At an anti-vaccine protest in Głogów, Poland yesterday, participants chanted that “Jews are behind the pandemic” and “Jews rule the world”:
Separately, the far-right Confederation (Konfederacja) party – which has also been involved in protests against coronavirus restrictions – shared a video of one of its supporters saying that she “does not want Jewry” in Poland.
In Głogów, a town of 70,000 in western Poland, followers of the local football team on Sunday held the latest in a series of protests against restrictions and vaccines. “Stop the propaganda of a fourth wave”, “Stop sanitary segregation”, and “Stop vaccination coercion” were among the slogans.
“The government, under the guise of a ‘deadly virus’, is introducing illegal regulations aimed at limiting our freedom,” said the organisers, quoted by NaszeMiasto. They called on people to join “the fight for our common future” against “the globalists”.
At yesterday’s event, a man leading chanting through a megaphone asked the crowd: “We know who is behind this whole ‘plandemic’ and who rules the world, right?” In response, someone shouted “Jews”, and the man replied, “Of course it’s the Jews”.
The crowd then chanted together: “Every Pole can see today that behind the ‘plandemic’ are the Jews” (Dzisiaj każdy Polak widzi, że za plandemią stoją Żydzi).
Over 100 people attended the march, according to NaszeMiasto. Among them were families with children. Many carried white-and-red Polish flags or wore other patriotic symbols. Some also lit flares.
Even if the crowd hadn’t mentioned Jews — Żydzi — by name, Jews still would have been alarmed — they have made it clear that even the term “globalists” — an alleged dog whistle for “Jews” — is “traumatizing” for them to hear.
By some strange coincidence all massive conspiracies — like the “plandemic” — somehow or another have a propensity to lead back to the Jews — which is why Jews get nervous whenever anyone discusses who is behind anything nefarious.
This article mentions that one of Poland’s top fashion models — Samuela Gorska — caused “outrage” recently when she stated, “I don’t want Jews either. I don’t want LGBT. I don’t want a lot of the things that are out there now. Only the Confederation [Party] — I have the impression — provides this normal life.”
A recent survey showed that a sizeable percentage of Poles agree with Gorska — that the fewer Jews living in Poland the better it is for Poland.
Poland is unique among European countries — they still hold large public demonstrations and celebrations where speakers openly demand that they want Poland to remain White and Christian.
Jews in Poland have made it very clear how they want to subvert and destroy Christian Poland — in 2018 they staged a live “theatrical performance” explaining how they will go about doing exactly that.
The Polish Ambassador said recently that Poland is the last bastion of the West against the fall of Europe — and that’s certainly not hyperbole — as western “liberal” and “enlightened” Europe has already been bolshevized.
The nation wreckers hope this “plandemic” will be the final nail in the coffin of Europe — and the West in general.
I am so happy with his website
I get a news letter from Seventh Day Remnant Herald. It’s too much for me to type , but it’s the Issue 108, July 2021, in which they say that Revealation18:23 was letting us know decades ago that the Vatican was going to be using drugs in a global manner to confuse , cripple, and even kill as many people as possible to prevent present truth from reaching their eyes , ears and hearts. : ” not only was the Vatican outed as the one fulfilling this prophecy when it was discovered that Big Pharma and Rome are actual partners in crime back in June of 2012″, and go on to mention that chemtrails were the brain child of the Vatican back in 1985, also, they claim when Al Gore and Pope John Paul 11 got together .
I’ve read and noticed these things over the years , but working , these things are daily news and not news in one’s mind of purposeful design for the future. Al Gore is related to the Bush family. If you look up John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, the Bush family, they are all members or described as criminal or crime families. The Catholic Church a few years ago was accused of having money invested in a porno company, I think I remember. Joe Biden is Catholic, Anthony Fauchi is Catholic, John Kerry claims to be Catholic , but I and others believe him to be Jewish, background. Nancy Pelosi is Catholic. They say Fauchi has held his job for 25 years. Ronald Reagan recognized the Catholic Church. He was a Democrat , asked by California business men to run for Governor , but told that to win, he had to run as a Republican, which he did and was used by the party to run for President.
