Harvard University’s organization of chaplains have unanimously elected Greg Epstein — a Jewish atheist — as Chief Chaplain in an effort to allegedly unite members of Harvard’s large and diverse “faith” communities:
Harvard has long been a place where people and ideas come together, where beliefs, world views, and traditions are valued and debated. The university, founded by English Puritans in the 1600’s, is now cohabited by adherents to numerous faiths, and even those without faith.
The Harvard Chaplains are the centre of religious and spiritual life on campus. According to their website, they are “a professional community of more than thirty chaplains, represent many of the world’s religious, spiritual, and ethical traditions, and share a collective commitment to serving the spiritual needs of the students, faculty, and staff of Harvard University.”
All major religions and sects are represented, as well as less common faiths such as Baha’i and Zoroastrians. There is even a “Humanist Chaplain” for humanist, agnostic, and atheist students. His name is Greg Epstein. This week, Mr. Epstein will take over as Chief Chaplain after being unanimously elected by his fellow faith leaders, according to The New York Times. The 44-year-old self-professed atheist has been a long-time member of the Harvard Chaplains, and has grown to be respected by colleagues and students alike. As leader, Epstein will be responsible for coordinating the activities of all the other chaplains on campus.
Epstein, author of the book Good Without God, has served as Harvard’s Humanist Chaplain since 2005. As the Times reports, he teaches students to center their relationships “with one another instead of with God,” and urges everyone to ask the tough questions such as “Does God exist?” and “What is the meaning of life?“
“There is a rising group of people who no longer identify with any religious tradition,” Epstein said, “but still experience a real need for conversation and support around what it means to be a good human and live an ethical life.” As the Times explains, many students are finding it hard these days to place themselves within a particular box, religiously speaking. There are some who claim to be deists, while not interested in adhering to a particular dogma, others who feel spiritual but not religious, and then there are those who have no belief in the supernatural whatsoever.
Epstein’s chaplaincy has provided a welcoming home for all of the aforementioned groups, as well as those who fall into more mainstream categories who want to expand their circles and engage with members of other religions.
Yes, in a country that recognizes 64 distinct genders — and encourages all young people to give each one a try — it’s not surprising at all that those “gender fluid” progressives can’t decided whether or not God exists.
And since the one and only true God of the Bible recognizes only two genders, it’s not surprising that most young people reject God on that single issue alone — and that non-judgmental atheism floats their boats.
Let’s leave aside the fact that the word “chaplain” is implicitly Christian — and is utterly meaningless in any other context — especially atheism or “humanism.”
But it’s not surprising that a Jew like Mr. Epstein has been the Humanist “Chaplain” on campus for many years — after all, Liberal Humanism is Judaism for atheists — but since all Jews reject God incarnate — Jesus Christ — all Jews — including the “religious” ones — are atheists too.
Note how Mr. Epstein, despite claiming to be an “atheist” still identifies as a Jew — there is no conflict between Jewish identity and atheism — because Judaism — in its secular and “religious” forms — is nothing more than atheism or self-worship whose foundation is the hatred of Christ.
And we know that the nation wreckers also want to tear down the barriers between all “religions” — and all white nations — and bring them all together under one umbrella — a one-world faith — which will no doubt be the kind of feel-good, tolerant atheism that Mr. Epstein espouses — and the rabbis — and the Pope — can give it their kosher stamp of approval.
Most Christians today are pluralists like Epstein anyway — thanks to their “woke” preachers — in complete rejection of the very foundation of the faith as Christ Himself stated in John 14:6 — “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”
If that verse is not true, then Christianity is pointless — and you have just as good a chance as being “saved” by watching The Oprah Winfrey Show — or a one-eye cow — as you do conforming your life to Jesus Christ.
Just as if the First Commandment isn’t true — “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” — the whole Bible is pointless.
This is the poison of ‘pluralism” is really nothing more than the acceptance of Jews and Judaism — and fully emancipating them so that they can eventually “own the whole freaking country.”
once you make any concession to it, within a few generations Harvard Divinity School is transformed into a virtual synagogue with an atheist Jew overseeing “faith” on campus — and the Bible is relegated to the status of just another popular “self-help” book.
as jewish atheist he is naturaly his own god as even the
chabatists proclaim . therefore they want enslave rest
worldpopulation of 500 milions and live like gods . they
are their own messias !
they are nearly achieving their objective with Jew World Order
dictatorship covid vaccine fraud, 5G + zombificating their
remotecontroled slaves .
