The obscure and bitter Jewish “actor” Joshua Malina, in a desperate attempt to make himself relevant, took a dig at powerful Hollywood producers for continuing to give employment opportunities to Mel Gibson despite his past antisemitic remarks:
Variety reported on Tuesday that “Panama” — a new action-thriller film starring Gibson — had received financial backing from Grandave Capital as a third-party investor.
Gibson will star in the movie as a former Marine commander, and producers plan to start filming the project in December.
Malina — known for his roles in the television shows “The West Wing” and “Scandal” — shared on Twitter a link to the Variety article, adding the comment, “Antisemite Continues To Get Work,” to express his frustration.
Gibson, 64, has a history of making antisemitic remarks, including his infamous tirade while being arrested in 2006 for a DUI in which he told a police office that “the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.”
American Jewish actress Winona Ryder also accused him of calling her an “oven dodger,” a clear reference to the crematoria at Nazi death camps during World War II. Gibson denied the allegations made by Ryder.
The actor has a number of projects lined up: he will star in the upcoming film “Dangerous” alongside Scott Eastwood and he has been cast in the action-thriller “Leo From Toledo.”
Malina is trying to get the reputation as being the Jewish “hall monitor” in Hollywood — expressing his desire that any and all “antisemites” be permanently “cancelled” from the upper echelons of Jewish privilege.
What frustrates him the most, apparently, is that America just doesn’t care that Mel Gibson is an “antisemite” — and the Jews who control Hollywood aren’t going to turn their back on the potential billions of bankrolling his next movie.
Apparently, the Jewish fat cats in Hollywood are satisfied that the self-flagellating Gibson sufficiently groveled at their feet and atoned for his infamous “antisemitic” outburst during a cringe-worthy interview with Diane Sawyer.
Malina’s inner bolshevik, of course, doesn’t believe that antisemites like Gibson can be rehabilitated — so he wants Jews to use their enormous power to utterly crush them, cancel them, and wish they’d never been born.
And they would do just that if there weren’t so much money to be made off this wildly popular unrepentant antisemite.
If you haven’t seen “Fatman”, Mel Gibson’s (((Christmas))) movie, don’t watch it with your children. This movie is catastrophically pozzed. Santa is a military contractor in Alaska who has a factory full of semitic presenting bolshevik elves with numbers for names, subsists on waning government dole, then gets involved in military weapons contracting. While his wife, Mrs. Kringle/Claus is a 300lb Homo Erectus she boon with an affected bong accent.
This movie is so pozzed, upside-down and ass-backwards that the only good man in this movie is the bad man — and his hamster. The primary ideological ingredients of this legend defiling movie are: feminism, misandry, militant statist bolshevism, miscegenation, anti-white, fatso positivity, anti-christian, as well as anti-occidental inferences in its mistreatment of traditional Nordic mythology.
The hollyweird perverts of Red Edom may put up media flags about not liking Gibson, and that may be fun and all; but really these Burkes Peerage race traitor families happily swim with the kikes while playing the finkle-think strategy to keep their Orientalist hustle rolling along. Mel Gibson, Christian affectations or otherwise, is more of a problem than a solution. Same bullshit as Drumpf clan. I would rather a lump of coal from Gibson’s “Fatman” than a complete childhood of anti-christ toys from this phoney stack of greasy ideological filth.
First of all, Mel is a good actor but he is a GREAT producer and director.
He was not villified and blacklisted by the PTB until he spoke the truth. Like Marlon Brando, it’s best to wait until you are financially secure to speak your truth and testify as a Christian.
That being said, nobody talks about anti-gentilism or why the jews have their own special word for racism. It’s because they always get caught and kicked out for their secret usury and secret nepotism when they infect every country that allows them to hold a gov’t job.
Brando said the jews control Hollywood. They do. They also control the MSM. Look into Ariel Sharons’ quote about how Israel “owns” America. Now the jewish MSM is saying it never happened or is a hoax or misquote.
If Israel and the jews don’t control American media, news, MSM, hollywood…etc.. then how were they able to keep the recent assassination of Iran’s second in command out of the press for 2 full months?
“It’s best to wait until your financially secure to speak your truth and testify as a Christian”?
You’ll have us waiting till they make us a pile of corpses with advice like that.
And,I don’t think it says to deny Christ until it’s comfortable for you to do so, because God understand you need your luxuries and no way should we have to sacrifice.
No one ever dares ask “What is PROsemitism?”
If there is an “antisemitism” you must ask: “What is PROsemitism?”
PROsemitism must be a supporter of “semitism”, which really means Judaism (though most Moslems are SEMITIC and most JEWS are NOT). So what are you supporting if you are a PROsemite? Well first of all we must define Judaism:
Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
Have some respect Alberticus.
How would you like someone coming into your home day, after, day repeating the same ‘lies’ that you do? If you are a White man; you have ZERO respect for your peers.
I guess begs a larger question — “Why do you keep coming here???”
We have previously warned Alberticus that if he continues to cut and paste his own comments and posted them here as he’s done repeatedly, we will start censoring his comments. He ignored that warning, and from now one, unless he posts an original and relevant comment, his posts will no longer be welcome here.
