (great-granddaughter of Dwight) keeps telling us. Assumingly they are waiting in Antarctica for their last great surprise. Who created the Word NAZI by the way National-Zionists? It should be national sozialists (NA-SOS) to make sense.
byrd watcher
“Nazis” didn’t “infiltrate” America after WW2.
If anything “Operation Paperclip” proves that the US intelligence agencies did not believe the anti-German atrocity propaganda, which is why they brought the German scientists to America to exploit their expertise in military technologies.
Jews want us to believe that “Nazis” secretly control America. Why? Because Jews control America.
Jews want us to believe that “Nazis” killed 6 million Jews in WW2. Why? Because Jews killed tens of millions of White Christians in Russia and eastern Europe.
Everyday, we hear people criticizing “Nazis” in the press and on TV. If “Nazis” were in control, that wouldn’t be happening. Criticizing “Nazis” would be illegal as a “hate” crime, exactly what the Jews are doing now, making it illegal to criticize them.
Old Guy
Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Arabs…all envy white people, but they are too proud to ever admit it. Pride is a sin. Envy, covetousness is a sin. Even if they are “Christians” they will never admit it. Satan’s greatest sin was pride.
Their faith in Jesus is based on pride and envy….they accept the white man’s God, and envy our God of salvation, but refuse to admit that it’s the white man’s God. Their pride and envy will not allow them to admit this to themselves.
They lie to themselves, which is the worst kind of lie. They think they can love Jesus without the help and encouragement of the white man. But when they try on their own, they backslide, right back into their native pagan idolatry.
Non-whites cannot love Jesus without the help of the white man, just as they cannot live in an advanced civilization that was not built by and maintained by a white man.
They are spots on our feasts of charity.
But many of them like dying their hair blonde, which looks very unnatural.
Nail on the head. The number one problem with the nonwhites is envy and narcissism. The latter makes them insecure and causes the former.
They will not admit their sins because it would cause them to have to change. They resent God has a level of authority above their own people.
This is as absurd as being envious of the angels; there are levels of authority and privilege above almost everyone.
Of course, there are likely more rules and restrictions for those beings than for us, but everything has a cost. Nonwhites don’t want to acknowledge that either.
radio radio
Whenever I hear any judeo-christian say “love thy neighbor” this is what I think of….,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/161/147/205/original/618c2755daa75678.webp
If white Christians always “love thy neighbor”, then why do they move out of a neighborhood when blacks move in?
Why? Lip service. Whites instinctively know that blacks are not their neighbors, even if they live in their neighborhoods. Their God-given instinct is to get away from blacks. Even blacks when they get money want to move away from blacks and live among Whites.
A neighbor must first be a racial kindred before you can “love them as thy self”. All studies show that racially diverse neighborhoods break down, low levels of trust, no sense of real community.
Can’t mix iron and clay. Race mixed communities are forbidden in the Bible. Wake up, Christians.
“And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.” (Daniel 2:43)
Armed Patriot
No wonder we’re losing this battle. The kikes are 100% all on board with eachother and we White Christians can’t even agree on simple scripture.
The Bible warns us we would get divided amongst ourselves by pride and arrogance and here we are.
Im not bashing anyone here folks but I’m seeing this everywhere. Seems not two Christians can agree on anything.
Armed Patriot …..
Are you referring to “Israelite Identity” men; or Christianity in general?
In regards to Israelite Identity, I believe there are only 2 issues that we disagree on. I wouldn’t use “divide” as I am in friendship with a few Identity men who take a different position on one of or both those issues. Those issues are: Serpent Seed doctrine and “All Israel Will Be Saved”.
I think and hope to believe that both sides of those issues would have each other’s backs if we truly needed each other in a crisis.
I don’t think we hate each other by no means. Yes…. there are a couple individuals that take it to that level.
Curious your thoughts on what specifically you meant.
I concur my friend. I was surprised to see this in the CI community. Especially when it comes to doctrinal issues which seem so petty which is the reason I won’t debate anyone.
Not to sound high minded; but I have thoroughly done a ton of research. Being retired has allowed me the time. I say what I have to say and move on. Debate only leads to bad feelings, misunderstanding and destroys fellowship.
Robert M.
A racially universal form of Christianity will inevitably lead to Christians accepting non-whites into their lands and then allowing their sons and daughters to marry them as long as they “believe in Jesus”.
If you accept them as fellow Christians, you must accept them into your bloodline. After all, Jesus doesn’t see race at all, or so we are told.
