(Times of Israel) Posters warning voters about an international Jewish Mafia which is trying to control Poland have been put up all over capital Warsaw in recent days ahead of the country’s national elections:
The posters include images of former and current Israeli diplomats as well as prominent Jewish figures along with the slogan “Beware of parasites” — using a play on the words to include the word for “Jew” as part of the word for “parasites.”
Among those featuring on the posters are US Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher, former Israeli ambassador Anna Azari, Poland’s Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich, and London-born Israeli activist for Holocaust commemoration Johnny Daniels.
The posters also call for an end of restitution to Jewish owners and their heirs of property that was seized during the Holocaust, saying it is a “mafia” program, and demand that Poland “Stop the Jewish occupation” of the country.
“It’s part of a greater problem,” Daniels told The Times of Israel. “We saw this before the EU elections a few months ago — there is always a wave of hate from the far right about restitution.”
Daniels said he had filed a complaint with police and the force was looking into the matter.
Poland’s national elections are scheduled for October 13. The ruling Law and Justice Party has campaigned heavily against Jewish Holocaust restitution claims, leading Jewish leaders to warn that the debate had turned anti-Semitic. The month of May saw thousands of Polish nationalists march to the US Embassy to protest US pressure on Poland to compensate Jews whose families lost property during the Holocaust. It appeared to be one of the largest anti-Jewish street demonstrations in recent times.
Over 2 million ethnic Poles died during WWII, fighting both the Germans and the Soviet Russians, and to this day have received zero compensation, not only for war damages but also for the devastation wrought by 50 years of Jewish communism.
There were indeed some anti-communist Poles who had common cause with the Germans to expel the occupying Soviets, and apparently it is because of these patriots that the Jews are now demanding “reparations”.
Of course, the Poles are very aware that the communists and their sympathizers were largely Jews who betrayed the Polish people, but no one is talking about all the private property that was “nationalized” or stolen by the Jewish communists.
According to the official narrative, only Jews lost private property “stolen” from them during WWII, and only Jews therefore have the right to seek and receive reparations.
It is for this hypocritical reason that Jews are accused of being “parasites”.
“Jews are the curse of the world
Over the centuries, every country that met Jewish rascals chased the grandfathers of their country:
1012 – German Emperor Henry II expels Jews from Mainz
1288 – Naples Regent of the Kingdom of Naples Robert d’Artois orders the expulsion of Jews from all southern Italy
1290 – King of England Edward I issues an edict on the exile of Jews (about 16,000 of all Jews were loaded onto ships and sent to the continent, only few arrived, because most Englishmen first robbed and then drowned)
1346 – Jews were expelled from Basel in Switzerland
1360 – they were banished from Hungary in
1394 – from France
1421 – from Austria
1491 – the expulsion of Jews from Ravenna
1492 – Kings of Spain, Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon issued an edict ordering the expulsion of Jews from the Kingdom of Spain and all its possessions.
1493 – King of Sicily Ferdinand II of Aragone expels Jews from his kingdom.
1495-1503 Jews were expelled from Lithuania
1496 – Jews were expelled from Portugal (edict of King Manuel I the Happy), also in the same year the Roman Emperor Maximilian I Habsburg drove out Jews from all his hereditary lands in
1510 – Jews are expelled from Brandenburg
1547 – Tsar of “All Russia” Ivan Grozny refuses Jews the right to live in Russia, and even passing through your country!
1550 – Jews are banished from Genoa
1571 – The Republic of Venice decides to ban all Jews from Venice and the Adriatic Islands.
When in 1528 the Netherlands came under the rule of the Roman Emperor Charles V Habsburg, all Jews were expelled
1590 – King of Spain Philip II orders the expulsion of Jews from Lombardy …
… all the exiles of Jews were accompanied by bloody pogroms and widespread persecution … they fled mainly to Poland, which they themselves called “Paradisus Ludaeorum” (Jewish Paradise). In the 16th century, 3/4 of all Jews living in the world lived in Poland! Now it has come to their prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in a speech delivered on February 14 this year, in Poland, in the building of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews (built by Poles at a cost of PLN 300 million and maintained by Poles at a cost of over PLN 10 million annually! ), accuses us, the entire Polish Nation, of cooperating with the Nazi regime in killing Jews as part of the Holocaust!”
