In a recent revealing interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg claimed that he plans to fight ‘antisemitism’ and ‘racism’ by prosecuting all ‘hate crimes’ as ‘domestic terrorism’:
…I will speak out against anti-Semitism on the right and on the left. I will speak out against it whether it shows up on the floor of Congress — or on campus quads.
But I won’t stop there. I’ll speak out against hatred of all kinds.
That’s something I learned from my parents. My father never made more than $6,000, but I remember him writing out a check to the NAACP for $25 or $50, which was a lot of money for us. When I asked him why, he said: Discrimination against anyone threatens all of us.
I have always carried that lesson with me. And, as president, I will do everything in my power to put an end to all forms of discrimination.
I will label hate crimes as “domestic terrorism” — and charge perpetrators accordingly.
I will launch a national, coordinated effort, led by the FBI director and Department of Justice, to crack down on violent extremists.
I will expand the Department of Education’s Stop Bullying Campaign, so we can put an end to harassment in schools — including on college campuses.
And I will never stand by idly in the face of hatred — against anyone.
When the bolshevik Jews invaded and took over Russia in 1917, the first law they passed was, yes, making ‘racism’ and ‘antisemitism’ not only illegal, but capital offenses.
And if you were one of the Christian Russians who dared to notice that most of the revolutionaries who were taking over the country were Jewish, you were lined up against a wall and shot.
They murdered over 60 million White Christians during their jewish reign of politically-correct terror.
The day is coming soon when one day Americans will wake up from their slumber, look around, and realize that virtually everyone in a significant position of power is either Jewish or a protected minority.
And if you dare share your objective observation on social media, there will be a knock on your door, and you will be hauled in to a police station and interrogated for your ‘hate crime’. Doubt it?
Our jewish U.S. Attorney General is in the process of prosecuting a woman for merely slapping a Jew on the street for a Federal ‘hate crime’ for which she could potentially face 10 years in a Federal prison.
This is the America that a Michael Bloomberg presidency promises you.
Bloomberg wants your guns so that White Americans have no way of defending themselves when his Cheka-style secret ‘hate crimes’ police force kicks in your door for a counter-revolutionary Tweet you made or book you read.
Bartholomew Beauregard III
If America ever wakes up to the fact that Israel did 9-11, the parents of fallen soldiers all for a huge lie, will be the first to demand blood, and kick the parasites out – forever! Demand a new 9-11 investigation. Architects, Engineers, and NY Firemen are all suing the FBI, and currently demanding a Federal Grand Jury to be convened for the crimes of withholding “explosive evidence” from Congress. Google it!
The whole country could get back on track quickly if the truth about 9-11 comes to light.
thanx for all you do. May God bless and keep you and yours – you are doing the Lords work!
The ‘Jewish Peril’ is the ‘litmus test’ of intelligence for every Christian.
Has anyone or, does anyone here go to church and is finding ways to share this type of info?
Gisella, I suspect that most readers here do not attend mainstream churches for the reason that today’s churches are all 501c3 corporations which gives them their tax exempt status, and this status means they agree not to discuss certain topics, such as anything you’ll read on this website. Here’s a good, short video explaining the control that the government has over churches who have the 501c3 status:
I tried going to church just for that reason, to tell everyone of what I saw regarding Jews being behind this sort of stuff AND the fact these “jews” aren’t even the real Judeans of Biblical fame. I got no where. . . BUT, I will admit that was 20 years ago. Things are even worse now, so maybe religious church folk might actually listen. I dunno, but somehow I doubt it.
Protestants love Jews more today than they did 20 years ago, the propaganda on evangelical t.v. has been pro-Israel non-stop. Any whiff of negativity toward Jews would make their heads spin around…..
Even if I agreed with Bloomberg’s politics, which I don’t, I could never vote for him because he’s so short. 5′ 5″ does not instill confidence, nor does it represent the American ethos. And middle of America has never, and will never vote for a jewish New Yorker. They don’t have an genuine American feel to them. Rootless cosmopolitans? European-style socialists? Coastal elites? Not going to fly in Kansas and South Dakota.
But we voted for an effeminate black jew who didn’t even have verifiable citizenship, not once, but twice. Go figure…
Which then begs the question: How is there so much ‘racism’ and ‘discrimination’ from a country obviously still majority white (in comparison to the other races, not as a whole as I am firmly convinced true whites make up less than 50% of the population now) who voted in a ‘black man’ for 2 consecutive terms? A point ALWAYS so conveniently avoided. White Amerika voted for Obongo to ‘prove’ they weren’t racist. Gee, really showed (((them))), didn’t we?
And middle of America has never, and will never vote for a jewish New Yorker.
Explain the Orange jew’s sElection.
I’ve never seen any credible, convincing evidence that Donald Trump is a crypto-Jew, and I’ve read it all. I’ve seen a lot of evidence that he and his father are shabbos goy, or goy frontman for the NY real estate jews. I’ve even seen evidence that Trump may have had to be Roy Cohn’s butt boy as an initiation ritual into the club. Either way, Trump doesn’t identify as a jew, and if he did, I doubt Americans would have voted for him so enthusiastically. The jews who selected Trump did so because he’s a goy and will take the blame for selling out America to their cause.
The Founders in their writings told We, the People what we must do when tyranny rears its ugly head. And Bloomberg boy has a very ugly head.
And remember, “We, the People” ONLY ever meant “We, the WHITE People”.
An extremely ridiculous statement backed by implanted knee-jerk rhetoric.
Surely you jest? Your reply is EXACTLY what you just accused me of! The same founders you are trying quote are the exact same ones who determined ONLY FREE WHITE MEN COULD BE CITIZENS. So whose statement is a ridiculous, knee-jerk reaction? Please reconsider your attitude and the depth of your scholarship…
Sy Bergsteinowitz
Discrimination against anyone threatens all of us….
Except discrimination against G-d’s Chosen is more toxic and will be prosecuted first. After that cleansing, their won’t be any hate crimes left to kill… I mean prosecute!
Wake up goy…the threat is real and is real close.
Deuteronomy 28 applies to us.
But so does II Chronicles 7:14: 14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Ammo up my folk
America will be the place of the ‘last stand’ of the White Israelites. After settling here in New Jerusalem, God promised us that we would never have to move again. God commanded us, “Fear not, I am with you.” (Isaiah 41:10). Turn to Him, and our enemies will fall like weeds before a scythe. Prophecy has pre-ordained our ultimate victory, and the anti-Christs know it and do tremble, but they are not going to stop trying until the hand of God silences them forever.