After expressing open solidarity with the violent protestors in the wake of the death of George Floyd, Jews in Los Angeles welcomed with loud cheers an army of police vehicles into their neighborhoods to protect their property:
Rabbi Steven Burg on Sunday posted a few remarkable videos as well as a still image portraying the state of things in Los Angeles during the race riots.
We post here the cluster of his post as well as, separately, the touching video of young Jewish men welcoming a column of police vehicles in to their neighborhood.
[Images of] Terrible antisemitic attacks against the Jewish community in LA using the George Floyd protests as a cover.
[View original FB video here.]
Communist/anarchist Antifa thugs, using the death of George Floyd as an excuse to go on another rampage, apparently targeted a couple Jewish synagogues in Los Angeles, tagging them with banal anti-Israel graffiti.
Jews still haven’t figured out how to convince these mostly-White Leftist radicals — who still live with their parents — to support the rich, oppressive Israelis instead of the poor, disenfranchised Palestinians, their natural political allies.
So they have their Jewish friends who own the media portray these mostly-White Antifa radicals as “white supremacists” and “antisemites” when it suits them.
Virtually every Jewish group has come out in support of the rioters and looters and excoriated the “racist” police — but only as long as they don’t step foot in Jewish neighborhoods, and when that happens, these hypocrites cheer the same “racist” police as they protect their personal property.
All of a sudden we hear Jews invoke the “rule of law”.
One Jewish rabbi has called on Jewish attorneys to defend these thugs who are burning down and looting America’s cities with free legal services if they get arrested.
Clearly, Jews are playing a very dangerous game here, walking a very precarious tightrope — aiding and abetting the violent revolutionaries of color to destroy White Christian America, but at the same time making sure that those same revolutionaries understand that rich and powerful Jews are “one of them” and not “actually White”.
That game will not end well for them.
The Jews own the police in America. The police provide private security for the Jews 24/7, because the Jews believe they need it. They are afraid that if the public ever wakes up to what they’ve been up to, their crimes and such, they will turn on them in a flash. If Jews were truly as innocent as they claim, they wouldn’t need police protection. And they know it.
It’s not so much that they call Antifa white supremacists when it suits them, it’s that they bought and paid Atifa twats to join in the frey specifically to diversify the images the world was watching on the jew media. They didn’t want people waking up and realizing that only black apes riot and destroy things. So the Sorros crew quickly planted the dumb communist white cucks into the scene to play supportive roles and give the illusion that blacks are not the unhinged animals they are.
It’s true, the mayor – who is also Jewish – didn’t lift a finger to stop the rioting in Los Angeles until it spilled over to the Fairfax district and Beverly Hills where a large population of Jews live. Then the police really moved in.
America – and by extension, the rest of the civilised world – will not flourish until Jews AND blacks are shipped straight back to their utopias. Enough is enough with these parasites.
The shape-shifting Jew strikes again.
Watch, the Jew Mafia will send in hordes of their lawyers to sue white folks in the cities devastated by the Black ruffians, who are supported by Jews like Soros.
Cowardly thugs beat a defenceless woman & her husband as they try to defend their shop. Sickening.
The same thing over and over and over again…..government protects a special class of people and subjects everybody else to violence of the culture barbarians.
Democracy in action? Reverseo world the minorities get what they want everytime, why ?
Is not the majority supposed to get what they want? just like everything they tell us democracy is their key word to get you to beleive its to your benefit yet the minorities are getting them and the majority has to make concessions to please them. No more