I wish someone who had the time could study this virus and tell the truth about it. In the past , others have tried to expose the vaccination scheme. There are anti vaccination websites for years before this virus came about. Our government and others are and have been experimenting with these organisms for decades, and news a few years ago told of the corpses of the 1917 flu epidemic wanting to be dug up for the making of vaccines for future events such as they claim , now , a pandemic. I’m not picking on the Catholic Church because I hate her. I heard as a boy, the Jews and Catholic Church seek world domination , and over the decades being a Catholic since I was about 12 years old, have seen that it is true. I believe the Jews will rule the money and economy, the Catholic Church , the religion , and the British Empire as some say Cecil Rhodes started his scholarship program to train future generations to bring the United States and other countries back into the British Empire.
Robert Maxwell, Jewish business man said that we would have a One World Government whether we wanted it or not. His daughter is the one in jail accused of working with Jeffery Epstein , another Jew. Check out all of the Jews in our media , how they keep us mentally confused, never knowing when we or someone else will say the wrong thing and be told to quit our job, be fired, apologize, etc., even imprisoned or fined. We are living in a Jewish created fantasy world.
Another one, I believe is Jewish, although he claims to be or just puts on the act of a Christian, quoting the Bible, using New Age terms, and ideas , is Alex Jones. He is married to his second Jewish wife and others say that he keeps it a secret or tries to. How can you spend , as he says 27 years exposing a New World Order in which Jews are among the most obvious, marry Jewish women, and get away with it when a Christian would be put out of business like so many patriots who have to quit their sites because they can’t afford to keep them up, get enough donations, fees increased, or most of their material , books , articles suppressed unless the Globalists, want you exposing them so they have someone to fall back on as the one to be the example of racism, bigotry, especially anti semitism, as they made of David Duke , whom few outside of his area knew or cared about, but was used to create and keep alive , refresh , the idea of racism.
An example of the filth in drugs, is in the 1981 , issue I believe it was, of The Jewish Forward telling of the use of penis foreskins being used in Inferon , I believe was being used or considered as a cancer cure. I had some articles for years , but sometimes this idea of world domination gets nauseating, and I once sent three banana boxes of material and books to another patriot who had a radio program and website.
The Synagogue Of Satan Part 1/2 Updated, Expanded Andrew Carrington Hitchcock-(Audio
-8 Hours.)
The Synagogue Of Satan Part 2/2 Updated, Expanded Andrew Carrington Hitchcock -(Audio 7.5 Hours)
The Synagogue of Satan ‘1878-2006’ – Andrew Carrington Hitchcock -Full
The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion Read By: Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.
This blog video interview sheds significant doubts on the veracity of the world pushing vaccines on humanity:
The information from this interview can be easily verified by patent checking. It could also be just another half truth half misinformation blog interview.
The man in this video, Dr. David E. Martin, seems to be a disinformation artist who has been pushing conflicting and contradictory narratives about the “plandemic” from the very beginning. Martin self-admittedly comes from a long line of Freemasons in his family, and he works closely with the Central Banks. He claims to be an “ambassador for humanity”….Yet the strange thing about this bowtied “visionary”…..is well, everything about him is strange…..
We may write an article about this shadowy figure…..
Who Is David E. Martin?
Please supply proof of your statement.
We did, with the link provided….obviously you didn’t bother to read it….plenty of proof that Martin isn’t exactly what he presents himself as:
Midwest guy….
You’ve been “challenged” to defend your position on a different article.
I didn’t think you checked to see if people responded to you — but now it is clear that you do indeed check.
If you have any integrity —- answer the challenge!
You need to prove your theory of “Race”.
Where do the 4 primary Tribes of people come from in your opinion? Anthropologists at the turn of the 20th century were almost all in agreement, that 4 primary groups of people existed on the earth — White, black, yellow and red.
Where do they come from?
Second — Who are the Israelites in your belief? You do understand that this is a Website that promotes the “truths” that the White Race are the Israelites and Adamites of the Scriptures.
Do you agree or disagree.
Here is another link to add to your search:
https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/lIqniU8UkAkc5xB All Connected to Sasha Stone by 7grainsofsalt [take notice @ 5:58 the name David Martin and the bottom line of a list of names]
I also found this: https://www.davidmartin.world/
With many videos.
