Maren Ueland, 28, one of the backpackers who was brutally beheaded in Morocco this week, had posted an anti-White, pro-Muslim tolerance video on her Facebook page to shame fellow Whites:
Ueland is dead because she believed this jewish pro-diversity, anti-White propaganda used to convince White people that the Muslim and African invasion of Europe will enrich their lives. Whoever produced this propaganda is ultimately responsible for Ueland’s death as much as the violent Muslims who did it physically. If White people controlled the media in Europe, this type of multicultural propaganda would be outlawed and those who produce it would be jailed.
Natural inborn racism is given to us by God to keep us separate and preserve us as a people. The Jews know this because they incessantly tell us how White people are “born racist”. So they come up with these trite, emotional public service videos to convince White people to ignore their instincts and trust the jewish propaganda instead. And when you trust the Jew, you end up like Ueland. Jews hate racism because it is the main obstacle for their takeover and domination of White society.
All of you are race traitor cucks bowing down before a Jewish god. You worship the enemies god. Christians ruined Europe.
If Christianity is “jewish”, then why have the Jews been trying to destroy and undermine it for the last 2,000 years? If the Jews “invented” Christianity to control White people, why would they try to get White people to turn against it the way you have? There is no logic to your position. It is you who have swallowed the jewish lie that Christianity is jewish–and they promote the idea that Christianity is jewish so that White people always defend and protect them. Get the game? Apparently not.
Mr White
Hear’s a scenario in the next life after Ms Maren Ueland was killed by the “loving” Muslims!
Alrighty Ms Maren who do you like Muslims now?
Do you feel stupid too? You choose to be brainwashed by The Khazars!
Hopefully your ancestors in the next life educated you enough to know that Islam is a death cult and all Islamic religious fanatics are nothing but demonic subhuman scum
The True
HA HA HA. This can only be trusted by Juncker and the smuggling idiots in Brussels
Norman Lowell
The only way the White Race, a tiny minority of the world’s population, can survive:
is by forging an IMPERIUM EUROPA –
A planetary Imperium of Free Regions and Peoples.
Sadly, these would meet the same end as the Third Reich. They are more of the same that has failed us since we called for a physical king to rule over us over 3000 years ago…man’s governance with men’s flaws, always leading to the same bitter end. History and Scripture dictate this over and over. The only way for the white race to ‘survive’ is obedience to the perfect will of our Father…Christianity, as taught by the Word of God.
Paula J
Absolutely true. You can’t fight hate with hate. Only the love of God can change hearts from the inside out.
If the Imperium Europa is not Christian, it will not succeed. History proves that it was only Christians who successfully fought back the non-White Muslim hordes in Europe. The pre-Christian pagans in Europe would have had no ideological problem with Muslims and tried to negotiate some sort of peace between rival warlords with them, and thereby been destroyed.
Pity that the ultra left wing teachers do not teach what life for the poor whites was like at the same time as black slavery..Any 8 year old boy pulling coal carts in the mines of victorian England [probably never seeing the sun] would gladly have ewxchanged places with a black slave sitting under a tree telling tales of ‘Br’er Rabbit to the plantation owner’s children…Read some REAL history.
Tony A.
I suspect the black child being forced to work 12-15 hrs a day under a baking southern sun might have welcomed a chance to work in the mines. AND get paid!
Red Pill Bulgaria
The so called “Racism” is the In-group preference and naturally instinctive ethno-centrism that all ethnic groups, are allowed & encouraged to exhibit, except for …. white Europeans.
This article is not all truthful. Blaming the white people seems to be their coo coo past time…
What isn’t true? And who’s blaming white people? We hold our brethren accountable for their actions – that is the expectation of every Christian. However, blame is always firmly placed right where it belongs…on satan and his children. So I guess Eve would still have “eaten of the apple” if the progenitors of the Jews didn’t exist to beguile her? That’s not what Scripture says…
Someone is always blaming the Jewish people..I don’t think the Muslims should blame anyone but themselves….this is actually put like this, when you hate someone and try to harm them..because of the hate inside of’s actually a reflexion of yourself..that hate against another would be there if you didn’t hate them first..