Author: Zenon Zalewski at 12:24
1941-Jew Adolf Hitler exterminating his brothers.
They are killing USA, they are using US Citizens to kill and rub everybody who are against the jew.
“1941-Jew Adolf Hitler exterminating his brothers.”
I guess if you are dumb enough to believe jews were “exterminated” you would be dumb enough to believe Hitler was a jew. There is a reason Adolf Hitler is the most lied about and demonized man in history; he named the problem and took the actions necessary to solve the problem. If Hitler was a jew, and thus controlled opposition, he never would have done as much good as he did. “Hitler The Great” made pornography and all other jewish-created degeneracy’s illegal, made usury illegal, created the first ads on how bad smoking cigarettes are for health, made free masonry illegal and opened the lodges so people could see their filth, created laws to encourage Germans to have more children, created laws to protect nature and animals, made vivisection illegal, kicked jews out of banking, kicked jews out of media, kicked jews out all positions of power and influence, froze rothschild bank accounts and many other things a jew would never do.
Jews were kicked out from cities and countries of Europe and Africa over 1000 times during the last over 2000 years for usury, theft, corruption, bribery, cheating, murdering non-Jews, criminal activity, falsifying documents and money, plotting against Christians and Christianity, demoralizing the societies, ritual murders etc.
If it comes to Poland, Jews living in Poland did the same bad things as mentioned above plus Jews collaborated with the enemies of Poland, like: Germans, Russians, Swedes etc against Poland and Polish people.
If you want to know more information about Jewish culprits then read what well known and famous people of the world have said about Jews or read some history books written by Polish and foreign historians – those books are usually hidden from the public, because it’s politically incorrect.
Probably they meant the likes of Izaak Stolzman, Stefan Michnik, Fajga Mindla aka Helena Wolinska and alike monsters from the past.
In fact, Stolzman, like many others, was and still is accused of murdering Polish patriots from the WW2 underground AK (Armia Krajowa – The National Army) while being NKVD scum. He changed his name to Zdzislaw Kwasniewski after committing those hideous crimes. His son is Aleksander Kwasniewski, a former communist and a president of Poland.
Poles were victims of a massive deception while electing his son, a former communist, for a president. Unfortunatelly a lot of those useful idiots should now blame themselves for their lack of knowledge and gullibility.
In 1976 I was asked by a graduate student to accompany her to a private party that her thesis advisor was having for her students, staff and co-workers at her home in Warsaw.. Towards the end of the evening when most of the people left the party the topic of conversation turned to the Jews in Poland. I remember she stated that starting with Boleslaw Bierut – Rotenschwanz that between 1944 to 1969 over 2.6 Million Polish Jews changed their ethnic identities and names to Polish, The files that were stored in the Polish State Archives that she personally came across while working at the Polish State Archives. She went on to state that the Jews that changed their names relocated to western part of Poland vacated by the Germans. In the beginning I sort of thought that what she was some what inflating the total figure until now and upon reading the released CIA files from 1954 stating that Jews can not leave Poland as there would be no one to run the country. Also the CIA documents affirm that most of the Jews settled in Wroclaw and the western part of Poland.
