There is a mountain of suppressed, ignored, and allegedly ‘discredited’ archeological evidence that clearly demonstrates the presence of the ancient Israelites in North America dating all the way to to at least 1,000 B.C. during the reign of King David, and a stone carving of the Ten Commandments discovered in the Ohio River Valley is just one of many important examples that has been expunged from our government-sanctioned history books:
In November of 1860, David Wyrick a land surveyor in Newark, Ohio found an inscribed stone in a burial mound about 10 miles south of Newark. The stone is inscribed on all sides with a condensed version of the Ten Commandments or Decalogue, in a peculiar form of post-Exilic square Hebrew letters. The robed and bearded figure on the front is identified as Moses in letters fanning over his head.
The inscribed stone was found inside a sandstone box, smooth on the outside, and hollowed out within to exactly hold the stone….
Two years later, in 1867, David M. Johnson, a banker who co-founded the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum, in conjunction with Dr. N. Roe Bradner, M.D., of Pennsylvania, found a fifth stone, in the same mound group south of Newark in which Wyrick had located the Decalogue. The origin of this small stone is now lost, but a lithograph, published in France, survives.
The letters on the lid and base of the Johnson-Bradner stone are in the same peculiar alphabet as the Decalogue inscription, and appear to wrap around in the same manner as on the Decalogue’s back platform. However, the lithograph is not clear enough….to attempt a transcription with any confidence. However, Dr. James Trimm, whose Ph.D. is in Semitic Languages, has recently reported that the base and lid contain fragments of the Decalogue text.
The independent discovery, in a related context, by reputable citizens, of a third stone bearing the same unique characters as the Decalogue stone, strongly confirms the authenticity and context of the Decalogue Stone, as well as Wyrick’s reliability.
In his book, The Lost Ten Tribes Of Israel….Found, author Steven Collins explains the significance of the ‘Decalogue Tablet’:
The Decalogue inscription begins at the non-alphabetic symbol at the top of the front, runs down the left side of the front, around every available space on the back and sides, and then back up the right side of the front to end where it begins, as though it were to be read repetitively.
This ‘Decalogue Tablet’ was found as grave goods buried with a body in an earthen mound. That a portable tablet with the Ten Commandments in ancient Hebrew was found in a grave indicates that the person buried in the mound may have been an ancient levitical priest who was present with Israelite explorers or colonists in ancient America. It has been noted that the Hebrew inscription also has some characteristics of ‘the old Phoenician alphabets.’ While one analyst of this tablet notes, ‘the question of the tablet’s actual age is impossible to accurately ascertain at this time,’ he also added that the discovery of this tablet (and many other ancient artifacts found on American soil) means, ‘The time frame of continental exploration is suddenly retreating to 1000 B.C. or earlier.’ (p. 51)
Quoting Robert Lenhart, Collins further points out that early American settlers believed that the mounds where the ‘Decalogue Tablet’ were found were decidedly not build by the Native Indians:
“When the first settlers moved westward from the American colonies on the Atlantic Seaboard, they discovered the great burial mounds and earthworks of the Ohio Valley. The mounds were obviously the work of man, but just as obviously, not within the capacity or tribal memories of the tribes who inhabited the valley at that time. Presidents Thomas Jefferson, William Henry Harrison, scientists, many eminent clergymen and others speculated that the mounds and earthworks were built either by Egyptians, Norsemen, or the lost tribes of Israel.” (p. 84)
Vincent Liddell
AN EXCERPT FROM MY LATEST BOOK “THE ON FIRE BELIEVER” – AMAZON KINDLE DIRECT PUB. THE DESIGNATION YHVH An interesting note is the name of God. YHVH (usually rendered LORD) is called the tetragrammaton (the 4 lettered name for God”. In Exodus 23:21, God (the Father) tells Moses He will send one to him and to listen to Him (Yeshua) “For My name (YHVH) is in Him”. Rabbis teach (Genesis Rabbah Parashah 44) that the full lettered name of God has 72 Hebrew letters. Around the hem of the garment of the High Priest were 72 pomegranates and 72 bells to remind him of YHVH (Exodus 28:33-34).
Pontius Pilate wrote a Hebrew acrostic on the superscription above the cross: Yeshua HaNazaret VeMelek HaYehudim; put the underlined letters together to get YHVH! The sanhedrin recognized this and demanded of Pilate to change the wording.
