The so-called Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) is calling for disciplinary action against a reporter from a television station in Spain who made anti-Israel remarks during a broadcast about Israeli athletes:
TV3’s commentator Clara Basiana made the offensive remarks while reporting live on air on June 10 about Israeli artistic duet swimmers Eden Blecher and Shelly Bobritzky after they performed and awaited their results from judges at an Olympic qualifier in Barcelona.
According to a translation by CAM, Basiana told viewers in Spanish, “Beyond the technical aspects, I would like to point out that Israel’s international presence in the field of sport and culture is another strategy for the laundering of genocide and the violation of human rights that they are committing against the Palestinian people.”
She also said on air, “[“We have seen it here, at the Pre-Olympic Games in Barcelona, we have seen it repeatedly at Eurovision…] it seems that during these events the war crimes of the Israeli state disappear. We have to be aware as spectators and make this situation visible so as not to normalize its place in sports commentary, or general societal discourse.”
In a letter sent to Jaume Peral, CEO of the Catalyunya Comunicacio conglomerate, which includes TV3, CAM called for Basiana’s reprimanding, accused TV3 of not reporting on events factually and objectively, and insisted that the station take preventative measures to make sure a similar incident does not happen again.
The letter was sent on behalf of the alliance’s 330 partner organizations and 340,000 individual members, which include former-US Sen. Joe Lieberman and human rights icon Natan Sharansky. CAM additionally launched a public petition last week that demands disciplinary action against Basiana.
This so-called Combat Antisemitism Movement isn’t a “movement” at all — looking at its website, it looks like it could be a one-man operation that mostly monitors instances of anti-Israelism, not “antisemitism”.
If you go to their YouTube channel, and read the comments about this report, you will see overwhelming support for the TV host — and virtually universal agreement with her sharp criticisms of Israel and the ongoing genocide in Palestine.
Here are just a few of the many comments left on this YouTube story of “antisemitism”:
-The cat is out of the bag…histories foremost criminals.
-She’s stating facts
-The truth is anti-semitic. At this point, what ISN’T anti-semitic?
-Where was the antisemitism in this video?
-GOD Bless Catalan TV
-I expected far worse to be said.its a shame we cant say more
-Not worshiping them is antisemitic. Not being a noahide is antisemitic.
-What antisemitism, Israel is trying to normalize ethnic cleansing.
-Excellent. Non – chosen commentators.
-Stating the truth is antisemitism to those who hate the truth and commit war crimes with no conscience
-Truth is the new Hate Speech
-Hate towards Israel is natural
-Antisemitism is a survival instinct
Pro-Zionist Jews have been working feverishly to get people to accept their new definition of “antisemitism” to include any criticism of Israel and its war crimes — and people are just not buying it.
Israel claims that its critics “single” it out and holds it to a higher standard than other countries — but its easy to focus on what Israel is doing because it’s the only self-described “democracy” in the world that is committing genocide and apartheid on a daily basis — it’s Israel’s hypocrisy that galls people.
Even their old definition of “antisemitism” was meaningless — so vague that it included so-called “dog whistles” and coded language that only special computers can detect.
Jews have tried to portray “antisemites” as knuckle-dragging, toothless “neo-Nazi” thugs, but their own studies show that the more educated a person is, the more likely they are to hold antisemitic views of Jews.
Their own “experts” admit that the harder they try to combat “antisemitism,” the more antisemitism they create — proving Newton’s Third Law of motion — for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
But physics was never really the strong point of Jews — despite their attempts to prove otherwise.
In a rare moment of insight, Jewish historian Max Nordau observed, “Logic is a Greek art, and Jews can’t tolerate it.”
J Beame
Wow, the truth; and thank you all for publishing the truth. What happened to them in WW2 happened for a reason; they were and are a hated religion because they are selfish, petty a d self-serving. They are not a race, if they are then so are Methodists and Baptists. They got what they deserved and as long as they treat others as they do, I expect them to continue reaping what they sow. It is good to see so many positive remarks in reaction to this ridiculous propaganda.
Midwest Guy on CNN
It seems that the censorship that is in full force ultimately serves to protect the powers that control our media, government and printing of money. There is just too much evidence that these power-people are Zionists — (Radical Jews). Here is the problem with censorship:
What if there were really bad Jewish radicals in our world? Jews that committed atrociously bad acts. Would it be okay to try to identify them? Would it be okay to point out their bad actions? Or is it anti-Semitic to do so?
Can we speak the truth about every group of people other than Jewish people? What if there was abundant and consistent evidence that a group of Jews were up to really bad things and these bad things stretch back into history? Should historians be silenced? Should they be denied academic opportunities? Should we remain silent in order to not be labeled a bigot or anti-Semitic? If there is undue Jewish influence in our media or government, is it okay to try to identify it? Is it okay to question it… to see if it true or not? If it could be shown that there is undue influence of Jews on our economic world, such as the control and printing of money, would it be okay to talk about it? Or again is it better not to even think of such things because to do so, we’d be labeled something negative.
There is a famous quote, “If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.
