Israel’s ambassador in Brussels attacked one of Belgium’s leading newspapers this week for daring to publish an opinion piece that objectively observed how Zionists use the ‘Holocaust’ as a shield to deflect any criticism, no matter how deserved, of their genocidal policy toward the Palestinians:
The offending article — in the mass-circulation Flemish-language daily de Standaard — was authored by a Belgian journalist, Johan Depoortere. Titled “How the Zionists ‘Discovered’ the Holocaust,” the article’s appearance was timed to coincide with the commemorations of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz extermination camp.
Illustrated with a photo of the followers of Neturei Karta — a miniscule group of ultra-Orthodox Jews who are bitterly opposed to the Zionist movement and shunned by the Jewish mainstream — Depoortere’s piece began with the observation that the millions of Jews exterminated by the Nazis cannot “protest if they are used to justify another injustice: a regime [Israel] that has imposed discrimination and apartheid in law.”
Several of the historical claims made by Depoortere in the article did not stand up under scrutiny. For example, he protested “[T]hat a people [the Palestinians] who did not participate in the massacre of European Jews by the Nazis have to pay the price for that crime or are accused of antisemitism,” with no mention of the alliance forged by the wartime Palestinian Arab leader, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, and the Nazi regime.
Depoortere also asserted that “the Holocaust occupies such a central place in the propaganda of the Zionist state,” describing this as a calculated response by the State of Israel to international criticism of its presence in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem following its victory in the 1967 Six-Day War.
“From that moment on, the Israeli propaganda and the defenders of Zionism played the Holocaust card uninhibited — also in our country,” Depoortere claimed.
The 75-year-old Depoortere spent several years as foreign correspondent for Belgian television, reporting from Lebanon, central America, Russia and Afghanistan among other locations.
Emmanuel Nahshon — Israel’s ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg — remarked on Twitter on Thursday that he had encountered the article while attending the World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem.
“Shame on you @destandaard!” Nahshon declared.
In 2002, jewish news commentator Amy Goodman, on her show Democracy Now, interviewed former Israeli Member of the Knesset and Education Minister, Shulamit Aloni, who admitted that Zionist Jews do indeed cynically invoke the Holocaust and ‘antisemitism’ to silence their critics:
Amy Goodman: Yours is a voice of criticism we don’t often hear in the United States. Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called antisemitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?
Shulamit Aloni: Well, it’s a trick. We always use it when from Europe somebody’s criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are ‘antisemitic’. And the organization is strong and has a lot of money. And the ties between Israel and the American Jewish Establishment are very strong, and they’re strong in this country, as you know. They have power, which is okay. They are talented people powerful, and they have money and media and other things. And their attitude is ‘Israel, my country right or wrong.’ The identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as antisemitic, and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the jewish people, and that’s to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.
And as far as the Palestinian Arab leader, Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s ‘close’ relationship with Hitler is concerned, the Zionist Jews completely fabricated and published the backstory in 1947 just prior to the formation of the state of Israel as a way of demonizing and delegitimizing any Palestinian resistance to the plan.
The Jews went so far as to make the absurd claims that Adolf Eichmann was ‘best friends’ with al-Husseini and gave him a personal tour of the ‘gas chambers’ during a visit to Germany. Perhaps their conversations went something like this:
Eichmann: “Hey, buddy, while you’re here, you want to see the gas chambers where we kill all the Jews?”
al-Husseini: “Wow, that would be great Adolf. Make sure you kill as many Jews as possible! Whichever ones you don’t kill, we are going to have to kill if they try to come to Palestine.”
Eichmann: “Thanks for the encouragement. We weren’t sure about this whole ‘Final Solution’ plan until you gave us the green light.”
al-Husseini: “If you want any Palestinians to help operate the gas chambers, just let me know. We hate Jews so much, we’ll do it for free.”
Eichmann: “It’s great to know how much Nazis and Palestinians have in common!”
The most Genocidal Monsters on Earth:
I am offended when I see the “Star of DEATH””.
Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
XENOPHOBIC: n.A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
For 3,500 years Israel has practiced eugenics …. Jewishness is based on: Jewish mother determines that you are Jewish …. Jewish father determines the Tribe (cohen, levite, dan, benjamin) They are a TRIBE …. a family based GANG. If you are not an active member you are NOT part of the GANG. No more than having a cousin in the Hell’s Angels makes YOU a Hell’s Angel.
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Counterpoint: Since I fled not only the tyranny of the multicultural apartheid of Jews in Amsterdam, but also the depraved liberal progressive racist hate culture of New York, now living in Belgium, I am taking a stand on behalf of the author……
“Several of the historical claims made by Depoortere in the article did not stand up under scrutiny.” Johan Depoortere wrote a journalistic piece and not an academic paper, so he’s not bound by the scrutiny issue. The Israeli ambassador in Brussels found grounds to attack him because he brought Palestians into the picture and muddied the waters…..if he had stayed closer to home and wrote about what the Zionist supremacist agenda does in Europe he would have hit a home run.
Europeans and American’s play the morally corrupt game and focus on far from my bed issues instead of staying close to home. The same intellectual dishonesty is employed by the Jewish Zionist supremacist, that’s why constantly cry victim when you confront them with the truth.
The imperialist British empire put this conflict in motion and it is sustained by America. Two Anglo-Bolshevik communist wars against continental Europeans and the spread of the dead and destruction Marxist ideology around the world was not the work of the Palestinians. Thanks to America Europeans are prisoners in their country……
Had it not been for ‘British imperialism’ most Third World people would still be living in the Stone Age. They should get on their knees and thank God every day for ‘imperialism’ and ‘colonialism’ which uplifted them out of abject ignorance and darkness. It did far more good than harm. If it did anyone harm, it harmed the White race the most because it opened the door to allowing these people in our lands.
If you think our politicians and leaders care for anyone besides their own fat assets your high. They sold our countries out way before the Clintons had zero influence or were even born. The Belfour Agreement shows this plainly. Their are always whites available which will sell or sacrifice their own children for money and power, evil is evil , and many succumb to the machinations of Esau and his father.
Whites are the greatest explorers the world has ever known. No other race has spread out across the globe as we have. Our greatest mistake was allowing any ‘natives’ into our lands, even as curiosities. It leads to race mixing, and whenever race mixed people take over our lands, those civilizations go into decline: Egypt, Persia, Greece, Anatolia, etc.
Brainwashed European liberals love to compare Israelis to “Nazis” for their treatment of the Palestinians. Jews get angry for being compared to Nazis, but if the Israelis were, in fact, Nazis they would encourage Palestinian nationalism, an independent banking system based on real productivity, along with strong Christian morals. No, Israelis are definitely NOT anything like Nazis.
For 70+ years holocaust scorn and guilt has been used to destroy Western Christianity by the very people who ORIGINATED genocide.
“The Holocaust is the Holy Grail of white guilt.”
The Jews BRAG about and self document their “holocausting” others and then “PLACE A YOKE” on Gentiles for supposedly doing the same to them.
Everything they claim the nazis did is an EXACT COPY of their own self-recorded acts/history..
Jews clearly never understood the meaning of Aesop’s fable, ‘The Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf’.
The jig is up. People know, and are helping reveal the truth to the world about these international parasites. Once you learn, from all the facts and data available to us now, that the “Holocaust” is an absolute lie intended to smear the good reputation of the Germans, there’s no going back.
You can’t unlearn the truth, especially after all the lies are revealed. The jews deserve every bit of what they did to the Russians and later the Germans. They’re slowly doing the same here. I believe God is involved in the waking up of so many people across the world to the reality of these evil jews.
Well said. In Fact once you see, you cannot help but see how far the greedy evil tentacles reach and pervert all they contact. You cannot and will not get good fruit from a bad tree!
Anytime a jew cries “Shame on you!”, it can be IMMEDIATELY inferred that it was actually saying “Shame on you for telling the truth!”
Hate speech: speech the jews hate to hear!