She remarked at the end of the discussion with” just imagine as to what would happen to me if the authorities learned that I am telling to you. I would be tried, shot on the spot or imprisoned or sent to Siberia. That is why to date all of Poland’s Presidents and Prime Ministers just happen to be ethnic Jews. Lech Walesa – Lejba Kohne “BOLEK”, Tadeusz Mazowiecki – Icek Dikman, Aleksander Kwasniewski – Izaak Stoltzman, Jaroslaw i Lech Kaczynski – Kalkstein and etc. Unofficially it is estimated that there over Four Million Jews are presently living in Poland.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=383iGxRmchY – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APr2OzOPBoQ – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va9_IJ5AI1w – – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBiYitVL_8c – Renegade Tribune – Hard-Hitting and Uncensored Articles | Renegade Tribune
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xZ8hWmGSMo – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzPeqxfRQvM – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP4HkrORJDU – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZZMDKF8l0c – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4E42lUrCNE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnSmYiRvcB0 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMHbv2hijBI – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xZ8hWmGSMo – –
The following is a post by a Polish commentator at a discussion group. We at JTR cannot verify the accuracy of this list, nor the Polish source book for this. But, from our own research, the names we recognize on this list from our own research (Bronislaw Geremek, Jerzy Kosinski, Stanislaw Krajewski, Adam Michnik, Jerzy Urban, Dawid Warshawski) are indeed Jewish. But Lech Walesa?!). ]
Lista osób o zmienionych nazwiskach (Or, “List of persons with name changes”). It continues: Nazwiska autentyczne nizej wymienionych osób zostaly ustalone w oparciu o… (Or, Authentic names of the folks listed below are based upon: (A) Secret catalog data of the people of Poland, according to the Central Bureau’s MSW addresses [Archival numbers are as listed in the Pol. Language]; and (B) Data given by historians in their many publications. ————————————————————————–
A) Dane tajne kartoteki ludnosci Polski przy Centralnym Biurze. Adresów MSW (nr arch. 1/6526/1 – data archiwacji 9.07.1984, nr rejestracyjny 14750-99 – data rejestracji Wydz. III-2, SUSW Warszawa).
(B) Dane ujawnione przez historyków w ich licznych publikacjach.
1. Jerzy Albrecht – Finkelstein
2. Amsterdamski – Saul Henrykowski
3. Stanislaw Arski – Apfelbaum
4. Stefan Arski – Artur Salman
5. Bronislaw Baczko – Gideon
6. Leszek Balcerowicz – Aaron Bucholtz
7. Ryszard Bender – Fajwisch Berenstein
8. Jan K. Bielecki – Izaak Blumenfeld
9. Boleslaw Bierut – Rotenschwanz
10. Alef Bolkowiak – Alef Gutman
11. Michal Boni – Jakub Bauer
12. Jerzy Borejsza – Beniamin Goldberg
13. Wiktor Borowicki – Aaron Berman
14. Marek Borowski – Szymon Berman