Epstein claims that “politics” is his true “religion”….proof that his real identity is as an eternal messianic Jewish revolutionary, an open and unapologetic antiChrist, a minion of Satan in open rebellion against God masquerading as a chaplain, as a secular oracle of hate and murder disguised as tolerance and unconditional love.
Clearly this jewish “chaplain” is there to cater to the huge number of atheist Jews who comprise a disproportionate amount of the student body at Harvard, which has literally become a Yeshiva for all intents and purposes.
Floyd Barber
Globalism is jewish internationalism.
zionism is jewish nationalism.
Twist Oliver
Interesting interview of Church of Satan’s Zeena Schreck, daughter of Anton LaVey, and her husband Nicolas Schreck…..they espouse liberal humanism, not surprising considering Anton LaVey was Jewish:
Yes, Satanism is basically just liberal, secular humanism. The whole of society has become Satanic and I’m not even exaggerating. “Do what thou wilt” as the Satanists say. Or the Wiccan version, “If it harms none, do what you will”. Of course what constitutes “harm” to others is self-serving in the extreme.
Aunt Bee
Liberalism is a cover for the naked self interest of the jews.
It’s also crack cocaine for whites.
Just in…
[“According to Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA), the Biden administration has flown about 14,000 Afghans to Dulles after having evacuated them from Afghanistan in the quest to resettle tens of thousands, and potentially hundreds of thousands, across the U.S…”]
****THIS HAS SOROS WRITTEN ALL OVER IT***** thanks to our glorious traitorous military.
One of the comments:
[“It serves several aims.
George Soros’ modus operandi is to not have any borders. This is what Obama brought forward in the U.S. Just like in Europe, they want to flood America with immigrants and degrade it to a 3rd world country, while also reducing Christian values and in particular, white people. It literally is part of a white genocide plan being carried out.”]
Pop quiz: 1. Who is it that wants to be “equal”, the superior or the inferior?
2. What are the “equalizers” actually admitting?
This is a great example of worldly ‘love.’ It’s rooted in equality and a bastardized notion of ‘fairness.’
It infects billions, even a majority within CI express aspects of it. We have all been under its spell at some point.
It is a tight rope walk to escape it. To not judge unfairly in either direction. When Christ says “don’t judge lest ye be judged,” many believe that means “never judge.” Yet then Christ says at John 8:15-16:
“You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. Yet even if I do judge, my judgment is true, for it is not I alone who judge, but I and the Father who sent me.”
Then Paul says at 1 Corinthians 2:15:
“The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.”
If we use discernment of the spirit, we are right to do so. Failing to do so denies the will of God.
But judging with eyes of the flesh condemns the one who judges. As this athiest jew does who, with a fleshy mind, judges us by denying God’s existence and thereby His word. Though he appears to not be judging by equalizing everything. In truth, he is judging God and His faithful.
2SLCI Christians are the nastiest, unforgiving, back-biting and most judgmental of all Christian sects. They are vicious, wolves in sheep’s clothing, and their hatred of any white person who doesn’t adhere to their fleshly doctrines is in complete contradiction to Scripture. Instead of hating their Israelite flesh as Paul did, they literally idolize it, like the Pharisees did, thinking that it alone will guarantee their entrance into the kingdom in complete contradiction to Paul and John — and Christ himself. They think 2 Peter 2:12 applies to non-whites, but it actually applies to themselves, but they are so blinded by their fleshly desire to rule over others in their “Israelite” flesh, that they cannot see their own errors and damnation. They literally believe that they can enter the Kingdom without Christ just because they are born white. Unbelievable.
Yes, and verses 4-6 in that same chapter prove that Peter is not talking about the beasts with hands, but of Adamites, even angels.
Hence, he is comparing the natural brute beasts, clouds without water, to them:
“For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;”
Right, and they just complete ignore 1 John 3:15, “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.”
Many 2SLers are taught that it’s okay to “hate” the enemies of God, and because anyone who rejects two seedline is an “enemy of God,” they rationalize hating their Adamic brethren, not loving them, which is the first commandment of the Law. Those of them that don’t repent of it, are in serious trouble, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for all of them.