Sorry, but that is just too much meaningless psychobabble that answers no questions or addresses the obvious issue staring you right in the face. No amount of liberal-speak is going to take away the natural, instinctive hatred one race has for another. However, the Bible teaches the only people on earth capable of learning – the white race – how to be, and remain, civilized.
Btw, if you’re noticing how “someone is always blaming the jewish people”, there must be a reason for it. They must not be beyond reproach as they cry, for blind folk like you to notice that there’s “always someone” pointing the finger at the jew. Does this mean there’s “always” an ‘anti-semite’ in our midst? No, it means that a white person is standing up for white person principles which the jew has ALWAYS spit on. Criticism of jews is not anti-semitism…it’s calling a spade…a spade!
Rahul Sharma
Fantastic! Just, moving.
(((They))) do run the {{{World}}}, though.
Fake News
That video they show is some f*cking hilarious fiction!!!!
Its a fiction. Not hilarious though.
I fear that there are many more like her who will not only make such videos but also excuse Islamic atrocities, even when inflicted upon themselves!
Are such people beyond the point of no return?
Unfortunately, It seems that they are!
It’s not the Jews causing problems today sorry to say
But it’s the Muslims for some reason because of there religion
Are you kidding?
Jews openly brag about how they are the architects of open borders (look at Soros! AKA György Schwartz the Hungarian Jew), how they are intentionally flooding all of Europe with Muslims and Africans and how they expect antisemetic blowback from these efforts. Look at who changed the immigration laws in 1965 Immigration Act in the US: powerful jewish senators, such as Jacob Javits, and the Jewish Lobby’s lackeys (Ted Kennedy).
Time to WAKE UP:
You think Ted Kennedy or someone like freaking George Soros who literally helped nazis find jews during the holocaust….means that anyone of Jewish decent is who we should b eblaming this on….Yah ok lol, seems logical.
It’s perfectly logical when you understand history. Especially when you realize the Bible and classical history are synonymous…
Hebron Elon
George Soros is a traitor, he assisted the Nazis in the persecution of Jewish people. He is a Globalist and criminal against humanity.
The Jews were not persecuted. They declared war on Germany first, publicly in 1933. The work camps that the jews were sent to were “death camps” to the Jews because they actually had to work! They were POW’s, not poor, downtrodden, falsely persecuted productive members of German society. The jews were hands on responsible for the misery Germany suffered since WWI, and the Third Reich was the natural response by the white, ethnic German population. Take your pro-jewish propaganda elsewhere.
Barbara Lerner Spectre, a Jew, admitted on Swedish television that Jews were behind the flooding of White Europe with non-White “diversity”. She also admitted that the Jews will experience a rise in antisemitism because of their role in promoting the multicultural agenda. From her own mouth, not a “conspiracy theory”….
Cesar Neves
What does religion have to do with hate and evil?
If you think a little, you will see that the greatest atrocities in history were practised by Christians.
To remember only the most recent: colonialism Stalinism, Nazism, slaughter of the North American Indians, atomic bombs on Japanese cities,………is a never ending.
Do you think the Christian religion is responsible for these massacres?
Sure not.
Please think.
First, Stalin/”Stalinism” = 100% Jewish.
Second, Nazism was absolutely Christian in answer to jewish treachery.
Third, you present the ‘slaughter’ of the American Indian as if they were gentle, kind hearted folk that Christian Europeans mindlessly, carelessly, and/or heartlessly destroyed…we finished what they started.
Fourth, the dropping of the atom bomb was the JEWISH coup de grace to the entirely jewish instigated WWII.