[“…He served as Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN-affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and national governments…”]
As pointed out in the first video link…they ‘pose’ as Christians but are instead New Age practitioners, teachers, speakers etc to shine a positive light and act as savior of this scamdemic. IMO…it is to net more luke warm Christians that hear or see emblems or words that connect to the Bible.
Note to the goof whining about “racism.”
Black mobs are stomping white people to death.
If the R word scares you…..then maybe you need to go hide under your bed.
Freedom of Information Request Reveals 5,522 People have Died Within 28 Days of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines in Scotland.
Scotland Population is only 5.5 Million.
Lockdown Protests Australia:
Sydney is in one of the worse Lockdowns in the world and came out today to say NO!
Trieste Italy.
Vaxxine Centre Spain
Vaxx Victim betrayed by the Murdering Doctors.
J+J Death Vaxx Victim.
Angry Russian woman 3 hours later after Sputnik V COVID 19 #VACCINE numb arms and legs she can’t walk properly
Covid Torture Technique.
“Surge in double-jabbed Scots being admitted to hospitals, figures show”
VAXX Efficacy Lie
In the UK, which has primarily used the AstraZeneca vaccine, the latest estimate by researchers at the University College London indicate an effectiveness against infection of close to 0%, therefore the idea of prioritising access to society for the vaccinated is pure insanity
Magnet on the Vax Jab
Vaxx Death in a Pill.
How to decline a Vaxx
Australian PM says its your decision if you want the Death Vaxx or Not.
Minnesota Woman Loses Both Legs and Both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot
Sputnik V RIP
Covid Carrot.
Soros’s role in the destruction of the US
Alicia Smith
Pfizer 15th April 2021 – 2nd Dose
Severe Adverse Reaction: Bell’s Palsy, Tremors, Severe Neurological Issues
Age: 34 Years Old
MRNA Technology Inventor questions mRNA Vaxx Safety .
Charles owner of @gym_trition speaks out-Ireland
“Klaus Schwab wrote a book describing his plans to kill billions of humans starting with the whites.”
Mark Steele – Keep Spreading The Word.
Remember That Time President Bill Clinton (Bankers Puppet ) Apologized On Behalf of The US Govt?
For Deadly Experiments on People They Pledged To Help…
“What The US Govt Did Was Shameful… I Am Sorry” -Clinton
It Wasn’t That Long Ago…
Collecting Body-Poland.POLAND. Video of them coming to collect the body of a woman vaccinated 2-3 days ago with a 2nd dose ….
These are the deaths in their media from COVIDA (artificial) that they are pushing on us as real covid….
The medics know what is going on but their hands are tied.
NightClub Jab Deception.
Vaxx Victim
Pilots Pass-RIP
Ukraine shop without mask ..
Capri,Italy,Driver had a Stroke: Second Jab recently.. Nasty Vaxxident
This man has guts-Thankyou
Eric Clapton no to Vaxx Passports.
Pfizer should have been closed down in 2009:
2ND Pfizer Dose:
MRNA Technology Inventor questions their safety.
Ivermectin treats Covid 19
Trying to walk again..
Can’t Drive anymore had to resign her Job.
UK NHS -Its all BS
20% of Cancers are caused by Flouride:
The New Normal
More Fakery:
The time for talking is OVER.
A living man explains to a Police Constable that he does not have to give his name and Address if he has not broken the Law.Regulations, Acts and Statutes are voluntary consent and are Amdmiralty Lwa not the Law of the Land-Common Law.
Astra Zeneca Vax Contents
The trap is being SET.
Had my Pfizer jab last Wed and have felt like death since. Today my GP said enough was enough and sent me to emergency.
20 years ago, a young Polish guy here in the states told me “Polish people don’t like jews.”
Poles may be the smartest and most based people in Europe.
Damn right, they’re completely awake.
Yes, it is true, people must read about Khazarian maffia and Black nobility. They have religious reasons to provoke the genocide, they hate all human kind except themselves.
Covid in the Context of Cabalism
Remember who Soros really is and what in the past he did?
Here he goes again…
Why Are Soros And Gates Buying UK COVID Testing Company?
Actually (((they))) have been in the forefront of race-specific bioweapons.