Yes @Stephanus, that path can only lead men into a ditch, and possibly worse.
Though our tact ought to be not to mirror their outrage.
We have the calm certainty of truth, and the truest form of logic from the spirit. A surgeon can remove a tumor with the clarity of knowledge he possesses.
I am seeking to do better myself. I think when we match their outrage we end up playing their game.
Notice Christ was firm and deadly with the sword of truth. But never railing. As long as we strive to do as He did we will be victorious with Him.
Also, there are some 2slers merely tricked by said brute beasts, those vessels of wrath, as Peter says “with feigned words make merchandise of you.”
It’s a spiritual whorehouse.
Dennis Bocinich
I’m not sure what group you are talking about, but if white Christian people don’t wake up to the genocide the jews have planned….there aren’t going to BE any Christians.
Sadly, most of the Catholic and Christian people I know are absolutely grug level dumb…even the pastors.
I could not return to a local church after the young pastor held a talk on race, and spent the whole discussion admitting that whites are evil and making retarded apologies. TBH, I wanted to slap the living shit out of him.
Most of the Christians I know are idiot SJW nutbags.
It’s astonishing to me that any Christian would adhere to communism, when communism is totally dedicated to the destruction of Christianity.
It just gives me a headache. I don’t know how to deal with such stupid people.
Is it that I’m in California? Because if it’s this bad everywhere, there is no hope for our people.
Mate, I feel your pain; and let me tell you, it is everywhere, sadly. I’m in New Zealand.
Look at the Anglican church and their acceptance of trannys and homos, for example.
Why, just the other day a nice girl told me that she goes to one of the very many offshoots of happy clappy megachurches, where she said it was “great coz they don’t preach theology to young people”. Apparently Jesus just loves everyone there, and they worship Him with endless stage and light shows and rock bands!
I Dunno
The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a commie- Frances Bellamy [1892].
“From each according to ability, to each according to need” [Marx] was take from Acts 4:32
Do we have scriptural evidence that the Pharisees were Israelites?
As far as I am aware they are acknowledged as sons of Abraham by Christ, in John 8, but that does not guarantee they are Israelites.
Though the Pharisees were guaranteed entry into the kingdom they were seeking, the kingdom of their spiritual father, Satan.
“Do we have scriptural evidence that the Pharisees were Israelites?”
Do you have scriptural evidence that they Pharisees were NOT Israelites? You have the burden of proof because you are the one doubting what the Scripture says. The Pharisees of Judea would have had to prove that they were Israelites to be priests, like Paul. John 8 has nothing to do with disproving the Pharisees are Israelites, but rather that the Pharisees’ genealogy counts for nothing without Christ. Without Christ the Pharisees are no different from stones. And NONE of the disciples of Christ in any of the gospels discounted the legitimacy of the Pharisees as priests. Being descendants of Abraham would not save them — it merely was an opportunity for them to be saved.
And this idea that the Pharisees “admitted” they weren’t Israelites because they were never in bondage is pure speculation and a wrong interpretation of what the exchange means in John 8:33 — Christ is speaking of spiritual bondage, and the Pharisees are thinking about bondage literally — they personally have never been in bondage. They don’t understand any of His parables for the same reason. Yes, their spiritual father is Satan.
I am not doubting what the Scripture says, because the Scripture does not say that the Pharisees were Israelites. Just that they are descendants of Abraham.
Why do you believe that the priests would have to have been Israelites jist because there was a requirement to that effect? Nowadays we are awash with people who do not meet requirements becoming priests. We also saw how Christianity was undermined by Jews who “converted” to Christianity and took leadership positions in the churches.
And Ecclesiastes 1:9 reminds us that there is nothing new under the sun. Deuteronomy 28:43 tells us that as we stray from God that the foreigner among us will rise over us.
The Edomite literally ruled over Judea, and the Edomite was forcibly converted to Judaism so why is it so implausible that they wormed their way into the priesthood as well?
What would an alternate theory be for how the Judeans consented to integrating Edomites into their society point that they even submitted to one as a ruler; the Book of Obadiah was written by then.
