If Shmuely Boteach, the author of Kosher Jesus who styles himself as America’s Rabbi™ — had a “billion dollars,” he claims he’d allegedly spend it on an advertising-media campaign to teach non-Jews how to embrace “universal” Jewish values and live happier, more productive lives — and with the whole world judaized, antisemitism would be eliminated:
…I would take out billboards on all the highways in America quoting from Ethics of the Fathers, the Talmud and Jewish wisdom on how to parent effectively, sustain an erotically fulfilling marriage, overcome anxiety and depression, and live a meaning-filled life. In other words, I would leverage universal Jewish values and wisdom to teach Americans how to master their lives. I would make Judaism a light to the nations. I would make the Jewish faith a source of inspiration and life-mastery for all Americans.
Let me explain. One of the destructive beliefs in the Jewish community – more pronounced now, given the rise of antisemitism – is that non-Jews are innately antisemitic; that they hate us deep in their gut; that we can make no positive impact on their lives, because they naturally detest us, and we should therefore not even attempt to impart Jewish teachings to the world, because the world wants to kill us.
In one of his last public speeches before his death in 2016, Elie Wiesel, my hero and mentor, quoted the Talmud to me, saying that “it is an undeniable axiom that Esau [the non-Jewish nations] hates Jacob [the Jews].” But Wiesel was also revered in every nation on earth, including those, like France, which are not known for great sympathy for the Jewish people, and where he received the Legion of Honor, France’s highest honor. I find it strange that many Jews who reject the idea of systemic racism in America still believe that the world is systemically antisemitic.
I believe the opposite. While many may hate us, the world has generally been electrified by Jewish ideas such as monotheism, the Ten Commandments, human dignity and the Sabbath. It’s just that we Jews have never attempted to impart our teachings directly to the world, preferring insularity instead. Which is why people like Saint Paul, the foremost disseminator of Christian ideas, stepped into the gap to offer the world a form of “Judaism lite,” which became Christianity. Yes, we Jews are not a proselytizing faith. But that’s because we don’t believe you have to “upgrade” your status to Jewish in order to achieve salvation. Rather, we believe you’re special just the way you were born.
But what a shame we did not convert the world, not to Jewish practice, but to a Jewish belief system, a Jewish values system, which was always designed to be universal in nature. But the good news is it’s not too late. With the decline of religion in the West and the rise of anxiety, depression and general unhappiness, modern men and women are looking for spiritual fulfillment and purpose. Judaism, with its emphasis on community, family and ethical living, is uniquely suited to cater to this deep-seated Western longing.
Which brings us to a national media campaign sharing the riches of Jewish wisdom with the masses. We can teach a generation obsessed with popularity on social media that “the more one pursues a name, the more one loses that name,” a fact evidenced by soaring rates of depression among millennials who need to lie on social media every day about how wonderful their lives are, even when they feel broken. We can teach sexually famished marriages how to have greater erotic fulfillment. We can school teenagers on how to be liberated from narcissism by contributing to a community, something I did in Chabad every Friday as we gave out Sabbath candles to passersby and connected them with tradition through tefillin. And we can teach a culture addicted to electronic devices how to regain freedom by turning all this garbage off on the Sabbath.
BY MAKING Judaism a light to America, we will automatically protect Israel in a manner that is much more effective and long-term than is currently being practiced. The Talmud says there are two paths in life: the short-longer way, and the long-shorter way. The same is true of Israel defense. The short-longer way is where we react to each blowup against Israel, like the boycott of Ben & Jerry’s. The long-shorter way, however, is where you make Israel an essential light to the world at large, and the world comes to its defense.
Notice how revered the Dalai Lama is in the West. And notice that he faces the same odds as Israel. Here is a nation of six million Tibetan Buddhists up against the Chinese nation of 1.4 billion with the second-largest economy in the world. Yet the Dalai Lama has strong Western support. Why? Because the West feels he has contributed something indelible to their lives. He has given many in the West a soul after they lost it to mammon. So they fight his battles for him not even as a mark of gratitude but because he is essential to their spiritual fulfillment.