What was your totally misinformed point? That Christians perpetrated these acts, but the Christian religion had nothing to do with it? Certainly seems, if anything, Jews are to blame for 3 of the four…and don’t think for one second that Jews didn’t instigate Indian attacks on white settlers!
Syd Hewitt
What do you mean,”natural born racism comes from God” rubbish!!! Racism comes from the evolutionary lie that there are different “races” of people. God has clearly told us in his word the bible he made all men of one blood,this is proven by genetics.
God is the author of race. He made Adam in His image. The first thing God recognized as GOOD was His natural law of KIND AFTER KIND. I seriously don’t know where in Scripture you are able to find that all men are ‘of one blood’, or what for science you call genetics that backs up your ‘rubbish’.
Syd Hewitt, I suggest you re-read Amos 3:2 very carefully where God states that there is only one race of people in the world that He loves–the Israelites. “You only have I known of all the families of the earth.” It doesn’t get more racist and exclusive than that. Not only that, God forbid the Israelites to marry outside of their race–and that mixed-race children were permanently excluded from His congregation (see Deuteronomy 23:2). Read Ezra 9 for proof that Ezra took God’s “racist” commands seriously and abandoned his non-Israelite wife and mixed children.
Yes Syd they may have been born equal but immediately take whatever path they are put on , And a lot of them develop rather dangerous unpleasant customs and practice when viewed from the path I am on . So you can call my wish to avoid unnecessary contact with them as racist and prejudiced if you like . Because I dont give a flying xxxx what you think . living in your every one is wonderful big happy family world B@llocks
Martin Chatterton
How wrong you are, Human is a species and there are many races that make up the species, just like dog is a species but many breeds
There’s nothing “scientific” behind the definition of “species”. That all biped hominoids are lumped together as the same “species” was a political decision not a scientific fact.
In fact, originally scientists did not consider all “people” to be the same species, and it was only because of political expediency that they decided to call everyone “homo sapiens”. If humans were lower animals, scientists would not classify them as the same species because they are so vastly different.
Canadian & On Guard
What gets me is these Globalists that think the world is all rainbows & pretty flowers seem to forget that the ultimate goal of the Muslim world is to eliminate everyone else from the face of the earth. They are practicing racism to the extreme level of Genocide & yet Western Governments seem to be blind to this. It is time for another Crusade to preserve the other families of God.
Darrius Jeddburgh
I disagree. The globalist scum {{{}}} know full well how incompatible and volatile this course of action is. They deliberately want to have blood flowing in the streets and moslems and normal humans killing each other. – easier for them to then bring in martial law.
Globalists know the truth but they convince their follower tools that the world needs multiculturalism and everyone can live happily ever after, but in reality, Muslims will bring chaos and violence to destroy western countries.
The big picture is that there is a 7000 year war still being waged, which started when the first genetic jew, Cain, the bastard half-brother of Abel, murdered the first procreated child of God, the first procreated white child – Abel – and the decendants of Cain have been trying to destroy us ever since. All of the other races are nothing but the foot soldiers of the jew manipulated to be ‘militarized’ against the white man, whether that ‘militarization’ is active (war, terrorism) or passive (immigration, multiculturalism)…
You must be very scared of a tiny little minority called the Jewish people. The world is being taken over by Muslims, anarchists and liberals. Your new hate and twisted biblical t theories are rubbish. Get an education and learn fact not fiction attuned to your anti Semitic jew hating mind.
johnson johns
you’re probably right
Surely you jest. If your comment isn’t a joke, you’re obviously on the wrong website and you’ve read nothing else here. Proof of our accusations ooze from every article. Where’s your proof? Looks like I’m not the one in need of education…
Harry f Lowrey
If the Jews can be the worlds puppet master like everyone here fears, I’m bloody impressed with them. They are doing what the moslems want to do, but way better and not a suicide vest in sight
@Happy: Jews have always been able to use Muslims to act as their proxy warriors to destroy Christendom–and suicide vests are part of that arrangement between them. Jews have experienced some blowback from weaponizing the Arabs, but that’s minor “collateral damage” compared to the Big Prize, the destruction of the White race.
