(Washington Post via MSN) Instead of being purchased by a “neo-Nazi” — as many Jewish groups feared — Adolf Hitler’s personal engraved gold wristwatch was purchased at auction by anonymous “European Jew” — according to the president of the auction house:
A watch that belonged to Adolf Hitler was sold this week at a Maryland auction house for $1.1 million — well below the $2 million to $4 million price range the auctioneers had projected, and despite the objections of the Jewish community.
The sale of the Huber watch was listed as being completed Thursday at Alexander Historical Auctions in Chesapeake City, Md. The auction house says the watch was probably given to the Nazi leader on his birthday in 1933, then seized by a French soldier in 1945 from Hitler’s vacation home in the Bavarian Alps. Alexander Historical Auctions has stressed its authenticity, pointing to appraisals from watch experts and historians.
The watch was auctioned as part of a catalogue including a blue dress that belonged to Hitler’s wife, Eva Braun; signed pictures and correspondence of Nazi officials; and other items belonging to the Nazi leader. The auctions were criticized Thursday in an open letter signed by 34 Jewish leaders, who accused the auction house of “abhorrent” transactions that were overriding the “memory, suffering and pain of others” for financial gain.
In a phone interview, Alexander Historical Auctions’ president, Bill Panagopulos, said he appreciates the Jewish leaders’ views, though he found them frustrating. He said the buyer — whose identity Panagopulos declined to reveal — is a European Jew.
“Many people donate [Nazi artifacts] to museums and institutions, as we have done,” he said in a separate emailed statement. “Others need the money, or simply choose to sell. That is not our decision.” The sale has led to death threats sent to him and his family, Panagopulos said.
Hitler’s ‘weapon of mass destruction’ was hidden for decades. This weekend somebody bought it.The Maryland auction house has sold other Nazi memorabilia in the past, including a Hitler Youth dagger that fetched $120 in 2016 and a Nazi flag that sold for $260 three years earlier.
Jews have always been among the more avid dealers and collectors of authentic “Nazi” memorabilia — while Jewish advocacy groups and media make it seem like only “knuckle-dragging, trailer-trash “neo-Nazis” who live in their parents’ basements” would collect such items.
Your average skinhead “neo-Nazi” doesn’t have tens of thousands of dollars to drop on some of these items — let alone a million dollars for Hitler’s watch.
For example, in 2011 this very same auction house — Alexander Historical Auctions — sold Josef Mengele’s personal diaries — to another “anonymous Jewish buyer” for around $250,000.
And, of course, there will always be crazed, unhinged Jews who leave anonymous death threats when they don’t get their way — the long-standing modus operandi of Jewish supremacy groups, like the ultra-violent Jewish Defense League.
Clearly, the wealthy Jew who bought Hitler’s gold watch knows just how dangerous and pathologically vengeful his fellow Jews are — which is why he insisted that his identity not be revealed to the public.
>then seized by a French soldier in 1945 from Hitler’s vacation home in the Bavarian Alps
As far as I know, American units seized the Berghof and the region around it — so it is not clear to me how a French soldier could have come to possess the watch — ?
Hello eah,
The U.S. 3rd Infantry Division arrived at Berchtesgaden along with the French 2nd Armored Division.
Kind regards,
Arch Stanton
This is a Jew scam. Hitler was not the kind of man that indulged in flashy, ostentatious bling. Show me a photo where he is wearing any kind of watch. This is the kind of golden garbage that attracts Jews not Germans.
Hitler, like most leaders, received gifts from followers, visiting diplomats, etc., and to commemorate special events. Just because Hitler received these gifts, doesn’t mean he wore them or displayed them in his home. But he may have kept some of them, like this watch, not to wear, but because of the reason he received it or the friends who gave it to him. Nothing “Jewish” about that.
Richard Corey
Proof that in reality many Jews not only have a deep fascination with Adolf Hitler, they also admire him and even envy his power and popularity to the point of it being a fetish.
