(Trib Live) An assistant manager of a Waterfront restaurant in Pittsburgh was fired Monday after his employer said he shared an alleged “antisemitic” post on Facebook:
“I would like to sincerely apologize for the action of one of my employees. It is inexcusable and nothing can make up for it,” Jeff Kim, the owner of Yokoso Japanese Steakhouse in Homestead, wrote in a post shared to his restaurant’s Facebook page on Monday.
“Please know that his comments and views do not reflect the values of the restaurant and its employees. His employment has been terminated.”
Kim wasn’t available when a Tribune-Review reporter called the restaurant Tuesday. Manager (((Sandra Berger))) identified the employee as Stephen Guyer.
She said Guyer shared a meme on his personal Facebook page that showed the interior of an oven and read “Jewish bunk beds for sale.”
Guyer, whose Facebook page said he lives in Munhall, told the Tribune-Review the message was a “huge mistake.”
“I can’t read real well and my eyes are very bad. I thought (the meme) was something about a Danish bunk bed,” Guyer wrote.
“My life has been ruined now. I would never disrespect Jewish people intentionally,” Guyer said, adding that he identifies as Judeo-Christian. “I love all people no matter their race, color or religion. I made a mistake and I’m very sorry for the outcome.”
It’s worth pointing out that the Jewish journalist who witnessed and made a video of this Irishman making these comments is Tuvia Tenenbom — a paranoid Jewish supremacist who claimed that white Europeans have “a lust for murdering Jews” — so it’s safe to say that he probably went into the bar looking for trouble.
There was a time in the not-too-distant past in America that people could make Holocaust jokes without having their lives ruined — but not only have times changed, the identity of those who rule over us has changed, too.
Jews are now the de facto final arbiters of what is funny and what is not — and if a Jew is not amused by your joke, or even pretends to be ‘offended’ by it, you will lose your job, your income, your life, if they have their way with you.
Whereas Jews can “joke” all they want about how powerful Jews are — or about shooting Palestinian women and children to celebrate Passover — but when a drunk Irishman tells a joke about Hitler in a small town in Derry, Jews worldwide clutch their pearls and screech about how “another” Holocaust is right around the corner.
If there is a “lesson” to be learned from this ridiculous circus, it’s that there should be a mass exodus from Facebook, which has become a “honeypot” that psychologically profiles and punishes anyone who veers off the narrow line of political correctness.
All decisions are final and cannot be appealed — the only ‘right’ you have is to shut up and take it.
There’s an unwritten law in America that there’s nothing funny about the Holocaust™ unless a Jew like Larry David decides to tell a joke about it— that is, when he’s not too busy urinating on a portrait of Christ.
YOUR free speech as a White American citizen exists only by the decision of Jewry.
That is the intent behind Jewry’s use of the phrase “anti-semitism”. It is only Jewry who defines that term at any given point of time, and it is designed to give the jews free reign to savage you inside your own country by increasingly making their definitions more broad as new laws are passed prohibiting against your inherent American freedoms, and restricting your citizen’s rights and obligations to counter uncivil wrongdoings and subversions with your speech, associations and activities.
Each step closer with the new restrictions is showing Jewry’s intent, and that the jew’s plans are leading White Americans directly toward a future American Holodomor, with Noahide enforcements planned to be placed onto the public by their Jew-inspired Cheka – Antifa and media.
“Race-Traitor Driver high on JEW COMMUNIST POISONS intentionally Runs Over 11yr old girl ‘Because She Was White’
Thanks to the hard-line Jew-Communistic Scholastic Propagandas, the Jew Media and Drugs trafficking programs instituted via the Jewish poisons of cultural Marxism.
“A witness told police that the driver [Steven Becky, 19] walked toward the injured girl and said, “We all have to die sometime,” and described him as having “‘charged’ the victim in an aggressive manner,” and attempting to leave the scene, the report said.
The child was a friend of one of Becky’s young cousins, and was known to the suspect.
“Becky told the doctor he used LSD and mushrooms,” the statement says.
Becky waived his Miranda Rights and agreed to speak with detectives. During the interview, Becky stated that he intentionally hit the victim, ‘because she was white.’