For years, Jews in France have heavily promoted diversity and the mass immigration of Muslims into France in order to undermine and destroy its White Christian identity, but now that their Muslim ‘golems‘ are beginning to literally behead French people in the streets, the notoriously cowardly Jews are now encouraging the French government to crackdown on their Muslim proxy warriors — yet at the same time continue to give lip service to “diversity” and “equality”:
As the French government rolls out a controversial plan that amounts to its most robust crackdown on religious activity in decades, it is enjoying broad support from at least one of the country’s faith communities: French Jews.
Jewish community leaders have applauded President Emmanuel Macron’s effort to counter what he calls “Islamist separatism” with a plan that would require children to attend state-recognized schools from the age of three, effectively barring the practice of Muslim home-schooling, and mandate an oath of allegiance to the state from religious associations.
The new plan would also increase oversight of foreign funding for mosques and end a program that allows the children of immigrants to receive subsidized lessons in their parents’ native language. While the new measures do not explicitly target French Muslims, which would be barred by the French constitution, Macron has made clear that they are aimed at “isolating radical Islam.”
“We need to reconquer all that the republic has ceded, and which has led part of our youth and citizens to be attracted to this radical Islam,” Macron said in an Oct. 2 speech near Paris…
The plan, which is scheduled to be brought before the National Assembly later this year, has been widely condemned by Muslims, both in France and beyond, as an attack on their faith. In Gaza, protesters burned posters of Macron, and in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the plan as part of a legacy of European crimes against religious minorities that includes the Holocaust. Erdogan’s comment last week that Macron needs “mental treatment” prompted France to recall its ambassador from Ankara.
In France, some left-wing Jews oppose the plan for similar reasons. Maxime Benatouil of the Jewish-French Union for Peace, which supports a blanket boycott of Israel, said in a statement that the plan is motivated by racist hatred, juxtaposing it with what the Nazis and their collaborators did to French Jews in 1940.
But among the mainstream of French Jewry, Macron’s plan enjoys broad support, which only grew following the gruesome murder on Oct. 16 of a high school history teacher who had shown his students caricatures of Mohammed first published in France by the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo — which was also the target of a 2015 attack by jihadists murdered 12 people at the magazine’s office. Two days later, an accomplice murdered four Jews at a kosher supermarket.
“Bravo for having the courage to call things by their name and charting a course for ensuring the strength of the republic, the mother of all its children who love and respect the values of France,” Gil Taieb, the vice president of the CRIF umbrella of French Jewish communities, said on Twitter.
Taieb’s sentiment reflects a widely held fear that the wave of jihadist attacks that have claimed hundreds of lives in France since 2012 are merely a symptom of an even greater problem than terrorism: The ceding of whole neighborhoods and cities to parallel Islamic education, justice and moral systems. French-Jewish historian Georges Bensoussan, in an influential 2002 book, called these areas “The Lost Territories of the Republic.”
While the fear of radical Islam is self-explanatory, French Jews have their own religious associations and schools. Are they not worried of suffering collateral damage as the country cracks down on Muslim groups?
“Not at all,” said Bruno Benjamin, the president of the CRIF branch of Marseille, home of the second-largest Jewish community in France.
“French Jews as a community have accepted the values of the republic. Their communal organizations observe its laws. So there is no reason for Jews to oppose the application of those same laws on Muslims,” he told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency…
French Jews, who are high on the list of targets for radical Islamists, have much to gain and little to fear from the plan because their education system conforms — and for the most part belongs – to the public school system, Horvilleur said…
“Crudely put, in America people are assured freedom of religion, whereas in France people are assured freedom from religion,” Horvilleur said. “That’s why most Frenchmen, including its Jews, support the president’s plan.”
“…Typically, when you enter a French Jewish school, there is a French flag at the entrance and a plaque reading ‘liberty, equality, fraternity,’ because French Jews not only respect those principles, but love them,” Benjamin said…
This is the case even though the national mandatory curriculum requires the teaching of evolution, sexual education and diversity – including gender — that often clash with traditional Jewish teachings. But at state-funded Jewish schools, Jewish and secular studies are separated by a firewall.
“There are teachers for secular studies, and there are teachers for Jewish studies. They take place on different hours and different faculty. But they both take place,” Benjamin said.
Jewish schools in France have also sidestepped many of the challenges that have plagued state-funded Jewish schools in other European countries in recent years…
Still, the escalating measures against Muslim isolationism in France do sometimes lump Jews into the equation, making some French Jews uncomfortable.