Alberticus is just “noise”. Free Speech is not the same as someone repeatedly spouting the same lies over and over after being corrected over and over.
I find it a PRIVELEDGE to comment here.
I would like to believe all Aryan men would have the same attitude.
WHAT “lies”?! The Jews come into your house hour by hour and lie about your Savior, your Ancestors, your Culture, your Social System. Ask your Jewish “friends” to study the NEW Testament with you.
Everything I post is FACT.
If you are NOT banned by Breitbart, TWITTER, FARTBOOK & GOOLAG, you are NOT a Conservative.
Have you noticed that those complaining about Social Media censorship, also censor? Breitbart, OAN, pseudo-“America-First-Christian-Patriots” hate any mention of the Jewish log in their eyes. They are busy banning those who point out the glaring Jewish/Israeli interference in America’s government and betraying their own Savior.
Notice all the pseudo “conservatives” that continue to use Facebook and have their comments on Facebook, which means their visitors have to be P.C. GOOD BOYS to still have a Facebook account to leave comments …. REAL conservatives would have stated “I AM SPARTACUS” and quit Facebook when INFOWARS was banned. They would have deleted all truth on their sites, stuffed their files with garbage so ZUCK could sell it …. and walked away.
Still on FARTBOOK? NOT Conservative.
As a matter of fact, if you have NOT been banned for working to expose the treason you are a failure. The gutless, spineless “conservatives” should have immediately boycotted those censoring them, and it really makes one wonder WHY they did NOT.
I believe 80% of the “conservative”sites are Controlled Opposition. Have you noticed many “conservative” sites that are misdirecting people not only have no comments section …. they have no way of contacting them at all.
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by Defiant America. (major coward Judases)
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by theamericanconservative. ROTF …. “American ….. conservative”
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by The American Spectator. Find out more.
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We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by OAN.
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Give me a break Alberticus.
You know darn well what CFT and ‘most’ of the commenters believe. But yet you insist on making childish remarks — i.e., “most moslems are semitic”.
Answer the Question — Why do you come here??? Clearly you don’t come here for the Fellowship.
Maybe you ought to seriously examine your soul. Why do you come here when you disagree with the Central Premise? Are you confused in your DNA perhaps?
As I would love to break your post reply down and explain to you your own nonsense, the reply comments tell me this has been done plenty of times before.
If these where honest mistakes you’d have learned and corrected course. So you’re most likely purposely trying to confuse or misdirect the conversation. Also, some mainstream herding
Did ya hear that guys, we’re not real conservatives cause Zucks has not banned us.
All bread and circuses
And that whole Jews are tribalism xenophobic nonsense? Not a race, what’s Tat-Sach thens?
Are real conservatives now trying to be the true champions of a liberal democracy? Let me guess, Democrats are the real racist too right? Lol stoooooop
This is not infowars?
But you’ve heard this too no doubt.
I’m only replying so that if a newbie reads your blabbing, they know to stay the course and ignore you
Who’s Josh Malina? Didn’t know he existed.
Whereas Mr. Gibson is one of the finest actors to have been on the screen and a damn good director.
Mel Gibson is an interesting if not tragic figure. Persevering in Roman Catholicism but in the place where sin and corruption and jews are the rule and forbid anything that could be culture or edifying .
Whether it will destroy him or he will prevail is a metaphor for the last place for freedom, the destiny of Christians and their identity and the unmitigated persecution.
His films when he was young were interesting, quality acting and historical drama. He is not the usual jew prostitute but what compels him to remain in that den of iniquity if not to fight the devil ?
I like Mel Gibson, but I personally think he over acts. He’s always “on” or “in character”, even in interviews. And I think by being that way, he has lost sight of who he really is, or maybe he never really knew who he was.
The best actors don’t act, they are who they are, such as Clint Eastwood, Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne, or Lee Marvin. But Mel Gibson isn’t like those guys–he “acts”, and it feels artificial much of the time. He wasn’t that way in “Road Warrior” where I thought he was pretty natural, but in “Gallipoli” and “Lethal Weapon” he over-acted, just as he did in “Brave Heart” and many others. But I give him a pass because he’s a good “antisemite”.
“Oven dodger”? Not to all the men who’ve dripped icing on her buns! L’chaim
Jews change the meanings of words in OUR English language. Not that the English haven’t been total pricks. Like the word gay never mean homosexual.
Racism is a word to decribe….wait for it…..Racism! Holy crap! Can you believe it? But if you criticize the self-proclaimed chosen (seminal, first, semitc, demon fallen angel semen) jews, it’s a whole new level right? It’s got a special word. It’s Anti-Semitic, or Anti-Semitism.
Well, you’re right jews. It is anti YOU and your draconian, usurious, selfish, greedy, secret ways you keep your wealthe and knowledge that was never mean for this Earth. You are the offspring from the semen of demons. So yes, we real humans are and must be Anti-Semitic and rout you out like the den of vipers you are. Period.