Likewise, the world Jewish community in general, and Israel in particular, should become essential to the world by disseminating Jewish teachings about how to gain mastery over life. Israel should be talking not only about its tremendous advances in cybersecurity, but about how it is the first in the world to offer a third injection of the COVID vaccine, because of the country’s tremendous emphasis on the infinite value of life. Jewish values are the reason that Israel is flourishing today, with its emphasis on the universal Jewish values of education, illumination, robust self-defense, a high birth rate, and respect for the equality and dignity of minorities, all part of the application of the infinite value of every human life.
If we make Judaism, the Jewish people and Israel a light unto the nations, then many in the world who are currently indifferent to our plight will rise to our defense, and not because they pity us over the Holocaust. I recognize, of course, that we have to defend ourselves, even as we create more allies who join the battle. This is the one great failing of the Dalai Lama, an otherwise great man. He never understood that one’s defense cannot simply be farmed out to allies. Tibet has largely ceased to exist as a nation as it is oppressed by China, even as the Dalai Lama has become a global spiritual beacon.
Israel has chosen to go in a different direction, building an army to defend itself against its genocidal enemies. But the heroic IDF is not enough. We need an army of eloquent Jewish spokespeople in the media who not only engage in hasbara (public diplomacy) but who can effectively impart Jewish wisdom to the masses, thereby making our people an essential light to human civilization.
I love Israel with all my heart. But the institutions that I so cherish – like its humane army, its democracy, and its care for its Arab citizens – are all based on eternal Jewish values that declare that every human being is created in the image of God, and that we must therefore love our neighbor as ourselves. Right now I don’t have a billion dollars. Who knows? Maybe one day I might, God willing, and you can all help by buying a billion copies of my books. But rather than spend it, like Jeff Bezos, for an hour in space, I would spend it helping to create heaven here on earth.
No need for the rabbi to spend a billion dollars on this judaizing campaign — that’s exactly what the Jewish-controlled media and Hollywood have been doing for the last 100 years.
And one of the most persistent campaigns has been the undermining and destroying of Christian marriages and families — and they have done this through the promotion of pornography and softcore “eroticism” in advertisements.
Since the 1970s, the Jews have promoted the alleged Holocaust survivor — “Doctor” Ruth Westheimer — as some kind of uniquely-qualified “expert” on sex — who worked to convince married women that they can all have “healthy” erotic marriages literally even on their death beds.
And if their marriage is not “erotic” enough, then there is obviously something wrong with it — and they should seek advice from a Jewish psycho-therapist or a Jewish divorce attorney.
Of course, it was the “learned” rabbis in Babylon who “eroticized” the Bible in their Talmud and Targums — and convinced some very gullible Christians that Eve — and even Adam himself — copulated with a serpent in the Garden of Eden — and that other women copulated with “fallen angels” — a virtual kosher orgy in Genesis.
Some Christians are so convinced of this erotic version of Genesis that they will accuse anyone who doubts it to be a “Jew” — ironically, the very people who actually contrived it in the first place.
But as our nations have become progressively judaized, white people have experienced unprecedented levels of mental illness and suicide — hardly the blissful utopia envisioned by America’s Rabbi™.
Perhaps instead of looking to rabbis and the Dalai Lama — or New Age gurus — for answers in our Bibles and in our lives, it’s time for white people to turn back to Jesus Christ — and start with something as simple as a prayer.
As I was passing through this article and you mentioned the Jews making the Bible erotic, I thought of a web page, I downloaded and while looking for articles, I saved, there was a page , or reference on it that made me look it up and there was a site telling how to enlarge your penis using some secret potion blacks from some remote tribe have kept secret for ages. We are bombarded with sex , no matter whether we look for it or not. When I first got a computer in the 1980’s , learning how to use it, I somehow got to a pornographic site and they froze my computer with their web page and it scared me because I didn’t know what to do and if I was being set up by the Police, FBI or whom. Finally I clicked on their site and told them , that if they did not free my computer , I would get in touch with Microsoft and anyone else, I could think of. It was immediately removed. The same has happened to me looking up innocent articles , and my computer frozen and told I must call a certain number to have it unfroze. Today, I notice, advertisements pop up all the time when looking and reading articles. It’s becoming more and more a business .