One example occurred on Oct. 20, when Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said he was “shocked” by supermarket aisles dedicated to ethnic foods, suggesting shop owners do away with them “to be patriotic.” He added that he nonetheless supports the right to operate kosher or halal supermarkets.
Philippe Meyer, president of the France branch of B’nai B’rith, said Darmanin’s comment was “astonishing.”
…Another example came in 2016, when Francois Fillon, a former presidential candidate for the center-right Republicans, equated the fight against Islamic extremism with past efforts to resist Jewish and Catholic sectarianism. He later apologized.
“There are these transgressions that occur from time to time,” Horvilleur said. “But they are minor, and mostly verbal. French Jews overall have confidence in their contract with the French state. And they fear radical Islam much more than they fear this kind of spillover.”
Of course, Jews in France whole-heartedly embrace French republicanism and its banal platitudes, “‘liberty, equality, fraternity’ because it was Judeo-Masons who coined that slogan to justify the French (Bolshevik) Revolution, which they themselves orchestrated through the masonic lodges of France.
The goal of the “French” Revolution was to cut off the head of the ethnically French aristocracy and replace it with the Jewish bankers and merchants, headed by the House of Rothschild, the de facto rulers of France today from whom Macron takes his marching orders.
The “French” Republic didn’t free the French people generically from religion — but rather it freed them specifically from Christianity, the bane of the French Jews’ existence.
And the final kosher knife in the heart of Christian France was the importation of literally millions of Muslims who would complete the encirclement of the Camp Of The Saints as French author Jean Raspail predicted would happen when he wrote his prophetic 1973 novel by that name.
And while this flood of Muslims has been “good for the Jews,” as Rabbi Baruch Efrati explained, it also brings grave risks of physical harm to Jews — which is why more Jews have left France for Israel than from any other European country.
Any “crackdown” on “Islam” –radical or otherwise — in France is too much, too little, and too late — any measures short of a complete deportation of all Muslims from France will do nothing but serve to escalate the violence and make beheadings an everyday occurrence.
And instead of rounding up all the Muslims, France has issued an arrest warrant for a news site owner who dared publish the graphic nature of the Samuel Paty beheading (see above) — they are worried the French people might see those pictures of Paty and rise up and actually do something about the problem — and we can’t have that.
Europe is doomed, from the Zionist perspective, and now it’s time for Jews to flee Europe en masse to the safety of Israel, according to plan.
Using muslims
Take race and religon out of judaism and all you have left is global organized crime and monetary monopoly through secret usury and secret nepotism in every central bank country.
Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are three tines on the same fork, the Abrahamic tribes. The QUESTION of the day, is whether there will be an international peace agreement and reconciliation effort a la interfaith conferences, along with a sit-in by representation from the secular community which is sick and tired of cleaning up the mess. The slow-motion multi-decade, multi-century drunken bar fight between the three that seems to keep rolling around between countries, needs to STOP, or, BE stopped. Because that’s something secular govt. is really good at, taking copious notes, investigating, talking to people, and, pressing charges. All 3 branches are going to be under scrutiny now, along with the journalism community. Might want to pay really close attention to Turkey…and if the French public ever comes to the conclusion that their govt. has acted in ways contrary to the best interests of the French public, there won’t be any more immigration probably, and charges of agitation, sedition, incitement to riot, assault, MURDER etc., are going to start getting brought. And people will get arrested, charged, tried, convicted, incarcerated, deported, and don’t come back no more, and don’t do it no more, no matter what your faith.
Abuse of the institution of religion for political, economic, or other purposes is Bad News. With the eventual result of the places getting shut down and no reopening date. So, everybody, maybe find another hobby? Maybe. Religion should be legal, warmaking in the name of ______, NO. And that goes for Charlie Hebdo also…report the news. Don’t be out starting problems on purpose. The journalism community including all the online social justice warriors/hangers-on, are ALSO being looked at. Critically. Like, who needs a Talking-To and their pitcher tooken. You have anarchists and troublemakers out there. The government has computer forensics and no sense of humor. The internet also has an ‘off’ switch. Peace.
John 3
There’s a huge difference between Christianity — and Judaism and Islam. White European Christians are legitimate descendants of Jacob-Israel while Jews and Arabs are not–they are descendants of Esau-Edom and Ishmael, two corrupted Abrahamic bloodlines in the Bible — and their corrupt religions are a reflection of their corrupt bloodlines. And these bloodlines have been at war for thousands of years. It is not so much a battle over religious differences as it is a war of seedlines as prophecied in Genesis 3:15:
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
Jews deliberately forced Christain Europe to “accept” poor muslum “refugees”(male, fighting age)
in order to dilute and destroy White, Christian, Europe.
