(New York Times) Though not yet nearly as high profile, Alex Soros — son of the infamous George Soros — had much to say about his father in this interview:
When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex [Soros] told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.”
But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected.
Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”
But Soros’s Jewish identity, coupled with his status as a Wall Street billionaire, gave those disinclined to support his agenda an easy means to foment suspicion and resentment, and from the moment that he became involved in Eastern Europe, he was confronted with anti-Semitism.
The dog-whistling has not abated with time; some would argue that anti-Semitism directed at Soros has become, at least under Orban, a state-sponsored contagion.
But it has also lately taken some bizarre twists. Last year, a son of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, posted an anti-Semitic cartoon of Soros on his Facebook page. (Netanyahu has frequently disparaged Soros because of his financial support for groups critical of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.) And, of course, Soros is also routinely accused of having been a Nazi.
Jews deserve to be safe, no matter what the cost — that’s the “noble” motivation for this so-called “Holocaust survivor” — George Soros.
In this New World Order, antisemitism is the greatest of all sins and must be eradicated at all costs, even if it means flooding Christendom with Muslim rape gangs, murderers, and antisemites.
However, why would Soros flood Europe with traditionally antisemitic Muslims – if his real intent is to make Europe safe for Jews?
The short answer is that he wouldn’t.
The real reason Soros is financing this flood of migrants is the same reason Jews aided and abetted Arab invasions of Europe starting 1,500 years ago — they want to destroy not only Christian civilization, but also the White Christian race itself.
It is literally an ongoing reenactment of the Crucifixion, one small cut at a time.
As an astute political observer once noted, “History is a struggle between Christ and Marx.”
matthew starr
i’m jewish and i certainly do not support this mad rush to multiculturalism and equity. Left wing, largely non practicing jews support it just like left wing non-jews do. It’s foolish and incorrect to blame all jews for the madness of Soros- most traditional jews oppose him.
I believe the west is best supported by christians supporting christian values. The problem is that the west has lost its christian way. You good christians should ensure that the west follows christian values, don’t blame us for that.
Matthew Starr ….
“….and incorrect to blame all jews for the madness ……”
Well, if you would please kindly recruit 100,000 more of you who are publicly and actively criticizing the Coudenhove Kalergi Plan, we will get behind you.
You say it is also “……Foolish ……………”
I may agree with you but probably for different reasons; but while I have you —– would you mind explaining why you believe it to be “foolish”?
Curious — whether you want to answer or not — what is your ethnic background, if you don’t mind sharing. Parents, Grandparents etc.
Matthew, you are correct. The West has turned their back on Christ, which opened the door for Jews like Soros and Rothschild to fill the vacuum and destroy our nations with their liberal “values”.
Most “conservative” Jews stand by silently not daring to publicly criticize these powerful nation wreckers.
As the saying goes, we have the Jews that we deserve for turning away from Christ.
Understand, though, what you are saying. If White nations turned back to Christ, the Jews would become completely marginalized, just as they were in Europe prior to their emancipation in the 19th century. Jews were kicked out of Christian nations and states hundreds of times.
Recall in the Holy Byzantine Empire, Jews were completely marginalized, not allowed to hold public office, not allowed to teach Christian children, etc. This is what awaits Jews if we embrace a true Christian culture once again.
Christianity and Judaism are irreconcilable, and history shows that we cannot occupy the same living space without tension and conflict.
The judeo-friendly Christianity, or evangelical Christian zionism that most White people today practice is not real Christianity as practiced by our forefathers. That’s the only type of Christianity that Jews would ever encourage because it doesn’t threaten them, but it has also lead to the “great falling away” from the faith as foretold in the Gospels.
Michaela Lisenby
This simply makes me sick to my stomach.. only to know that Adolf Hitler might have been doing the World a Favor. Oh well !!
Mr. E
Any self respecting white person who reads this should be realizing a very large truth: Jews, the drum beaters of multiculturalism and equality, and the prosecutors of the “master race”, not only look at themselves as priviledged upon the entire earth, but have indeed manuevered themselves into that ‘position’…and in satanic fashion!