It’s not so strange that a Jewish rabbi would say that sex must be more erotic. They are the ones in the pornographic magazine publishing business like Hugh Hefner , the television programs getting Blacks and White’s to reveal their sexual and domestic and personal secrets such as Jerry Springer and Howard Stern who is the one who got out greatly admired President , Donald Trump to reveal, that he could grab a “Women’s pussy “and they let him get away with it. Yes, it’s on a video of the show. There’s a lot more, but I’m tired of writing of these beasts in human form.
This guy is a real piece of scum. I’ve heard him on the radio a few times. A complete scam artist that belongs in a prison.
I just read somewhere that the ADL has made the snake its symbol. I need to look it up.
Our hospitals fulfil one Jewish value. When a father takes his wife to a hospital to have a child, he is given a set of papers to sign and if he doesn’t read them, he signs the right to the doctor to circumcise his son. And this Jew should talk of marriage as needing erotic fulfillment as all one has to do is to read the quotes of their filthy minded Rabbi’s and spokesman who talk of their love of degrading Christian girls and women. Look at the pornographic sites and see the filthy goings on , by those said to control the pornography ,industry , the Jews , with Jews , black’s and others using women in every possible sexual situation they can dream of , not even mentioning all of the sexual filth related in their Talmud. Or animal sacrifice , that the Jews can’t wait to get back to doing with their rebuilding of their temple. I still believe that the Jews were committing also, human sacrifice and why the Romans destroyed their temple when they removed the veil and were shocked and horrified at what they saw. The Romans weren’t savages as some would like us to believe. Otherwise there was no need to destroy a temple. All the Jews do is relate everything to antisemitism and how they can beguile the non Jew into looking to the Jew as the ultimate creation of the pagan god he believes in. Just like everything else the Jews have stolen from every civilization he has lived in, he has stolen others history , events, religious beliefs , morals, etc. and made them his. The Jew is a pagan , living 2000 years in the past dreaming of a past glory , that for the last 2000 years has been nothing but a vagabond life. Living off of other civilizations and their creations . The pornography sites made filthy photos of Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton and videos. Yet Hillary claims her grandmother was Jewish, but that didn’t matter. I wonder if any have been made of pug nose Kamela Harris yet. Maybe that’s why she always wears pants suits. Or maybe they haven’t done so yet because her husband is a Jew.
In order to embrace “Jewish values” you have to reject or be in complete ignorance of Christian values. What is “Jewish” is antiChrist. When rabbis talk about “the Torah” they are really talking about the Talmud, not the Old Testament. In Peter’s description of the Christian marriage, he fails to mention anything about “erotic fulfillment”…..
“1In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any [of them] are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, 2as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior. 3Your adornment must not be [merely] external– braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; 4but [let it be] the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. 5For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands; 6just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.” (1 Peter 3: 1-6)
The Bible does address it:
1Co 7:1 And concerning the matters you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
1Co 7:2 But because of whoring, let each one have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.
1Co 7:3 Let the husband render to his wife what is her due, and likewise also the wife to her husband.
1Co 7:4 The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.
1Co 7:5 Do not deprive one another except with agreement for a time, to give yourselves to fasting and prayer. And come together again so that Satan does not try you because of your lack of self-control.
1Co 7:6 And I say this as a concession, not as a command.
If you see that passage in Corinthians as a description of “erotic fulfillment”, I fear you are under the spell of the Talmud and Freud who eroticized everything. Paul’s words address basic physical needs, not “eroticism” which is addressed in the Hindu texts like the Kama Sutra if you need any perspective on the concept….
Nice try, Shlomo.