I cannot imagine that Jesus or his disciples would ever endorse this kind of suicidal belief.
Imagine if the ancient Israelites had believed this nonsense from the beginning….Jesus never would have been born, and the Israelites would have all become Arabs worshiping their moon god Allah.
—– Robert M. ——
“….A racially universal form of Christianity will inevitably lead to Christians accepting non-whites into their lands ……. If you accept them as fellow Christians, you must accept them into your bloodline…..”
Yes! I have been struggling to formulate this THOUGHT into words and you said exactly what I have been trying to parse out.
I am a part of a FB Group called — “Anglo-Israel Peoples”.
We have had a few “Identity” believers try to suggest non-whites can obtain the Holy Spirit and become a New Creation. But …. they will then try to make an argument that we should remain SEPERATE and not race-mix.
But this makes no sense in light of exactly what you said. You can’t have both. It is either ALL or NONE.
Where are the Commandments to remain SEPARATE from other Believers or Followers of Jesus Christ??? They don’t exist.
And as I keep repeating — Where are they? There are millions upon millions of supposed non-white “Christians”. The Holy Spirit seeks UNITY. The Holy Spirit does not lead one to division or difference of belief.
If these so called non-white Christians have the Holy Spirit, how come their spirit is not guiding them to understand OUR PLIGHT?
That would make them “gentiles” assuming universalism is true. Which makes us the root and them a wild tree and they are not to boast against the Root. They are to support the Root. “Salvation” came through the Root.
From my experience — they don’t exist because I have never known ONE.
We have had a few non-white “Christians” come here and comment and they all are hostile to this idea that they should be supporting the Root — Romans 11:18 —
“…do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you….”
In fact there was one person who found this argument PRIDEFUL. But I didn’t write it — Paul did!
There are a Million strong “Asian Christians” in other lands and some in White Nations.
Where is their Voice towards forced immigration into White Countries that break down our Foundations??? S I L E N C E .
Arab Christians??? S I L E N C E .
Black Christians??? S I L E N C E. Not only silence from this group but protest. They want us to PAY.
Thank you Robert. I have had this lingering thought in my soul that I didn’t know how to express and I was hoping to find someone else who thought exactly as myself.
Awesome. Thanks. Cheers
Ps……. I have not read the supposed “Testimonies” Verbotenesarchiv uses to prove their “point”. Do these so called non-white Christians speak out against the Lies of WW2? Do they speak up for White Rights? Do they protest mass foreign immigration into White Nations? Do they speak out against the Jewish Question? Do they acknowledge that they are the wild tree and we are the branches of the Root that is Jesus Christ i.e., Jesus was a White Caucasian Man who came for His People??? “Gentiles” would simply be Guests of the Host.
Somehow I doubt it all very much. They just seem to want to take and take and take and take and never give back nor support.
Robert M.
I remember years ago coming across a group that called themselves Christian Kinists. They believed in the superiority of the White race in a sense, and they were against race mixing, but they also believed the non-whites could be saved separately somehow.
But they were blind to the fact that it was a one-way relationship. They gave to the non-whites, but the non-whites never defended them as Whites — only as fellow “Christians”.
As more and more pressure is put on Whites to step aside in the rising tide of color, I believe these Kinists will come to their senses. Once non-white Christians see that Jews have the power to destroy them or reward them, they will jump ship and turn on the white Christians as if they never knew them.
—– Robert M —–
Yes …. there are a half-dozen Face Book Groups claiming to be “Kinists” and YES ….. they are Universalists making the exact argument you describe.
Honestly …. I think it’s their way of “covering their a$$” just in case they are wrong about Exclusivism. Or, they like their non-white Lawn Service. It is “cheaper” than hiring White guys to do the job.
—– Robert M —-
“…But they were blind to the fact that it was a one-way relationship. They gave to the non-whites, but the non-whites never defended them as Whites — only as fellow “Christians”.
Incredibly WISE words.
I wish one of these so called White “Christians” could tell me how we benefit. You are exactly right — we got and get NOTHING. Why would God approve of that???
If the Asian “Christians” in Asia were coming to our rescue — I’d reconsider.
Heck …. the Asian “Christians” in America and Australia are SILENT. They won’t care one Iota when we disappear. Neither will the Mestizos.
radio radio
The slippery slope of the kinists….summed up in one insightful image…..,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/161/096/661/original/d5ad20faa404e817.jpeg
—— Radio Radio ——
As “simple” as that cartoon is — it is 100% accurate.
