When Attilio Fontana, who is running for the governorship of prosperous Lombardy region of Italy, advocated for clamping down on immigrants’ numbers to preserve “our white race,” the Jews in Rome had a fit:
On Monday, Salvini defended Fontana and said his party in government will “regulate every Islamic presence in the country.”
“Our culture, society, traditions, way of live are at risk,” he said. “An invasion is underway.”
Under Salvini’s leadership, the League has whipped up anti-migrant sentiment, blasting Italy’s hosting of hundreds of thousands of migrants and asylum-seekers, many of whom were rescued at sea from smugglers’ boats.
Jewish leaders said Fontana’s remark recalled anti-Semitic racial laws enacted in 1938 during Benito Mussolini’s dictatorship.
“It’s inconceivable that in 2018 one must repeat to ignorant ones that there doesn’t exist a white race to defend, 80 years after the promulgation of the racial laws,” Ruth Dureghello, president of Rome’s Jewish community, said in a tweet.
Jews are a small minority in Italy, which is largely Roman Catholic.
Fontana’s center-left opponent, Giorgio Gori, countered that his own campaign is “without hysterics and demagoguery.”
The leader of Gori’s Democratic Party and former premier, Matteo Renzi, said that with Gori, the center-left chooses to “speak about innovation and human capital” over “‘white race’ and invasions.”
There you have it — the Jew Dureghello claiming that anti-migrant remarks are essentially “antisemitic”. On top of that, she is also admitting that from the perspective of a Jew to defend the White race is also “antisemitic”. But when this treacherous subversive makes these clearly anti-White and anti-Christian remarks, she isn’t investigated for “hate crimes”. Somehow the Jews in Italy have framed the immigration argument to be about Nazis and Fascists rising from their graves, and no one has the political courage to even call this agitator out on her hypocrisy.
Italy, like all countries in western Europe, has an immigrant problem because they have a jewish problem.
It is the Jews in Italy and their EU supporters who are the loudest advocates for unrestricted immigration. But then when these mostly Muslim immigrants start attacking Jews, the Jews turn around and accuse the Whites of “antisemitism”. And the public continues to fall for this duplicity and hypocrisy. The Italians have kicked the Jews out of their country and states a number of times in the past for far less subversive activities. Perhaps it’s time for them to dust off their history books and take a page out of them.
Lynda, du bist wirklich dumm!
Oder ein jüdisches U-Boot?
I hate to break the news to you Luke2236 – but all those ‘jewish’ popes since 1130 have been issuing edicts against the Jews, the Synagogue, the Talmud and all the ideologies spawned by their secret societies since that date right up until 1963 when the hierarchy of the Catholic Church fell to the Communist Revolution – made (of course) by the Judaic Supremacy. These edicts of the popes against the Jews were to Catholic states, kings and governments – the classic example of what Americans mean when they refer to ‘the pope over here telling us what to do.’
Scroll down to March 15, 2007 “The Holy See Against the Jews” – it is fairly comprehensive. Centuries of restrictions upon Jewish predations of the Christian nation state. Get back to us if you see anything you think might have possibly helped the cause of the European nations.
Get real Chesterton, the Church has been infiltrated by its enemies, most notably the Synagogue of Satan, since the Apostle Jude penned ‘The Book of Jude’. Every generation must try to weed them out and no one generation ever gets all of them – so their numbers tend to grow over the centuries.
With Jewish myths like evolution and Frankfurt School anthropology there is no such thing as ‘race’, except of course when there is. Part of the Tribal Agenda is that all nations are to be mixed and only the Jews will have racial ‘purity’ which they now define in terms of DNA. To be accepted as a member of the Jewish race, you have to test positive for specific haplogroups. But for those who know the Biblical record these people are the descendants of Esau of (Y)Idumea. Their matrilineal bloodline goes back to Esau, Seir and all the Canaanite, Hittite wives – styled in the Bible: ‘the dragons of the wilderness’. Of course they migrated right up the Euphrates and colonised the upper reaches of Lake Van forming what are today recognised as the Turkic peoples – you know like in Ur and Uratu. Look – they still parade their tribal gods through The City (on the sq mi of London) which is their financial HQ. https://londonist.com/2016/01/gog-and-magog-who-are-they-and-what-do-they-have-to-do-with-london
Colour coding is a very limited way to define the branches of the Adamic race. The term Caucasian – the idea that the nations descended from Shem (Whites) originated in the Causcasus is false. Aryan is the Elamite (Old Persian) word for noble, high and excellent. The Elamites Biblically were descended from the Patriarch: Shem. They were not an Arabic (mixed) people. Colour coding obscures the narrative and introduces confusion into the suppressed facts of the archeological record.