I posted this acrostic on the Internet in 2001. Catholics put up the Latin acrostic INRI; it is much more enlightening in Hebrew. In 2 Corinthians 12:4 Paul mentions of things unspeakable and unlawful; perhaps the 72 lettered name of God was it, which the rabbis taught was prohibited to speak. “,,, and He had a name written that no man knew except He Himself,,,” Revelation 19:12. Could the 72 lettered name be this unknown name? Rabbis teach that the 72 letters come from special arrangements of the Hebrew letters of 3 lettered words found in Exodus 19:14.
My late wife had MS and from time to time the demon would deform her body giving her “claw hand”. Consider the scene at Calvary, Jesus on a cross along with two crucified thieves nearby. The “good” thief is recalling verses from Torah and Isaiah; Exodus 21:8-8, Moses made a brass serpent and the people looked at it and were healed. Isaiah wrote “,,, His visage was marred more than any and His body more than the sons of men” [ His deformation, caused by the demons in Him) was unrecognizable as a ma, rather as a serpent with His blood matted hair as a hooded viper (1 Peter 2:24 — 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness:) with his hands nailed in back of Him as opposed to the top crossbar, which was used solely to hold Pilate’s very large – 3 languages which had to be read from at least 25 feet away -superscription] and the upper half of His body leaning forward. The “good thief” recognized it, this was the fulfillment of the prototype of Moses’ brass serpent – salvation!
ST Wood
This is literally what The Book of Mormon is about.
Chaplain Bob Walker
Mormons teach the Bible is filled with errors and that is why the angel MORONi came to give Smith the golden plates. So was the Lord unable to preserve is words in the Bible? Only if one is a mormon.
Mormons TEACH ANOTHER GOSPEL: Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel [MORONi] from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. CURSED
Galatians 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
My Bible says Jesus created everything.
The Mormon church in the doctrines and covenants teaches that satan is the brother of Jesus. So if you want to follow a church whose “savior” is satan’s brother, then you go for it.
Eli Rosenau
True that. Thank you for using KJV scripture to back your statement.
Ray Aitken
Hmm, Cain and Abel were brothers. One good and blessed of the Lord the other Evil and cursed by the Lord. If there was a pre-mortal life where there was agency enjoyed by the spirit children of God there would have been a division. A third of the spirits were cast out. if God created all the spirits that would make Jesus a brother to the one who later became identified as Satan, who until he rebelled was a Son of the Morning.
Hi Ray….
Wanted to welcome you to this thread —
Curious your take on this topic. Do you believe “Serpent Seed” teaching?
Long before I fully understood the Scriptures and their exclusivity, I was somewhat of a historian, though simply a “Yahwist”, and was in the early stages of learning all that I could about the Bible. One of the facts that I learned during those early stages was that the oldest inscriptions found in North America were multiple tetragrammatons…the 4 Hebrew letters Y-H-W-H that represent the name of God…Yahweh.
Yes, as well as ‘stonehenges’ , land markers in the ancient Celtic ogham, inscriptions [including directions to places left for those coming after the inscriber] , the Ten Commandments in Ogham etc etc. There are numerous instances of Christian crosses carved on top of symbols of ba’al, runes out the wazoo, even leaded crosses found in new mexico and arizona that tell the story of the people – true Israelites – that came there from Gaul [france] and ‘the Isles’ [Britain].
Thousands of roman era coins were dug up along our eastern seaboard, but are now hidden by the smithsonian…doesn’t fit the Narrative. White israelite peoples were here a thousand years before columbus AND before the so called ‘indians’ , who migrated up from South America and over from Russia.
The books ‘In Plain Sight’, ‘Christians before columbus’, ‘America BC’, anything by E Raymond Capt and dozens of others show this to be true and are VERY interesting to read. America is indeed in the Bible if you know what to look for… 🙂
Luke, I know Dr. Barry Fell wrote “America B.C.”, but who wrote “In Plain Sight” and “Christians Before Columbus”? I can’t locate either of those.
Chesterton, Gloria Farley wrote ‘In Plain Sight’ and Pastor Earl Jones wrote ‘Christians Before Columbus’.
Darin S
Christians Before Columbus:
True Follower
Luke 2236, you give no references for your statements. Without reference on dates, times, places, & names than your statements are nothing.
True Follower, Luke listed three references, and others discussed those references, including links to them. Did you miss that?