If the Founding Fathers of the United States of America were alive today, it is highly likely that their ‘extremist’ political views, which are the basis for all of our constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms that are currently under constant attack, would be banned from all major social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram:
[There] was a near unanimous agreement of senators and representatives of the first Congress that immigration should be limited to “free white persons of good character,” as espoused in the Naturalization Act of 1790, which stayed in effect until after the Civil War.
Today, anyone who expresses such an opinion, at the time held by most citizens and statesmen, quickly will be branded as a “white supremacist” and banned from social media.
By modern standards, that view sounds blatantly racist, but it needs to be understood in context. There were no airplanes or internet back then, and global trade had latencies of years. The world they knew was fiercely tribal.
The newly formed United States was still at war with native Indian tribes, and American trade ships were plundered regularly by Islamic pirates from the Barbary states in North Africa. The explorers that went to Africa found no written languages, two-story buildings, roads, wheels, or machinery. They did, however, find hostile tribes who either tried to kill them or to sell them slaves from other tribes.
In this historically hostile world, where all cultures were at war, and tribal allegiances were paramount, from where would it be natural to allow immigration? Your ancestral lands, of course. The presumption is that people who share your culture, religion, civilizational values, and ethnicity are more likely to be compatible than people from hostile countries.
Notice, however, that not all white people could immigrate to America. Only free persons of good character. “Free” and “good character” meant they were not slaves or convicts, were financially independent, did not have a criminal record, and shared the ideals of the Constitution. They had to sustain themselves and abide by the laws for two years before they could apply for citizenship.
Surprisingly, the same troubles that faced the young nation 230 years ago also plague modern America. While race is no longer a requirement, modern conservatives still want immigrants to be “free persons of good character.” The problem is that the world outside the West is still fiercely tribal and racially conscious. Most cultures today reject the ideals of liberty and prefer socialism, corruption, and ethnic kleptocracy.
Insisting on immigrants who sustain themselves and don’t support socialism would eliminate billions of people from qualifying to enter the United States, most of them from non-Western countries.
Even though hundreds of millions of Africans, South Americans, and Asians would qualify entry based on self-reliance, skills, and good character, leftists deem such a policy to be racist because it favors immigration from Europe and East Asia. Therefore, they insist that any requirement must be abolished. Accept open borders and the destruction of liberty, or else you are racist.
It is commendable that the leading social media corporations want to combat bigotry, but we should consider that without the philosophy and culture of the Founding Fathers, slavery would still exist, not only in America but also in the rest of the world. It was white Christians who worked to abolish slavery and championed universal individual rights independent of race and religion.
However, it is ironic – and disturbing – that the very same people who made Facebook and Twitter possible now would be censored by these companies.
Actually, the greatest “irony” of this censorship is that today’s major social media platforms are all owned by Jews whose ancestors emigrated from the jewish ghettos of Russia and eastern Europe where they claim they were “oppressed” by the Christian majority. If the immigration standard of “free White persons of good character” had actually been enforced, none of these Jews would have gotten past the disinfection chambers at Ellis Island, as none of them were White and most of them were of questionable “character” which was demonstrated by their notorious criminal behavior once they were let in.
These predominantly Russian and Polish Jews exploited their new-found “freedoms” to take over organized crime in America’s largest cities, as is explained in (jewish) Gus Russo’s must-read book, “Supermob”. This jewish “supermob,” led by the likes of Sidney Korshak and Meyer Lansky, took control of America’s organized labor, political parties, media, financial institutions, and the film industry in Hollywood, all of which they still control to this very day. This is a conspiracy fact delineated by a jewish author, not a conspiracy “theory” invented by the “goyim”.
Now that these billionaire gangsters, masquerading as “legitimate” businessmen, neo-conservatives, and “philanthropists” like Sheldon Adelson and Carl Ichan, have replaced America’s original White Christian elite, they are using their enormous power to censor and destroy anyone who attempts to use social media to publicly challenge their control and legitimacy, along with demonizing our Founding Fathers as “extremists” and “white supremacists”.
Karl the Hammer
Of a truth, the racial question has never been more important or relevant than it is right now.
“Jews are calling for Google to ban everything they call “white supremacy” (pages, blogs, forums, etc). The only information they want available on Google is favorable to globalism, Blacked, pedophilia, incest, Europe turning into Africa, etc. As I’ve said, Jews get to power first and then they start using it to in fact oppress everybody and at the same time play the victims.
This is a strange request from a Nation built on the idea of racial supremacy.”
“That’s why the Anti-Defamation League is partnering with Moonshot CVE and the Gen Next Foundation to counter white supremacist and jihadist activity online. The program, dubbed the Redirect Method, will use advertising to provide individuals who search Google for violent extremist material with content that exposes the falsehoods of extremist narratives…”
Source: https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/can-google-search-be-used-to-counter-white-supremacy/
Archived version: http://archive.is/lJAmx
America was always a freemason project. George Washington was one. Half the presidents have been freemasons. The Statue of Liberty (Ishtar the Queen of Harlots) was constructed by a freemason, and dedicated on its site by freemasons. Freemasons serve any “god”. They do not have to be Christians. Freemasons are the footsoldiers of the jews and therefore dedicated to globalism. Look at the behaviour of the USA today. War, war, war. Dedicated to defend Israel. Massive military budget. Ruthless murder of civilians. Any doubts?
Are you suggesting the beginnings, or the founding of the United States was never intended to be “natural”?
In other words…………………….is it your belief that the founding of the United States was always meant for Nefarious purposes?
“Freemasonry” is another white (Christian) institution taken over by the jews, and that was only truly started by Adam Weishaupt in France in the 1780’s. Freemasonry was our ancestors way to keep technological and trade secrets a secret. Our inventions and technology helped set us apart from the rest of the uncivilized cultures, as what sane white man wants his enemies to have that which he created for the benefit and defense of his people and way of life? I believe most of the ‘Founding Fathers’ were freemasons. Did that make them bad men? Obviously not! The proof is in their writings and accomplishments, which in turn shaped the history of this nation. Were they perfect? Of course not! Were they Christians? Absolutely! Again, proven through their writings and accomplishments. And just like denominational churchianity and freemasonry, the institution of the government of the united States of America has been completely usurped by the jew…because it was once a white and Christian institution, just like all the others, which has ALWAYS been the target of the jew…
Dixie Lee
The USA founding fathers were Scottish masons. The European (((communist Illuminati ))) infiltrated the French & Italian (southern masons) after they were not allowed to join the German organizations. These southern masons were influential in the French Revolution & later in removing god from society. Later on, they spread their cancer throughout Europe culminating in WWII. But the disease wasn’t eradicated. It metastasized & and continues spreading it’s poisonous ideas throughout the world.
Good article, ROTR!
In contrast to the Boston Tea Party: “Jewish activists bring downtown Boston to standstill over immigrant detention”
“BOSTON (JTA) — A group of some 1,000 Jewish activists and others brought rush hour traffic to a halt in downtown Boston to protest immigrant detention in the city and across the country.
Tuesday’s protest followed a similar event Sunday where 36 Jewish activists were arrested during a protest at a New Jersey detention center.
Following a rally at the New England Holocaust Memorial, protesters marched through the city’s streets to the Suffolk House of Correction, where 18 people were arrested after locking arms at the facility being used by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement to house scores of immigrants awaiting deportation proceedings, the Boston Globe reported.” [More]