15. Stefan Bratkowski – Blumstejn
16. Stanislaw Brodzki – Bronstejn
17. Jan Brzechwa – Jan Worobiec
18. Ryszard Bugaj – Izaak Blumfeld
19. Zbigniew Bujak – lewy syn rabina Malachowskiego
20. August Chelkowski – Dawid Cnajbaum
21. red. Kamila Chilinska – Halpern
22. Wieslaw Chrzanowski – Szymon Knopfstejn
23. Adam Cichocki – Aaron Zigenbaum
24. Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz – Dawid Goldstein
25. Bernard Cukier – Kolski
26. Józef Cyrankiewicz – Izaak Cukerman
27. Marek Czekalski (prezydent Lodzi) – Wachter
28. Tadeusz Daniszewski – Dawid Kirschbaum
29. Ostap Dluski – Adolf Langer
30. Jan Dobraczynski (pisarz) – Gutmacher
31. Ludwik Dorn – Dornbaum
32. Andrzej Drzycimski – Abraham Engel
33. Lech Falandysz – Aaron Fleischman
34. Arkady Fidler – Efroim Trusker
35. Pawel Finder – Pinkus
36. Aleksander Ford – Liwczyc
37. Wladyslaw Frasyniuk – Rotenschwanz
38. Jerzy Frydberg – Izrael Frydberg
39. Bronislaw Geremek – Berele Lewartow
40. Zofia Gomulkowa – Liwa Szoken
41. Henryk Goryszewski – Jakub Glikman
42. Jan Górecki – Muhlrad, dyr. gen. Min. Finansów
43. Wiktor Górecki – Muhlrad, “komandos” z 1968
44. Maria Górowska (sedzia) – Sand lub Berger
45. Halina Górska – Sara Kugelschwanz
46. Alina Grabowska – Sara Rotenfisch
47. Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz – Hajka Grundbaum
48. Ryszard Marek Gronski – Goldberger
49. Wiktor Grosz – Izaak Medres
50. Jacek Groszkowski – Hersz Herszkowicz
51. Leon Halban – Blumenstok, prof. KUL-u
52. Aleksander Hall – Miron Hurman
53. Marian Hemar – jan Marian Herscheles
54. Józefa Hennelowa – Zyta Goldmond
55. Szymon Hirszowski – Szymon Hirsz
56. Józef Hubner – Dawid Szwarc
57. Piotr Ikonowicz – Dawid Goldsmith
58. Henryk Jablonski – Apfelbaum
59. Jerzy Jakubowski – Miszkatenblit
60. Ludwika Jankowska – Luba Kowienska
61. Andrzej Jaroszewicz – Aron Samet
62. Piotr Jasienica – Lech Benar
63. Jerzy Jaskiernia – Aaron Aksman
64. Mieczyslaw Jastrun – Agatstein
65. Tomasz Jastrun s. Mieczyslawa – Agatstein
66. Kalina Jedrusik – Makusfeld
67. Roman Jurys – Chaim Szacht
68. Jaroslaw i Lech Kaczynscy – Kalkstein
69. Ida Kaminska – Rachel, dyr. Teatru Zyd. w W-wie
70. Jan Karski (kurier AK) – J. Kozielewski-?
71. Andrzej Kern – Dawid Ginsberg
72. Jan Kobuszewski – Weisleder
73. adm. Piotr Kolodziejczyk – Robert Cajmer
74. Grzegorz Kolodko – Samuel Hanerman
75. Maria Komar (generalowa) – Riwa Zukerman
76. Janusz Korczak – Henryk Goldszmit
77. Janusz Korwin-Mikke – Ozjasz Goldberg
78. Jerzy Kosinski – Josek Lewinkopf
79. Janina Kotarbinska – Dina Steinberg, z. prof. Kotarbinskiego
80. Mikolaj Kozakiewicz – Jakub Kleinman
81. Helena Kozlowska – Bela Frisch
82. Stanislaw Krajewski – Abel Kaimer
83. Hanna Krall – Hajka Rejchgold
84. Krzysztof Król – Aaron Rosenbaum
85. Marian Krzaklewski – Dawid Zimmerman
86. Lucyna Krzemieniecka – Wiera Zeidenberg
87. Edward Krzemien (dziennikarz GW) – Wolf
88. Kunicki – Goldfinger
89. Kazimierz Kuratowski – Kuratow
90. Zofia Kuratowska-Jaszunska – Goldman
91. Jacek Kuron – Icek Kordblum