You have been kicked out of every country you take over with your wicked ways. You move on to the next. You start your process all over again. You are a disgrace to the human race. You have your own country now so if you are oh so persecuted why didn’t you all move there?
I’ll tell you why. Because it’s a desert.
“See this? This is sand! You know what it’s going to be in a million years? It will be F@#@ing SAND!” – Sam Kinison
The jig is up guys. We are onto you and always have been thanks to our Lord Jesus. You blew it. You dropped the ball. You killed your prophesied messiah and thought you could just get off scot-free.
Nope. It’s over. Your technical, transhumanism, digital NWO gulag attempt is failing. Even if Trump isn’t re-elected, too many people know the truth. We will fight you. We outnumber you. We are armed. We will not let you take America.
You jews make up a small percentage while we are billions. Christians and muslims have always despised your for your usury and disgusting MSM. You are hated and resented and we know how you entrap good people. For those who don’t know how they do it. Read on….
It’s such a shame that everything coming to light now takes a presidential election to manifest.
Everything going on has been going on for smaller office elections. Roy Moore for example. Same thing. Out of state voters, just like out of state BLM rioters. This is war.
This is a well funded, money doesn’t matter, “can we get them to submit psychologically?” takeover attempt of America by the usurious bankers OWO/ NWO.
We Americans cannot let this happen. They are coming for your guns by way of red flag stazi operatives and virus tracking and lockdowns. Soon every scene in the UK will be in America if we allow this election to stand as is. As it stands now it is bogus. Rigged. Not valid. Completely compromised and should be null and void.
So ashamed of our leaders that let it get this far. Meaning beholden swampies. It’s hard to be mailicous toward them because they fall for the scam of George Washington being a freemason with his little army and making America free…when in fact, that was the amount of freemsons in the country at that time and his army was totally jewish, freemasonic, loyal to the queen swampies.
True history. You grow up thinking Washington was a hero and a member of the freemasons. You get tapped or curious like and you get used. They go after your family if you break their rules. Now you know how and why they are able to penetrate so deeply into American politics.
The jews that run it control ALL the money. Period. Can’t MAGA with a “federal” reserve or central bank. That’s why we fought the war of 1812. That’s why Lincoln got shot and killed. That’s why Jackson got shot and lived (bravo), that’s why JFK got shot and killed. That’s why Reagan got shot and lived. Get it? It’s all about printing our own, constitutional, interest-free money.
Ending the fed and the jewish, freemasonic scam that makes slaves out of the members they both tap, and the ones that fall for it from their schoolbooks and movies, and music, and all the jewish BS indoctrination commie crap is the new MANDATE as required by our COTUS and our faith in God.
Please print this. They gave me a stroke and I would consider it a last wish on my bucket list if you would publish this. Thank you my fellow Americans for your time and cosideration. God bless you and God bless the USA.
I’m recently red pilled/Jew pilled, whatever you choose to call it. But I have to say, that if I wasn’t prior to this travesty of an election, I would be now. Strange how all the states with major fraud issues appear to have Jews in charge of the election. Even the PA whistleblower was ‘interviewed’ by two of them working as investigators for USPS.
It’s mind blowing when you come to the truth, almost painful because you realize how brainwashed you were. Sometimes, I wish I could be blissfully unaware again, because things seemed so much easier then. I didn’t want to scream at the TV every time that darn ‘Fellowship of Christians and Jews’ commercial came on, or get pissed off when other conservatives fall all over themselves to defend the chosen ones.
Anyway, I read here daily, but comment rarely, I just wanted to say I understand, and welcome.
“…I wish I could be blissfully unaware again, because things seemed so much easier then…..”
No truer statement Jane. And “welcome” also.
I think for me, the hardest part in all of this is that it seems the only people being “chastised” are the ones who know the Truth!!! Which is troubling because that means it is only going to get worse.
The “chastisement” isn’t necessarily for us. It is for our mothers, brothers and sisters who walk around this world in total denial. I come from a family of physicians. So………….hardly anyone in my family is feeling any “chastisement” at the moment. They actually think this whole Covid thing is quite fun. Like one long summer camp or something. As long as GrubHub continues to deliver Taco Bell……………………..all the way to heaven is heaven!!!
Anyway………………..great to hear your story! Thanks for sharing. It is nice for all us when one more is added to the Kingdom. 🙂
There is no such thing as antisemitic. It’s an artificially-concocted word (as opposed to a linguistically evolving [or pop-culturally-trending] one) to shut down criticism of Jews and Judaism, which are a genuine plague on this planet.
Mel Gibson is a fine actor and a true star. Never heard of the other one.
An “anti-Semite” is whatever Jews deem it. Not one iota more. Not one iota less!
Except for years when a full Moon occurs twice in the month of Nisan. That changes everything.
I’m not an anti-semite because I don’t know enough Arabs to have an opinion one way or the other. I don’t want them in my country, but I can’t “hate” what I don’t know.
I DO despise the Khazars though, but I prefer the term anti-SEPTIC where those foul creatures of the devil are concerned because there’s nothing on Earth more toxic than these so-called “jews”.