A fulfilling marriage between a white man and a white woman means having large families.
As far as “fellow” white people go:
“‘Erotically Fulfilling’ Marriage Is A ‘Universal Jewish Value’“
Sounds much like incest that jews are well known for.
We can play the Taliban game, I suppose, and watch as they die off sooner than later, but maybe they can just be masturbated to death on pedal powered masturbation machines of some sort. Oy vey!
“… maybe they can just be masturbated to death on pedal powered masturbation machines of some sort. ”
They might enjoy it though! Haha!
Ephesians 5:4 — “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.”
Just a thought…
Though “Jews” make up 0.2% of the Fragments of the Covenant (“USA”), they controlled most aspects of pornography.
Why are you posting that kikery here?
Most should know that Trump was nothing but a joke and a complete Zionist. I knew he was a Kabbalist before the elections were even a thing, because he openly stated that in his biography.
I told people that both were as bad as each other.
And this kind of disclaimer is stupid, what he stated is certainly “anti-white,” if I hypothetically said “this isn’t anti-Indian, just to Indian nationalists, but I can’t wait to see Indians become displaced, disenfranchised and be bred out of existence” – obviously this is an anti-Indian sentiment to anyone who is sane, even people who hate Indians would agree with this.
Because no matter what hypocritical, two-faced bullshit you come up with about “whiteness” as a social construct, if you desire the complete destruction of all white or European nations- the nation itself is mainly BIOLOGICAL as well as cultural, which stems from the genetic inheritance, not some passport or legal papers- any white individual with any sanity left will eventually see that they are not privileged but an extremely vulnerable second-class citizen, that is planned to be ‘liquidated’ either ‘humanely’ through gradual phasing out by inter-breeding, or by opting to become a degenerate dead-end, or they will be dealt with as a minority of dissidents who refuse to comply with the status quo’s directives, as if they were Taliban or something like that.
The irony of someone accusing someone else of having a temper tantrum, whilst having a temper tantrum rant… or is this part of a psychopathic glib?
Much like how they love to torment the children they traffic with taunts such as “you were born for this, no one is coming to help you, nobody cares about you” and so on.
If I was God I would create a dimension specifically for the devils who would do such cruel things, where they can re-experience the very perspective & trauma of their own victims, over and over, for all eternity.
Jews would deconstruct & destroy everyone and everything in the world just so that they can be messiah of the ashes. Deranged, pitiful usurpers that can not stand anyone or anything denying them complete control of everything.
World Significance of the Russian Revolution by Oscar Levy:
“‘Look where they have led the world to. Think, that
they have now had a fair trial of 3,000 years standing. How
much longer are you going to recommend them to us and
to inflict them upon us? And how do you propose to get
us out of the morass into which you have launched us, if
you do not change the path upon which you have led the
world so disastrously astray?”
To this question I have only one answer to give, and it
is this: “You are right” This reproach of yours,
which—I feel it for certain—is at the bottom of your antisemitism,
is only too well justified, and upon this common
ground I am quite willing to shake hands with you and
defend you against any accusation of promoting Race
Hatred: If you are anti-Semite, I, the Semite, am an
anti-Semite too, and a much more fervent one than even
you are. . . . We have erred, my friend, we have
most grievously erred. And if there was truth in our error
3,000, 2,000, nay, a 100 years ago, there is now nothing
but falseness and madness, a madness that will produce an
even greater misery and an ever wider anarchy. I confess
it to you, openly and sincerely, and with a sorrow, whose
depth and pain an ancient Psalmist, and only he, could
moan into this burning universe of ours.
We who have posed as the saviours of the world, we, who have
even boasted of having given it “the” Saviour, we are
today nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyers,
its incendiaries, its executioners. . . . We who have
promised to lead you to a new Heaven, we have finally
succeeded in landing you into a new Hell, . . . There
has been no progress, least of all moral progress , And
it is just our Morality, which has prohibited all real progress,
and—what is worse—which even stands in the way
of every future and natural reconstruction in this ruined
world of ours. . . . I look at this world, and I shudder
at its ghastliness : I shudder all the more, as I know the
spiritual authors of all this ghastliness.