Jews did not consider muslums to not give a fig about the holoCOST or White Guilt, and the scheme is not going to enslave Europe to Israel. In fact it will entrench hate for Jews.
I thought the cartoon was a Jewish draftsman. Why kill Christians? We need Muslim apologists to explain. Does Rothschild and Soros not have houses? Why Christians? Asking is the best lesson for the darkness. The darkness does not understand. Ask good questions! Then the darkness will favour Europe not Banksters and Rabinnate Kohsher tax.
This is disinformation — the true funding of Tommy Robinson is Jewish, and always has been. Any “funding” he receives from Zionist shill Alex Jones is to distract you from the source of the real funding:
So , someone else is wise to Alex Jones and his deception . Alex Jones pretends to fight the globalists , yet by exposing them , which he tells and interprets the daily news, is merely fulfilling the spiritual law that the Jews and One Worlders must reveal their plans and if we allow them to get away with it , deserve what we get, just as happened to Russia, Germany, and Europe after WW1 and again after WW11. He uses religion as a pretense to sucker his listeners into his net.
Also , he exposes the followers of those who are wise to what is going on , just as happened in the riot in Washington, D. C. Those accused and revealed to have caused rioting and destruction will go to jail, prison, suffer with a criminal record , but Alex Jones and Donald Trump, who called the rally , get away with it , while some of the gullible followers of them are now classified as criminals and lose freedom, friends , jobs, family and reputation, other wise would have been good citizens. Do you know if tommy Robertson is Jewish. I have a feeling I read somewhere that he is.
“Do you know if tommy Robertson is Jewish”
I think you meant Tommy Robinson. And yes, he has admitted he is jewish on more than one occasion.
The "Goyess" knows
Meanwhile New Zealands disgusting evil kike tranny PM who has no shame about it’s dick jiggling about under it’s dress for the cameras, has made euthanasia legal, but if you get caught with cannabis you’ll get a free night out wth the rancid rodent featured kike tranny PM and night that even your worst nightmares couldn’t compare with.
Genocide good – smoking pot bad, fresh from the perverted warped tiny incest wrecked minds of the fake jewsh tribe of baby raping inbreeds of the synagogue of satan
No lockdowns for America because the best friend of Roy Cohn the evil gay child raping Jewish paedo mafia midget of the moment, the Drumf kike, knows just how many guns would go off if he tried to fully kike the American public.
America is the same as the rest of us, the choice pre selected to vote for always beng dangerous evil country wrecking paedo kike A or peado kike B and they are always related to the family of fraud royal criminal traitor pedo kikes on Englands throne.
NZ PM tranny getting it out for the Jewish owned New Zealand media boys
The tribe of freaks just gets more freaky as the gene pool continues to reduce down to pure distilled muck.
Goyess, About your John Key, I just happened to find this yesterday while doing a search.
I haven’t determined an actual connection between the “Russian” Rabbi, Berel Lazar, who carries that same last name, but the jew, John Phillip Key, the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand and the leader of the New Zealand National Party, is also a Lazar by birth, but see below for more.
“The person who has undoubtedly had the biggest impact on John Key is his mother. Ruth Key [Lazar]
Born Ruth Lazar in Vienna, Austria, in November 1922, she was the youngest child of Max, a successful trader with his own leather merchant business, and Margarethe (nee Karpeles).
With her brother Herbert, 21 months older, Ruth was brought up a non-orthodox Jew.”
“I remember seeing Hitler as a child when he came to Vienna after the Anschluss,” says Rabbi Moshe Lazar, Chabad shliach in Milan, Italy, and the father of Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar. “I grew up in Vienna. My family had been living there for generations. They weren’t chasidim; they were Yekkes. I saw Hitler when his parade went down the main thoroughfare, which was around the corner from our house. We heard that he was going to be coming to town, and there were thousands of people in the streets. When his car passed by, I saw everyone saluting, so I did too. My sister was standing next to me and she gave me a klop, which I can still feel. The next time Hitler came to town I didn’t raise my hand. By then I already knew that he wasn’t a nice person.”
