Powerful Jewish supremacist organizations applauded the news this week that Jewish-owned social media giant YouTube had banned the Nation of Islam (NoI), a Black advocacy organization led by Louis Farrakhan, from its platform for warning Blacks about “satanic” Jewish power:
The removal of the NoI’s channel was part of a broader move on YouTube’s part to clamp down on hate speech, with 25,000 channels deleted under the company’s guidelines.
“We have strict policies prohibiting hate speech on YouTube, and terminate any channel that repeatedly or egregiously violates those policies,” the company said in a statement on Oct. 2.
The American Jewish Committee (AJC) said on Twitter that it applauded the decision, stating that Farrakhan “for far too long has used the platform as a megaphone for his antisemitic and homophobic outbursts.”
The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) said that it had been pushing for a ban on the NoI for several years and YouTube’s move was therefore an important one.
Over the summer, several YouTube users waged a campaign to remove Farrakhan’s three-hour July 4 address — in which he referred to Jews as “Satan” who should have their brains knocked out by the “stone of truth — from the platform.
Farrakhan has long pushed the idea that US Jews constitute a “Synagogue of Satan” who exercise unaccountable power across the government, media and education for decades.
“International bankers financed Hitler and poor Jews died while big Jews were at the root of what you call the Holocaust,” Farrakhan infamously declared in 1995. “Little Jews died while big Jews made money. Little Jews were turned into soap while big Jews washed themselves with it.”
Truth is a form of “violence” to Jews — they literally feel physically assaulted when anyone, such as Farrakhan, attempts to inform the public of the malevolent power that Jews wield over Blacks — and society in general.
And they seem to believe that they’ve actually “proven” how Farrakhan’s criticism of Jews has led to real violence against real Jews in the real world.
So Jews demand a “safe space” where they are free from all “violent” scrutiny and criticism — “a world of their own” — in the words of Jewish writer Maurice Samuel, “We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
As Alexander Solzhenitsyn observed, “For a Jew, there is nothing more insulting than the truth.”
Thus Jews seem to believe that they have a fundamental and inalienable right not to be offended — ever.
If they can finally shut down and censor anyone and everyone who dares criticize them, they can then turn around and announce to the world, “See, everyone really does love us!”
Once again, this shameless censorship shows exactly how Jews go about proving that all those “antisemitic canards” are just not true — they use their enormous power to censor their critics and prove once and for all that they don’t have enormous power.
All of which creates more antisemitism.
farrakhan sold out to zionists, i think. he supports b.l.m. it’s a shame. he was an authentic leader of african american people.
m.l.k. was employed by the u.s.s.r. malcolm x is the only authentic african american leader who didn’t sell out.
malcolm x and farrakhan were / are anti-white, sometimes. they were / are talking about white people who unfairly hate all african americans, even if they’re good humans. i’m white. and i support malcom x’s teachings. i supported farrakhan’s teachings, until he sold out to zionists.
In 2001 Geert Wilders accused Pim Fortuyn of hating Muslims, because Pim Fortuyn challenged the multicultural open-borders refugees welcome agenda of the Jews, and as the world turned Pim Fortuyn was assassinated. Geert Wilders and the corrupt Muslim Marxist feminist Hirsi Ali jumped in the vacuum and we find out that Wilders is a Muslims hating Zionist supremacist and Hirsi their anti-Islam poster girl….
Hirsi Ali committed asylum fraud to become a Dutch citizen, Zionist imported her to America and she is now a US citizen… https://youtu.be/T8oFYzR7Or0
Dutch Politician Geert Wilders: ‘What We Need Today is Zionism for the Nations of Europe’
Just like I said they screwed up America and are coming back to Europe to finish the job…the Anglo’s are kissing their feet as the Zionist supremacist command….
The "Goyess" knows
Trust me the anglos are not kissing their feet. Native English are The Iceni by the way. The anglo saxon label is just another of our “little friends”many rewrites of British history.
This tribe of misery making child abusing/murdering theiving terrorists were evicted for 400 years from England & Wales in 1290 under one of the best events English history if not THE best event (considerng what we all know now and what is happening right now) for being pure evil.
But alas, as always, a traitor let them back in against the peoples wishes.
Those of us that can see that the revenge of the Molochites is happening under our noses protected by the Police, Military and Security Services we are robbed to pay the upkeep of, but who are protecting these invading gencodial maniacs of the variety kicked out and banned for centuries aready, would enforce the Edict of Expulsion 1290 this second and hang the traitors, including THEIR Queen on OUR throne.
Disraeli was the first of the Rothschild plants to be placed into the English government to start the wreckng ball we see Boris Johnson, their latest theiving, lying genocidal maniac of the (((tribe))) completing today.
snuck n underthe guse of beng a chrstan, he clearly hadnt read the Bible in his life or he’d have known what the Bible said about the man on man “activities” he was getting up to. A typical psycho of his tribe who hated the Irish and got big kicks out of them being starved to death.