“1938 News Report: Financial War on “Anti-Semitic States” for “Persecuting Jewish FINANCIERS” not Civilian Jews”
“The Worker, the official organ of the Australian Labour Party in Queensland and regular periodical for various amalgamated Labour Unions throughout Australia (see here), reported to the world on January 4, 1938, that “International Jewry” was orchestrating a heavily funded financial war, in addition to their previous ‘Declaration of War‘ – being the continuance of the 1933 world-wide Economic Boycott against Germany. [Source: National Library of Australia]
For over eight decades, the world has been led to believe that from the outset of 1933, the Germans “Persecuted” everyday German-Jews for simply being Jewish, even though German-Jews of the time, denounced this international propaganda. By International Jewry’s own admission, it was the self proclaimed “Jewish FINANCIERS” who – incidentally had their parasitic usurious positions outlawed by Germany’s Economic Reform – were the ones being singled out and they did in fact feel the need to differentiate themselves from everyday Jews with this claim, as to who was supposedly being persecuted.” [Continues]:
“THE ENIGMA OF HITLER: A Glimpse into the Extraordinarily Unique Mind, Character and Insight of Adolf Hitler, by One Who Knew Him”
“The first thing anyone noticed when he came into view was his small mustache. Countless times he had been advised to shave it off, but he always refused: people were used to him the way he was. He was not tall – no more than was Napoleon or Alexander the Great. Hitler had deep blue eyes that many found bewitching,…” [See photo]
“Who Involved the U.S. in WWII When 83% of Americans Voted Against It?”
“Germany’s new interior minister, Nancy Faeser, wrote for Antifa Magazine run by the Federation of Antifascists (VVN-BdA), which is the historical arm of the Antifa branch of the Communist Party, dating back to the 1930s. The VVN-BdA also happens to be the same organization the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution described in its current annual report as “the nation’s largest organization influenced by left-wing extremists in the area of anti-fascism.”
Antifa communists in pre-WW2 Germany [Socialist {commie} site, Jacobin]
Baaa Baaa
jews hate the goyim having Freedom, they’re control freaks
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“…“abhorrent” transactions that were overriding the “memory, suffering and pain of others” for financial gain.”
Jew bankers have always used transactions that caused suffering & pain of others for financial gain as long as the suffering was mostly confined to Gentiles.
The Crash of 1929 was Jew banker special, just like the Crash of 2008 & the current Jew banker debacle, the slow implosion of the FED notes by Jew bankers who are now looting all they can from Americans, since this will be the last Jew looting of America, its on to China for these money rats to loot that nation.
Correct, SB. Socialist [labor and leftist “minorities” recruiting site], Jacobin, has a good article of interest which we should read, too.
“Global crisis and the rise of the Nazi Party
The rise of the Nazi Party cannot be understood outside the context of the world economic crisis that broke out in 1929. Prior to the crisis, Weimar Germany’s fascist movement was a marginal phenomenon consisting of various competing factions. They were prone to street violence against leftists and Jews but remained by and large politically irrelevant. Electoral success also proved elusive for the fascists before the economic crisis began. The Nazi Party received only 2.8 percent (810,000 votes) in the 1928 federal elections. This would only change as the economic crisis and the [Weimar] German government’s harsh austerity measures brought unbelievable suffering to the population. Unemployment skyrocketed from 1.2 million in June 1929 to 6 million in January 1932. In addition to this were 2 million unregistered unemployed and 6 million short-time workers. Production dropped 41.4 percent from 1929 to the end of 1931, resulting in greatly increased poverty, suffering and desperation for the masses. Virtually the entire youth population was unemployed. Spending hours in soup kitchen lines became a daily reality for millions of Germans.
The German population quickly lost hope in bourgeois democracy and the capitalist system’s ability to improve their situation. The Nazis were able to profit from this disillusionment by deploying propaganda against “money-grubbing financial capital” and the parliamentary system, in addition to Jews and Marxists. By September 1930 they had won 18.3 percent (6.4 million votes) and in July 1932 37.4 percent (13.8 million votes)—in only four years the Nazis had increased their support by 13 million votes. Their membership rose from under 100,000 in 1928 to 850,000 by 1933. The Nazi paramilitary wing, the SA, grew from 60,000 to 400,000 members.
The depth of the crisis and the rapid growth of the Nazis caused more and more German capitalists to take [supportive] notice of them. ….
In times of economic crisis like 1929 in Germany or today in Greece, however, millions begin to turn their backs on a status quo that no longer offers them a future. It is precisely then that a credible socialist alternative is needed to channel the anger of the masses in an emancipatory direction. The building of such an alternative is a task the importance of which must not be understated, particularly in the midst of the deepest economic crisis since 1929. …..”
How can Jyna be looted? I thought all of their money was what they had looted from us.
Re:moving on to China, The jews founded Communist China, when did they get driven out?