Taking a page straight out of George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984”, the BBC has eliminated Muslim terrorism in England merely by banning journalists from using the word ‘terror’:
Reporters will be told to avoid using the word to describe any terror attack, unless they are quoting someone else.
Instead, they will refer to terror attacks by naming specific details, such as the location and the method of slaughter used.
The controversial edict means that the BBC will no longer use the phrase ‘terror attack’ to describe the massacres at London Bridge or Manchester Arena, as the corporation did when the atrocities occurred.
Reporters would describe them as the London Bridge van attack or the Manchester Arena bomb attack instead.
But yesterday, MPs and experts accused the broadcaster of ‘failing in its public service duty’.
David Green, a former Home Office adviser and chief executive of the think tank Civitas, said: ‘If they don’t want to use that [the word terror] then they’re failing in their public service duty which is to be clear and accurate.
…According to well-placed BBC sources, bosses are eager to report terror attacks consistently, regardless of the terrorists’ political ideology. But instead of branding them all as terror attacks and risk accusations of bias, it wants to avoid the word altogether.
A senior news source said: ‘It boils down to that phrase, ‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’.
Our question is, ‘Is Darren Osborne [who was behind the Finsbury Park terror attack] a terrorist?’ He is being motivated by far-Right thinking, in the same way as the guys in the attack on London Bridge. Consistency will be the key.’
Many BBC reporters are angered by the decision, which will come into force when the BBC’s new editorial guidelines are published this month.
A source said: ‘The end result is a desire to squeeze the word terror out altogether, which many people think is nuts.’
The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) should be renamed the Yiddish Broadcasting Company for the simple reason that it is now completely under jewish control and is “British” in name only. Part of the plan to destroy the British people is to completely demoralize them by forcing them to accept the most outrageous lies and then demonize or imprison anyone who dares question those lies. You simply become the “terrorist” when you claim that Muslim immigrants brought terrorism and violence with them. The first casualty of multiculturalism is the Truth.
If this seems reminiscent of how the “Soviets” controlled the news in Russia with “Prvada”, it’s because Soviet Russia was also controlled by Jews like the BBC’s head Alan Yentob, and they are merely repeating the same old tired game plan in England. Jews think they can eliminate “antisemitism” by making it illegal “hate speech,” just as they believe that they can turn the Holocaust into a real historical event merely by making it illegal to question any aspect of it. And they now magically transform Muslim terrorists into “good neighbors” by banning the word “terror”. Despite knowing this is completely false, you will go along with it because you fear the Jews much more than you fear their proxy warriors, the Muslim terrorists.
Most British people are unaware that King Edward I expelled all the Jews from England in 1290 for engaging in all kinds of immoral activities, including usury and abducting Christian children and killing them in ritual sacrifices, most notably Saint Hugh of Lincoln in 1255. Chaucer’s Tale of the Prioress tells of a Christian child abducted and murdered by the Jews, which is why they have deleted that Tale from many editions of the Canterbury Tales.
So for the next 300 years, Jews were barred from England, that is, until the traitor Oliver Cromwell and his jewish-financed revolutionaries allowed the Jews back in, despite the Order of Expulsion never being rescinded even to this very day.
The Jews have never forgiven the British people for expelling them from England, and today they are paying back England by destroying it by floods of violent Third World migrants. Make no mistake–this is jewish vengeance to correct “past wrongs” done to the Jews. Sadly, most British people today don’t know their own history, so they can’t understand the chaos that is being wrought in their streets today.
I don’t know how true this is as I became aware of it only recently!
The word Brit-Ish in Hebrew means “Covenant-Man”.
It is related to the expression Brit-Am meaning Covenant of the People (Isaiah 42:6, 49:8).
These verses refer to the Ten Tribes in their Places of Exile.
They help identify the British Isles as a major center of the Lost Ten Tribes.
Yes, the term “British” was brought there by the early White settlers who referred to themselves as the “People of the Covenant” or “B-R-T” (Hebrew didn’t use vowels). Only the Greco-Romans called these people “Phoenicians”. The first king of Britain was Brutus, who had the same “B-R-T” in his name.
I would be very wary of information you get from the website Brit-Am, which is run by an Israeli Jew who insists that today’s Jews are legitimate descendants of the original Tribe of Judah. This is preposterous, but Jews have been pushing this lie to justify their illegitimate presence in Britain, among true Covenant People, since the time of Cromwell.
If Jews were truly from the Tribe of Judah, they would be close blood relatives of all the other people of the “Lost Tribes”, the Israelites from their common ancestor Jacob/Israel. All White European people have the R1 genetic haplotype. Jews do not share this haplotype, and therefore cannot be of that common ancestry, and therefore cannot come from the same patriarch Jacob/Israel. Case closed.
Irish Savant
Not the BBC, the HebeBC. https://irishsavant.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-hebebc-anyone.html
Jews have admitted that their claims to being “British” is a sham and purposely deceitful. For example:
“No one can deny that the Jews are a most unique and unusual people. That uniqueness exists because of their Edomite heritage. You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of Edomitish character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews.”
—Manifesto of the “World Jewish Federation,” January 1, 1935, through its jewish spokesman, Gerald Soman