But its authors themselves, unconscious in this as in all
they are doing, know nothing yet of this startling revelation.
While Europe is aflame, while its victims scream,
while its dogs howl in the conflagration, and while its very
smoke descends in darker and even darker shades upon
our Continent, the Jews, or at least a part of them, and
by no means the most unworthy one, endeavour to escape
from the burning budding, and wish to retire from Europe
into Asia, from the sombre scene of our disaster into the
sunny corner of their Palestine. Their eyes are dosed to
the miseries, their ears are deaf to the moanings, their
heart is hardened to the anarchy of Europe: they only
feel their own sorrows, they only bewail their own fate, they
only sigh under their own burdens.”
Even Jews like this see themselves as responsible for “Goyim,” who already long bettered them in every regard other than cunning, depravity and ruthlessness. The worst part about Jews seeing people as ‘pets’ is knowing how Jews treat animals.
My response to such a hubristic & deranged notion, can only be something along the lines of what the Zaporozhian Cossacks replied to Sultan Mehmed with.
“Turn the head and the rest of the ass follows.” – Sanhedrin (911a)
But now, like trained beasts, the goyim follow our commands out of mindless habit. L’chaim!
If everyone was jewish, there would be no goys to suck the blood out of. jews are absolute parasites and literally always have been. No matter how much wealth they amass, the second they try to maintain a country on their own it quickly gets conquered. This is historical fact proven over and over. The second the USA ceases aid to israel, it too will collapse
Jews don’t seem to care about whatever ramifications they’d find in a goyim-free world. Do they consider the blood of some chinaman or schvartze to be just as good as that of a goy?
Recently CFT ran an article where a Jew half-apologized for making Elvis Presley serve as his shabbos goy, because he did not know that Elvis was a jew. Frankly I do not accept that Elvis was a jew, but I mention this to suggest what the full-blooded jews might do in a goyim-free world: start up a caste system where the jews who have goyim blood are considered to be non-jews.
Akin to how India and Latin America are full of brown people but those who are the least brown declare themselves to be White.
What you are saying reminds me of fiction where you have ‘Vampire counts’ and then they then have thralls and lesser vampires, who then have their own thralls…
In some fictions, all factions of vampires, no matter their disagreements, will all collude on certain topics, they all agree to keep the existence of vampires hidden from the humans.
When you look at the facts of the matter, they all have ‘goyim blood’. What is it that they are sanctifying as special blood or a genetic signature of their bloodlines?
Because it clearly isn’t Rh- blood, with their views towards Europeans in general, who have the highest rates of it. I, myself, have Rh- blood and it isn’t inherently an indicator of ‘purity’ as even some Africans apparently have it, I’m assuming, from admixture. I think, to a large degree, most religious Jews refuse to believe that what they call “Semites” are actually just a mixed multitude who stem mostly from Caucasoids that branched from the same sources Europeans did. They deny that “Caucasoid” is even a valid concept and insist that Europeans are not proto-typical of anything but are just ‘freak mutants’.
I think Hitler’s take on Israel has only ever been vindicated:
“While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim.
It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.
It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, Frenchman, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.”
There must be something unique to their racial strain, at least amongst Ashkenazi and Sephardim, since they have a higher rate of schizophrenia and other mental/ health issues, but how can they successfully espouse any ideals of “purity” when they are some of the most mixed people, being kind-of in-between Meds and Arabs, whilst also calling Europeans an invalid people & a mixture?
The inner circle of Jews, who are directly controlling the finances, media & politics of the world, could only be described as caring about Jewgenics, which is eugenics for the Jews who are part of the inner clique, the relevant bloodlines, and dysgenics for everyone else who is not part of their ‘team.’ Anyone who has to be dominated or disposed of, presently or in the future, is a target for dysgenics promotion and worse. It is possible to derail an entire family line of eugenic Europeans with one traumatic sexual or violent experience, that individual is, from then on, a broken person, yoked with emotional burdens & mental disorders. This is at the core of the MK Ultra stuff, which is based on ancient techniques passed down through family lines about how to break the will of an enemy, and make them serve you.