I just had a “Kinist” yesterday try to convince me that “Separate but Equal” is in God’s Law. He didn’t use those words exactly, but his GAS LIGHTING were those words. Something about “Marxist Ideology” and how “Christians” are not mature enough “today” to KEEP God’s Law of Separate but Equal.
It just makes zero sense. Jesus extends His Salvation to people that we are not to treat as our “Neighbor”.
Your neighbors are black “christians” but our children are not supposed to play together/grow up together/become friends.
Makes zero sense.
These so called “Kinists”, in my small sample, all live in Predominantly White areas of the Country. They don’t have black, yellow and red neighbors. It is easy to have those beliefs when you don’t actually have to deal with diversity on an everyday basis — in the Real World so to speak.
I’ve lived in Diversity. There is no way you can keep your children separate in such conditions. Impossible. Unless you chain your children to the kitchen table.
TV sucks and this is not an endorsement of TV. But a few years ago a “reality” show centered around the “Plath Family”.
Beautiful White Family. Is now completely destroyed by that reality show. The parents are divorced and the grown children are a mess. And of course their “gospel” was one of Universal Reconciliation. The Parents “gave in”. Why they chose to do that show, is beyond me. Probably money. They say it was because they wanted to “witness” their family values to the world. I call BS.
If Whites would have remained Separate this whole time and shipped Bibles to non-white nations ………………….. I’d say there would be a 1% chance those non-whites would consider themselves “christian”. I know most of you here agree.
Not to mention ……….. why does the Jew care so much about mixing our People? For me — that is the nail in the coffin.
The Jew doesn’t care about diversifying China or Asia or Central Africa or South America.
Sure..divide and conquer…it works. Lies are their best weapon.
And with so much control over media( dwindling in a lot of areas) they control the narrative…what people “think”.
From what I can see, it’s semi-controlled demolition and a race to the bottom.
But the mask has slipped almost all the way off.
And things are changing.
Soon enough is to be seen.
UK Government Imposes Blackout on All Information About Military Plane in Britain:
Paul Kurt
Ja, you are perceptive, Armed Patriot.. Unity is impossible. This reminds of the words of the Lord, ” if you do not unify or gather in me , then you shall be scattered (dis- integration) —
the jewish mandate in the 50’s or earlier for “integration ” into other races was a preemption of what happens in Germany at this time. “Integration” was really disintegration. Jews exploit our language to destroy us with lies.
Unity against a common enemy ——– the jew—— is now the perverted with words. We are against each other , have become idolators believing their shameless lies . We are destroying the monuments of southern heroes and abjuring our inheritance. “Racist” or the white dissenter is now the jews’ place as the common enemy .
Is the sin not always laid before us and the new saviour the jew and conforming to the world ? Who can help us now , when we destroy the things by which we would be saved?
Let the jew and black screeching begin!!!“platform”%3A1%2C”cv”%3A”24.12.2″%2C”languages”%3A”en”%7D
radio radio
Why did God choose Israel? If you were God, who would you choose?,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/161/070/023/original/0c2e9d79ec66c167.jpg
There is an answer from the Archive:
CFT Readers,
We’ve read their response, but did not see any scriptural proof to support their position, nor any persuasive arguments against our position except a few cherry-picked verses out of context.
We would like to know from our readers if they would like us to formally respond to this new article by VA, point by point, or should we just not bother?
Your feedback here will determine if we should put the effort into responding formally.
I think it would be a good idea, it could help newer readers see further errors with dispensationalist theology.
CFT ……
I read their response. I did not study it, however, but just read it through once.
I “Suspect”, they believe that all the “Kinds” (White, black, yellow red) all have “evolved” (a term they use) from the Loins of Adam and Eve.
I believe this is their blind spot.
As long as they hold to that position, they will never “examine” themselves completely i.e., they won’t bother reading all the articles and books that make the case that AdamMan is the only “Kind” to have been created in the image of God.
This is what I have discovered over the past 10 years trying to Evangelize family, friends and neighbors — “Spiritual Truths are not Intellectual Endeavors”.
At this point — you would be wasting your time “contending for the faith” with this group of people.
They have access to Christians for Truth and all the available resources provided here.
If a man is not already “asking questions” and doubting their own beliefs — they will never bother exploring this Topic — Universalism.
I just feel really bad for any German Christian that may be asking those questions; but trust “Archive for Forbidden Truth” to answer those questions.
