Exact details of the incident are still under investigation, but police in Springfield, Missouri, arrived at the local Wal-Mart as a courageous bystander, apparently an off-duty fireman holding a concealed carry permit for his firearm, was holding the threatening shooter at gunpoint and given credit for stopping the suspect, Dmitriy Andreychenko, a 20-year-old white male, from carrying out a potential mass killing just five days after two horrific mass shootings took place across the country:
“[H]is intent was not to cause peace or comfort to anybody that was in the business,” Springfield police stated about the would-be shooter, according to KOLR 10 TV. “In fact, he’s lucky to be alive still, to be honest.”
The suspect’s actions have all the indications of preparing for a lethal shooting spree, as he was armed with what appeared to be an AR-15 rifle – and clad in full body armor.
“Andreychenko started recording himself with his cellphone while still in the parking lot of the Springfield Walmart on Thursday afternoon,” Fox News reported. “He got the body armor from the trunk of his car before grabbing a shopping cart and walked into the store, the probable cause statement said.”
Walmart management did all it could to avoid mass casualties and vacated customers from the store immediately.
“A store manager activated a fire alarm, prompting shoppers to flee, police said,” Fox News’ Bradford Betz recounted.
Legally-armed citizens in America stop just as many violent crimes as police do, including potential mass shootings. In fact, you are far less likely to die in a mass shooting if there are people around you who are carrying legal firearms, but the media has an unmistakable habit of ignoring any story involving the social benefits of private gun ownership. Even the police benefit from private gun ownership because the entire burden of preventing violent crime doesn’t fall into only their laps.
Regardless of reality, not only are the Bolsheviks intent on disarming law-abiding Americans, their leading gun-grabber in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, who “just so happens to be jewish,” now wants the FBI to restrict our right to own body armor which helps us survive a mass shooting. Schumer is actually suggesting that because a small fraction of mass shooters use body armor, that no one else, except those approved of by the FBI should be able to own it, such as Schumer himself and his armed body guards.
Andreychenko claims that he did not go into Wal Mart to shoot anybody but rather as a “social experiment” to see how people would react. He had a legal open carry permit for his rifle. Considering the recent shooting in El Paso, it was a stupid “experiment” even if it was in Missouri and technically “legal”. He’s lucky that the other guy didn’t shoot him:
A ha! Another white person waking up…but in the wrong way, as usual, lol. Yes, not too buckin fright; yes, lucky he didn’t get himself killed.
This also explains why this story wasn’t blown out of proportion, like the white kid with the ‘MAGA’ hat at the nation’s capitol…
There’s a bunch of cop haters on a site called “Cop Bloc” who do this sort of stuff all of the time and video it, trying to get an overreaction by law enforcement on record. This guy might or might not have been part of that group.
The headline here is blatantly false as is the narrative. If you’re going to post something as “Christians”, post only HONEST information. Andreychenko was nor a “mass shooter” or any other kind of “shooter”. There was no shooting. there’s no evidence that he has intention of shooting. The Off duty fireman didn’t stop anything but Andreychenko leaving the scene. He’s lucky that the citizen didn’t drop him, even though under the circumstances, it wouldn’t have been warranted.
Andreychenko needs to be deprived of his 2A right if he doesn’t have any more common sense than is indicated here.
Christians For Truth
This article was written at the time that the incident was initially reported in the media. Who Andreychenko was and what he real intention was came out after this article was run. In fact, the first comment left about this article clarifies his intentions.
But there’s no need to make false accusations about this website. I doubt you’ll find a more honest take on today’s events than you’ll find here at CFT.
interesting too that it was at an evil empire [w**m**t] location… the evil empire has been shown millions of times to be ‘on board’ with the ‘one worlders’ etc. Even their new logo is a stylised six pointed star of rothschild.
IF this was ‘legit’ , then I would imagine that mr andrechenkyo is a marxist like the VAST majority of murderers / mass murderers, yet that will never be brought out to the sheeple. Bet his fakebook/twatter/etc has already been wiped or modified…
I’d be willing to bet this story made it as far as it did because the ‘would-be-shooter’ is “a 20 year old white mail (sp)”. Sounds like someone trying to go ‘postal’…wow, bad pun…
Anyway, I am more interested in who this would-be-shooter really is and his motivation. Not that the bravery of this armed citizen should be overlooked, but it should be all in a day’s work in a white Christian nation.