Even after traitor Cromwell let them swarm back in, they had been banned from being members of government for obvious reasons (more obvious today than ever before to some of us) until Rothschilds little stunt planting Disrael in to start the control and ruination process
Every PM in England for decades has been a Jew.
Before Johnson it was his equally traitorous theiving lying genocidal maniac Jewish colleagues Theresa May and David Cameron who earned themselves a big ticking off from the U.N for “Grave Systemic human rights violations to the disabled” whch they carred on wth deste ther severe warning .
(Mays mother was wheelchair bound with MS no doubt benglooked after by the decent benefts system of the host country (ENGLAND), Camerons son was disabled and Cameron claimed every single benefit he could and free service despite being a millonaire unlike the poor people he and May frauduelently deemed many unable to claim the benefit set up for poor disabled people like them not multi millioniare invading parasitic traitors who then set about making the lives of disabled people hell and causng many deaths.
Ths covid BS appears to be the replacement for that particular little sly but very evil genocide scheme of the weakest in society often to weak to defend themselves from being starved to death in their own homes or driven to suicide having had their benefits fraudelently removed, leaving many destitute the beasts have had running since 2010.
People with serious or terminal illness being declared “fit for work” by these evil invading b*stards so many ending up dead very shortly afterwards.
This COVID BS is as always a scam that kills more than 2 birds with 1 stone.
America and so many other countries are in the same boat with one of them at the helm. Germany France to name but 2.
All American presidents except one have been related to each other and to English monarchy.
If people of the UK realised that getting their freedoms and liberties back, for the pre planned genocides to end and for peace to be a reality instead of a pipe dream is simply for a good many of the 60 plus millon inhabiting the country to demand the Edict of Expulsion 1290 be enforced, I think they would get what they want and need more than anything else right now .
The fraud on Englands throne with her little cabal of traitorous parasites of her own kind in government illegally took the country into the EU and they have been protecting her from our rightful lawful recourse of removing her from our throne and dealing wth their treasons ever since. Every PM since (and they’ve all been traitorous corrupt Jews) have illegally signed all EU treaties fully knowng they are committing treason, to keep us bound by the Rothschild control mechansim known as the EU.
Not that BREXIT will make any difference because the same traitorus invaders who illegally took the UK into the EU for ther overlord Rothschild are the same ones still on the throne and in government anyway so they’ll just steal more of what they were giving to the EU for themselves and ther bent friends in business.
Question is, what the hell are we going to do to stop these controlling genocidal maniacs?
The Jewish lobby is not some conspiracy theory……it is real and Jews brag about it all the time
The formal component of the Israel lobby consists of organized lobby groups, political action committees (PACs), think tanks and media watchdog groups. The Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks all lobbies and PACs, describes the ‘background’ of those ‘Pro-Israel’ as, “A nationwide network of local political action committees, generally named after the region their donors come from, supplies much of the pro-Israel money in US politics. Additional funds also come from individuals who bundle contributions to candidates favored by the PACs. The donors’ unified goal is to build stronger Israel–United States relations and to support Israel in its negotiations and armed conflicts with its Arab neighbors.”
According to Mitchell Bard, there are, three key formal lobbying groups:
1. Christians United for Israel, the US “largest” pro-Israel lobby.
2. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) which directly lobbies the United States Congress
3. The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations which “is the main contact between the Jewish community and the executive branch” of the US government.
Belgium’s newly sworn in center-left government has rattled the Jewish community because of its pro-Palestinian stance, its lack of emphasis on antisemitism and its appointment of a justice minister who has publicly spoken of the “Jewish lobby.”
On Thursday, Alexander De Croo was sworn in as prime minister, replacing Sophie Wilmes, who had been the head of a caretaker government for the last 16 months.
Wilmes, who was the first Belgian Jewish prime minister, will be the foreign minister.
Holysmoke, they are going after him too…..
Thank you for the heads up Johnny and sharing the article. Jews play the same antisemitism game in Belgium, but lucky some people and especially the Flemish (they fight with each other) but they know their history. The Jewess became minister of foreign affairs but I asked the Prime minister and the minister of Justice who were accused of antisemitism to pay attention to her, because foreign policy is what they use to engage in crimes against humanity with impunity.
I read some of the comment to the article at the jpost and they speak volume. I disagree with the positions of the party of Alexander De Croo and the minister of Justice, favoring Muslim’s and hating their own, but I detest the claim that they are antisemitic. It is preposterous, libel and defamation. Jews can have their radical political positions, force their will down your throat but you don’t have the right to question them and defend yourself against the onslaught. It’s time that they hear the truth, they are not the masters of the universe. They have the right to believe what they want but they don’t have the right to impose their will on others, break the spell.