If you did feel the Spirit move you to respond — know that you are not responding to the writers of “Archive” but that you would be responding to anyone who might read this ‘exchange’ between them and CFT.
This whole Topic — Universalism — at this point in time is really about Principle and sadly, has nothing to do with making change in our demographic state of peril.
We needed this ARGUMENT to have happened 60 years ago when the Jews were beginning their Propaganda Campaign of “Diversity” of White Nations.
At this point in time — that effort is futile. Only a MIRACLE can change things now.
If they want to “Fellowship” with non-white supposed “christians”; that burden and consequence is on them personally. If they believe a non-white can “accept” Jesus into their heart and that is what makes a man a “Christian” ………… I think the problem is larger than just trying to convince them that Jesus came ONLY to redeem Adamic Man.
They have a Soteriology Problem.
For me ………………. when I personally know of a non-white “Christian” who accepts the fact that they are not a descendant of Adam and Eve and they accept the fact that only White Caucasian Peoples are descendants of Adam and Eve, who would later become known as the Israelites of Scripture and the Europeans of History ……….. if they STILL believe of themselves as “Christian” (under those conditions), then maybe, just maybe, I might believe in Universalism.
I presume that these so called non-white “Christians” that they believe exist — don’t believe and understand those “conditions”. They are like the rest of Modern Christianity — all one has to do is to believe in Jesus and love your neighbor and then magically, one is filled with the Holy Ghost and has become Born-again and is a New Creation.
If those writers at the Archive are not feeling uneasy about their beliefs and aren’t already seriously questioning these thoughts ……………… any person who tries to “Contend for the Faith” with them is essentially casting Pearls before Swine.
I would be shocked to discover that these so called Christians that they speak of truly believe those conditions I listed.
The Proof is in the Pudding for me. When will non-white Christians start to think about us, for a change?
When are we going to see non-whites ADVOCATE for us???
Because we have ADVOCATED for them for Centuries. Our Ancestors TRIED to “Christianize” them and what has that produced???
The non-white Christians in the United States don’t care one iota that the White Peoples of the World are being persecuted daily and our Numbers SHRINK yearly. This is White Ethnocide and the non-white world cares not. All of these so called African Christians and Asian Christians ………………….. Where are they???
If you do anything, I would be very curious to hear what they believe about “Creation”. Do the non-white “Kinds” come from Adam and Eve? If they say YES ………. that is the core of their blind spot.
I doubt very much that they will bother to read the Comment Sections here.
Maybe just ask them in a Private Email if they believe all the races of the earth come from the Loins of Adam and Eve. I’d be very curious to know that answer.
I noticed they use the word “Jew” to describe Israelites. That is a huge red flag for me.
Thanks for taking the time to even think about what do to next.
You (CFT) have an abundant Resource. If they are not actively reading your articles and researching the Books ………………….
The Onus is now on them. Let them do the work.
Proof is in the pudding in more ways than one:
1. Why are all non-animal activities so much more grand and common: the great art, science philosophy, etc. are all white creations. These are things that are linked to spiritual rather than base physical and social needs.
2. Why did Christianity transform White society to be godly, while having little to no effect on others?
3. Why are White cultures both an object of envy and attack.
4. Why has God not corrected the godlessness in other cultures with divine punishment? He barely did it with Israel’s neighbors.
5. Why are all nations (not Israel) gathered against Israel in the end times? If that’s so, how can these peoples be saved?
I could go on, but again, evident truth. If you are willing to look honestly at the world.
—– Creat ——-
Thank you. Great Points.
The Holy Spirit is not confusing. The Holy Spirit is not DIFFERENT from one to the next. The same Spirit that inspired White Civilization SHOULD have inspired non-white civilizations and it didn’t and doesn’t. Their version of Christianity, when not influenced by White Peoples, takes on a life of it’s own.
The Holy Spirit is UNITY — not division. The non-white “christians” have no interest in protecting and supporting the Root (Romans 11:18)
Dear CFT
I for one (personally) would not respond. They do not have the Holy Spirit. God will and is separating His Own from ‘religious’ and self understanding. This BLASPHEMES the true Spirit of God.
The so called response is SO LONG that it tells me that they are jews using their worldly understanding such as EVOLUTION 🤨.
But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16).
Which means that the Holy Spirit HAS CALLED THEM, instead of us going to them. This is where the church has erred. We also do not DEBATE the Truth, another jew form of witchcraft.
