(RMX News) For the Jews who insist that their behavior has nothing to do with “antisemitism,” they need look no further than this story out of France — where a wealthy Jewish socialite wants to use some of her own wealth — along with taxpayers’ money, of course — to relocate 70 migrant families — amounting to hundreds of people — to a small town in Brittany to allegedly help revitalize the local economy:
A wealthy family is attempting to implement a utopian experiment with the goal of settling 70 refugee families in the quaint French town of Callac, and while no member of the family actually lives in the town, they are willing to invest millions of euros from their fortune to make their vision a reality.
Known as the Horizon Project, the scheme would be funded with money from the private Merci fund, which was created by Marie-France Cohen and is managed by her three sons. While the Cohen’s fund is reportedly spearheading the project, other financing would come from federal taxpayer subsidies and the local municipality.
The Cohens have identified 75 vacant jobs in health, trade, and agriculture in the town of approximately 2,000, which they plan to fill with refugees. Their endowment fund is designed to cover the cost of relocating the refugee families to the town and providing them with jobs, but only for 10 years. After that, the town is mostly on its own, unless authorities can secure more taxpayer money for the project.
Despite the wealthy family’s desire to create what they describe as a multicultural “Noah’s Ark of modern times” that can be replicated in other towns, residents of Callas are resisting the project, pointing out that no one in the family will have to actually deal with the consequences of their experimental “Noah’s Ark” and the long-term consequences for their small town. That is why residents of the Brittany town of Callac have launched a citizens’ group opposed to the scheme, calling “for defending the identity of Callac,” with the group made up of Danielle Le Men, Michel Riou, and Moulay Drissi.
The individuals have sent an open letter to the mayor of Callac outlining the reasons behind their opposition.
“The objective would be to repopulate a small ‘aging’ town with migrants, to revitalize the town center and to develop economic activities. Migrants would therefore be supervised, housed, and trained, and 70 jobs would be found for them.
The arrival of 70 non-European families would totally upset the life of the municipality and the canton. Thirty-eight non-French-speaking children would be educated at the Callac school and divided into classes. This would further complicate the task of teachers.
How can you impose on the people of Callac such a project that calls into question the identity of our population and before the real cost of the project is determined?”
Given the unemployment struggles people from Callac have faced, the citizens’ group is asking why the Cohen family is not interested in helping employ the people in the town who already live there. In a petition, they write, “We believe that the millions of euros that this project would cost should be invested as a priority for the local population, via the renovation of housing, via energy aid, via the development of the town of Callac and the surrounding municipalities, to allow locals to flourish there and those who want to come and settle there without monetary assistance to do so later.”
In the group’s letter to the mayor, they also point to the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) to validate their concerns, which states the unemployment rate in Callac was 17.6 percent for those aged 15 to 64 as of 2018. That means nearly one out of five working-age people has no job in the town, yet dozens of refugee families are being brought in and allegedly being set up with new jobs.
The citizens are now calling for a referendum on the whole scheme, saying that citizens living in the town should be able to decide about their own future.
“An urgent consultation of the population of the municipality by referendum is essential with precise figures on this Horizon project,” reads their open letter. Such a letter could very well halt such a project, as polling from Ifop has shown that 70 percent of French citizens in general want a halt to all immigration to the country, with the same poll also showing that they believe migrants make France less safe and 64 percent saying that immigration has a negative impact on the country. In rural areas like Callac, conservative positions on immigration are even more prevalent.
They also point to the massive societal ills associated with areas of France that already feature large migrant populations. “You are going to create in the middle of Brittany, in Argoat, a foreign community with all the issues related to these groups. You are going to move the problems of the big cities to the Breton countryside,” the citizens of Callac warn.
The problems of the “big cities” referred to in the letter are the levels of crime and cultural tensions reaching the point that Pierre Brochand, who served as the head of France’s top intelligence agency from 2002 to 2008, warning of civil war if France does not halt mass immigration. He pointed to attacks on police officers, murders, growing social tension, divisions over schooling, and cases of “urban guerilla warfare” in migrant neighborhoods as all signs that multiculturalism in France has failed.
Au contraire! Multiculturalism in France — and in all other white nations — has been wildly successful in undermining the fabric of society and ushering a virtual police state to keep the peace — just as it was intended to do.