I’m not absolving other Jews, but my issues with the ‘lesser’ Jews would be their refusal to assimilate at all, or to a good enough degree, but then also refuse to even allow separation. They act like parasites that can not live without their host yet they do everything in their power to destroy the host. Their loyalty to Holocaustianity and many other lies makes them an inherent cornerstone to the longevity any kind of Jewish hegemony. Their existence amongst us is like a passive spanner in the gears, that opens the doors for every other ethnicity to treat us like garbage and do whatever they wish with us and our cultures/ histories/ religions/ aesthetics.
There is seemingly nothing eugenic about the Orthodox/ Hasidics, just like you rarely see eugenic Muslims, and the average Israeli intellect is lower than the purported average Western Jewish intellect. But they are all generally motivated to assist those part of their tribal identity because it ultimately benefits them as an individual, rather than because they genuinely care about others & would be emotionally traumatised if something bad happened to those that they thought of as family. Or maybe most Jews are all repeatedly traumatised from birth, which has a number of affects, including sociopathy, there is definitely a genetic heritability to Psychopathic traits though.
The inner-circle seem to value psychopathic intellect over anything else, when it comes to breeding partners. Bastards with anyone seen as dysgenic, can then just be used as pawns or disposable property. This mentality is not born from extreme materialism, but a belief that the material world is inherently evil, and to succeed in it materially, you must adopt extreme practices. They also believe most of the world’s inhabitants are soulless automatons, created by inherently evil, two-faced or malicious beings, either to serve as disposable toys or to serve as an ensnaring force for trapping those with a soul. In a way, it is rationalising how their uniquely psychopathic disposition is actually a good thing, and European altruism is a stupid thing, and makes them “chosen” for a higher purpose rather than the people who are generally, explicitly materially blessed with luscious lands, unique traits or beauty and unparalleled skill or at least a historical legacy of it.
Therefore things like family, physical marriage, binary sex, shame, disgust, morality come from a ‘Demiurge.’ Even if they have to temporarily adopt those things in order to materially succeed against the odds, they are self-aware that these things come from an evil being that wants to enslave those with a ‘divine soul’ (essence of Shekinah or Divine Feminine). Thus, in their hearts, they successfully invert European values, good becomes bad, and bad for the sake of being bad becomes the greatest good. That kind of ideology extends from Talmudic writing and is inspired by it, but it is not solely Talmudic, and it is also inspired by ancient Paganism from Babylon, Canaan, Egypt and Assyria, perhaps other places too. Zurvanist Zoroastrianism is an example that comes to mind as inspiring Roman Mithraic cults, and the like, but also inspiring Jewish esoteric teaching, specifically Kabbalah.
Such a mentality or worldview makes them difficult to understand and hard to predict. Whether people worship Baal (some kind of twisted slander of God) or some kind of Goddess, or a Supreme Androgyne, it is hinging from the same ancient “Gnosis,” and it inverts what God has deemed to be sinful or righteous… which must be why you get warnings in the Bible about those who don’t just wilfully sin but totally invert morality.
It’s difficult not to see Jews as a single monolith, but despite how many, at first, seem like individuals, but then collude on the same topics, against Europeans or others, there are still multiple factions amongst them, who have different features & goals. Their racial strategy/ in-group preference and their innate impulses/ proclivities can be used to explain most of their passive resistance towards White nationalism and European values or any kind of healthy European community/ collectivism. But there is still a satanic element at the bottom of the more direct actions & systems, by “satanic” I mean “slanderer” or “adversarial” as well as associated with heinous libertine acts. Those who are sitting at the pinnacle of the hierarchy that was put in place, something far darker than many are willing to comprehend. Something that spreads out across national boundaries, building states-within-states across the world, using Jewish Tribalism, and off-shoot cults based on Kabbalah & other esoteric teachings as the basis of their twisted ideologies- whatever that inner-circle is, it is more coherent and consistent with its hidden beliefs, and it’s ultimate goal is evidently, inherently malicious.