Edward I
RB you are projecting life today back onto Judea 2,000 years ago and assuming that it was the same. That’s a complete logical fallacy. You do that merely because it helps your argument in your mind. Because Jews have become Catholic priests does not in anyway prove the non-Israelites were among the priesthood in Judea at the time of Christ. Do you understand the concept of “the dog that didn’t bark”? If the Pharisees were not legitimate, don’t you think there would be a lot of barking about it among the apostles? Especially with Paul who clearly knew what was required genealogically for the Pharisees, considering he was one. Why doesn’t Paul make a point of it?
It’s no logical fallacy to apply today’s human condition to yesteryear’s when Scripture tells us that it is something that will always be the case.
Paul called the Jews the enemy of man.
CFT had a video a few weeks ago of a Catholic scholar debating a nasty messianic kike about this, and the kike raised the surprisingly correct point that Paul could not have meant all Jews–all Judeans–by that.
Was Paul using “Jews” as a way to sum up specifically the Jewish priests, elders, and scribes who had and have plotted to kill Christ and his followers?
RB wrote:
“Do we have scriptural evidence that the Pharisees were Israelites?”
Yes. At least, regarding those pharisees Christ addressed in Matthew 23:29-31, He says:
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.”
As Christ says, the pharisees here are the children of “them which killed the prophets.”
And at verse 37 Christ tells us who those men were who killed the prophets:
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”
So the pharisees here are most definitely Israelites.
I am not sure how Christ shattering the delusions of the wicked Pharisees, that they would not have also committed the sins of their fathers, is proof that they are Israelites.
Or, more aptly, that they are not Edomites (implications of 1 Kings 11).
The idea that the Pharisees were just hypocritical Israelites who took God out of religion to make themselves into man-gods is plausible as it is what we see from so many church officials today, but today’s church officials are in too many cases deviants and Jews.
The hangup with the Jews of today not being Edomites is that it doesn’t answer who the Edomites are now, and the Jews align so well with the Edomites. I’ve seen here an alternate theory of who the Edomites are at present, and per Obadiah they must be here at present, but it did not jibe as well as the Edomites = Jewry theory.
Christ lays the slaying of the prophets at the feet of their fathers, whom He places in Jerusalem and calls His children.
Try reading Matthew 23 again.
Is verse 37 applying to Jerusalem as a whole?
Edward I
RB, what your definition of an “Edomite”? Do both parents have to be pure Edomites for the child to be an Edomite? Does only the father need to be an Edomite, and the mother can be anything, including a non-white? Or is it the mother has to be an Edomite, but the father can be anything? And how is “edomite” identity passed down through history until allegedly today? Does an Edomite have to be a pure Adamite to be present at the end times? Will the Edomites present at the end times be resurrected or do they need to be alive at the end to witness it? It is a presumption on your part that they are alive vs. resurrected at the end, correct? Do you adhere to a “one drop” Edomite rule? If so, are you sure you don’t have any Edomite in your background? Where in the Bible do you have Scriptural proof to support what you believe to define what an Edomite is?
One drop of Edomite blood makes one an Edomite.
The “one drop rule” applies to all impurities.
As I recall, CFT pointed out that for a time prior to the capture of Jerusalem it was possible for an Edomite to be grafted into the Israelite line, but God put the kibosh on that due to their treachery.
They’re the only people in the Bible who have absolutely no chance at salvation and face complete and utter annihilation.
As Kings tells us, there was only one Edomite progenitor left after Israel sacked Edom. The implication is that all subsequent Edomites were either of his line, or they were half-Israelite bastard children produced by the randy Israelite army that, for a full 6 months, had literally all the women in Edom as its personal harem.
So you know every one of them?
Whos being nasty now?
Ah, I see, you are arguing from the exception, I suppose. But as you know the exception proves the rule. Do you know all Jews to make the sweeping statements you make about Jews? Of course not. Because you know that the general statement is true despite the few exceptions. I repeat: of all the Christians from the many different sects I have known in my long life, and known personally, 2SLCI Christians are generally what I said they are. That’s my personal experience, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has had that same experience with them, as Kevin above seems to have had a similar experience with them.
My experience with them revealed to me that a handful are outwardly very similar to the pharisees – they see with fleshy eyes – and they seem unashamed in slander and accusation, which is a witness against them, and why I left fellowship with them all.
As for the rest of their body, they seemed utterly blind to the behavior of their so called leaders, which is a witness against them as well. Even if many members of the 2sl body were generally polite, they were unaffected by diabolic behavior and willing to accept it.
