Reform Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the most prominent American Jewish leader of the 1930s and 1940s, was a renowned orator who did not shy away from using his sermons to address social and political controversies, but on Yom Kippur in September 1942, despite being shown evidence that Jews were allegedly being mass-murdered in Europe, the rabbi mysteriously chose not to comment on it in public:
On August 25, 1942, Wise had received a stunning telegram from his trusted colleague in Geneva, World Jewish Congress representative Gerhart Riegner. Citing an informant connected to “the highest German authorities,” Riegner reported that the Nazis intended to deport “all Jews in countries occupied or controlled by Germany” to locations in “the East,” where they would be “exterminated, in order to resolve once and for all the Jewish question in Europe.”
Wise immediately contacted the State Department, where Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles pretended to be surprised. In reality, he and other Roosevelt administration officials had received Riegner’s information days earlier, but suppressed it for fear it would cause Jewish leaders to press for U.S. intervention. Welles said he would investigate Riegner’s message, and asked Wise to withhold it from the public in the meantime.
Rabbi Wise’s agreement to temporarily suppress the telegram has been the subject of much controversy ever since. Several factors need to be considered.
First, it is clear from Wise’s private correspondence that he believed Welles would be able to confirm or deny the news in a matter of days.
Second, Wise had no way to independently confirm the information, and he did not want to risk spreading news that might turn out to be false.
In addition, Wise feared that defying Welles’s request would jeopardize his relationship with the State Department, whose assistance he might need in responding to the mass killings.
Yet Rabbi Wise went much further than Welles requested. The undersecretary asked him only not to reveal the Riegner telegram; he did not ask Wise to refrain from discussing any other Nazi atrocity reports. In the weeks to follow—the three and a half weeks leading up to Yom Kippur—there were many such reports. Yet Wise chose to hold his tongue about them, too.
On September 3, Wise and other Jewish leaders received a telegram from Switzerland-based Orthodox rescue activists that reported: “German authorities have recently evacuated Warsaw Ghetto and bestially murdered about 100,000 Jews. These mass murders are continuing.”
A few days later, Wise received a report from the Geneva office of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, based on “two reliable eyewitnesses (Aryans),” that over 100,000 Jews had been systematically slaughtered in Poland and Lithuania “in camps especially prepared for the purpose.”
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s Daily News Bulletin, which was required reading for American Jewish leaders and served as the major source of international news for the U.S. Jewish news media, provided additional information in the days to follow concerning atrocities in German-occupied territory. In Velizh, the JTA reported, 900 Jews had been confined to a pigsty, which the Germans locked and set ablaze. In Kovno, 800 Jews were herded into a fire station, where they were starved for eight days and then shot en masse.
Most alarming was the report that landed on Wise’s desk on September 20, the morning before Yom Kippur, presumably just as he was preparing his remarks for that solemn occasion. According to that day’s JTA Bulletin, “massacres of Jews on an unprecedented scale are now taking place all over Nazi-occupied Poland,” as part of German’s strategy “of total extermination of the Jews in Poland.”
Rabbi Wise’s annual High Holiday sermons at his Free Synagogue, in Manhattan, attracted the largest audiences of the year, as well as the possibility of coverage by the New York Times or other news media. It was a prime opportunity to call attention to the issue that most concerned him. And as the name of the synagogue indicated, Wise founded it on the principle that the rabbi should be completely free to speak his mind.
Yet when he rose to speak on Kol Nidrei evening, the issue Rabbi Wise chose was not the escalating persecution of the Jews in Europe. It was the compatibility of Judaism and American citizenship. Others might find themselves confounded by “conflicts of loyalties” between their religion and their country, but not the Jews, he assured his congregation; “we have long known that there is no such conflict for us, that our own is an utterly undivided and indivisible allegiance to our country.”
Then, on Yom Kippur morning, Wise began his sermon by posing what was apparently the second most urgent question on his mind: “Who is not enthralled by life’s grandeurs?” His answer: While “others” lived lives in which “barbarism and willful savagery obtain,” the Jews appreciate that “every day presents new and thrilling proofs of the deathless quality of life.” This, he concluded, “was what our fathers meant” in their teachings concerning Yom Kippur.
Rabbi Wise’s decision to refrain from speaking on Yom Kippur about the mass slaughter in Europe was not the result of his promise to suppress the Riegner telegram; nothing in Wise’s pledge to Undersecretary Welles precluded him from using his Yom Kippur sermons to speak about the other reports of mass murder.
Rather, Wise’s choice reflected an unfortunate human quality found among some leaders of Jewish organizations in every generation—the tendency to get stuck in familiar patterns of behavior, to resort to the same old sermons and press releases and slogans; the inability to think outside the box, to recognize new realities, and to respond in ways previously unimagined. Elderly, ailing, and utterly unwilling to share his power with younger colleagues, Rabbi Wise proved to be the wrong man, at the wrong the time, to stand at the helm of American Jewish leadership.
Yet even as we note Rabbi Wise’s shortcomings, it is fair to ask: Have today’s American Jewish leaders learned from Wise’s mistakes? How often does it happen in our own time that the leader of a major Jewish or Zionist organization, who has held office for decades, is willing to forego the perks of power and finally recognize that the time has come to step aside?
Stephen Wise isn’t the only prominent Jewish leader who didn’t believe the early “eyewitness” accounts of the mass murder of Jews in Europe — Jewish U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter didn’t believe these tall tales either.
Nor did the Vatican give these “eyewitness” atrocity claims much weight — in fact, one Vatican observer went so far as to explain why they didn’t believe these accounts — because of Jews’ well-known reputation for exaggeration.