In 1998 Israeli Jews were caught developing ethnic bioweapons: Israel’s Ethnic Weapon?, Wired, November 16, 1998 https://www.wired.com/1998/11/israels-ethnic-weapon/
Missing original: Israel Planning ‘Ethnic’ Bomb as Saddam Caves In by Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin, Additional reporting: Matthew Campbell in Washington, Hugh McManners, Originally posted in the London Times (November 16, 1998), disappeared from its original and archive link, http://www.thetimes.co.uk/section/0,,158,00.html, and also disappeared from several sites that mirrored the article.
Another secondary source: Israel is Developing ‘Ethnic Bomb’ for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal by Mark Weber, The Journal of Historical Review, Nov. – Dec. 1998 (Vol. 17, No. 6), pages 24-25. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v17/v17n6p24_Weber.html
Expectedly, the depopulationists (read, “genocidalists”) did not abandon their ethnic bioweapons project. The Zio-con strategists’ Project For A New American Century (of “new Pearl Harbor” infamy) explicitly included race-specific bioweapons on their predictive programming wish list. See their “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” document published in 2000 at page 60: http://judaism.is/images/specific%20genotypes.jpg?crc=3891385876
I like much of the information of this website, but I don’t understand that there is a tinge of anti-immigration (and even anti-black). Even this article suggests that Poles protests involve the race issue. I tend to doubt the veracity of that information, but perhaps I am wrong. I do believe Zionists are behind the Great Reset including the Covid fiasco. So this site is good with much of its information, but I would stay away from the issue of Race. Blacks were thrust into this country against their will. They were slaves against their will and have had a difficult time assimilating given that they have not had the same advantages of the Euro-whites that came to this country. Most blacks I have known have Hearts of Gold and I have learned more from them than they from I.
Sorry, but ‘race’ is at the heart of most questions.
And blacks not having the same advantages?!?!? I guess thats actually true…Whites dont have NEAR the [institutional] advantages of blacks. If you are White, try to get a job lately? Uh huh…
Um… letssee…. blacks, whilst comprising approximately 13% of the US population make up approximately 66% of all criminals, yet face shorter sentences for the same crime – if arrested or sentenced at all – than Whites. Blacks have preferential treatment in hiring, college admission and take over half of all welfare dollars. I watch very little television, but turn yours on – ALL you see are blacks and mixed race – ALWAYS a black male and White female – couples on the tube. NO commercial is evident w/o an african. Sounds like thats pretty advantageous. Blacks, on average, read at about the sixth grade level [except in baltimore where its the second grade…] yet graduate high school and even college. One study showed recently that some 12% of all college graduates were functionally illiterate; wanna guess what colour they are? I could go on, but sufficeth to say that all any black in this country has to do to get their way is scream ‘RAYCISS!” We know its true and that sounds pretty advantageous to me… se what happens when a White person makes the same, yet valid, complaint.
And as for being here against their will…well, LEAVE. african slaves were captured by other africans and sold to arab slave traders who sold them to JEWS who transported then in jewish owned ships to Europe and America. This is easily verifiable if you doubt. [in fact, the first recorded slave owner in the US was a free black man…] Being sent to America was the best thing that ever happened to them; had they stayed in africa as captives, those that werent eaten would have been worked to death. africans have never been noted for kindness or even taking care of assets….
And yes you are wrong [again] as the Poles are indeed protesting the displacement of their race and the negative effect on White countries of other, parasitic races.
In Auschwitz, or maybe it was Treblinka, the Nazis had a building. A terrible building! They would march Jews into one end of the terrible building and five minutes later lampshades, soap and Jewbrots came out the other end!
And to think there are people who deny the Holocaust!
Ha, ha, ha great. Regards
Yes! And to prove your solidarity with Blacks you must go for a solo walk late at night in the South Bronx or New Orleans’ 9th Ward.
Not the sharpest pencil.
Where to begin?
The black slaves were brought here on jewish merchant slave ships. Jews ran the slave trade for thousands of years until white men ended slavery.
Massive immigration has been utilized by organized jewry to destroy all of Christendom. Mass immigration is a weapon that translates into race replacement, ethnic cleansing, white genocide.