I simply stop after first two sentences knowing where it comes from. This is using discernment separating Truth from false. I bore Witness with your initial response breaking it down firmly.
Thank you for asking us. God Bless
CFT Readers,
Based on your responses, which we presume reflect many who didn’t respond, as we know our audience well, we would agree — to continue to respond would be fruitless at this point.
Few are ever ready to hear this message, and those who do hear it, hear it not through a debate but through a moment of personal spiritual clarity. We will not force the issue.
That said, we will make a few comments about that response article.
1) It is abundantly clear that VA did not read virtually any the material that we linked to in our response — because every point they attempted to make is answered in those linked CFT articles.
2) They claim to be anti-Marxist, but ironically many who believe they are anti-Marxist remain in the Marxist dialectic unconsciously. That they still use the term “racist” is proof of that. Without the accusation of “racism”, Marxism would be dead in the water.
3) They claim they agree that the White European people are, in fact, the living descendants of the lost tribes of the House of Israel. If that is the case, then there is no reason to disagree with anything we are saying. The Great Commission has been fulfilled when Europe became Christian. No other evangelizing is necessary.
4) They claim that some of their non-white readers “witnessed” for Christ and made a difference in their lives. When you give primitive, pagan people a moral code by which to live, their lives can improve. We don’t deny that. They can benefit from being “Christian”. Does that prove they can be saved other than in an earthly sense? Those same races often to convert to Islam and claim the same “improvement” in their lives. Does that mean Allah is real? That they will be rewarded with 25 virgins in paradise by believing in Islam? The other races are merely trying to please their overlords by adopting their religions.
5) They claim they are not Universalists because they believe in racial differences. Universalists do not believe that race is a factor in salvation, not in this material world. Many “racists” and “racialists” still believe that other races can be saved — they just want them to worship in their own separate churches and communities. They are all Universalists — who believe that Christ did not believe in any racial preferences despite the explicit words of Matthew 15:24.
6). Nothing in Jeremiah 31:31 suggests that the New Covenant will be entirely spiritual rather than will be with one specific people, Israel. If the New Covenant were for everyone, regardless of tribe or family, Jeremiah would have said so. He didn’t say that. Same people, same covenant — the only difference is that Israel would be saved through faith and grace, not through adherence to the Law.
7). They repeat “love thy neighbor” like robots, which proves they did not read our essays refuting the Universalism of that command. Same with the Good Samaritan. If they are not going to read our material that disproves their position we must assume they are not interested in having their views challenged — nor are they willing to modify their views at this point.
8). Their response was posted much too quickly for them to have read all of our linked articles that disprove every point they make. When they are ready and willing to do so and can demonstrate they have sincerely read that material with an open and humble heart, then perhaps we can help them overcome their Universalist stumbling block.
9) Until then, we hope they keep an open mind and keep growing and moving toward the truth. But the superstition against “racism” is almost impossible to overcome for most Christians who would sooner break every one of the 10 Commandments than be accused of “racism” by society at large or their fellow Christians still suffering under the boot heel of Marxism, which invaded Christian churches well over 150 years ago.
I think praying for God to open their eyes might work more, to be honest. Some people’s hearts are pretty hard, ya know.
Some people’s hearts are Judaizers. Which are idolaters and in several places in the Word of Truth God says not to pray for them as He will not hear them. Why? Because they DO NOT HEAR HIM. A stiff neck is the same as witchcraft and sorcery, lifting up as God then leading others astray. Many churches are guilty of this. They lean onto their own understanding. God will spew them out of His Mouth.
In John 17:9 (all of Chp 17) :
9 I ask on their behalf; I do not ask on behalf of the world, but on the behalf of those whom You have given Me, because they are Yours; 10 and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them.
As CFT noted, His sheep hear His voice. It is obvious that the blog site who challenged CFT are not HIS SHEEP. Also understand that Germany is occupied the same way the US is. And for a fact jews who are children of Satan know the New Testament so they can undermine it, just as they have done with Churches.
The evil one, the antichrist will come as an angel of light in all manners of Scripture. We need to be obedient to the LEAD of the Holy Spirit AND receive confirmation of it so as not to be led astray.
The person who is challenging CFT is not concerned about RAPE and MURDER done by these non-sheep wolves. That should be a red flag to all of us.
