Was Albert Einstein truly a genius, or was he just a fraudulent “scientist” who has been elevated to glory by his fellow jewish tribesmen?
The answer is abundantly clear when you take a closer look (archived):
Albert Einstein is today revered as “the Father of Modern Science”. His wrinkled face and wild hair has become a symbol for scientific genius and “his” E = mc^2 equation is repeatedly used as the symbol for something scientific and intellectual. And yet there has for years been mounting evidence that this “Father of Modern Science” was nothing but a con man, lying about his ideas and achievements, and stealing the work and the research of others.”
The most glaring evidence against Einstein concerns “his” most famous equation. One website notes “The equation E=mc^2, which has been forever linked to Einstein & his Theory of Relativity was not originally published by Einstein. According to Umberto Bartocci, a professor at the University of Perugia and a historian of mathematics, this famous equation was first published by Olinto De Pretto …two years prior to Einstein’s publishing of the equation. In 1903 De Pretto published his equation in the scientific magazine Atte and in 1904 it was republished by the Royal Science Institute of Veneto. Einstein’s research was not published until 1905… Einstein was well versed in Italian and even lived in Northern Italy for a brief time.
“Saint Einstein” is a key figure in the fraudulent notion of “jewish supremacy”.
All of the real scientists whom Einstein plagiarized were White. None of their names are equated with the concept of “genius” the way Einstein continues to be. Throughout his life, Einstein refused to publicly debate ANY of his famous “theories”; he was a coward.
The best work exposing the fraud of Einstein is The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein by Jon Bjerknes. Here is a full PDF copy of that book, which thoroughly discredits Einstein beyond all doubt.
From Chapter one of Bjerknes’ book we read:
“His favorite tactic to avoid debate was to accuse his critics of being “anti-Semites”, while refusing to address their legitimate accusations of his, Einstein’s, irrationality and plagiarism. Like most bullies by bluff, Einstein was a coward, who hid behind the power of the racist Jews who attempted to shield him from criticism through well-orchestrated smear campaigns in the international press.”
Gee… eighty years later, it’s almost like these same strategies are being used today…
The greatest scientific mind, Nikola Tesla, once observed about Einstein:
“Einstein’s relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king… its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.”
Tesla also once infamously told his secretary, “Never trust a jew.”
The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein PDF
Backup video:
Paul Bonneau
I looked into this claim, that Einstein was a fraud, a while back. It’s all bull. The Theory of Special Relativity is vastly more than the one equation E=mc^2. He also discovered General Relativity, the quantum photo-electric effect, and a theory of Brownian motion. He was the real deal.
The world of humans is 80% bull. And that is not only true for our enemies.
I was once a teaching assistant for a professor who devised a new proof of Einstein’s General Theory:
Max Planck was the first to discover quantum photo-electric effect, not Einstein who merely repeated what Planck discovered. Einstein did what he did best – steal other’s work and take credit for it. His first paper on relativity included no footnotes or citations of other’s work. Completely amatuerish and dishonest.
Paul Bonneau, you couldn’t be more wrong if you tried.
You are either a huge fool or a liar. I suspect a bit of both. I also looked into this deeply and for years and so far all the evidence is leaning towards him being a fake, and both him and things he said sensationalized by external entities. Worse, spins on projections of ideas made by a few things mentioned by him that were not even originated by him. Later and now derivations done, and attempts made to credit him, which is BS.
The book “Einstein’s Massive Con” on Amazon Kindle spells out all the origins of the major theories credited to Einstein that were not his to claim.
Al Foos
If you had any sense of logic, a strong background in math and science problem solving or a good handle on ninth grade algebra, you would easily verify for yourself that his equations are fine examples of deliberate and transparent fraud. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=al+foos&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss
Al Foos
Yes, Einstein was definitely a fake. His notions were logically absurd, and I can’t figure why they were embraced by the PTB. I’m a nobody myself and getting old, but was a dedicated math and science student and advanced problem solver who understood the truth. Most of his critics were indeed crackpots as well, so that hasn’t helped. Indeed, having extra time, have laid out how space, time and gravity work, NOT a theory, but the facts, but just haven’t gotten anybody to listen.
I live in a world where the masses are brainwashed and barely proficient in freshman algebra. I need help, not to elevate myself, but to somehow get the truth out there. My web site on this issue is https://foosresearch.com/. I also highly recommend the page on starlight deflection where I find the correct answer using straightforward vector analysis. PLEASE engage me in discussion and help get this ironed out. I’m getting older by the minute.
Al Foos
My newest deflection video / web page best illustrates Einstein’s style of fraud. I had dozens of hate emails and all night international phone calls over this one. I’d like to add that this is about pure science and math, NOT politics. I don’t know why such blatant fraud has taken over modern physics and spawned such a mob of pretenders, but guess it highlights the power of human ignorance. I do in fact know exactly what I’m doing. In no way I’m I any kind of crackpot, and this is the only correct answer to these issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6QAO5d-n6Y, also webpage https://foosresearch.com/starlight.html.
Henry Clayton
Mr Foos
Great work. As they say, you catch a lot of flak when you are over the target. Einstein’s ‘genius” was promoted for purely political reasons, not scientific.
Nikola Tesla stated, “Einstein’s relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king… its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.”
As an aside…Tubby the Grifter’s uncle was the patent attorney who first got hold
of Tesla’s work after he was …..eliminated.
Henry FORD
⚡ https://birthofanewearthblog.com/the-facts-about-albert-einstein-the-fraudulent-plagiarizing-jewish-genius/ 💥
🟢 https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t264477/
⚡ https://www.jewworldorder.org/albert-einstein-a-historical-jewish-fraud/ 💥
🟢 https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/hpw2x2/einstein_was_almost_certainly_the_greatest_fraud/
⚡ https://nationalvanguard.org/tag/albert-einstein/ 💥
🟢 http://utilities.christogenea.org/player_mk/radio.html /
Emmanuel D'Souza
Albert Einstein was a Jewish Atheist.