Open borders have nothing to do with economics….Celler and Javitz opened the borders in 1965 to import millions of leftist voters….to outvote and outbreed white Christian people…to REPLACE whites.
I have had to leave a number of churches because all of them were filled with marxist lunatics. It amazes me that so many Christians can be so dumb as to embrace leftist politics, when marxism very specifically seeks to DESTROY Christianity.
Yes, indeed. I think it has also to do with feminism and that we have given so much power to women. All ancient ppl. knew this; a very effective way to destroy society is to put women above men. We christians need to organise better and start fighting back, and NO, only prayers will not work. We must pray and act together. Our enemy stops at NOTHING!
90% of cross-racial crime is black on white. In 2018 there were 548,000 black on white attacks.
There is very little white on black crime of any kind.
Black on white rape runs about 25,000 per year. There is virtually no white on black rape.
Colin Flaherty has been documenting the epidemic of black on white crime for many years and it is completely covered up by the Jewish media.
Blacks have every possible advantage as they are favored in every way and whites are second class citizens. Black crime has exploded since the BLM riots. At this point blacks are basically running wild and the police are afraid to do their job.
The country is in shambles, and the goofball in the above comment sounds like a loony leftist.
Black people certainly have their socio-economic problems. The causes are multi-dimensional with the spotlight needing to be shone on BOTH blacks and whites. The problem with racists spewing hate against blacks is wrong for two reasons. One, it is just morally wrong. For a Site that touts itself as Christians for Truth, I believe Christ would have held both arms out to blacks who suffer from socio-economic problems, whether or not it is their fault. Second, if you couple black racism on this site with those trying to seek justice for the horrific atrocities and behaviors of Zionists, then you are setting this site up to be called a radical, racist, neo-nazi-type website with kooks. There is very valuable information on this site. Don’t ruin it by turning this site into an excuse for Zionist to point the finger at the site as racist website against blacks.
Midwest Guy, you are basically arguing that “racism” toward Blacks is wrong because it is wrong — circular reasoning. We believe that our morality is based on the word of God found in the Bible, not the communist manifesto and the Frankfurt School of socialist engineering that you seem to ascribe to.
Nowhere in the Bible is “racism” mentioned at all as a “sin”. It is not one of the Ten Commandments, though if we listen to the SJWs today, it would be the First Commandment. “Racism” is a meaningless term as the Left defines it — or rather doesn’t define it — because only White people can be “racist.”
From a Liberal perspective, the Bible is pure evil because it is fundamentally “racist” — it is the history of only one race of people — Adamkind. Furthermore, God claims to love only one family (Amos 3:2) — one ethnic group — and that is the Israelites. If you’ve got a problem with how CFT approaches the question of race, take it up with God because all we are doing it following His lead.
Yes, there are universalist Christians who believe that God is “no respecter of persons,” (Acts 10:34) but these verses are cherry-picked and easily shown to be taken out of context. Christ came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matt 15:24) — and Blacks, Asians, and Arabs are not counted as His sheep. If that offends you, again, take it up with Jesus Christ.
We don’t make the Bible conform to our liberal world view. We conform to His word. Or at least, that is what we sincerely endeavor to do. Our intent is not to “hate” Blacks, Jews, or whomever — our intent to love and obey our God and His children, our brethren, and conform our lives to Christ. Start here:
Midwest guy, Blacks have a lot more than socio-economic problems in their world. What of the problem of Black immorality?
It’s their deplorable morals that is the root of their problem. What percentage of Black children are born out of wedlock? The (((msm))) says 70%. But the liberal msm will lie when the truth would work better. The real number is likely higher. Hey, look up the Black abortion rate when you have time.
And one could go on a long time about Black criminality. Suffice it to say whatever racism exists in America, they show absolutely no inclination to leave. Quite the contrary.
So, let’s be honest: Blacks are their own worst enemies.
Jews started the NAACP.
Stanley Levinson was MLK’s handler(wrote his speeches)
Joe Slovo was Mandela’s handler.
Susan Rosenberg runs BLM.
The Jews use blacks as marxist foot soldiers.
Blacks are taught to hate whites.
Whites are taught to hate themselves.
Jews do the teaching.
Yes you are right.