The thing to remember is that Moses Hess was involved in the founding & construction of Zionism as well as Proto-Communism/ French Socialism… and yet from early 20th century, they try to say they are at antithetical odds? He worked with both Karl Marx and Engels, directly, before having slight disagreements over worldviews. To everyone else, people like this may seem like underdog nobodies that inspired millions, but we know how Marx was involved with the Rothschild family and we know how these banking barons funded Communism in Russia, despite attaining power over Royalty from Capitalism…
“and convinced some very gullible Christians that Eve — and even Adam himself — copulated with a serpent in the Garden of Eden”
They claim eating was an allegory for sex, but look at Genesis 2,
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
That includes the tree of life. Eve confirms this applies to herself as well in Genesis 3,
2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden
What are these people implying? That the garden of Eden was just one big orgy and that the tree of knowledge was singled out as a taboo orgy partner?
Never mind that Adam and Eve received the law of marriage in Genesis 2:24…
I am one who does believe that the act of eating fruit was a sexual act. You quoted Genesis 2:16-17 and Genesis 3:2. I think you may need to delve a bit deeper.
In Genesis 2:9 it says: “And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and GOOD FOR FOOD; the tree of life ALSO in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The trees before the semicolon are literal trees one could literally eat from, the tree after the semicolon are not literal trees. They were planted in addition to the aforementioned trees and are located in the midst of the garden. We know the TofKofGandE IS NOT good for food. That is how one should know that there is a difference of trees being spoken of here. Literal trees, literal fruit vs. allegorical trees. The serpent was not a literal snake, he was the allegorical tree of knowledge of good and evil, he was the 6th day man. The tree of life, IMHO, is the Holy Spirit, man was barred from partaking of this tree. Yeshua sends the comforter, John 15;26, from the Father. The comforter leads you into all truth.
Sexual perversions found in the Jewish Talmud:
8 Genders In the Jewish Talmud:
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: ‘Gay relationships are no worse than smoking’
“Which brings us to a national media campaign sharing the riches of Jewish wisdom with the masses.”
Already been done, Rabbi. Called “Seinfeld,” in syndication reruns a dozen times a day.
(((Seinfeld))) is surprisingly “based” in its content by today’s standards.
> Anti-semitism is a hoax; anti-semitism means someone that Jews don’t like
> Jews are a protected class of people
> Jews use blacks and drugs to destroy White neighborhoods
> America is run by ZOG (they literally state “the Jews steal our money through their Zionist occupied government…”)
> The holocaust is a myth
> Mocking [Swindler’s] List, the holiest of holies for (((Hollywood)))
> Showing how feminism destroys women
> Depicting all of the Jews as money-grubbing, manipulative, conniving, unhappy people. The only main character in the show who is loving life is the lone goy.
And I’m sure there’s a fistful of other, perhaps even better, examples of “basedness” that I am omitting.
“Schindler’s List” is a work of fiction.
It could be intentional reverse psychology, but it also could be Jews making fun of other Jews. Hard to say. Either way, people don’t tend to take explicit comedy on board in any serious manner. Those are all just edgy skits, they aren’t pointing them out as being partially valid or true. I remember that there was a skit where a ‘crazy conspiracy theorist’ rants about a collusion between Jewish groups and the government, or something like that.
Rabid Smelly Boturd is a con artist, but then again, he’s a Jew. Would he use that billion to buy one of those sheets that has a hole in it, that the male Jew–who cant come in touch with a woman’s body–uses to insert his penis thru, for all Goyim, so we too can enjoy that sickness?
Here’s Boturd riding on the back of the soon to be US Senator, Cory Booker, who’s been a good, loyal Goyim to his Yid owners.
Cory Booker Parties on Purim at Oxford in the Early 1990s