For those who read the Bible and disbelieve the myths of race coded by colour, location, cheddar and evolution of species, what we are talking about in terms of ‘race’ are the descendants of Shem, Japeth and Ham – the sons of Noah. These are the three branches of the Adamic race which came through the Deluge. From Shem would come the tribes that are regarded Biblically as the tribes descended from the Patriarch Shem. They were the first to migrate out of the Plain of Shinar following the Divine command to those who would become the progenitors of nations to take dominion of the earth. That is why the ancient burial mounds and grave goods of the Shemites are the most politically incorrect and the oldest on all continents – the Tarim Basin
https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/beauty-loulan-and-tattooed-mummies-tarim-basin-001227, North America, South America, Africa and Europe – the descendants of Shem following their monotheistic faith from Noah , belief in the original prophecy of the ‘Seed of the woman’ , monogamy (so always the smallest population) , high intelligence, endlessly inventive and adaptable, nomadic, often called by later hordes ‘the sea kings’ because they circumnavigated the globe. Also called ‘the Builders’ – they built pyramids aligned to the stars so that they could have a sidereal calendar, conserve in geometry the universal constants of the language of the universe: mathematics – among other thing. Because of their monogamy and their monotheism, they were the slowest to degenerate from our parents and originals: Adam and Eve. Long did they conserve some of the ante-Deluvian knowledge and technology of the Nephilim. They didn’t go in for spirit possession and human sacrifice and drinking the blood of the dead out of the skulls of their enemies.
The Church was always the institution that was careful to record the oral histories of peoples who narrated their first encounter with the Shemite population that had preceded them into the land.
Sounds a bit like the ‘White’ race to me before they concentrated in Europe and their tribes formed the European nations there. Naturally, these earliest settlements of Shem’s descendants were ruthlessly exterminated all over the world by the teeming masses who followed them in the great dispersal. The Mongolians who followed them into the Americas have a lot of legends about themhttp://tomatobubble.com/wonderfulrace1.html
“Get real” about what? The Church was infiltrated and subverted from the beginning. What is there to disagree about? And the Edomite Jews were infiltrating the White race and its priesthoods long before Christ or Jude showed up (see Malachi). Catholics deny race because there were so many converso Jews in the Church at one point, they had no choice but to officially claim that race was not a factor in terms of conversion to Christianity. Jews hate race as a measuring stick because they always come up short–they are mongrels, enemies of the true born.
All institutions of the goyim are infiltrated and subverted – including the controlled opposition the Nazi Party in Germany between the wars. You want to single out the Covenants Old and New which were established oppose Babylon and all its projects for a subverted state and yet there is this entire banquet of subverted goy institutions to choose from. Why not talk about Agent Hitler and National Socialism – set up by The Empire of The City to conduct the holocaust of Germany and deliver as much of Europe as possible to their Soviet Union.
Sorry, but I don’t follow any of what you’ve written here–very disjointed and even hard to follow grammatically. I’m not sure why you keep insisting that Hitler was some kind of “agent” of the “Empire of the City” without a shred of evidence other than your insistence. I have never read any compelling evidence that Hitler was an agent of anyone, and if you are privy to some secret evidence, you should prove links to that evidence. And I know full well that most institutions of the West are subverted, but the Catholic Church happens to be the most relevant to the subject matter at hand, which is why I mentioned it.
The post mentions Salvini, Italy, Attilio Fontana – candidate for the Lombardy Province of Italy whose ‘our White race’ remark to caused the Jews in Rome to cough up their furball. The White demographic in Italy is in majority Catholic – the national religion of Italy and they are going to sweep nationalist candidates (pro-White European) candidates to power. Fontana is just the start of the landslide. The same is true of the Catholic nations of Hungary and Poland.
There is an abundance of documentation that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime were controlled opposition set up by the Wall Street banks and the Empire of The City and The Crown of its Judaic Supremacy. When RotR decides to run a post on it – they will have no trouble rounding it all up – starting with the work of Prince Michel Sturdza (foreign minister of Romania before WWII) in “The Suicide of Europe”. The Nazi high command told him in an official capacity that the Allies were going to win the war before it even started – he documents this in his memoirs. And it fits seamlessly with information in the biographies of Abwehr spymaster Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. This is a subject in itself and I am sure we will see it on these pages in due course.
