Belgium’s anti-immigration New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) party proposed a bill on migration and integration on Saturday, ahead of Europe’s May parliamentary vote, suggesting to ban dual citizenship:
“Those who want to be granted our [Belgian] citizenship will have to give up their original citizenship. Belgian citizenship is not a right, it is a reward. It symbolizes a successful full integration”, the bill reads.
The migration bill also proposes that people living in Belgium without a visa should lose their right to seek asylum there and be returned to their country of origin.
The legislation states that it supports regulated, organized and limited migration that would let Flanders, the Dutch-speaking northern part of Belgium, choose “who and how many” can live there.
The large proportion of naturalized citizens in Belgium have reportedly pushed the country’s authorities to introduce tougher naturalization requirements for foreign nationals, which were adopted by the country’s parliament in October 2012 and came into effect on 1 January 2013. In particular, the new migration legislation required all applicants to live in Belgium for at least five years, speak one of the country’s three official languages (French, Dutch or German) fluently and have a job with regular income.
The N-VA, the largest party in Belgium, quit the government coalition last December over a divisive UN migration pact that was designed to strengthen global cooperation on migration. The pact represents the international community’s attempt to establish a common global approach to all aspects of international migration. It comprises 23 objectives for better managing migration at local, national, regional, and global levels.
Even though Jews are not mentioned as the target of this proposed new law, that’s who will ultimately determine if this proposal flies, and no doubt, it will be dead on arrival. It is ‘antisemitic’ to make any attempt to strip Jews of their citizenship, even if they hold passports to four different countries. If Jews are not given the unique privilege of unrestricted travel at any time, they would be easier to round up and put in “death” camps whenever the goyim feel like having another pogrom.
But again, this “far right” party is pushing for Muslims to fully “integrate” into Belgian society, which would be a disaster for tiny Belgium, as it would be race-mixed out of existence within 100 years. They are obviously betting on the idea that these Muslim and African migrants won’t be able to meet the immigration requirements so they’ll be deported. That won’t happen, as these non-integrated Muslims already control vast areas of Antwerp and Brussels. Nothing short of a moratorium on all immigration could save Belgium at this point.
Apparently not all Belgians are brain dead, but it may be too late for that tiny (formerly) white nation.
Vlaams Blok (then Vlaams Belang) was one of the first successful “far right” parties in western Europe after the war, and they’ve been relentlessly attacked and undermined for years. Everything they warned their fellow Belgians about has come true, but no one gives them any credit.
It doesn’t matter if they are officially dual citizens as they all have a de facto ‘right of return’ citizenship they can obtain at any time.