Some dissent here — -that I suspect this Farrakhan character. Usually one is free to speak or write anything on jew communications, Lord of the air. The provision is to proliferate the holycost message .
The muslim leader clumsily amuses with half truths and scornful mockery with the fantasies of the kabal . Whether this is his tribute to confess to his community, that the jew is their enemy, the monopoly is (ostensibly) not accepting it . But he will speak openly in churches (mosche) until he is arrested for antisemitism.
Laws are specific for a reason (consider FLorida). Apostrophe of jews as Satan is not new at all. Is it not only biblical ? Or can be relegated to superstition and shameful ignorance? Has he accused them justly of their numberless crimes or the absolute fact of subversion, sedition and conspiracy, treason of congress to Israel or their Unforgivable blasphemy?
I am not impressed. He is more a clown, probably a jew invention himself and typical tv pastor who has degraded himself to entertainer.
If he is a ‘Jew Invention’ they attack him at every turn.Don’t see how that promoted their agenda.
Jews love Farrakhan’s antisemitism–no doubt Jewish donations flood into the ADL’s coffers every time he starts talking about Jewish “termites” and whatnot. They will surely miss this octogenarian when he kicks the bucket.
Good point!
Theodore Herzl said something like — anti-semites will be our friends.
Farrakhan serves their “anti-semitism canard” up on a silver platter.
Good to see you here Obie. How is your forum going? I need to get back there. 🙂
That’s a different Obie….I usually post as “Obi-Diah” but just shortened it to Obie for typing sake…..but yes, he has a great forum that I enjoy…..
“He is more a clown, probably a jew invention himself and typical tv pastor who has degraded himself to entertainer.” Would you say the same about the White tv pastors who glorify the Jewish supremacist as god’s chosen people and support their warmongering agenda that spreads death and destruction around the world? Call him a clown but he doesn’t have the power to dictate US foreign and domestic policy the White tv pastors do…..
do not forget Malcolm X , another convenient murder after whose demise Priest Farrakhan ascended. He is not suffering any persecution is he… like these treacherous, ridiculous, slobbering for Israel mountebanks with thier commercial jets and seasonal pilgrimages to the holy land?
Rumors have it that Farrakhan had something to do with the assassination of MalcolmX. Taking all the facts into account I cannot say no, because MalcolmX was banned from the Nation of Islam because he was going to expose the hypocrisy and sexual exploitation of the Elijah Mohammed who was getting young girls pregnant in the name of Allah. I am inclined to believe that Jews can’t really touch Farrakhan because of his connections to the big shots in the Middle East for real. MalcolmX, JFK, RFK were assassinated by the same cabal. MLK too because he was in their pocket….but MalcolmX could not be corrupted.
Something that should be pointed out —
These videos have been out for years. This is good news for us I think.
The heat is being turned up. We will reach our breaking point at some time in the near future.
Btw……………it’s not lost on me the Media reported on a story this Morning of a bunch of “white supremacists” being arrested for conspiracy to kidnap a US Senator.
Cointel Pro is still alive!
I wouldn’t be surprised if another false flag like Oklahoma happens again. Got to keep those Goyim down.
Pray our brothers and sisters SEEK THE LORD!!!
Fr. John+
West- it was a plan to kidnap a usurpatious GOVERNOR.
And, as long as you don’t include the Darkies as ‘brothers and sisters,’ that’s my only comment.
However, why don’t NOI and the ‘Alt-Right’ create a ‘class action lawsuit’ against the JEWISH YouTube,* as well as the AJC, SWC, SPLC, etc.
*”Susan Diane Wojcicki was born on July 5, 1968 to Esther Wojcicki, an educator of Russian-Jewish descent…”- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Wojcicki
If you wish to engage in war, you have to KNOW the (((Enemy))). And we (blacks and whites, together) BOTH HAVE HAD THE SAME ENEMY, for a Loooong time.
Jews put the trans-Atlantic slave-trade in motion, the Marxist slavery under a new formula is a Jewish invention, Jews can celebrate censoring Black people who refuse to be their slaves…..but you watch, what goes around always comes around. The world with stand up against their vicious and dictatorial supermacist…..
Yes, but how do you convince Blacks — enough of them to make a difference — that socialism, BLM, welfare, affirmative action, sports, Hollywood, etc. — is the new slavery with the same slave master — the Jew? Farrakhan preaches self-reliance and self-accountability, which doesn’t make him too popular among Black Americans.
When White people stop supporting the death and destruction ‘minority group’ agenda of the secular and religious supremacist Jews. The genesis of the whole mess in Europe and America is that the White majority embraced the anti-Christian Marxist Bolshevik communist ideology. America waged two wars against Europe on behalf of this supposed god chosen minority.