Jews do not feel comfortable living in white homogeneous societies — they prefer living in racially diverse societies in which they are just one of many non-white minorities — soon to become majorities.
That’s why Jews can most often be found living in cities with high levels of diversity — conservative rural communities aren’t interested in the “blessings” that Jews like the Cohens bring with them.
And if the cities they live in don’t have much diversity, they will do whatever they can to increase diversity — regardless of how the locals feel about it.
But if Jews are truly interested in combating or lessening “antisemitism,” they would do well to stop engaging in this kind of self-serving, nation-wrecking behavior — and speak out against other Jews who engage in it.
But then again, Jews have admitted to flooding Europe with migrants so as to distract the white natives from addressing the eternal “Jewish Question.”
After all, people trying to preserve their communities from a migrant onslaught often don’t have the time to consider who — Qui? — is responsible — and Why? — pour quoi?
According to Bari Weiss — a Jewish writer formerly for the New York Times — it is definitely not a “conspiracy theory” that Jews are behind the massive flood of migrants into white nations — it’s a fact — and they are “proud” of it.
But if you dare quote Bari Weiss directly, you’ll be called an “antisemite” — and a conspiracy theorist nevertheless.
If you are going to speak about the Jews above a whisper, it must only be to praise them — in case you haven’t figured out what former President Woodrow Wilson did:
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
—Woodrow Wilson
Good news.
Looks like the locals in Callac have successfully fought against this Jewish plan to destroy their town with rape-fugees:
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Free entry for refugees on all English Heritage sites ENGLISH Heritage sites across the country will be welcoming refugees ‘from any background’ into their sites free of charge, they have just announced.
during the austerity cuts mass unemployment i did not see english heritage offer free entry
refugees migrants welcomed in by jewish groups elitist class treat the natives as second or even third class citizens in our own country , migrants refugees like i saw someone say are used as biological weapons against white race and got to keep these migrants sweet offering them freebies treating them celebrities and who is paying for this free entry , like i said before subversion of english heritage but i suspected it began with common purpose
border force aiding migrant invasion
https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1643522/Border-force-channel-migration-home-office#ICID=Android_ExpressNewApp_AppShare .
Woke’ RNLI ‘is turning down calls from stricken boaters because it is too busy carrying migrants ashore’: Supporters CANCEL donations after it emerged charity was also sending burkinis to Africa and funding creches in Bangladesh https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9851673/Woke-RNLI-turning-calls-stricken-boaters-busy-carrying-migrants.html
‘Woke’ RNLI ‘is popping down calls from stricken boaters as a result of it’s too busy carrying migrants’ many volunteers resigned in protest
money british people donate to rnli expect it to be used within the british isles
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
in uk migrants are arriving by the boatloads aided by lifeboat service rnli qanother once great org subverted to facilitate anti white kalergi plan rnli is commiting treason using donations from whites against them those that question rnli get bs excuse and the usual troll army calling you a racist , rnli put out video a propaganda piece why we rescue migrants, migrants that are in no danger escorted by french vessels who signal to lifeboats to pick them up , many disgusted people cancelled their donations and changed their will ,
what disgusted people even more when rnli put out a notice saying if you are fisherman commercial boater someone in genuine distress you are on your own their priority is collecting migrants for the jewiish anti white kalergi plan what is worse is whites that aid the enemy , care 4 calais a corrupt dodgy charity no doubt run by network of jewish orgs are helping these migrants giving them aid freebies while homeless people get no help even the thousands of veterans living rough on the streets its not wrth fighting for the corrup uk regime better to fight for your own people a far more noble worthy cause ,
during cover of lockdowns thousands of migrants have been let in for the jewish enemy within allowed to do what they want burn vandalise churches attacking christianity now robbing metal plaques from war memorials selling them for scrap these migrants have killed raped white females , migrants put up in hotels which people of u were shut out from going to because of walter mitty fear virus they were given guided tours of football stadiums watch a match while supporters of these clubs pay a lot for season tickets are told they cant go to these football clubs some in disgust so i heard cancelled their season tickets and i can see people cancelling their english heritage membership as its been revealed migrants get free entry while me my mum and dad paid annual membership like millions of others and those that pay entry into these sites, english heritage another institution subverted .
