(Russia Today) Mark McGowan, the premier of Western Australia, has suggested US-based “white supremacist groups” are trying to kill Aboriginals by targeting them with anti-vaxx propaganda:
“There’s been some misinformation provided to Aboriginal people from people who do not have their best interests at heart,” Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan told reporters on Thursday, adding that he had “heard from one Aboriginal person who said white supremacist groups are sending information to Aboriginal people that they shouldn’t get vaccinated.”
Now, the suspicion is these white supremacist groups out of America wouldn’t be unhappy if bad outcomes occurred to the health of Aboriginal people in Australia. That’s the problem we face. McGowan warned that “white supremacists” were seeking “to harm Aboriginal people,” and urged the Indigenous community to “listen to the experts” when it came to vaccines.
Some 75% of West Australia’s population of 2.6 million is fully vaccinated, according to local media, though rates among Aboriginals continue to lag in the 30% range. Earlier this week, the premier doubled down on Western Australia’s strict ongoing border closures with other states, arguing that recent measures taken by the federal government over fears of the Omicron strain of coronavirus vindicate his administration’s decisions.
“It turns out that borders and measures to keep people out who might be infected work,” he said. The state plans to drop its border restrictions when it hits a full-vaccination target of 90% – slightly more strict than the 80% goal set by the federal government – and McGowan is expected to put a hard date on a reopening plan sometime in the coming days.
Why aren’t “white supremacists” in Australia — of which there are allegedly legions — targeting the Abo communities with “disinformation” so that they don’t take the vaccine and “die of COVID”?
The answer may surprise some — because this psy-op is part of a larger game that is afoot — which ties in to the Anti-Defamation League’s agenda — in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security — to promote the existence of a loose-knit “international network” of white supremacist “terror” cells.
Reading between the lines, we can see that the ADL is accusing “white supremacists” of doing exactly what international Jewry themselves are actually doing — orchestrating a borderless criminal network of “sayanim” working with the Mossad to aid and abet the Zionist Agenda of Jewish Supremacy.
Given that Australia is by far the most advanced Police State in the world at this time — under the guise of arresting the “pandemic” — we can safely conclude that Jewry is using this nation as a template for the rest of the world to see how far they can push their agenda.
Of course, they first disarmed Australians in the wake of the 1996 coup d’etat — using the Mossad false flag Port Arthur Massacre as a pretext.
According to the Jewish “holy” book the Talmud, Christians are forbidden to own guns — which is why Jews are so heavily involved in all anti-gun lobbies.
In a Jewish Utopia — like Soviet Russia — when only Jews have guns, there are 60 million dead Christians with bullets in the backs of their heads who resisted the Bolshevik “lockdown.”
Recently, Albert Bourla, the Jewish CEO of Pfizer — just one of a plethora of Jews who “just so happen” to be responsible for most of the COVID vaccines — insisted that anyone who spreads vaccine “disinformation” should be treated as “criminals.”
While many scoffed at such an idea, in reality Bourla merely expressed publicly what the ideal End Game is for Jewry — to literally arrest and jail anyone who resists their draconian pandemic power grab as “international terrorists.”
After all, if you are spreading “disinformation” about vaccines, your motivation could only possibly be to kill as many people as possible — exactly what the purpose of the vaccines themselves is, according to the former Vice President of vaccine development at Pfizer.
And that’s why this Australian Premier, Mark McGowan, blamed “white supremacists” in the U.S. for this vaccine misinformation directed at Aboriginals — ultimately, if everything falls into place, the UN-WHO will be able to go after any anti-vaxxer — most of whom “just so happen” to be white — and many of them are Christians.
Just as Jews have successfully portrayed Palestinians who resist the Israeli land grab and genocide as “terrorists” — so too will anyone who resists their coming worldwide police state — identified in the Bible as Mystery Babylon.
Watch the video of McGown’s remarks here.
This explains the Jewish Question quite clearly.

UK Government report admits there are 23.5 Million people in England who have NOT had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine ………….
If you really want Christian Truth in Western Australia, go to ivanparty.org? You’ll be amazed!!!!
Hey liberals and (((liberals))); that handsome fellow at the top of this article may be your equal, but he sure as heck ain’t mine.
Lady AWAKENS after her husband gets vaccine damaged .
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: The Vaccines Do Not Work and The Fear Is They Will Cause a Massive Self-To-Self Attack
Vaccine victim Casey Hodgkinson Interview with Liz Gunn .
Devastated Parents Warn How the COVID Shots Killed or Crippled Their Children!
Prime Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford caught on open microphone “”Let’s hope people aren’t bright enough to ask if it’s a regulation or an advice.” His assistant tells him, “They’re asking already.” Drakeford does a forehead slap….