My old comment has this full letter at the link below:
“Letter to the Jewish Nation from the French Commander-in-Chief Buonaparte
(translated from the Original, 1799)
General Headquarters, Jerusalem 1st Floreal, April 20th, 1799,
in the year of 7 of the French Republic
The comment following after that is the story about where Rothschild’s money REALLY came from, and it’s not the faked one, or at least the dramatised version of the Waterloo Campaign scam, which is the one that is given on the Rothschild family website. There are also some more comments at the same post about the French Revolution. They are on the comment page following this page.
Europe has not yet learned to be Multicultural and Jews are going to play a leading role in destroying the homogeneous societies that they once were, it is a huge transformation for Europe to make but it must take place without Jewish supremacist turning White European countries into third world ghetto’s like they have done in America, Europe will not survive…..yep, Barbara Spectre an American born Jewish supremacist, who moved the Israel and is now in Sweden, with the help of the government running a non-denominational center of Jewish learning….
EU commissioner Frans Timmermans of the Netherlands repeats the Zionist supremacist hogwash…..
In Germany we have another Jewish Zionist supremacist Anetta Kahane demanding open borders and refugees welcome….
And last but not least the rabbi making it very clear…Muslims are the natural allies of the blood thirsty warmongering Zionist supremacist power hungry Jews….
The list of these barbarians is long, in Europe and America the same thing and they can force their dictatorial non-sense down people’s throat with impunity.
Who put this monsters into gods on earth, like they claim to be?
Paradoxically this frenetic Mussel man may become a hero. As always the nice jews through subterfuge and education invited allies against Christus into their host’s house . Is this not how Islam was ” evangelized “.— with jew andthe scimitar ? Were they not invited into France for this reason : to destroy the foreign nation and culture through miscegenation and suppressing resistance to moslem race?
The hero will be admired by French and his own. Convert to religion of peace or die! Jew naturally seize opportunity to preempt any unnecessary commiseration for executed , blasphemous school teacher . And to refer to the suffering of the poor jew by the nazi in holycost. As always it is really about the poor jew. And their long suffering tolerance of co habitation which are not as exclusive as in America where their private schools are payed for by grants.
Can one feel sorrow for these people ? Is there a victim ? Perhaps their history : a magnificent culture once saved by a french girl, Joan d’Arc 500 years ago. Can this be the same Volk?
Peter London
It is not the Zionist’s intent that all Jews should quit Europe for Israel. Rabbi Henry Pereira Mendes made that clear back in 1895 in his article The Solution of War in the North American Review. The diaspora communities would remain in place and their commercial activities would be stepped up. Jerusalem would be the location for a Court of International Settlements and all nations other than Israel would be disarmed. He was Theodore Herzl’s closest ally in North America, so his ideas must have been standard Zionism.
Agreed. The point of having SOME jews return to Jerusalem and establish a state there was because that is one of the conditions for the jew “prophecy” that all nations will be subservient to a jew kingdom there and jews will own all the world’s property. The Zionists got tired of waiting for the single prophesied individual to do establish it and decided, (in typically jewish legalese word-bending) that the jewish people collectively could be that required individual and thus bring about the predicted jewish world rule.
Jews will still be embedded in the levers of power in our land and throughout the world as well as performing their genetic role as economic parasites and exploiters in commercial centers. The Zionists never required that all jews, or even most jews, relocate to Israel. Merely some. The claim that it stealing Palestine was about a “safe haven” was just another in a long list of jew lies to exploit the undeserved sympathy of White people in order to make us give them what they want.
Patrick White
What a shocking image. If only that were a Jewish head.
They aided and abetted all of this.
I think that’s what the Jews are worried about–the next Muslim beheading could be a Jew, and that’s why they want the French government to do something about it now, or they are going to have to jump ship to Israel. Jews are experts at sh**ting the bed, and they have no one to blame but themselves.
Ann T. Zemitik
Soon, Patrick. Very soon.
Seth Friedman
It’s obviously fake. A silicone head used for training medical professionals.
That’s a ridiculous claim with NO proof to support it. If that head is fake, then it was modeled after Samuel Paty’s real head because it has the same hair pattern, the same nose, and more importantly has the same ear, which is like a fingerprint on people.
Sy Bergsteinowitz
Flee Europe by using violence directed at the French, just like the Jews and Israelis did to Iraqi Jews back in the mid to late 20th Century, setting off bombs and murdering Iraqi Jews to scare them to move to Israel.
Sometimes I wonder how much more peaceful the world would be without Israel.
(fake) israel is GOG