i had a massive row with my sister whom i thought was clued up but sadly not it started with me saying if your friend had been seen sooner but these phoney virus situation delayed her going to hospital by moths almost a year by then the cancer had spread even more there was a chance if seen earlier my sisters friend could have had longer to live with right treatment i pointed out to my sister the amount of migrants arriving by boatloads given fre nhs healthcare while my sisters friend life slowly slips away my sister got aggressive with me as much as calling me a racist then went off on one bringing other things into it oh do you pay into system i pointed out the system is corrupt works against the people and was not there for soldiers after ww2 and soldiers in recent times who are homeless where was the system to help them and many other people who suffered due to flooding ,
it did not matter to my sister she thought she was right even though i gave her the facts she gave me aggressive look waved her fists stamped her feet i got fed up with the abuse and laid out some more truth she stormed out of the house and she will not come into the house if i am there afterwards when she came to the house she was distant with me its as if i dont recognise my sister anymore who was suckered in by these covid fearmongering . i have said enough buy i call for our enemies to be judged and judgement cast upon them
01 March 2021
Community leaders in Stamford Hill have appealed to people celebrating the Jewish festival of Purim this week to observe social distancing rules so as not to trigger a new spike in infections.
Richard Ferrer, the editor of Jewish News, a community newspaper, said adapting to social distancing had been difficult for the Orthodox community.
70% of French people, and probably 95% in that community DO NOT WANT THIRD WORLD ALIENS…
let the other 30% (or 5% in that village) MOVE TO THE THIRD WORLD and live among the Third worlders…!
It is a mystery to me why, if this is true, the French, without fail, starve the nationalist candidates of electoral support. Le Pen makes a modest showing at first but then fizzles in the second round. Every single time.
It’s the same in Germany and Sweden. Afd and the Sweden Democrats turn blue in the face from lack of oxygen. The hostility of the major parties and the invaders is plain as day but those silly females welcome the “refugees” at the train station with “Wir schaffen das” bouncing around inside their empty skulls.
Also, people need to stand up. When the leftists see that no one resists, they go full steam ahead and bulldoze over everyone. This started in earnest in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Normally they shipped third world aliens to the major cities, which were already little Babylons… but Katrina was a “test case” in which they “relocated” savages from New Orleans to small town USA throughout the nation—and because there was not upheaval—FULL STEAM AHEAD. Any politician that is elected can be unelected. They are not elected to import aliens, or support aliens at home or abroad; when they do so, they commit High Treason. Politicians operate thinking that they are “untouchable” because they are NEVER held accountable for their myriad treasons. If the people stood up and demanded it, heads would roll and all new politicians would walk on egg shells knowing that they would be indicted and tried for treason, which still carries the death penalty. When an individual carries out an attack against a public official, the death penalty is invoked; it should be the other way around also. At this link, I also suggest another plan that would keep politicians honest:
Thank you for this superb reporting and commentary.
See: the following link for a unique presentation of this very same intended genocide of Christendom:
A similar article with art and comments is below:
Flanders, you are being too kind — European Renaissance stole our article and didn’t give us any credit, and there have been others that do the same thing. Ironically European Renaissance has no problem reposting our material without credit, but they refuse to link to or recommend our website. Why not?
Another website that would appropriate our articles and commentary is/was the EUtimes.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
i promote your content on facebook and on twitter also i noticed a russian based website that used your content giving you credit for the articles
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
russisa-insider.com uses your content from your website but at least they give you credit which they do with other content they use giving credit to original author of article https://russia-insider.com/en/israeli-spy-agency-embeds-former-leader-head-analytics-and-ai-ford-motor/ri30075
“Migrant shootout just over the border” [July 5th, 2022]
“As armed Pakistani and Afghan migrants clashed in the woods within a mile of the Hungary-Serbia border, both nationwide pro-government dailies deplore the lack of international attention ….
Magyar Hírlap’s Mariann Ory calls attention to the difference between Ukrainian refugees, almost exclusively women and children, for whom Hungary is the first secure country – and those mainly young males, who have crossed several secure countries before reaching Hungary.” ….
“Illegal migration still seen as a major threat”
Both of these comments are unintelligible. Can someone please explain?