92. Aleksander Kwasniewski – Izaak Stoltzman
93. Jolanta Kwasniewska -Konty – Kohn
94. Stanislaw Jerzy Lec – Letz de Tusch
95. Janusz Lewandowski – Aaron Langman
96. Olga Lipinska – Fajga Lippman
97. Teresa Liszcz – Sara Lankamer
98. Jan Litynski – Jakub Leman
99. Lubiejski – Zygielman
100. Lozowski – Salomon Abramowicz
101. Aleksander Luczak – Dawid Lachman
102. Helena Luczywo – Chaber (ojciec), Guter (matka)
103. Antoni Macierewicz – Izaak Singer
104. Aleksander Malachowski – Jakub Goldsmith
105. Marek Markiewicz – Samuel Moritz
106. Tadeusz Mazowiecki – Icek Dikman
107. Jacek Merkel – Samuel Nelken
108. Adam Michnik – Aaron Szechter
109. Andrzej Milczanowski – Aaron Edelman
110. Jerzy Milewski – Dawid Machonbaum
111. Leszek Moczulski – Robert Berman
112. Karol Modzelewski – Samuel Mendel
113. Zygmunt Modzelewski – Fischer
114. Jerzy Morawski – Izaak Szloma
115. Stanislaw Nadzin – Gutman
116. Stefan Niesiolowski – Aaron Nusselbaum
117. Jerzy Robert Nowak (prof.) – Moritz Neuman
118. Piotr Nowina-Konopka – Haim Kromer
119. Róza Ochabowa – Grunbaum
120. Andrzej Olechowski – Mosze Brandwein
121. Józef Oleksy – Szymon Buchwio (Lemek)
122. Jan Olszewski – Izaak Oksner
123. Janusz Onyszkiewicz – Jojne Grynberg
124. Jerzy Osiatynski – Szymon Weinbach
125. Janina Paradowska – Rachela Busch
126. Jan Parys – Haim Pufahl
127. Aleksander Paszynski – Finkelstein
128. Miroslawa Pazynska – Srula Kundelman
129. Leslaw Podkanski – Izaak Freinkel
130. Ezdra Podlaski – Rotenschwanz
131. Kazimierz Pomian – Furman lub Rotenschwanz
132. Radkiewiczowa, zona min. – Ruta Teitsch
133. Helena Radlinska, prof.- Rajchman, Akad.Organ.Sl. Spol.
134. Mieczyslaw Rakowski – Mojzesz Rak
135. Jan Regula – Josek Mützenmacher
136. Jan Maria Rokita – Izaak Goldwicht
137. Andrzej Rosiewicz – A. Jarosiewicz
138. Adolf Rudnicki (pisarz) – Schneider
139. Jan Rulewski – Fikelman
140. Rutkowski – Botwin
141. Hanka Sawicka – Szapiro
142. Ryszard Setnik – Szymon Bauman
143. Izabela Sierakowska – Rebeka Sommer
144. Janusz Sitynski – Jakub Leman
145. Ernest Skalski – Wilker lub Nimen
146. Skrzeszewski – Fokenman
147. Krzysztof Skubiszewski – Szymon Schimel
148. Wladyslaw Slawny – Rosenberg
149. Antoni Slonimski – Stomma
150. Zenon Smolarek – Izaak Zimmerman
151. Ewa Spychalska – Salome Stein
152. Marian Starownik – Symeon Steinman
153. Stefan Starzewski – Gustaw Szusterman
154. Stanislaw Stomma – Szaja Sommer
155. Michal Strak – Baruch Steinberg
156. Julian Stryjkowski (pisarz) – Pesah Stark
157. Jerzy Stuhr (aktor) – Josek Feingold
158. Hanna Suchocka – Hajka Silberstein
159. Boleslaw Sulik – Jakub Steinberg
160. Kalman Sultanik – Chaim Studniberg
161. Irena Szewinska (sportowiec) – I. Kirszenstein
162. Stefan Szwedowicz (brat Michnika) – Szechter
163. Roman Szydlowski – Szancer
164. Wieslawa Szymborska – Rottermund
165. Pawel Spiewak – Stinger
166. Boleslaw Tejkowski – Benio Tejkower
167. Jerzy Turowicz – Jakow Turnau
168. Stanislaw Tuszewski – Salomon Hardnik
169. Magda Umer (piosenkarka) – Humer
(córka zbrodniarza UB)