I wouldn’t bother. It’s obviously from the article and your response to them are falling on deaf ears and blind eyes. To me they are nothing more than the typical Judeo-Christian con artists. Why waste your intellectual energy?
radio radio
You will never convince me that Jesus came to “redeem” these savages. Never. [graphic warning]
Interesting article that shows the connection between intelligence and morality, and why blacks tend to fail to grasp moral concepts because of their low cognitive ability
Hello C.F.T. and Visitors,
The Bible was written for one people and only one people. The people God named Israel. Only one people upon this earth can blush. (white race) Deny what is written here and die in your sin.
Ezra 9:6
“And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens.” (read the chapter)
Exodus 19:5
“Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine”
Deuteronomy 14:2
“For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.”
Deuteronomy 26:18
“And the LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments”
Psalms 135:4
“For the LORD hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure.”
Titus 2:14
“Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”
1 Peter 2:9
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light”
Matthew 1:21
“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 2:6
“And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.”
My the Holy Spirit of God bless all of us with wisdom and understanding of His word.
Yep. There it is in Matthew 1:21 :
Jesus came to save HIS people, the Israelite people, from their sins. How can judeo-christians miss that?
“His people” means his race, his kindred, his extended family.
Do they really believe that everyone qualifies as a “honorary” Israelite just because they claim they believe in Jesus?
What kind of lame religion is that based on fuzzy wishful thinking?
Back country
Judeos have it all backwards when the say that if you believe in Jesus, then you magically become an honorary seed of Abraham.
They will always quote Galatians 3:29…
“And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
The promises of Abraham were passed down through a very specific bloodline. The promises were not universal.
The meaning of Galatians 3:29 is this:
IF you accept Christ, the promised messiah of Israel, AND you follow him, THEN that is proof that you must be Abraham’s promised seed and Israelite heirs to the covenant.
Back country
And a corollary of this:
Even if you are a literal blood descendant of Abraham down through Jacob, and you do not accept Christ, then you lose the right to call yourself Abraham’s seed.
“If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works Abraham did.”
John 8:39
It’s like African invaders who are given Irish passports and citizenship. They think they are now “Irish”, just as Irish as those who have lived on that island for the last 2,000 years.
(anti) Scottish PAKI MP:
Humza Yousaf delivering his ‘white people’ speech in June 2020 (IN FULL)
P 45…….White.😉
Luke 13:28 and Matthew 7:21-23 refer only to Adamic people, as non-white people (Beast of the Field) do not have a spirit!! hell/paradise is reserved for only one race !!
No wonder Jesus Christ is call our “kinsman redeemer”
Robert M.
Christians need to start seeing non-white heathen as “spots on our feasts of charity” indeed.
Christians don’t realize how condescending they are to these people….they delight in them the way we delight in animals who can imitate our behaviors. That’s why it’s called “aping” our behaviors.
A Christian’s eyes light up when these creatures say “I believe in Jesus” the same way any parrot or myna bird can be taught to say the same thing.
Our Christian nations are the holy mountain of Israel, and these heathen desire nothing more than to feed off us and take advantage of our feasts of charity.
“For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been.”
(Obadiah 1:16)
Well done CFT. I hit the table with my hand when I reached:
“CFT Note: Truth and Love are inseparable. True Christians cannot love a lie, just as we cannot love a false Jesus preached to us by pastors who tickle our ears and please our earthly desires.”
****And the rest thereafter. What an ending!***
And a must needed confirmation. 👈This is lately for me an unapologetic meme from me to my Lord especially towards Antichrist Jews and their gatekeepers which are legions.
Here is one partaker, Rick Wiles, who will be taking many with him:
Amazing how one is able to speak freely about “the Jews” while upholding the greatest lie ever told “the Holo(caust)” hoax living well in a state whose jew governor passed hate speech laws and who “defends” israel, while opposing a jew that wears an IDF uniform running for US congress…USING the live streaming death of Palestinians (by jews) in their own land of Palestine.
AND whose besty king of Jordan traitor of Palestine where the biggest gathering of arms sales manufacturer s in the world operates.
Here is a convert from Muslim to Christian Orthodox bishop Mar Mari Emanuel why he forgives his attacker. Listen to the end.
This same bishop has blessed Trump (another Antichrist) and Israel.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
New American Standard Bible
“13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.”
Thank you, CFT
That bishop Mari Mari Emanuel says over and over that he’s a “proud Christian”. That’s an oxymoron. He has no business leading a congregation, praising “multicultural” Australia, full of haters of Christ and his followers.
Where in the gospels does it tell Christians to be proud? Pride is one of the seven deadly sins.