After that Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and others were persecuted and killed because they advocated self-reliance. Judge Janice Rogers-Brown was persecuted by the Jewish supremacist lynchmob led by Chuck Schumer and Obama the first Jewish president. Why because she defended the Constitution and in doing so challenged the Marxist communist socialist Zionist supremacist agenda of the Jews in America. History doesn’t lie. Jews do what Jews do with impunity because the White majority approves and in more ways than one supports it.
Christian Whites support the Jews because they falsely believe that the Jews are true Israelites, “God’s chosen”. That spell needs to be broken, because it’s their ultimate “get out of jail free” card, more so than the Holocaust card.
Fr. John+
Hoosier- You are incorrect. People who follow the judaizing CULT of ‘Dispensationalism’ (i.e., Scofield ‘Libel;’ Televangelists such as Swaggart, Bakker, Falwell, Robertson, et al.; Dallas Theological Seminary (of Satan) )
Christians are those who know that they are GOD’S ISRAEL, NOW.
[cf. Gal. 6:16] They have known that for 2000 years. As Justin Martyr so clearly said, ‘Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as Israel.”
True Christians should be EVANGELIZING BAPTISTS to become the people they mistakenly presume themselves to be!
And yet you previously claimed that people who follow the judaized cult of the Catholic Church are Christians. People can be good Christians despite their indoctrination–Catholic, Protestant, or evangelical. And yes, Catholics are also dispensationalists. What makes a true Christian is their fruits, not their doctrine. And your selective condemnation of denominational Christians is Pharisaical, not Christian.
Thank you Hoosier…religious and secular Whites believe the falsehoods, people always point the blaming finger at Christianity but believe and history backs me out that money, hunger for power and privilege created the schism. White people against White people. I agree that the spell needs to be broken and it eventually will….it’s just a matter of time. Natural law cannot be manipulated.
My sentiments exactly Hoosier…”What makes a true Christian is their fruits, not their doctrine.” Nobody can say that I am crazy or call me antisemite”…that was the Gospel of Christ…test the spirit by the spirit, walk by faith and not by sight and in the flesh as the hypocrites do. The fruits of their labor…the supposed real Christians, Catholics and Protestants support the diabolical agenda of the Judaic cult. If Marxism is anti-Christian Judaism and the so-called Christians glorify the followers of this doctrine society has a serious problem.
Hoosier….Republican George Bush Signing HJ Res 104 into Law. Making it legal to kill Christians.
I lived in New York under this George Bush and left before Clinton became Potus, and returned before baby Bush was elected and the difference was striking. Just like I thought…..the first George Bush finalized the Bolshevik communist imperialist plan NWO and Clinton took it over.
Farrakhan and Malcolm X were probably the best modern leaders American Blacks have ever had–much better than Martin Luther King, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Barack Obama–because they are the only ones who ever had the courage to call out the Jews and not back down. Booker T. Washington was also a good leader–who was against “civil rights” for Blacks. And Marcus Garvey was another one who advocated returning to Africa–but the pickings are slim.
Martin Luther King, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Barack Obama were all bought and paid for by the Jewish supremacist. MLK was a handpicked educated N’gro. Malcolm X on the other hand was telling it straight up…..people only remember that he called White people blue eyed devils but if you dig into his background, he was not playing the race-card. I think he made a statement that he would rather deal with the KKK than the liberals aka Jews. He could not be corrupted but Martin Luther King was a morally corrupt freak using the very same Christian religion to further the Bolshevik communist agenda and re-enslavement of Black American’s.
MalcolmX as quoted by the The National Jewish POST and OPINION Friday, April 26, 1963
“The white man is interested in the black man only to the extent
that the black man is of use to him,” he said. He went on to list his preference of the candor the Southern segregationist has over what he called the “hypocrisy” of the Northern integrationist. “I’d rather walk among rattlesnakes, whose constant rattle warns me where they are, then among those Northern snakes who grin and make you forget you’re still in a snake pit,”
This is clear talk…and I lived and learned that the “White people are blue eyed devils” statement was picked up by the propaganda machine to make MalcolmX look like the enemy of White people, deceivingly diverting attention away from the real predators and enemies of White people, who are proud scream “I am not White I’m Jewish” MalcolmX knew them….https://archive.org/details/httpsarchive.orgmalcolmxoneconmics
Even Ben-Gurion Thought ‘Most Jews Are Thieves’
Fr. John+
Thanks for that link. I copy and paste hundreds of pertinent quotes from sources that condemn God’s enemies, to ‘stuff their lying words into their own mouths’ as the Apostle says. For, ‘in the mouth of two or three witnesses,” etc.
This was a humdinger.