Ron Calvin
Zhids always do this type of thing…they claim to be THE BEST at EVERYTHING. They have the “best” tank, the “best” army, the “best” “brains”, etc….”Smartest man” they allege was a zhid…Their arrogance knows no bounds. But like all disciples of satan, they will collapse under their own weight. Satanic slime will see their own end.
Joe Nahhas
Ending Albert Einstein Project Sponsor? Hacking Physical Reality
Real Time Physics with applications & Invitation to Battle of the Universe Incontestable & untouchable Vs prestigious & powerful The Sun’s hellfire motion in 27.321-day cycle wrongly assigned to the not moving, and sunlight reflecting Moon, burning western civilization 500 years of holy dumb, royally dumber, academically dumbest, Nobel dumbfuckery, classical and modern, physics and physicists, not has been and never was, gone in real time, textbooks shredded, Nobel beheaded, and PHD’S born again GED’s. Debunking Copernicus’ solar system and Newton’s Universal gravity & burning Einstein’s E = mc2 & all of relativity theory is the subject
Sy Koppen
Let’s get back to basics – honor God, not man.
Herr Voice Of Germany
I’ve just read that ten scientists died of the “mysterious death syndrome MDS” pandemic prior to Einstein’s Nobel-Price nomination. These scientists promoted the theory of Ether i presume.
The jewish “science” is of the devil, that means it’s twisting, mirroring, bending and overhauling the truth in any ways.
No, the earth is not flat – it’s concave. I can prove with your own brain something doesn’t add up. We’re fooled from the beginning, Kopernikus wasn’t right. But later maybe.
BTW: e=mc³
Jay Reed
The bending of light by a gravitational field was being studied before 1800. See J. Soldner, “On the deflection of a light ray from its rectilinear motion, by the attraction of a celestial body at which it nearly passes by,” (Berlin, March 1801).
Einstein STOLE the inventions of hungarian scientist János Bolyai (from Transilvania). There is evidence that he borrowed the papers (legacy) of Bolyai from some kind of library from Bolyai’s hometown, Marosvásárhely and never returned the papers!! After that Einstein published the theory of relativism…But Bolyai is the real king of relativism! If only the world would know so much about Bolyai, as they know about Einstein. Bolyai was a REAL genius!
Einstain abandoned his wife/children to marry his cousin as well, Shades of Roman Polanski Batman!!
Anne Frank’s Diary: A Hoax by Ditlieb Felderer:
The ‘final’ downfall of Israel was predicted by Einstein.
The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein:
Like Tesla said, “Never trust a Jew.” The murderous destroyers of “ALL” that is good in humanity, The HOLOHOAX” biggest lie in History, WAKE UP GERMANY, you still have JEW fleas, Adolf tried to help you & the world !
As somebody who has taken the trouble to find out what “Relativity” is supposed to be, and to understand it, here’s what I said on my own website, which was taken down by my ISP in 2006 for a factual, but mildly non-PC remark I made on an unrelated subject.
It always seemed to me that the “Theory of Relativity” attributed to Albert Einstein must have originated as a joke, which then “backfired” when nobody laughed. I can’t imagine anybody with even a basic understanding of the concepts involved failing to reject the entire thing as hypothetical nonsense.
Much of Einstein’s “great work” is concerned with theoretical assumptions regarding imaginary optical effects that can never be tested in any practical manner, and which had already been disproved in many cases by the observations (not theories) of Johann Doppler, who died before Einstein was born.
Even the famous equation, E=MC squared, is so obviously nonsensical that it is difficult to imagine anybody taking it seriously. Why? Because “C” in this case represents a velocity, a product of two values, time and distance, which can be expressed in an infinite number of ways, each yielding a different final value for “E” and rendering the whole formula meaningless.
Note. It seems Johan (or Johannes?) Doppler has been scrubbed from the internet, so I’m unable to verify the relative dates of birth and death of Doppler and Einstein. I believe the above to be correct though.
People should be aware that the .pdf book download linked in the article runs to 2,825 pages, so not a small download at 17MB.
I am wondering why you have an issue with the interconversion of units. It is a common theme in physics. E=MC^2 is actually the most useless form of that equation. Written like that, it doesn’t have much meaning.
fy fy fum
It explains why there is nothing that truly links Einstein to the theory of Relativity. No follow up papers. No lectures. Just repetition from the jewish media that he is the genius behind it…and there is a reason it’s still only holds up as a THEORY…
Did English Physicist Oliver Heaviside Discover E=MC2?
I originally posted this for Stormfront.
Einstein was neither the first person to consider the equivalence of mass and energy, nor did he actually prove it. – Tony Rothman, Scientific American, August 24, 2015
I’am basing the information here on the earlier discoveries of a brilliant English electrical engineer, mathematician and physicist – Oliver Heaviside (1850 – 1925). “Heaviside changed the face of telecommunications, and of both math and science”. He brought up the possibilities of gravitational waves, and his inventions were based on calculus and his own equations. He brilliantly coined many terms including impedance, inductance, permeability and conductance. Terms well known and still used today.
Who Actually Deserves Credit? What you didn’t know about that (Einstein’s) paper was that it was merely an addendum to a paper he’d published earlier that year, making E=mc2, in the words of pre-eminent physicist Brian Greene, “the most profound afterthought in the history of science.” Nor did you know that Einstein didn’t actually prove the equation, nor did he even write E=mc2, but instead wrote it as m=E/c2.
Was Einstein the First to Invent E = mc2? – Scientific American
6 Famous Inventors Who Didn’t Actually Invent Their Masterpiece