We are to be humble as Christians, not proud as Christians.
“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”
1 John 2:16
Pride goes before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before stumbling.
19 It is better to be humble in spirit with the needy
Than to divide the spoils with the proud.
Proverbs 16:18-19
Hey CFT this is an off topic question, though I wasn’t sure where to ask it. What are your thoughts on the sacred name movement? Those who advocate the use of Yahweh, Yahshua, messiah instead of Lord, Jesus, God or Christ? Personally I think either are okay and don’t get why some people make a big deal of it.
Hello Ellijah
Not to fill in for CFT, for whatever it’s worth (and it comes from conviction of the Holy Spirit as a Witness to the Spoken Word Jesus Christ) :
Psalm 19:12-14
12Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults.
13 Also keep Your servant back from presumptuous sins;
Let them not rule over me;
Then I will be innocent,
And I will be blameless of great wrongdoing.
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
1. an idea that is taken to be true, and often used as the basis for other ideas, although it is not known for certain.
“underlying presumptions about human nature”
2. behavior perceived as arrogant, disrespectful, and transgressing the limits of what is permitted or appropriate.
“he lifted her off the ground, and she was enraged at his presumption”
Revelation 22:18
New American Standard Bible
18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;
There is nowhere in the Word of God, in Hebrew or Greek, that allows vowel sounds to presume YHVH. So what has PRESUMPTION
done to the Holiness of God? Likewise now when presuming translation of our Christ and Savior as Hebrew instead of Greek, it not only ADDS to this Prophecy, but CANCELS OUT all the works of Jesus, His Apostle’s, His Gospel, His Promise, all the acts of Apostle Paul a Hebrew of Hebrews who went forth to the Lost House of Israel in the Name of Jesus.
Proverbs 1:7 (all of Proverbs 1)
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
We are accountable to our Teacher, The Word of God via The Holy Spirit, in humbling ourselves in study, learning, reproof of Truth. We act as God when we presumptuously add or take away from the Living Truth. Those who do not submit to Truth and Spirit are in sin.
We would add that in the New Testament, Jesus is referred to by many different names and titles…here’s a list:
To suggest somehow that only one of these names will please Him is foolish.
The same is true for the Father, who is referred to in a multitude of ways:
It was Kabbalistic Jews who misled Christians into believing that they knew God’s one true “secret” name, and that if we invoked it, God would hear us and grant us our wishes.
This is occult, babylonian superstition — God’s name has no talismanic power.
Regardless of what names you use for God or Jesus, He will hear you if your heart is sincere.
Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice”. He didn’t say, “My sheep know my one true correct name.”
Remember, God and Jesus chose us. We were written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world.
Regarding His name, His only commandment is that we do not use it “in vain” — meaning for selfish, earthly gain — the vanity of human wishes. And to believe that if you use His “one true name” that you will please Him is the height of vanity.
I will add my native tongue is English, not paleo-hebrew or Aramaic. There is nothing in Scripture suggesting I should be required to call God/Jesus Christ by a specific name. So, I will call Him in my native tongue: Jesus Christ, my kinsman redeemer; the eternal God.
Good points, I agree. I got annoyed with other “Christian” groups because they would insist that YHWH is the only true name, despite the fact Kurios is the accurate form for Lord or prince. I notice these issues specifically with the sacred namers. It seems like they argue over names Yahweh, Yahuwah, Yehovah, Yehowah etc. When they should be focusing on our kinsmen redeemer Jesus Christ.
One more thought, isn’t it also true that the sacred name movement was started by a delusional man? I may be off the mark here but I thought I heard something about that.
Thanks again, and thanks for the article.
Ens. Pulver
The Sacred Name Movement came out of the Seventh Day Adventists who were judaizers.
They basically believed that Christianity needed to get back to its “jewish roots” in the Old Testament by observing many of the Old Testament laws and ceremonies such as the Seventh-day Sabbath, Torah festivals, and kashrut food laws.
All of this nonsense ignores that the Old Testament laws and rituals were impossible to keep which is why Christ came with a new covenant based on faith and grace.
Depending on the year, the Sabbath can fall on different days, and to keep track of the changing Sabbath is just another empty ritual. Setting one day a week aside for God is the spirit of the Sabbath, not getting the “right” day that is pleasing to God.
The Sacred Name Movement became very popular in the Third Word, such as in Indonesia, Kenya, and the Philippines. Which makes sense because these people are highly superstitious.
