B’nai Brith, the powerful Jewish secret society and watchdog group, claims it is “satisfied” with the draconian sentence imposed Thursday on the editor of an alleged “antisemitic” and “misogynistic” news site in Toronto:
In January, Your Ward News editor James Sears and publisher LeRoy St. Germaine were convicted of two counts each of wilful promotion of hatred, against both Jews and women, for their involvement with the Your Ward News hate rag.
On Thursday, Justice Richard Blouin sentenced Sears to the maximum penalty of twelve months in prison — six months for each count. The Crown had requested 12 months for Sears and six months for St. Germaine. St. Germaine’s sentence has been delayed until Aug. 29.
“This strong sentence was necessary to send a clear message — that repeated and remorseless attempts to spread hate in Canadian society will not be tolerated,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada.
“The punishment fits the crime, and should help to deter similar hateful publications today and in the future.”
B’nai Brith has long been advocating for strong sentencing in this case.
Sears’ sentencing comes following a last-ditch attempt to re-open his trial, on the basis that his former lawyer had not adequately represented him.
By contrast, in 2017, B.C. man Arthur Topham was convicted of promoting hatred against Jews [for questioning the details of the Holocaust (ed.)], but received nothing more than a six-month curfew and a temporary ban on public online activity. Within a year and a half, Topham had been re-arrested and charged with breaching his probation conditions, after he continued to spread hate against Jews online.
In 2016, then-Minister for Public Services and Procurement Judy Foote banned Your Ward News from distribution via Canada Post, a ban that remains in effect to this day. B’nai Brith Canada intervened in that litigation in order to ensure that the ban would not be lifted.
In his decision, the judge expressed his frustration over the fact that the sentence had to be limited to a year, arguing that the penalty should have been a prison term of at least 18 months.
The newspaper will still be allowed to continue publishing as long as it does not break the criminal code.
Of course, this article conveniently fails to give any examples of the so-called “hate speech” the news site was charged with, but if the public doesn’t know what they did to deserved the punishment, how can this case act as a “deterrent” in the future? But it is in the interests of jewish power to keep the legal definition of “hate speech” as vague as possible so that anyone they decide they don’t like can be charged, convicted, and jailed at their whim.
Just a cursory reading of the website in question should make it clear to any fair-minded person that what they are reading is political satire targeting the radical liberals of Canada who, to a person, lack any sense of humor about themselves or the marxist drivel they peddle. But anyone in Canada who openly resists or dares question the Left’s radical agenda will be found guilty of ‘hate speech’.
James Sears’ real crime here is that he dared to laugh at the hypocrisy of Jews, but only Jews are allowed to decide what is funny.
This is an example of the website’s “hate” that the Canadian people need to be protected from:
I am embarrassed to be a Canadian anymore.
And I think what is really sad is that Canada SHOULD have been our closest and staunchest ally, as we have literally more in common with them than any other white country – if not mainly due to their proximity. They are more jew-subverted than we are because we never reached out to them in the spirit of brotherhood, much like Hitler tried to do with England and many other white countries prior to WWII…but that is what happens when you take sides with satan…and now our white brethren are caught behind enemy lines much like the Russians after the Bolshevik Revolution and the ensuing Holodomor!
It has been a number of years, but if I remember right B’nai Brith means the covenant people or sons of Ai. You can read about Ai in Joshua 7 and 8. The modern day Jews are not Israelites.
The late William Cooper exposed B’nai Brith Canada for the evil, subversive organized crime syndicate that it is:
While it is obvious that no Christian white person wants to go to jail, let alone for speaking the truth, we should absolutely expect it now. Such was the case in the time of Christ. The jews had draconian laws such as a public ban on the utterance of the name of God (Yahweh), for the jews claimed it was ‘too holy’ to speak it. Christ and the apostles followed that law, for obvious reasons.
Heck, the jews tried to imprison Jesus for healing on the Sabbath! But maybe it’s time for us to start challenging these unConstitutional and illegal Talmudic laws. We tend to complain that us like minded Christians are too spread out, that the flock is too scattered. This may appear to be grasping at straws, but I think it is more like a silver lining.
If the jews insist on criminalizing us, they will eventually be doing for us what we have been unable to do this whole time – gather ourselves together. There will be no prison in the world that will be able to hold a community of God’s children together and keep them ineffective. They would literally have to execute us all.
Hmmm…martyrdom. Does wonders for the faith and furthers the will of God. Not that any of us would necessarily view that as a ‘cheerful’ option, but when the time comes, we should be willing to accept our fate for the glorification of our Father, and for the rewards we will reap for eternity as a result 🙂
No, we should not willingly become a martyr, but we should willingly make THEM a ‘mar-tee’.
This may well be one of the thousands of reasons that Jesus told us to be armed. See His words in Luke 22:36…
I’m not sure that any martyr was ever willing. I am proposing that it is now becoming more and more of a probability these days, and that we need to not only accept it, but embrace it. It takes a true child of God to accept their fate in the face of adversity. Trust me, if I can defend me and mine, I will to the death. But if God doesn’t allow me the chance, I pray I can accept it with courage and grace. Besides, faith will always ‘trump’ any man made weapon when it REALLY counts…
But somehow its OK for jews to hate white people and our societies…
Rightly did Jesus use the term ‘hypocrite’ when addressing jewish leadership of His day.
B’nai Brith Canada also played a crucial role in tipping off and pressuring the German government to lock up Monika Schaefer, a peaceful Canadian “Holocaust denier”, who was in Germany visiting her brother Alfred. The Jews got their way in that case, too. Monika served about 10 months in jail for making a video where she apologized to her late mother for being wrong about the Holocaust. Her brother Alfred, also a peaceful “Holocaust denier”, is still locked up in jail serving a 3+ year sentence.