Are you seriously suggesting that we take the alleged word of General Canaris seriously? He was involved in the July Plot to assassinate Hitler. Of course, Canaris would try to discredit Hitler. As far as Sturdza goes, the so-called Nazi “high command” included many who opposed Hitler, like Canaris, so it’s not surprising that they would predict that the Nazis would lose the war. Also, the original accusations that Hitler was a puppet of the “bankers” or of the Jews came from the jewish press in Germany during the late 1920s and early 1930s, with the clear intent of discrediting Hitler. And you are merely repeating those same jewish smears 80 years later. Well done.
Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to recognizing legitimate Christian efforts on the part of our ancestors to create “a more perfect union”. Remember, Paul even gave kudos to the pagan Romans for building a society based on the rule of law. If we demonized every failed attempt to establish a Christian based society, we would have no reason to continue our existence. NO man-made government will EVER hold true and just because man’s inevitable sins will utterly corrupt it. The only government that will ever work to perfection is God’s govt…the Kingdom of Heaven, with Christ as our King. Anything else is merely a forgery. But to condemn obvious evidences of cultural history that support the Christian influence, only detracts from what we Christians are try to accomplish here.
@Chesterton. No surprises to see you arguing for Hitler and the Third Reich – Hitler persecuted the Church and the ‘untermenschen’ without mercy in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Austria. Well done. For someone who was supposedly attempting to lead the European cause against Communism in a war against its Soviet base – Hitler and the Nazis immediately set about making the nations most under threat , the White European people who would have allied and fought with him hate the Germans even more than the Communists. Even without Sturdza’s testimony of Canaris statement (which I think is entirely credible) there are so many anomalies in Hitler’s campaign to enlist the German nation (which had every reason to fight Bolshevism in the USSR) that the entire Third Reich operation should be looked at with the greatest scrutiny and scepticism and it is good to see that so many are doing so. I confidently predict that at the bottom of that whole can of worms will be found The Empire of The City. It is a documented fact that Adolf spent a lot of time at Tavistock where all the special agents train for the Black Ops. As for the Jews, Adolf is the gift that just keeps on giving.
Oh, really? And where is all this “documented” evidence that Hitler spent “a lot of time at Tavistock”? Show me. I’ve never seen that, though I’ve heard cranks mention it with no proof. The only “witness” to Hitler ever having even set foot in England was made by his lazy nephew who tried to cash in on his uncle’s fame, but when Hitler didn’t show sufficient nepotism toward him, he slandered him. And Hitler’s “war” with the Catholic Church has been greatly exaggerated. He was tolerant of the Church as long as it stayed out of politics. And the Church helped many Nazis escape from Europe, so obviously there wasn’t too much ill will.
Lynda, you are both essentially correct. I believe Chesterton was taking a quick stab at modern history to make an easily understandable point. No, the Catholic Church is not solely responsible, but that particular truth about Catholicism helps shed light on this jewish statement that “there is no white race to defend”. Your brief, yet concise, synopsis of the origins of the white race merely sets the stage for our readers to peak their interest to learn about REAL HISTORY, and therefore begin to truly understand that this is a 7000+ year jew vs. white war that began with Cain, continued through Esau, and was ensured by Joshua when he failed God’s directive to wipe out His enemies, lest they be “pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides” for the remainder of our trial here on earth.
It’s interesting that according to Catholic Church doctrine, the White race does not exist. That the Catholic Church agrees with this Italian Jew Dureghello on this issue is proof positive that the Church was infiltrated by Jews a long time ago. The Catholic Church was the first major institution to betray the White race by allowing for jewish converts into any Christian congregation.
true; plus, every ‘pope’ since ~1130 has been jewish. The ‘catholic church’ is antiChrist.
Lynda is also correct as far as I understand, and eloquent to boot. Heres the deal – Only WE are of Adam , and only We are true Israelites. Not all white folk are necessarily ‘Israel’ as Abraham [and maybe Adam, noah, etc] may well have had other children, but all true Israelites are white. The jew is NOT israel or hebrew; only a small percentage of them may even be Adamic. When we all figure that basic truth out, the jig is up for the parasites.
We’ve got to stick together folk! its us against the world…