If you admire the success of psychopaths who have no moral or ethical “hangups” to hinder their nefarious ends, no matter what, then you should seriously reassess your life.
Half brother? Adam and Eve had 2 children , Cain and Abel, can you explain your half brother theory, because it doesn’t seem possible. In fact it is not possible because the only two human beings having children the time were Adam and Eve… (?)
Proof that Cain and Abel were half brothers…
The Garden 1: Jacob & Esau | Christians Rising
@Ottify Yet more proof the writers of the bible were completely ignorant of the topics they were writing about. A complete lack of understanding of physics and biology. Yet there are still people who believe it like idiots.
Lgc, clearly Genesis 4:17 proves that Cain’s wives were not of Adam and Eve, and therefore, there must have been other people who existed prior to the creation of Adam. None of the descendants of Cain are counted among the Genesis 10 nations, and therefore are not counted among the legitimate descendants of Adam, proving that Cain could not be Adam’s son.
Marc, among the “idiots” who believe in the Bible and who, according to you, have “no understanding” of “physics” and “biology” include Nikola Tesla, who was probably the greatest scientific mind the world has ever known. He was a devout Christian, and far more informed than you.
SHANE mohr
Darwin would call this process ‘ reverse natural selection ‘
Mr tom
What happened to these girls wasn’t their fault or their parent’s. It’s the schooling that was taught to them. Most higher education schools teach Globalism and diversity as its main ideology. I have a step-daughter in university in Australia, and she is a self-proclaimed Globalist, and I do fear that something like this might happen to her. Before she went to university, she wasn’t a Globalist. None of her family is either. Universities and colleges that spread this filth need to be de-funded or change to keep the grants. This will be a norm if things don’t change.
Natural selection at its’ finest. Liberals are naturally suicidal through their perfect ignorance of reality. The problem is they not only insist on committing suicide, they also want to murder the rest of us with their ignorance. All Liberals should spend one year in Moroccan-like countries for ‘Diversity Training’. If they survive it, then maybe we’ll start paying more attention to them. This girl lived out the Liberal Utopia of ‘everyone is wonderful except white people’ and she lived to be 28. It’s called ‘Abortion for Liberals’ and I’m all for it.
Leon Degney
WOW! Jack that is an absolutely correct comment, couldn’t agree more. Done away with by her own stupidity trusting the wolves.
From the article….
Whoever produced this propaganda is ultimately responsible for Ueland’s death as much as the violent Muslims who did it physically.
Really??? Did this 28 year old female not have a brain of her own? She is/was ultimately the one responsible for her demise, as no one forced her to go to Morocco in the first place!! Yes, the murderers swung the sword, the teachers and media shouted globalist propaganda, but this adult made a choice, albeit a very stupid one, but a choice nonetheless.
It would be easier to accept your position if these girls had any opportunity whatsoever to learn about any rational opposition to the liberalism they were raised in.
In Scandinavian countries, so-called “right wing” opposition to multiculturalism is considered “hate speech”, a real social taboo. These girls were never given any real choice in the matter to think for themselves.
If she was able to find anti-racist propaganda to regurgitate on fakebook, then she had access to countering racist material. I believe there is the overwhelming liberal/jewish element everywhere in white countries and societies that we all have to wade through…some more than others. That does not exonerate brainwashed whites from their poor choices. We just don’t need to beat the proverbial dead horse. These whites make the choice to embrace the world and not their Father, thus they are left to be judged by the world, who is ruled by satan. While it is absolutely a shame, that is the recurring theme of Scripture and history that our people continue to ignore and refuse to learn from.
What you say is true, of course, but we have to take into consideration that Scandinavia is now one of the most atheistic regions of formerly Christian Europe. And when you refuse to be ruled over by Christ, you are destined to be ruled over by the Jews.