170. Jerzy Urban – Josek Urbach
171. Mieczyslaw Wachowski – Jakub Windman
172. Henryk Walczak – Zukerman
173. Lech Walesa – Lejba Kohne
174. Dawid Warszawski – Konstanty Gebert
175. Adam Wazyk (poeta) – Wagman
176. Andrzej Werblan – Aaron Werblicht
177. Andrzej Wieczorkiewicz – Hirsz Gelpern
178. Aleksander Wirpsza – Leszek Szaruga
179. Dariusz Wójcik – Dawid Wisental
180. Andrzej Wróblewski – Andrzej Ibislauer
181. Ludmila Wujec – Okrent
182. Jan Wyka – Leopold Wessman
183. Roman Zambrowski – Rubin Nusbaum
184. Janusz Zaorski – Jakub Bauman
185. Andrzej Zoll – Rojeschwanz, b. prezes Tryb. Konst.
186. Janusz Ziólkowski – Izaak Zemler Wojskowi (Army)
187. gen. Edward Braniewski – Brandsteter
188. gen. Jan Drzewiecki – Holzer
189. gen. Marian Graniewski – Gutaker
190. gen. Wiktor Grosz – Izaak Medres
191. gen. Artur Jastrzebski – Artur Ritter (Niemiec)
192. gen. Grzegorz Korczynski – Kalinowski
193. gen. Leszek Krzemien – Maksymilian Wolf
194. gen. Matejewski – Kugelschwanz
195. gen. Marian Naszkowski – Wasser
196. gen. St. Poplawski – Siergiej Grochow (Rosjanin)
197. gen. Karol Swierczewski – Walter Goltz lub Tenenbaum
198. gen. Leon Turski – Tennenbaum
199. gen. Mieczyslaw Wagrowski – Izaak Pustelman
200. gen. Tadeusz Wilecki – Wallach
201. gen. Zarako-Zarakowski – Zarako, Nacz. Prok. WP
202. gen. Janusz Zarzycki – Neugebauer
203. plk Michal Bron – Bronstein, prac. MSZ
204. plk dr Charbicz – Marek Heberman, kom.Szpit.Woj.,Warszawa
205. plk Otto Finski – Finkenstein, szef sztabu “Sluzba Polsce”
206. plk Garbowski – Caber lub Gruber, d-ca dyw.
207. plk Gradlewski – Goldberg, GZP WP
208. plk Mieczyslaw Kowalski – Kohn
209. plk Anatol Liniewski – Liberman, prac. ASG
210. plk Rosinski – Rosenberg, DOW
211. plk Rotowski – Rotholtz, szef Zarz. Sl. Techn. WP
212. plk St. Sokolowski – Szabat, prac. WAP
213. plk Pawel Solski – Pinkus, szef Sl. Samoch. WP
214. plk Szulczynski – Szulcynger, d-ca pulku
215. plk Wl. Tykocinski – Tikotiner, attache wojsk.
216. plk Wadlewski – Waldman, dyr. Dep. Wojsk. w Min. Zdrowia
217. plk Zarski – Silberstein, prac. WAP
218. pplk Jerzy Bryn – Izrael Alter, prac. MSZ
219. pplk Jan Dolanowski – Dollinger, DOW
220. pplk Adam Laski – Gutbrot, prac. ASG
221. pplk Henryk Zieman – Zysman, DOW
222. mjr Roman Domanski – Rosenstand, DOW
223. mjr Marcel Kot – Abram Sterenzys
224. mjr Józef Sliwinski – Flaumenbaum, szef Wyd. “Sluzba Polsce”
