A German man posted a video online that first shows him right after he dutifully received his COVID vaccine — first in his car, jubilantly making fun of those who warned him that it was dangerous — and then follows him a few days later as he somberly describes his struggles with severe neurological problems — but, of course, he’s not laughing so loud any more…
Transcription and translation provided here:
Qubbi and I got it done! We… just… got… vaccinated. So get vaccinated, otherwise, ewww, there are the unvaccinated! Ewww! There are probably even unvaccinated viewers, urgh!
As you know, last Wednesday I was vaccinated against Corona with the vaccine from AstraZeneca. I got up in the morning, and the first thing that happened was that I fell right on the floor. That happened because my right leg just collapsed under me. I thought to myself, “What’s going on?”
Then I realized that my face was numb — along with my arm and leg. I thought to myself, “Oh, s***, what’s going on now?!” No joke, at first I thought I had had a stroke. The entire right side of my body was completely numb. Later on, I started having dizzy spells, which made me think that I really had a stroke. The only way I could move around in my apartment was with my left side against the wall because the right side is entirely numb.
So then, I wanted to put my shoes on, but I couldn’t. I can only lift my right hand with support from the left. That works; then I lift my arm like that, and that’s OK, but I have no fine motor skills. Nothing at all. It’s all numb here. You could poke it with a needle and I’d feel nothing. I couldn’t tie my shoes.
The doctor said that a stroke could be ruled out as the cause. She also said it appears that, most probably, the vaccine affected my central nervous system.
My fever is now gone and the dizziness, too. That stopped last Friday. And now with my right foot, I can move it — well, y’know, although it’s still numb or impaired.
Despite that, I’m able to move my foot, and the muscle aches and pains are now gone. Fever is gone — dizziness is gone — but unfortunately, the rest of it’s still there. The amount of saliva has also decreased.
This means the symptoms are starting to disappear, and that’s important to say here quickly. The tactile impairment is still present.
I think it’s a good thing that there’s a Corona vaccine. I will stand by that statement and want to emphasize that here at this point.
Unfortunately, the Bell’s Palsy is still there — I’m sure you can see that.
His doctor reassures him that despite having all the textbook symptoms of a stroke — none of his symptoms were actually caused by a stroke — all semantics.
Instead, the vaccine “affected his nervous system” — in other words, the vaccine caused a stroke, damaging his nervous system, which caused the symptoms he’s experiencing.
The late Dr. Andrew Moulden — who worked extensively with vaccine-damaged children — demonstrated how vaccines caused mini-strokes — especially Bell’s Palsy — which showed up early in Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trials.
In fact, Dr. Moulden went so far as to assert that every vaccine causes damage — but often the symptoms are very difficult to discern — because doctors receive no training in identifying vaccine damage — for the simple reason that all vaccines are “safe and effective” if you want to keep your medical license.
Yet, despite obviously having a stroke — and the prospect of permanent neurological impairment — this German man still insists that the Corona vaccine is “good” — and he “stands by it” — the brainwashing is complete.
Whistleblowers who work in nursing homes in Germany have come forward to claim that the elderly residents are being forced to take the vaccine against their wills — and many are dying — clearly, this has all the hallmarks of State-sponsored euthanasia.
And Angela Merkel has all but threatened German citizens that if they do not submit to this clearly dangerous vaccine, the State will do everything in its power to make their lives miserable.
Better than any “denazification” program of the past, these COVID vaccines will ensure that there will never be any chance of another Hitler rising up against the ruling elite — even if that means turning the population into medical zombies.
I don’t celebrate his death but this so-called doctor is another conspiracy theorist. This theory: The real conspiracy theory is believing the Medical Co$a No$tra and the healthcare indu$trial complex, who make billion$ off of u$ (every year) being ill and/or addicted, want u$ well.
And for the Believers on this thread and website, is the following Revelation verse referring to Pharmakeia* or sorcery….or is the sorcery, pharmakeia??? And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy pharmakeia* were all nations deceived. — Revelation 18:23
Pride goeth before a fall (literally in this case)
Well what a surprise?
The CDC in USA have just announced that coronavirus is rarely the cause in ‘COVID’ deaths.
Now that millions have had the Jab and will setup for a hyper-immune response they can back off and ramp later in the year, there will be no saving the Vaxxed then and they will say its Covid, so predictable its ridiculous.
Cahill, Tenpenny, Mikovits, and other doctors and scientists are warning of a coming mass casualty event, involving people who have received experimental stage COVID vaccines, due to a reaction known as hyper-immune response.
To see the scam that this virus is just goto plandemicseries.com.
“[Covid Origin] Manufactured Virus Known and Taught for Years in Military Textbook”
“Page 92 of the CCP military textbook, “The Unnatural Origin of SARS and Man-Made Human Novel Virus as Genetic Weapon,” …..
(2) Oncogenic weapons: The above-mentioned viruses or special DNA fragments of oncogenes that can initiate the growth of certain cancer cells can, through various “invisible” means, enter the human body and initiate the rapid growth and proliferation of wild cancer cells (or cancers) without restriction.”
[Author’s Comment]:
Throughout this translation, there are several key words to note. The textbook title has the word “man-made” and the heading above the two key paragraphs states “manufacturers.” We also see the word, “activator.” These words explicitly tell the readers, without a doubt that the CCP virus was premeditated years ago and created by the CCP.” …. [More]
“Flying Syringes – Bill Gates Wants To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Inject You With Vaccines”
“Flying Syringes is a phrase that is used to refer to a proposed project funded by Bill Gates to create genetically modified mosquitoes that inject vaccines into people when they bite them.
Infact, Bill Gates once did actually released a swarm of mosquitoes on unsuspecting crowd at a TED conference in 2009.
“There’s no reason only poor people should have the experience,” Bill Gates said, before adding that the mosquitoes were not infectious.
Bill Gates is also funding a project which aims to deliver an invisible quantum tattoo hidden in the coronavirus vaccine for storing your vaccination history.
The researchers showed that their new dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots, can remain for at least five years under the skin, where it emits near-infrared light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone.”
Scroll through the victims…..
Drg. Bernadi Catur Into, Sp.Prostho, RIP Died February 22, 2021 following his covid vaccination.
Dr. Witold Rogiewicz, RIP. Died a few days after receiving his second dose of the covid-19 vaccine. He was known online for encouraging vaccine-taking and criticizing anti-vaccine and coronasceptic environments.
Apparently this young woman in Argentina had the covid vaccine and moments later this happened.
Famous Russian Celebrity Mikhail Boyarsky collapses after receiving the Covid Vaccine.
I could not have said it any better……”Better than any “denazification” program of the past, these COVID vaccines will ensure that there will never be any chance of another Hitler rising up against the ruling elite — even if that means turning the population into medical zombies.”
Socialism was a means to pacify people and prevent another Hitler from rising….now that the Marxist experiment is showing its demonic colors, I had to come up with something else to tighten the noose….never again conventional weapons but he, wrap the Bio-weapon in the virus jacket and call it health care, just like they use abortion to genocide with impunity.
Moulden was sure right, all vaccine is harm. At least if you dont trust western medicine school, and come to your own conclusions Bechaump not Pasteurs model matches us, terrain theory.
This recent article has a decent neutral decription of both.
There are quite alot who underline just this, vaccine harm your immune system, watch or listen(no particular order and sorry if i missed few) Andrew Kaufman, Sherry Tenpenny, Tom Cowan, Judy Mikovits, Carrie Madj etc
And for the ones who love long documentations(good vaccine history)
Over 8 hours filled with facts…