And this movement is based on the superstition that to be a “real” Christian, we have to use God’s “real” name. Sounds gnostic to me.
Hi Laine,
Welcome. You have come to a very good site here. The articles are great. My favorite is the book section that you can download onto PDF. There are good books regarding our Caucasian/European history and heritage.
I was a Judeo-Christian at one time. I started questioning things back in 2019. By time of the lockdowns in 2020; I went into full investigative mode. Since that time I have amassed tons of information I downloaded and printed off. I have two huge binders and still need another one.
In the New testament, Timothy instructs us to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15.
God bless you in your search for the truth in CI.
Thanks man. The truth journey has really been amazing and it is really humbling and awe inspiring how God actually opens our eyes when we ask for the truth in obedience.
Like today I even asked and prayed to see a gator as I was taking a walk with my mother here in Florida as she is visiting from Norway and we saw two of them. He answers prayers much more amazing than. We serve the living God and are blessed beyond our wildest imagination.
I started as a basic white nationalist but was having epiphanies and revelations that made me realize God is real and finally led me here.
Welcome Lain, waking up to our racial identity as Israelites/Adamites is key to sharpening our Christian theology. This site has plenty to offer in terms of books and articles for edification. The community here is good, I’d also like to extend a welcome to you.
ray say it
Indians have been in North America for over 12,000 years, long before the time of Adam. Therefore, Indians cannot be part of that creation. Therefore, they were not created in the image of God as Adam was.
James Smith
Judeo-Christians believe the world is only 6,000 years old, and that races only started existing 4,500 years ago, so they write off Amerindians settling in the Americas as heresy.
All men were created at Genesis 1, it’s just that God plus the sons of god/elohim made their own versions of men.
God didn’t specify that all of the men being created should image Him, but that they image “us”. This leaves a lot of leeway for creativity for the bene elohim working on that project.
It explains all genetic and racial differences, plus any and all extinct hominid types you could ever find (if they weren’t pranks). Some were probably pretty close to exactly like God’s and some were not.
Genesis 2 is where we zoom in on God’s personal species of men, i.e., the Human. Given how exclusive God was with Noah, Abraham, and Israel, we can see God has kept His focus on what He created.
Presumably the other the responsibility of the particular Son of God assigned to their nation.
Why are White people the only race that is required to hate themselves in order to be considered good people?
Why is Christianity the only religion that is no longer strongly associated with one race of people?
Mr. 19
Why is it that simply asking these questions can land one in jail or, at the very least, destroy one’s reputation and career?
Thank you for the concise and to the point response. I’ve been reading this site more and more and recently discovered how important this work/site is – the Bible studies are outstanding.
It has helped me realize certain facts and aspects that I’ve never known or considered and convinced me from mis-teachings and pushed me in the right direction in my walk with Jesus.
I think it was God’s will for me to find this website and I’m really grateful this site exists.
We are glad that you have found us and that our material is helpful to you. All of us here have had to overcome those same “mis-teachings” in a humble search for the true meaning of the Gospels.
We would encourage you to make comments or ask questions whenever they arise as you continue in your journey of faith. We have many knowledgeable and sincere Christians here with you.
Thank you! I’ll ask questions.
And keep up the work. I’m sure there must be hundreds of people here reading quietly and having revelations and having it all click.
I was “itching” to comment, and now glad you did, as I was “hot” with my emotions. I cooled down, logged back on, and behold — you rightly reproved their “reprove” with Truth and Grace.
Great job!
I pray they will read this.
I was a universalist once. My empathetic heart got the best of me. And I still think I “want” to believe it — but the only avenue I can see is IF……IF…..there is some accommodation for “the Stranger”. Kind of like Hitler’s “Honorary Aryan”. (if that is even true) A “Guest Program” if you will.
HOWEVER……………… I keep asking myself this Question —- What do non-whites bring to Christianity???
A big fat nothing. The few non-white “christians” that have come here, only argue and rebuke.
What do they bring to Civilization???
A big fat nothing. Cheap labor and Food trucks. But I can do without BOTH.
We are glad you enjoyed the article. Yes, it’s easy to get triggered by universalism, but we always need to remind ourselves that it is a difficult mind-set to overcome, and we need to be patient with those who are still stuck in it.
That said, we have gone over the essay again and added quite a bit of new material, evidence, and comments — if you have time to re-read it. If you have any suggestions to add to it, please feel free to point them out to us.
Well done!