225. mjr Henryk Uminski – Keff
226. Filip Berski – Badner, prokurator wojskowy
227. Kazimierz Golczewski – Bauman, Nacz. Prok. Wojsk.
228. sedzia Franciszek Kapczuk – Natanel Frau, Sad Wojsk. Wroclaw
229. Maksymilian Litinski – Lifszyc, Nacz. Prok. Wojsk.
230. Lubiejski – Zygielman, II Zarzad
231. Jakub Lubowski – Chase Smen, prok. Dep. Sl. Spraw.
232. Jan Orlinski – Unterweiser, Prok. Wojsk.
233. Henryk Podlaski – Fink, Nacz. Prok. Wojsk.
234. Rajski – Rajgrodzki, II Zarzad
235. Roman Rawicz – Vogel, Najw. Sad Wojsk.
236. Henryk Trojan – Adler, II Zarzad
237. Henryk Walczak – Zukerman
238. Zagórski – Winter, II Zarzad
239. Arnold Zaleski – Zalkind, prac. Prok. Wojsk. Pracownicy MSW
240. gen. Józef Hübner – Dawid Szwarc
241. gen. Matejewski – Kugelschwanc
242. gen. Miecz. Moczar – Mykola Demko (Ukrainiec)
243. Gen. Julian Polan – Harasim, morderca sadowy
244. gen. Roman Romkowski – Natan Grinspan-Kikiel
245. gen. Józef Maria Rózanski – Rosenzweig
246. plk Leon Andrzejewski – Ajzen Lejb-Wolff, dyr. Gabin. Ministra
247. plk Bielecki – Moniek Buchman, szef WUBP Kraków
248. plk Julia Brystiger – Prajs
249. plk Górecki – Goldberg, dyr. Depart. IX
250. plk Mieczyslaw Mietkowski – Mojzesz Borowicki, doradca MSW
251. plk Orlowski – Kugelschwanz
252. plk Marian Reniak – Marian Struzynski
253. plk Józef Rózanski – Josek Goldberg, dyr. dep. MBP
254. plk Sienkiewicz – Lewi, dyr. depart.
255. plk Szerynski – Szhnkman, prac. MBP
256. plk Józef Swiatlo – Izaak Fleischfarb, z-ca dyr. depart. X
257. pplk Helena Wolinska-Brus – Ochsmann
258. mjr Adam Kornecki – Dawid Kornhendler, szef WUBP Kielce
259. Antoni Alster – Nauman, v-ce szef MBP
260. Barbara Giller – Basze Lea, prac. MBP Duchowni (Religion)
261. kard. Franciszek Macharski – Finkelstein
262. ks. prof. Józef Tischner – Blumstein
263. ks. prof. Romuald Weksler-Waszkinel – Jakub Weksler
bp Jan Chrapek, bp Bronislaw Dembowski,bp S. Gadecki,bp gen. Slawoj L. Glódz, abp Henryk Muszynski, bp Tadeusz Pieronek, bp Tadeusz Rakoczy, abp Ziólek, abp Józef Zycinski, ks. Adam Bijak, ks. Adam Boniecki, ks. Michal Czajkowski, o.
Wow, this is incredible information, Prawda. We may run a separate article on this fascinating subject. Thank You!
Let the Communist agitators name-call until they’re blue in the face.
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you.
Who cares about being called anti-Semitic, Nazi, racist and/or bigot, etc. Learn to sneer better and build your own toxic arsenal of counter-attack phrases/names for Communists and their apparatchik attack dogs.
Believe me, repeated enough times and for long enough, such poisoned arrows will hit their targets and become deadly strikes against the Communist enemy who will soon be having to disprove their own of guilt of such charges as anti-White hate crime, White Genocide, anti-Western political activities, Treason, Sedition, Subversion, Embezzlement of taxpayers’ funds and last, but not least, Dereliction of Duty to protect Western nations whilst in or out of office and refusing to work with duly elected administrations trying to carry out the will of the electorate –
The Ukrainians were ravaged by the Jews even more than were the Poles. What amazes me then is that despite this they keep electing Jewish political leaders.
“What amazes me then is that despite this they keep electing Jewish political leaders.”
Very obviously, a case of the old Stockholm Derangement Syndrome.
Ah well, unless such Communist sympathisers learn to start helping turn the sinking Western ship around so as to save their nation(s) as well as the rest of the Western world, they shall have to be rounded up and partitioned off into separate living spaces outside of the afflicted nations, and left to rot.
K*kes make every effort to suck the blood of Poland, yet gaining control of every deceive institution in Poland and obviously using their lying agenda and manipulation to seize the whole country. If any of Poles dare oppose these perfidious tactics is automatically called anti-semitic, nazi, right wing extremist, white supremacist. It is time to wake up Poles and get rid of the parasites !
God bless Poland.