Australia: “Decolonisation: Aboriginal “flag” to replace state flags on Sydney Harbour Bridge and Westgate Bridge”
“Symbolism matters. The NSW flag is banished to some out of the way precinct, while Australia’s most iconic architectural structure bears the aboriginal flag, flying in equal importance to the Australian flag. The Sydney Harbour Bridge can be considered the entrance to Australia.”
all Cohens,Kagans,kahens, kogons are the top of jewish haters of
christian native europeans to eradicate all white goyim worldwide .
we are Amalek for them to be extinguished according to order of
their desert demon JHWH . drivers are B´naiB´rit, sanhedrin, ADL
Rothschild + Soros and jewish world congress mafia .
The “desert demon” of the Jews is Baal/Molech, not YHWH. They merely pretend worship God as a cover for their real demonology.
[Ethiopian] “Youth “under 15 years” [13, but ‘big for his age’] tried to slaughter a little Swedish girl [on a playground] in Skellefteå – avoids arrest”
“A nine-year-old girl was last week subjected to a brutal attempted murder at a playground in Skellefteå. A boy under the age of 15 is suspected of the crime, but cannot be detained due to his young age. …. The girl’s mother has uploaded a picture of her daughter on social media – an action that the Swedish Parliament criminalized in 2018 after several high-profile pictures of victims of crime caused criticism of the Riksdag’s immigration policy. Free Times, like Samnytt, still publishes the picture anyway.”
SEE ALSO – It’s not his First time:
A Swedish man’s article [Brief extract here] in a now censored English site had explained some of this:
“The largest production company in Sweden is Strix Television. It is owned by Robert Aschburg – a … well, the name gives it away. He also just so happens to be a financier of eXpo, a Swedish version of the ADL.
The largest newspaper in Sweden, Aftonbladet (the Evening Post), is not directly Jew-owned. However, the paper’s chief editor just so happens to be the great grand-daughter (maternal line) of a former grand rabbi of Stockholm. Wow! What a coincidence! As if that weren’t enough, TV3, ZTV, the free Metro newspaper, and even the Swedish Film Institute are ALL very much under Kosher control.
This is why it is so hard to Swedes to understand their situation. It is the Jewish-Supremacist journalistic standard to never mention the race or nationality of criminals, when they are non-white. Hence, as far as less critically-thinking Swedes are concerned, there are no immigrant criminals. Just ask a journalist. In Sweden, this almost means ‘Jew’ by definition statistically in terms of the influential and high-ranking journalists.
To cap it all of, the county’s Prime Minister is Fredrik Reinfeldt, a Jew, of the ironically named “Moderate Party”. Because there’s nothing quite so “moderate” as genocide, is there?
Quiet, docile, gentle Sweden – formally regarded as one of the most pleasant places to live anywhere on this planet, known for its low crime rate and wonderful people.
Now it is the holder of the shameful title of Rape Capital of Europe…. They have twice as many rapes per capita as any other European country.
In the name of preserving the cultural and racial character of their own country, these shameless, amoral Jewish Supremacists seek to destroy the cultural and racial character of Sweden.
Chutzpah to the extreme! -Chutzpah that will be repaid in kind with its defeat and exposure.”
“How Jewish Is the War Against Russia? Let’s be honest about who is promoting it”
Loan Funds – The Jewish Agency – U.S.
“And thanks to The Jewish Agency for Israel’s Loan Funds program, Israeli small-business owners are taking those leaps with rock-solid financial backing …”.
“Our mission today is to do all we can to ensure that every Jewish person feels an unbreakable bond to one another and to Israel no matter where they are in the world, so that they can continue to play their critical role in our ongoing Jewish story.”
We thank our partners in North America and the rest of the world for their continual support.
jewish federations of north america
keren hayesod
the world zionist organization”
“Together with our Partner Agencies we are feeding the hungry, comforting the sick, caring for the elderly, educating youth, ensuring a Jewish future, bridging cultural divides and supporting Israel. Together with your support, we do all of these things and more.
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)
We are the world’s leading Jewish humanitarian assistance organization, working in more than 70 countries and Israel to rescue Jews at risk, to bring relief to Jews in dire need and to renew Jewish community life in areas where it has not been allowed to flourish.
BBYO shapes the community’s next generation of leaders by positively impacting the lives of Jewish teens in Metro Detroit, providing them with meaningful Judaic, social justice and leadership development programming.”