Leaving aside the most important fact that only White people will be welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven: I hear this type of talk everyday at the moment, it seems.
Blacks haven’t been slaves in the USA since the end of the American civil war… that was over almost 150 years ago!
If blacks want to do well, then they have every opportunity to do so; they need to get off their collective arses and actually try to better their lot in life… instead they just play the hard-done-by card and love to wallow in the mire of crime and dole bludging.
Blacks aren’t alone in this: maoris, pacific islanders, aborigines, arab “refugees”, all just do the same.
If they collectively had any form of gumption they would go to work and wouldn’t be relying on me paying my taxes to survive. They are White mans burden, it seems.
Yes. The blacks and immigrants are just a distraction. We all know the real problem
Le’me guess…your real name would be ‘Mideast Troll in Tel Aviv Basement’ = CNN (Criminal News Netjerk)
Have you looked at your own backyard yet? Huh? The biggest welfare fried bacon on earth! And they teach all POC to do the same so they can’t leave the plantation. Did you know how many of those ‘African’ blacks have made (so-called) aliyah to Africa only to come back because they don’t have all their bribed PC toadies, terrorist group BLM and shops to loot to make their lives a much more lucrative endeavor? It turns out that they want all us whites to fill the professional chairs, run businesses and reap PC government overreach while they get the best for free. Why even the ‘black’ Professor Cornel West is cryin’ the blues about denied tenure at Harvard (Jew institution) but stops short of leaving for ‘Africa’ where his first racial identity is declared. (I mean why doesn’t he go teach in Africa and spout inequality?) They don’t put ‘African’ in front of American for an arbitrary reason as if we are all color blind. They put their RACE first just like their Masters with their blue satanic star, small caps and dreads hammering away at their roman wall getting billions upon billions of fake welfare $ for their fake existence. I would rather support a black who sincerely wanted to make a FREE start at a life without worrying about being a black slave returning to Africa. Did you also know that Africa doesn’t want the entitled American to apply for return? Yes…they too don’t want any of the troubles we currently have! Wanna call them out for being racists too?
“I like much of the information of this website, but I don’t understand that there is a tinge of anti-immigration (and even anti-black).”
Oh no! Say it ain’t so! Newsflash for you: Many, if not most peeps here are Christian Identity. If you don’t know what that is, time to do some research. Race is a critical issue, and the lesser races have been used by jews as a battering ram against the gates of our Caucasian castle. For decades.
“Most blacks I have known have Hearts of Gold and I have learned more from them than they from I.”
I would love to know where in the USA most blacks have “hearts of gold.” That is quite opposite what I have seen and experienced, in many different parts of the country. And you say you’ve learned more from blacks than they have from you? LOL. I feel bad for you, bro. Average black IQ in the USA = about 85-86. Again, do some research. Here, I’ll help you.
I’m not sure I want to know what this handrubber has learned from blacks.
I mean…he certainly couldn’t have been around when Hutus and Tutsis were slaughtering each other because all they did was hack each other to death instinctively.
He’s obviously never had magic African coworkers. They’re godawful lazy.
Let’s not even touch the American made welfare leeches!
Black were brought here by other blacks. They’ve been coddled by the American taxpayer for 50 years even though they already have their own country. Take a good long look at Africa and what blacks have accomplished ON THEIR OWN.
Jews in Europe can also claim virtually any painting or work of art by claiming that der Ebil Notsees stole that from Uncle Shlomo, then stuck him in a pizza oven, along with the bill of sale, burning both.
“Sorry we no have bill of sale, you’re not doubting my word, are you Goyim?”
If the owner of the art disagrees, he’ll be branded anti-Semitic & might wind up in jail.
American Jews have been pushing hard for ALL 50 states to adopt their version of hate speech laws which will make it VERBOTEN to even criticize Israel when the Zios are carpet-bombing Gaza.
They dont want Americans to start asking questions bout why there are so many Jews in charge of the FED, the Treasury & those TBTF Wall Street casinos that plunder, loot & sack Americanns of our wealth.
That’s the real anti-Semitism, Israel murdering the native Palestinians so they can steal their land & Americans getting plucked clean & not being able to point out who’s doing the stealing.
They’re not wrong.