Today, no one believes that 100,000 Jews were murdered in the Warsaw ghetto, as this early report alleged — in fact, the Germans rounded up 50,000 Jews there in order to move them to a safer location because the Soviet Air Force had begun pounding Warsaw with relentless bombing runs.
And Rabbi Wise had nothing to gain by repeating these unsubstantiated claims he received –he rightly understood that outlandish claims of genocide would potentially create more antisemitism which would undermine their goals — Jews complaining about their special victimhood would not sit well with the American public who had sent their sons to fight and die on the battlefields of Europe.
Behind the scenes, Wise and his circle were already maneuvering to establish the ersatz State of Israel after the war — and he clearly didn’t want his credibility damaged by these false claims — he strategically waited until after these false claims were pronounced “true” by the Nuremberg kangaroo court before he used them to justify the establishment of the Zionist entity in Palestine.
The depiction here of Wise being “elderly” and “ailing” is rather misleading — after the war, along with Emmuel Cellar he barged into the Oval Office and berated Harry Truman, with Cellar threatening him, “And if you don’t come out for a Jewish state, we’ll run you out of town.” In his autobiography, Truman stated succinctly, “The extreme Zionists threatened me.”
In fact, according to Truman’s daughter, Margaret, these rabid Zionists around Stephen Wise tried to assassinate Truman in 1947 by sending him a letter bomb — a friendly reminder from his Jewish constituents that they didn’t appreciate his procrastination on this issue.
But today, Jews are so brainwashed by their own atrocity propaganda that they cannot conceive how prominent Jews during World War II were rightfully skeptical of these claims of genocide — so much so that it’s become fashionable in Jewish “intellectual” circles to now throw the Holocaust denialist, Rabbi Wise, under the proverbial bus.
Chaplain Bob Walker
Rabbi (not so) Wise was a founding member of the NAACP which had ZERO black board members for their first 50 years until the KKK told the blacks what was up. Oh an executive secretary is just a secretary for the executives.
Interesting to know that these two Zionist supremacist, Wise and Cellar bullied Harry Truman too, I am going to have a field day with this. I’ve said it before Christians believe the same thing that these Jewish Zionist supremacist believe, that’s why they are incapable of challenging and defending themselves from the onslaught. I checked it out to give my opinion about Christian colonialism, which in essence was Jewish colonialism, just like anti-Christian international Marxism , Communism, Globalism is Jewish imperialism with Christians as the foot soldiers serving the interest of the Jews at home and abroud. The King James version Genesis 1-26 and the Jewish Tanakh Bereishit 1-26 say exactly the same thing.
The Holocaust story served to bring about the Zionist establishing of Israel. Many Jews of the world in 1933 were anti-Zionist, and the persecutions converted these Jews to being full Zionist believers. The biggest fear of the Zionist was that the anti-zionist Jews would somehow prevent their obtaining Israel. The Jews who suffered the most persecution were originally anti-Zionists. The anti-Zionist Jewish organizations still of today will tell you that Judaism was historically anti-Zionist before 1933, when the Zionists were then the small minority of all of the world Jews. But by 1945 the Zionist became the majority of all the Jews. In 1933 most Jews in Germany were anti-Zionist.
Zionist or not, they ALL pushed the fake “Holocaust” narrative–the Zionists used it to justify the “Jewish Homeland” and the non-Zionists have used it to protect themselves from any and all criticism. It’s the gift that keeps on giving–but it will be their undoing because it is a house of card.
The deception and intellectual dishonesty is so obvious, even Jews who were born in America after WWII push the Holocaust victims of the Nazi propaganda, even America that waged war against Europe on their behalf is supposedly a racist, antisemitic white supremacist country, while Jews by their proportion yield enormous power in America on the left and the right….Republicans and Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives, secular and religious. The Majority operates in the interest of the Jews, Zionist and Communist. Some are born in America, make aliyah to Israel and come back to Europe to push the anti-White people Multicultural Marxist claptrap, demand the import of Muslims and Africans as their natural allies against Christian Europe and at the same time they cry anti-semitism is on the rise. A despicable, unethical void of conscience tribe…..
J. Polk
Rabbi Wise was well aware that his fellow Jews had been making the same claim of 6 million Jews dying or killed for at least 60 years, going back to the 1860s. It would be embarrassing if they got caught in the same lie again, especially as they were ready to grab Palestine after the war.
As a rabbi, Wise would have known the significance of the “6 million” figure, not as a real death toll but as a religious imperative for the Jews to “return” to Palestine LESS the 6 million. But Wise also knew it would have to line up with the real world–the war dead, and for that, he and his Zionist flunkies would have to concoct the “credible” evidence for it at Nuremberg.
Jews today have no idea just how preposterous the claim of “6 million” would have seemed 80 years ago, with the war still raging. They whine, “How could Rabbi Wise not believed?” Simple. Rabbi Wise knew better. He knew the larger plot, and kept a cool head, biding his time until the dust settled.
This same Hungarian born Zionist rabbi said….”Some call it Marxism. But I call it Judaism”….which is also attributed to Genrikh Yagoda another Jewish communist and Stalin henchman. Lying, deceiving fraudsters…..but people still drink the victims of Hitler cool-aid. There is never a mention about the over 60 million of Christians slaughtered by the Bolshevik communist.
Fr. John+
This, for me, is the only insight I have had for decades, into the mind of Wise. But this article ever more clearly points out the UTTER IRREDEEMABILITY of Jews- as a race, a culture, a force of anti christian proportions. Their continued permitted existence in any Western Nation is an affront to Christ and Western Civ.
So many commentators like Alex Jones and other gatekeepers completely skip over that famous quote. Thank you for bringing that up, you beat me to it.