Of course the propaganda video is complete bullshit. No offense to my fellow whites, but any of our race who is so willing to not only swallow this tripe, but participates in the proliferation of these lies, certainly deserves this fitting end. That may sound harsh, but when you put it into perspective, how many other whites have met a similar end because they received the same lie from one of their own? How many of our ancestors are rolling over in their graves because they fought and died protecting their white families from invading non-white hoards and savages? And then there is the plain and simple fact that IT IS A SPIT IN GOD’S FACE! Since she wanted to be so worldly, the world judged her. Satan delivers his brand of justice. It’s just a shame that she had to learn it in the hardest, and most final, way.
Some poetic justice in there…maybe the victims white ‘anti-racist’ friends will learn a lesson.
‘Racism’ is indeed healthy and natural. As stated above, it serves preservation – hence, in the modern misuse, ‘diversity’ ; as only separation maintains diversity- and group/societal cohesion. As I understand it, the term ‘racism’ itself is relatively new; it was created by Trotsky as a criminal charge…the crime? Pointing out that the murdering Bolsheviks were all jews!
Racism is a political doctrine that rejects the liberal dogma of racial equality. Racism by definition, embraces racial inequality, which is reality, which necessarily calls for racial consciousness, i.e., the conviction that mankind falls into identified races that are readily distinguishable. The notion “we are all the same”, is patently ABSURD! I am racially conscious, so I must be a racist and so must you be, also. Embrace it! Run with it! There’s nothing negative about it. It’s common sense. Interestingly, race and skin shade seems to be the ONLY thing blacks think about. They even discriminate among their own kind and yet they try to shame Whites for understanding we are different from them, and nothing like them.
I would further point out that, before the dawn of modern liberalism, normalized by jews, every culture on Earth was racially conscious, and most still remain so. They didn’t call it ‘racism’, because it was simply common reason– common sense and it is still common sense, something liberals and the politically correct reject, and nonwhites pretend to reject, — in order to intimidate unawakened, cowardly, Whites, while blacks and other nonwhites embrace it for themselves 100%. Incidentally, much of what mystifies leftists concerning human behavior is remarkably apparent to anyone with racial consciousness. Obviously blacks, hispanics, and jews are hyper-racially conscious while they call Whites who are racially conscious, “racists”. A clear double standard. Plainly, smear and namecalling!
Well said 🙂
Yes you are correct ?
Chris keane
Obvious common sense and exposure of the NWO conspiracy devised by you-know-who for the integration ’mongrelisation ‘and dilutation of the white civilised European nations’ METHOD by destruction of borders by Mass uncontrolled third world African Moslem invasion And pc unman rights crap and left wing media and laws passed to vilify ANYONE who dares to speak against it as racist.This is the George Soros COUDENHOVE KALERGIC Jewish plan for the destruction of the white Europeann nation states BRILLIANTLY SUCCESSFUL UP TO NOW BECAUSE THE MAJORITY OF US ARE ASLEEP TO THE DANGER.ALARMISSED MISGUIDED. I don’t think so. Look at our cities. Who controls them. LOOK AT EUROPE and if you want racism look no further than what is happening to whites in AFRICA. Funny the non reporterage of genocidal murder and land theft that never makes our controlled press?
While I agree with what you say here and most of what you say makes sense, do you believe that all blacks, Hispanics and Jews feel the same about race? You appear to bunch them all together as if the all thing collectively. Also, since when did Jews fall into the same category as blacks and Hispanics? While I could be wrong, I have never heard of Jews as being “white” a minority or racial group. Another thing, where do the “white” Hispanics fall in this line of thinking that you speak of? Or even people like myself? I’m have brown skin and am considered a Hispanic by liberals, yet you the only thing that would give me away would be the color of my skin.
Very good! Made me feel that that is how I feel. Well said! Thank you.