Now that Jews have gained the full benefits and privileges from passing as ‘White’ people and ‘integrating’ into White America, — while at the same time fomenting racial tension between White people and Blacks — they are now distancing themselves from any claims that they are ‘White’, an identity that they know very well has now become a liability for Jews in America:
Are Jews white? No, said the [Jewish] editor-in-chief of The Algemeiner during a Wednesday appearance on i24 News, and the false claim that they are is a “slur” that must be refuted.
“In the language of wokeness,” Dovid Efune told “Global Eye” host Natasha Kirtchuk, “‘whiteness’ isn’t just a description of the lowest rung on the ladder of victimhood — it’s a pejorative, it’s an accusation. It refers to an oppressor, a ruling class…an occupier or a colonialist.”
Efune recalled that his own great-grandfather, who perished in the Holocaust, was considered by the Nazis to be of an inferior race.
“So it really is the height of irony and insult that when Jews express concern about antisemitism being ignored and a blindness to antisemitism, they’re then lumped into the white category,” he noted.
As usual, what this Jewish apologist intentionally omits is that his own ‘holy’ book, The Talmud, promotes Jewish supremacist canards such as that all non-Jews are sub-human — but let’s not let that little fact get in the way of his unmitigated hypocrisy.
It was Marxist-Zionist Jews like Israel Zangwill who created the false narrative that America was always a “racial melting pot” — but if that were indeed the case, the Founding Fathers would have wanted nothing to do with it.
The Bible-literate Founding Fathers knew that God hates Esau-Edom, the race mixer:
Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. (Leviticus 18:23)
Race mixing creates instability and confusion — race mixed people are much easier for the Jews to manipulate and dominate with their false promises of a utopian “post-racial” world where White people are a thing of the sordid past.
Any White person who resists the Jewish melting pot — who wants to preserve their bloodline from the proverbial ‘tar brush’ — is smeared as a Nazi who wants to kill 6 million Jews.
The racial purity at the core of the White race is a source of great anxiety for the Jews — because that core is what stands between them and their Talmudic dreams of world domination — which is why they heavily promote degenerate race mixing in all their media outlets.
That racial purity is a tell-tale sign — a fingerprint — of the Israelite identity of the White race which must be hidden and ultimately destroyed.
And now that Jews have successfully turned “people of color” against the White race — the source of all evil in the world — Jews want that incited machete-wielding world of color — their proxy foot soldiers — to know that they aren’t really White — those other White people are:
Calling jews white is definitely a slur against White people.
“Jewish candidate’s sign vandalized with swastika”
I doubt whether the kids drew the red in his eyes, too.
“An Arizona legislative candidate is saddened and embarrassed after one of his political signs was vandalized by anti-Semitic markings.
Seth Blattman is a candidate for Legislative District 23 and he’s Jewish. Friday, he posted a picture on Twitter showing a campaign sign of his near Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard and the Loop 101 freeway vandalized with a swastika and the word “killer.”
The muslims are the new “Black Golems” and it’s working. For the blacks that have not been “golemized” the new group is BLM and Antifa. Antifa mixes in plenty of whites for the indoctrination of black usefull people like the older “black golem” generation that figured it out.
Fitting you put a plague doctor mask as a title image, because I’m starting to consider that the black death was in fact the poisoning of the wells, by the “jews”, hidden as being the actual doctors in masks. Long considered a conspiracy theory, I start to believe it, since the jews/masons are behind all so-called pandemics, either being toxins, or fully faked, like covid19.
Michael McC
“In the language of wokeness,” Dovid Efune told “Global Eye” host Natasha Kirtchuk, “‘whiteness’ isn’t just a description of the lowest rung on the ladder of victimhood — it’s a pejorative, it’s an accusation. It refers to an oppressor, a ruling class…an occupier or a colonialist.”
Ironic really.
Yep, only a Jew could even come up with such a concept as a “ladder of victimhood”. And they would know, because, as you point out, Jews have become the true “oppressors”, “ruling class”, and international “occupiers”. Proving once again that Jews have NO self-knowledge, no self-awareness, and no sense of self-irony.
Rabbi Glickman
Are Jews “White”? Well, that depends. On the third of Nisan, if the Moon is full, probably “yes”. But after the tenth day of Ab in years wherein there is a total lunar eclipse… a definite “probably not”.
However, Jews are not White when in the presence of Zyklon B. Here we turn very pale – and our noses grow longer. Oy gevalt!
I’m so sick and tired of anti-White hatred being pushed under the lie of “anti-racism.”
Do Jews realize that most Blacks see Jews as Whites? If they foment a race war, they won’t be able to escape the consequences.
It’s also hard to get people to let Jews join the oppression bandwagon when they are extraordinarily rich and powerful. They must think minorities are too stupid to notice? Which arguably is racist!
What’s really crazy is the self-hating Whites who are going along with this program. How do you convince people to destroy themselves and their own kind? We have to be able to reverse this brainwashing somehow.
Two quotes by President Harry Truman–who had to deal with the triumphant Jews at the end of WWII:
“The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs, or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as Displaced Persons as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political, neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog.”
“The Jews have no sense of proportion, nor do they have any judgement on world affairs.”