They know the only reason they can get away with any of this COVID nonsense is when people don’t ask obvious questions and when don’t realize all of it is illegal on the part of the governments….
Its unlawful Common Law is the highest Law of all the Law of the land. Legal is Admiralty Law and the law of the sea and you do not have to contract with legalalities if you so wish, Acts Statutes and Regulations are all legal and refer to a service company , we are living men and women.
Common law and police officers-Constables.
Common Law Countries.You do not have to consent to your Governments Acts , Statutes
Regulations they are not Laws.
Legalese is used to fool men and women,
Common Law is superior to and overrides Acts Statutes and Regulations(these are contracts under Company law Admiralty Law we consent or not as we choose). We have Common Law the law of the Land.We are all equal under the Law ,Queen, Lords everybody.
Police work for service Companies(your Police Force will be registered as a Company but they also have an Oath to uphold the Law Impartially as
Constables and also as Officers of a Company a fiction to collect fines for profit from you , The Queen is a company, David Cameron, House of Lords,
Judges,even the United Kingdom is a company , they trade for profit.
TCP ,Trespass,Contract,Property.
When faced by Police ask ” Who have I trespassed against which man or woman?”
“Who do I have a Contract with , bring forth the man or woman.”
“Who claims that I am property , which man or woman?”
If no answer is forth coming .
“Are you on your Oath”
“As a living man”
“Am I free to go?”
Your Children are your property under the Law no one can touch them without your consent.
Do not engage in conversations they will try to trick you with legalese, keep it simple
with the above and then continue on your way , or if they are on your Common Law Jurisdiction
write a notice as such fix to your door and they continue to harrass you ask them to leave as they are trespassing against you.
Common Law Constables.
Common Law Countries.
CLC News.
How to Respond to the Police (COMMON LAW)
This article has been translated into French:
Antisemitism Nah, Address The Argument, Dont Deflect .
So, lemme see here… somewhere in the USA, White supremacists, instead of being busy with the jews, commies, blacks, moslems, endless waves of Spanish speaking jungle dwellers, asians, and God knows what else, are spending their money and time on antivax propaganda for Abos in Aussie…???
Come in, Mark McGowan; your time is up.
MYOCARDITIS –> Jogger dies on CCTV after POISON Jabs – he was fit and healthy before .
“Sudden Deaths” of Children Under the Age of 12 Start Surfacing After COVID-19 Shots Approved for This Age Group.
2,809 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID Shots as New Documents Prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC Knew the Shots Were Not Safe for Pregnant Women.
It must be because of those White Supremacist’s in the EU.
“EU Leader Calls for Throwing Out Nuremberg Code in Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters”
“On Wednesday, Ursula von der Leyen — the president of the European Union (EU) Commission — told the press that she would like to see the long-standing Nuremberg Code ignored completely in favor of allowing countries to force vaccinate anyone who is refusing to take the experimental jab.”
They don’t want it to be known.
“U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship”
“The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline, as they seek to take total control of the flow of information and establish their “Great Narrative.” CTED notifies domain registrars of “extremist” sites — i.e., those that promote narratives they don’t approve of — and the sites can no longer be found. This reflects a new level of internet censorship, but it is not just publishers who are in the crosshairs…it is all of us. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.”
Kalergi Plan [Applies in the US, too.]
I don’t care whether aboriginals – a human sub-species, like blacks and jews – do take the pseudo-vaccines or not.
My family and I are not. It’s really that simple.
By the way, I think New Zealand and Australia are going to become the new Jewish nests on the planet, partly because of their location, but mostly because of Australia’s abundant space. The jews, with their third-world values and diseased relationship with money and expenditure, have already turned Palestine into a complete sewer.
Hmmm an interesting idea about NZ and Aus… the Indonesians have long looked at Aus and salivated and licked their yellowy brown chops.
At the min we’re being flooded with jungle and desert dwellers, so much so we have a “houseing crisis” where there is not enough houses, coz more mongrels keep being imported, and house prices are sooooo ridiculous that people are leaving or mortgageing themselves til they die in order to live in the city they grew up in… and all the while the gubbmint is putting “refugees” in state houses all over the cities. Pretty hard to be in a community when you become a stranger in your old home town. The commies and the banks are jumping for joy, just so long as they don’t have to live next to filthy Akmed Muhammed and his tent wearing punching-bag of a wife.
“international network” of white supremacist “terror” cells.”
Right. Aussie is part of the US’s ‘Five Eyes’ network that spies on the entire planet. So why dont they use that power to shut down those WS internet sites? Or maybe the WS folks are sending this info thru the mail?
If this wasn’t part of the plan to eradicate the cancer that Jew claim white ppl are, it would be laughable.