Previously we had predicted that Alex Jones was being censored with the obvious purpose of giving him credibility as a reliable alternative news source. After all, if the media giants want to shut him down, he must be a “threat” to them. Alex Jones must be a “truth teller” if the “big boys” are shutting him down. Censoring him served one purpose – to make normal people interested in checking him out – and they have:
Infowars was recently banned by YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, Google Podcast, Spotify, iHeartRadio, MailChimp, Disqus, LinkedIn, Flickr, Pinterest and several others – leading many to wonder exactly how and why this was seemingly coordinated mass takedown took place between platforms.
That said, Google and Apple are still allowing people to access Infowars content via apps, which have seen their downloads spike as well.
What’s more, Jones says that 5.6 million people subscribed to the Infowars newsletter within 48 hours of his YouTube ban, according to the Daily Mail.
“Because I play devil’s advocate, because I play both sides, they’ve taken me out of context, they are using me as a test case to try to bring an EU style web censorship,” Jones said. “They’ve got mainline Democratic senators saying they ought to restrict Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Matt Drudge, the President himself. They are misrepresenting what I’ve said and done and are using that to set a precedent for internet wide de-platforming, censorship beyond what Russia does, what China does, ahead of the midterms (election). The whole thing is fake.”
Alex is right, this “whole thing is fake,” and that includes himself, too. Now his website is allegedly down, making people think that he’s being attacked, but as astute observers have already pointed out, Jone has probably shut down his own website just to make people even more interested in what he has to say. See here.
The media giants and government stooges are not stupid – they know that censoring someone like Alex Jones only will increase his popularity, and that’s exactly why they gave him so much free publicity – Alex Jones will never tell his audience the whole truth about who our real enemies are. And that’s exactly why you are being told about Jones 24/7. If the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know who someone is, they will ignore them. They want you to know who Alex Jones is for a reason, and it’s not to discredit him.
If anyone wants to know and hear what a raving lunatic and madman sounds like , listen to Alex Jones show , yesterday, January 18, 2022.
It will be the proof of why so many who have committed crime’s against their fellowman , or served prison terms are now claiming that they were influenced by others or unknown others.
Alex Jones, if you listen carefully can tell he is talking about Jews, but always described them as Globalist’s.
And why have they allowed him to get away with it for 28 years ? Because he spreads their message and helps it become reality. He spreads their New Age agenda for them. There has to be a spiritual law that requires the Jews to brag , and reveal their world domination plans or they would have not allowed Alex Jones to last as long as he has.
While he screams the sky is falling , he’s telling his listeners to prepare for the end by buying his products to keep him on the air while he also claims his life is in danger, the New World Order is out to get him, a we are in WW111, a civil war is here or coming and other crap.
He pretends he has been aware of their plans as though he gained access to their secret vaults. Nothing he says has not been already revealed by our ancestors, except that Alex Jones does what no others have done except Art Bell, to make a business of the conspiracy world and emotionalize and dramatize it , and fear monger everything. If Alex Jones is so dangerous to the New World Order, he would not have been allowed to last as long as he has. He has served his purpose.
David Duke was an unknown local Klansman no one knew or cared about beyond his area .The Jews made David duke a nation and probably worldwide symbol of racism as an excuse to make everyone aware of racism, slavery ,hatred etc.
So if the Jews can go after David Duke, go after the Butler compound in Idaho and out them out of business, who does Alex Jones think he’s fooling? Only his poor gullible followers who one of his employees is supposed tr have said that Alex Jones mocks his buyers of his goods as being so stupid they will buy anything.
A website claims to have sent Alex Jones products to a laboratory for testing and found out that their is nothing exceptionable about them.
Alex Jones, con man, snake oil salesman, scam artist , lier ,deceiver, king of the conspiracy world, New Age promoter, the David Koresh, Jim Jones of his religious pretense and so called spirituality and personal reevaluations from on High , braggart, but denying being a braggart, want A be leader of the patriot movement who leaves his January 6 supporters who he , Owen Shroyer, rat faced Roger Stone and others riled up to suffer their fates for getting out of hand and are now called terrorists and subversive’s.. Man!!!! That’s the kind of leaders we need in this country. Like in the Matt Dillion western movie where a man who wants a certain person blamed for a crime he committed to be hanged, riles up the crowd with liquor at the saloon and when the crowd follows his leads, slinks away to let the crowd to do his work for him.