I would rather see brethren overreact like Peter and cut the ear off a pharisee than support them.
What does “2slci” mean?
Steven Fowler
It is a bit like putting Dracula in charge of the nursery and then wondering why the people from it grow up pale-skinned with no personality and a thirst for blood all their lives.
Here is the Problem: Ashkenazi “Jew”s have a DUAL PERSONALITY. They are ALWAYS RACIALLY Ashkenazi Jew.THAT can never change.The other Personalaity, is their RELIGION. JEWISH Religion can change to suit the situation , and usually to eventually create a better life for other JEWS, NEVER for Gentiles.
Remember we are dealing with KHAZARS who CONVERTED to Judaism around 800 AD, in order to accommodate pressure from Christians ,Mulsims and Jews. who wanted them to STOP their WARMONGERING ways.
Well, we can see today they are still WARMONGERERS and in fact murdering multi millions,when you consider teh Bolshevik War.
ONE only needs to View what one can from their TALMUD to understand they WANT to OWN this Planet and will do whatever they need to do to achieve that GOAL,including pretending to “Unite All Faiths”
Believe them at your PERIL
Khazars converted to Judaism in order to appease the Jews, only to wind up taking over Jewry?
That sounds similar to the theory that the Edomites were conquered by the Judeans, forced to convert to Judaism, and then wound up ruling over Judea with a bona fide dynasty. I’ve learned that some on here find this second theory to be beyond the pale, especially the subsequent idea that Edomites entered into the priesthood.
Though I maintain that there is a genetic component required to become a “true Jew”, as South Korea has been hit hard with Jewish “missionaries”, to the point that Jewry claims that more people study the Talmud in SK than in Israel.
Yet South Korea has not become “East Israel”.
Andy Taylor
Most of the college presidents are jews, and many faculty as well.
White kids are 70% of National Merit Scholars……but only 20% at Harvard and the other elite schools.
And those schools were built by our ancestors as seminaries to prepare white men to become preachers of the Gospel.
Oh…and while jews are 2% of the populace…..they are around 25/30% at the elite schools.
The jews have stolen our children’s heritage.
The jews are also behind the tearing down of the statues of our heroes.
The toppling of statues is a prelude to genocide, historically speaking.
Charlie Company
Epstein’s book, “Good Without God” is a ridiculous concept because it reduces what is good to a completely subjective feeling of whatever pleases you. Conversely, if something makes you feel bad, it’s evil. This standard is not much more than animal instinct.
Paul the Apostle said he wouldn’t know what sin is without knowing God’s Law. So without God’s Law we could very well confuse sin with virtue. Now that atheists like Epstein have become our “moral” arbiters, our society has become a literal free-for-all, a no-holds-barred, pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain ball of confusion. Pleasure has been elevated to a virtue, and pain is to be avoided at all costs — especially anything that merely makes you “feel bad” or “less than”.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Epstein? Any relation to the pimp & kiddie diddler, Jeffie Epstein, who is now living the good live in Tel Aviv?
How can one be a chaplain & be an atheist?
HARVARD is also the university that helped Wuhan, China develop the Covid bug. Charles (((Leiber))) chair of Harvard’s Chemistry & Chemical Biology dept, was arrested back in January 20 2020 for playing with the Wuhan lab, bringing samples back & forth for nefarious reasons.
The original charges seemed fairly serious, till someone realized the FBI arrested on of G-d’s chosen, so they have been substantially lowered.
Whe Christans grow lax, satan attacks.
You’re welcome.
This is just another brick in the wall – the end game being the extermination of Christianity. I think everything “woke” we’re watching today points in that direction.
At some point all these seemingly unconnected elements will all come together and a wave of Christian persecution will rise, tsunami like, all around us.
BTW, Harvard is one of those universities who accept Blacks with GPA’s of 2.6 into their medical school.
The Tribune has a humorous article on Harvard — http://www.renegadetribune.com/this-is-what-harvard-looks-like-now/
Here is what Harvard “used” to look like — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2_pfQvSP7I
Hollywood gets it right every once in a while. 🙂
uri c
It’s safe to say at this point in its moral degeneration, Harvard University has indeed become the enemy of all Adamkind (Acts 13:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:15).