The CFT team deserves a medal of honor, because to my knowledge it is the only platform that does not beat around the bush about the Jewish supremacist….
One of the comment in the YT discussion says: “Lol, Spain talks about Genocide? Thousands of Jews were persecuted and murdered for refusing to accept the falsity of christianity. Now Spain wants them back.”
And of course, my response to this person about the falsity of Judaism that put in motion the trans-Atlantic slave-trade selling Africans as cattle to Christians and its secular off-spin Marxism that promised liberation but delivered and still does misery, poverty, war, death and destruction to people around the world is nowhere to be found. They can censor it but they cannot stop the truth from seeing the light of day……
This part of history needs to be told, I am sick and tired of Jews crying victim of Christian persecution while Jews by all accounts are the number one beneficiary of Christian benevolence in Europe and America. They brag about how they prosper and reached the echelons their power and privilege in America a supposedly flawed, racist and antisemitic country. That’s why I for the life of me cannot drink the Jews are victims of Christians cool-aid, because it is beyond deception…..I said it before the Jews who cry victim of Christians need to get the Spinmeisters imaginary enemy awards because they are masters of propaganda. Only people, void of ethics, self-serving, emotionally immature, with bloated egos and a giant superiority complex would be so detached from reality that they cannot see their faults.
People may not like to hear it but the one religion that at its core has spirituality and what I call conscience is Christianity. There is no spirituality, no ethics or conscience in Judaism, vengeance and blood thirst, is the essence of Judaism, by the fruits of their labor can you tell them. If Judaism was such a great religion nobody was going to run away from that party.
The hypocrites constantly use the anti-semitism line when people dare to speak out about their crimes against humanity. We all know about the brohaha in the Ukraine with Joe Biden bullying somebody by saying that they will not get the billion dollar loan…..–dj2-CY
Now the cat comes out of the bag who benefits…..”The Jewish Takeover of Ukraine”…..
The majority Adamites subsidizes Jewish supremacy around the world. Here we have one from New York at the State Department bullying other countries, while Jews in America engage in human-trafficking and exploitation of non-white people to foment hatred against White people. Over 22 million illegal alien Hispanics in America benefit the underclass agenda that Jewish supremacist need to maintain the stranglehold over the Adamites,
The facebook comments on this article are hilariously making Antony Blinken look like a joke and at the same time making America look like a joke for having another fascist imperialist Zionist supremacist Israel-firster dictating its foreign policy. The same way they make the European Union look like a joke with their Jewish European Parliament, which they call an NGO
Challenging the unconscionable, inhumane, cruel, predatory, parasitical ways and dictatorial streak of the Jewish supremacists can only be done on a spiritual level because they can’t handle the light of TRUTH…..
The reference to a “movement” run by just a single jew reminds me of a similar setup in Massachusetts calling himself “Mass Resistance”.
Like us, Brian Camenker (who runs the “movement”) opposes all this “homo” and “gender confusion” indoctrination, and it does seem that he’s doing some good, but he showed his true nature several years ago when I expressed an interest in getting involved with his (imaginary) “movement”.
There was a “UK division” too, which, unless things have changed since that time, consists of one man (David Skinner?) living in Bournemouth, but it’s possible that he too has learned the true nature of this “organisation” and dropped out.
Disclaimer. I haven’t had contact with Mass Resistance since around 2005, so If I have libeled anyone in this comment, I apologise unreservedly.
Rabbi Glickman
Oy vey! That reporter is on the Amtrak to the poor house. Never forget! Never forgive! Never repent!
New Day
If you’re for real, enjoy the temporal power, it won’t be there for long.
How do you rationalize that?
Christ Is King
Most poor, knuckle dragging peasants, lower class types, uncouth types, “normies”, “basic girls”, uneduacted, the masses, whatever ya wanna call them, in my experience just don’t know much if anything at all about jews. Most people couldn’t care less. It’s only people that are clever and pay attention to detail and the world around them that join the dots that lead to jews.
Firstly, jews cry all the time that people pick on them, and then do evil things, and then cry some more.
Secondly, most people just aren’t interested in jews lives to care about jews… until it affects them, or they see something with their mates that they or their mates disagree with. Peer pressure is very strong.
Thirdly, when people say something, right or wrong, that the masses don’t like, then you get the problems with the masses turning on each other.
Convincing the masses is the key.
I am ecstatic that Jesus knows me. Nothing else matters.
Rabbi Glickman
More importantly, the Mossad knows who you are, Billy Bob.
That’s a great point, on google+ and twitter they come in your convo but if you are privy to the tactic you can smell them from a distance. I told them straight up that I knew who they were, and that I am not afraid of the self-proclaimed god chosen who demand that the world needs to worship them or else….like one rabbi Gill Steinlauf said…..”we struggle with God and Justice and we demand that the world does that too” .
How do you know ……. Is it something you “feel”?
Jesus tells us how we can know — John 14:21
that was awesome!
Thanks for sharing this @CFT….they are pushing their luck messing with Spain forgetting the facts of history…..Anti-semitism is a trick,