—Diary July 21, 1947
Jews are absolute masters at “sh*tting their own bed.” They always over-play their hand. They accuse everyone else of being “extremists” because they are the world’s greatest extremists.
Allan Ahrens
I can show HOW they are brainwashing people. But for a solution, we need to put our heads together, unite, and come up with a cure for what they have, and are doing.
HERE is a technique, using group influence and pressure to get people to agree with stuff they KNOW is wrong-And if its done long enough the victim starts to BELIEVE the falsehood….
Now here, on a fantastic article on this very site, are over 1000 examples of Jew using that above method to turn normal, everyday decent white people into self hating, self loathing, self destructive “White Liberals”.
They arent doing that just “for fun”. There is a reason for it as the previous experiment shows. And this information brought to light is solid enough to prove that they HAVE been waging a psychological war against the same western nations that extended a hand and let them in…..(Which was a HUGE mistake as the ruins of our cities and the violence in the streets clearly shows)
And if THAT doesnt convince people- HERE are high ranking Jew BRAGGING that they used diversity because, in their own words, their goal is to kill every last white man, woman, and child….
And here are OTHER Jewish leaders saying the same thing….
And that guy made a 3-video SERIES of them boasting that they intend to kill off ALL whites until there is no trace left, and replace us in all things with “diversity” they can rule over.
The anti-Christ isnt a “he”….Its a “them”. And they have come to power in these last days!
God bless and protect you all!
Sy Bergsteinowitz
You have 1 guess to figure out who’s helping blacks clamor for money & power. Read
H.R.40 – Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act
and keep an ear out for this phrase to be heard endlessly in the coming months, “To address the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery..”
Guess who will be left out of this reparation racket even though they were one of the biggest slavers?
… can one guess who will be voting positive for revised jew redistribution of poverty. Question is , if this democrat bill ( Jackson Lee) will be made more respectable with “bipartisan” label, usually reserved for international jew ?
After a ridiculous eulogy by a holycost survivor for all Negros living, dead and still “suffering” in justice discrimination and segregation segregation ( when Negroes were free and had no master ), no one will dare not support it. And maybe another bill for another Negro holiday honouring the apotheosis of the slave.
Their master is now the jew SA Government and the jew is using them for unlimited extortion and as this is signed as law, it will naturally require another bureaucracy to administer this legalized theft. Guess who they will be? Maybe they should call it the “resurrected LBJ, King-Lee Jackson Act” honouring the trillions already spent for the great society. Miraculously things are worse than ever. Except for a few.
Supremacist Jews have brought their communist garbage to America used Black American’s as human shields to wage their war against White Christian American’s…..the road to hell began with the corrupt politicians who caved into the pressures and blackmail of these shysters.
Well, we know from now on the next & every time we see schlomo it’s to hail them out–“Hey Honkey!” an “Yo White boy!” Ahahah, yep set’em up good for life lol
OMG……“‘whiteness’ isn’t just a description of the lowest rung on the ladder of victimhood — it’s a pejorative, it’s an accusation. It refers to an oppressor, a ruling class…an occupier or a colonialist.”
Jews started the trans-Atlantic slave trade selling African’s as cattle and put themselves on the throne of oppressor, ruling class, occupier and colonialist in the America, and they still engages in the cruelty and barbarism. Jews are the ultimate victims all over the place and if you ask me at the lowest rung on the social ladder with their sinister and diabolic culture of victimhood. When are White people going to stand up and tell the truth…..
Oh……….this is rich —
The scandal involving Jeffrey Toobin’s masturbatory antics during a Zoom meeting last week has resulted in several unplanned byproducts, the most obvious of which is the comedic material the incident has generated. If there were any late-night talk show hosts worth watching, we could all be enjoying several weeks’ worth of side-splitting jokes. Unfortunately for many of us, we have to rely on social media and the countless Toobin memes for that humor.
It has also been entertaining to watch sides being drawn on the matter, with some in the industry coming to Toobin’s defense and a few others, such as legal commentator Adrienne Lazarus, going on the attack. “He’s a privileged, white man who decided to pleasure himself at work to the detriment of his colleagues,” Lazarus asserted. “Black men are fired for much less and without your sympathy.” Admit it: it’s hard not to smile.
Toobin is a “privileged white man”!
Yea……..they are “white” when they do nasty things. But they are Jews when they allegedly cure polio.
For the 110th time those who call themselves jews are not but are of the synagogue of satan and have not brought goodwill to any of the 109 countries that had to kick them out. And how could they be white when they hate whites. Whites have a big disadvantage being nice good people and believing racism means something when its promoted to hate whites. And white Christians have brought goodwill and advancement to all .
Patrick White
The twist in the tale, of course, is that Jews are already the most reviled species on the planet, so it’s all too little and too late.
Despite ‘owning’ things that can never be truly owned (think ‘public opinion’, works of art, vast amounts of property and land that in truth belong to others), the blood-drinking hook-noses are vastly outnumbered on this planet, and however big their nuclear arsenal, when their day of reckoning finally arrives, they will be utterly defenceless and there will finally be an actual holocaust. Long overdue, if you ask me.