Israhell killing kids as usual…
The Israeli firm ICTS has been linked to 8 terror incidents. ICTS runs the security at the Charles de Gaulle airport, from which MS804 took off.
ICTS were in charge off the security at Logan airport on 911 and also at the 7/7 London bombing.
white privilege
History repeats….the Muslims invaded southern Europe over 1,000 years ago, aided and abetted by the Jews, and now it’s happening again, again, aided and abetted by the Jews. And Jews can’t understand why white Europeans might get angry at them about it. And then they just mention the Holocaust, and whites cower and open the flood gates even wider….
You are right, white privilege, and here is a recent example of the jew’s intent to use the Muslims to defeat our White people.
“US Rabbi Joshua Stanton says the Jewish community proudly helps Muslims settle in America to fight ‘White Supremacy’.
“Spain: The Jews that opened the gates of Toledo”
HOLOHOAX Appreciation Society
“For a jew, it seems that “White supremacy” is the word for discontinuing the continued existence of White people.” – Anon
People had better start studying the U.C.C. Everyone needs to know this information in order to defend themselves.
“Those who have not claimed their rights, have none.” – Maxim of Law
We know this and much more about jews . And how they do the opposite for themselves in israel . When do we blame the whites for being weak stupid and ugly dem libs among us that are a danger to everyone? What percent of whites don’t like or respect or hate each other? I have some single friends, it’s hard for so many reasons for them to find a good women? that’s the white culture they have to deal with. I know the jews helped create this mess. at least it’s a mess for them too, that’s why a lot of jews are with blacks beside both hating whites. jew girls are a big headache .
“A wealthy family is attempting to implement a utopian experiment with the goal of settling 70 refugee families in the quaint French town of Callac…”
Funny how the writer refers to an attempt to trash the town as a “utopian experiment.” The byline gives the reporter’s name as “John Cody,” but you kind of wonder if he might be Jewish as well. “Cody” and “Cohen” being not altogether phonetically dissimilar.
You’re right that “utopian” is the wrong word but your attempt to make a phonetic connection is a stretch.
Complete genocide of Europeans is the Jewish end game of diversity.
Once this achieved the multicultural hordes will be treated much like the Palestinian peoples living under Jewish tyranny. Tikkun olam goy.
“Understand the significance of discrimination, segregation, and racism as laid out in the scriptures. God is showing us His princip[les] that are to be applied in our individual lives, and adhered to in our society as a whole. Our nation is to be “One Nation under God”, and not a polyglot of “what not” mongrels. When the Bible speaks about Israel, God’s chosen people, it is not referring to a geographical territory with a certain form of government occupied by a “mixed multitude”, but it is referring to one racial group of people walking in His law. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is the book pertaining to RACIAL Israel which today is known as the white western people.”
Merchant fever
“If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic. Any people who have been persecuted for 2,000 years must be doing something wrong.”
—Henry Kissinger
Despite pithy sayings, Kissinger is a dangerous jew.
“The Grand Strategy: Kissinger & Rockefeller Scheme to Transfer Wealth & Industry to China”
See the links below: “[jew] Kissinger is [jew] Klaus Schwab’s Harvard teacher and Trump’s former advisor.
He taught Mao’s work at Harvard.”
“Kissinger Institute on China and the United States”
“Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.”
No jew-imported “migrants” live here.
“Inside Marie-France Cohen, of Merci, Paris home” [Sept12, 2017]
Marie-France and Stéphanie Cohen
Marie France Cohen | Facebook
“Population and housings of Callac
Inhabitants in 1999 : 2 460 inhabitants
Inhabitants in 2006 : 2 375 inhabitants
Inhabitants in 2007 : 2 363 inhabitants”
Property for sale in Callac, France
Gil Robles
You know some years ago, people could have pulled the “it’s just one bad Jewish person” line. Yet now it seems they are obsessed with flooding us with these beasts. Our first sin was to ever allow Jews to have a say or us. Now Jews and non whites have a say over us and like to attack us. We have truly been swallowed whole.
Now in this case, I do hope people push back. Your community is at stake and Jews will never be your friend.
There’s never, ever been a time someone could say “it’s just one bad….”, ever.