Alex Jones has claimed he has a family ranch to hide out in and his studio is heaviily armed. So all of his bravado over the years was fake. He is afraid of the New World Order , or it all been a scam on gullible followers for 28 years which is another lie ,because that would take him almost to shortly after he left high school and got into radio, showing he is nothing but a radio personality like Rush Limbaugh and has done nothing else for a liviong.
On his Wednesday Infowars broadcast, December 8, 2021 , Alex Jones finally got so angry over the United States trying to freighten Russia into not attacking the Ukraine , that he finally admitted that those who rule Russia (80 years? , he says] hate Russia because it is a Christian nation and hate Russia , because the people who ruled Russia hate Christianity. So , Alex Jones has to be talking about the Jews and know who ruled Russia after the over throw in 1917, until the supposed overthrow or fall of Communism under Ronald Reagan.
But Alex Jones can’t say it out loud because he marries Jewish women, and is surrouinded by Jews in various situations and his business.
I beleive Owen shroyer is Jewish. He looks Jewish , has a Jewish sounding name, as does his wife. Various websites that desacribe him say that very little is known of him and he reveals little about himself.
This is an example of Alex Jones riling up his listeners, along withTrump and Shroyer, and when the rally they called their listeners and followers, supporters to attend, got out of hand , act like it never happened by them or under their influence and leave the follower’s to suffer whatever fate comes their way.
alex Jones brags he has been revealing who the New World Order is for 28 years and never has, but Wednesday, december 8, 2021, did so indirectly. If he had done this over the last 28, years , that he loves to brag of his fearless exposure of the New World Order, his listeners woulkd not have gone to Washington , D.C. , gotr out of hand, believing their enemy was our Congressmen.
It was Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer who called Mile Pence and Nancy Pelosi , “traitor’s ” for weeks if not months that led some to want to try and hang them. And they accuse the people who they called to the rally and the Secret Service of seeting him up.
That’sd the3 kind of leaders, real patriots, need: rally their followers and when it gets violent and the law show;s it’s force, deny your part in the violence.
Just like the Matt Dillion movie where the person who commited the crime, aroused the townspeople to hang the person the townspeople thought committetd , and after they got them , riled up, slunk away.
listening to Alex Jones last night, 21 November 2021, Alex Jones claimed that he sold his home to finance his operation. But he could have had someone loan him money , put his home up for security. It’ll be proof if he moves out. He wants everyone to believe that the world is tightening around him, keep buying his products, send him money and donations and the New World Order will be defeated.
He claims that his divorce cost him $300,000 . And has 6 lawsuits from March to November next year , that h e needs money to fight. Yes , to fight his lawsuits , but he does nothing to help the people who got out of hand in Washington, D.C. January 6, 2021 , because he wasn’t there to lead his own rally, but blames the riot on the Secret Service. But does nothing to use his listeners hard earned money to fight and defends his listeners who face jail and prison terms, loss of jobs ,careers, families, possessions, freedom, and now have a lifelong criminal record, but he claims, when he talks of the riot, that he was set up by the Secret Service. He called the rally , like the one he called for Virigina . But he’ll defend Owen Shroyer , his co host as a victim.
The New World Order is not afraid, working for world domination for thousands, hundreds and maybe millions of years, , of a 47year old , braggart , who has done nothing in his life but sit behind a microphone and rile his listeners and followers up about a New world Oreder he claims to know who they are, reveals their plans and does not for 27 years. He never cared about others websites being suppressed, their books, articles, closing down for lack of funds, or members. He bragged of his success and being the point of the spear and when the ADL pretended to expose him to make him more well known and justification for suppression of others, he used it to brag that he was the most dangerous and most banned person in the world.
Maybe , as Alex Jones claims : the end is here-for him.
More undeniable truth that over 97% of all media is jewish controlled in one form or fashion. Even many “jew wise” sites are “allowed” to exist because the purveyors are not as knowledgeable as they would like you to believe and still regurgitate many myths and lies concerning the jewish people that the jews are gladly allowing to continue to propagate. Here at ROTR, we endeavor to expose EVERY lie and EVERY devious mechanation associated with these children of the Fallen Ones, fully exposing the answers to the vaguest of questions on most white people’s tongues: WHO? HOW? and WHY?