German Chancellor and former East German communist aparatchik Angela Merkel, addressing the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Virtual Global Forum, praised the global Jewish supremacy organization for its role in ensuring the ongoing subjugation of the defeated Germans after WWII using Holocaust atrocity propaganda as its primary weapon in that effort:
“I was deeply moved that AJC was planning to hold its Global Forum 2020 in Berlin, and, moreover, in the 75th year after the end of the Shoah – the betrayal of all civilized values. What a generous gesture of trust and ever-greater closeness,” Merkel told the worldwide audience of thousands.
The chancellor noted that “AJC was the first Jewish organization to seek contact with the recently founded Federal Republic of Germany” following the Holocaust, “the most terrible crime ever perpetrated against humanity.”
“This willingness to engage in dialogue and seek reconciliation has long since developed into a close partnership” between Germany and AJC, said Merkel. “I am exceptionally grateful to you for your tireless and diverse efforts to promote peace and interfaith understanding.”
The chancellor spoke about “the responsibility” of the German government and people to remember the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, to actively combat antisemitism, and to support Israel. “In awareness of our responsibility, we are neither able nor willing to be neutral,” she said.
“We are aware of our responsibility to remember the many millions of Jewish children, women and men who were robbed of their rights, persecuted and murdered by Germans during the Shoah,” said Merkel. “And we are also aware of our responsibility to take resolute action against antisemitism in all its forms. I see this as part of our national ethos.”
Merkel emphasized that “Jews should feel free and safe in Germany, they should be able to practice their faith and culture openly.”
Despicable acts such as the Yom Kippur attack on the synagogue in Halle last October “target the very heart of our democracy,” she said. “The government and civil society must do everything in our power to counteract such bigots.”
Turning to Germany’s close ties to Israel, Merkel declared that “standing up for Israel’s security is non-negotiable.”
No leader in the history of Germany has openly pandered to Jewish interests than Angela Merkel — which includes flooding the country with violent and anti-Christain Muslims as a personal favor to the Jews.
Of course, these Muslims — just like the ones in France — are predictably antisemitic, given Israel’s ongoing genocide in Palestine.
Then Merkel hypocritically blames White Germans for this increase in antisemitism.
And when those antisemitic Muslims attack Jews in Germany, the Jews hypocritically blame Merkel for allowing them in.
Trying to please the Jews is an impossible task for Merkel — Harry Truman bent over backward for them, and they turned around and tried to assassinate him for not moving fast enough on Israel for their liking.
And using worn out, absurd and far-fetched “Holocaust” propaganda to shame the German people into accepting this destruction of their once Christian nation may please the Jews, but it’s failing to work on young people, the majority of whom aren’t even ethnic Germans.
Merkel predictably mentions the attack in Halle where no Jews were even injured — but fails to mention that draconian laws forbidding Germans from even questioning official Holocaust absurdities may have motivated the attack that day.
And throwing 91 year old grandmothers in prison for questioning the absurdities of the official Jewish version of WWII — which even Jews themselves have begun to openly challenge — is not going to endear you to anyone with a shred of human decency.
If a Jewish-American Supreme Court Justice didn’t believe the Holocaust atrocity propaganda, why should any German be obligated to?
I have to second this…..”Jews are currently competing intensely with blacks to be the world’s most important and influential victims.” When I alluded to the Kente Cloth dressshow of the Democrats in the U.S. Congress that African barbarians sold Africans into slavery, I was accused of Hate Speech by Facebook Gedapo (thought police). The Jewish terrorist organization ADL supports this Stasi censorship but has a stop the hate for profit campaign. I ask again when is the white majority going to stop enabling this non-sense, because the privileges of these Marxist death and destruction “minority” victim groups comes from politicians who supposedly represent the white majority……
Patrick White
Jews are currently competing intensely with blacks to be the world’s most important and influential victims.
Yet both are a pointless drain on the planet, whose achievements have been far eclipsed by their poisonous and society-destroying presence, either singly or in combination.
Neither belong in the West.
This kind of rhetoric out of the mouth of the jewish bitch should absolutely not surprise anyone. The only reason she can talk like she is, like a groveling slave, is because she is falsely representing the German people – BECAUSE SHE’S NOT GERMAN. She IS the enemy of the Germans. She is a beast ruling over the children of God. This is a prime example of how the jews plan on ruling over ALL (formerly) white nations!
Considering Merkel is a Jewish STASI SNITCH …………..
ALL people of Good Will should oppose the ORIGINAL “nazis”.
The most Genocidal Monsters in history:
Jews BRAG about the genocide of 75,000 Persians and celebrate it every year at PURIM.
Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the SHOAH of 1.5MILLION Armenian Christians under the crypto-Jewish “Young Turks” “necessary for the Rothschilds’ Baku Oil. The Armenian Christians’ financial and intellectual prominence was not “good for business.”” Armenians had lived in peace thousands of years, until Jewish money wanted them out.
Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the SHOAH of 66MILLION Christians under the Jewish Bolsheviks
Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, KATYN FOREST & the Ukrainian Death Camps where the Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered the Educated Elite CHRISTIAN Leaders. Teach about Bela Kun and his Jewish comrades who committed the Red Terror in 1918 Hungary.
Never FORGET, Never FORGIVE, the ongoing SHOAH of the PALESTINIANS.
In a sane world Merkel would be in jail right now awaiting execution for high treason against the German people. She’s crapping on the Graves of the good German men who fought against international communist jewry.
She’s right…the holohoax IS the greatest crime ever committed; this absolute and verifiable lie has cost us trillions and trillions of dollars, been used to undermine our societies by jewish moral degradation and immigration and opened the way for (((them))) to get complete control of our political system, monetary system and media. (((they))) have caused , and continue to cause, countless wars with countless dead and injured. Yes, all because of the [alleged] holocaust®
Axel Z
The logic being….the only reason you could possibly not believe the Holocaust happened is because you hate Jews. Therefore, Holocaust denial is a hate crime. It presumes that people are incapable of wanting to know what really happened in WWII just for the sake of the truth.
But as they say, Jews hate nothing more than the truth. The truth, to Jews, is offensive.