Berlin zoo’s two “homosexual” penguins will soon become “fathers” after the staff gave them an egg to adopt, zoo spokesperson Maximilian Jaeger said on Friday:
“Both male penguins behave as exemplary parents, taking turns to warm the egg,” Jaeger said. The penguins Skipper and Ping always remain near the egg and protect it from other animals.
The couple arrived in Berlin in April from the Hamburg Zoo. The animals aged 10 clearly showed signs of desire to have an egg.
“They were trying to hatch fish and stones,” Jaeger said. After having seen this, the zoo staff entrusted them with an egg from the only female of the group that had failed in recent years to hatch her own. As soon as they received the egg, the penguins went to work. “We are not certain, however, that the egg has been fertilized. If it has been, it should hatch in about 55 days.”
This is not the only recorded case of homosexual couples among penguins, both in captivity and in the wild. “Homosexual couples exist in their natural habitat,” Jaeger said, adding that it was not so rare.
Other zoos have already been successful after having given an egg for adoption by a homosexual couple. This would be a first in Berlin.
First they promoted the “science” of evolution to convince us that we are animals, and then they convinced us that if animals do it, it’s natural for us to do it. Then they convinced us that, contrary to all tenets of “evolution”, that “homosexuality” is common in the animal world and therefore we should all engage in it and not feel any shame about it. To reject homosexuality is “unnatural” and “anti-evolution”. In the New World Order, the homosexual pedophile is the highest form of “evolved” man after all.
And in order to save the animal kingdom and the planet from “global warming,” we need to stop having White babies in particular, and apparently the best way to do that is to become gay, or have an abortion if we become pregnant, or at the very least have hysterectomies and vasectomies. Having White children is not only destroying the planet but it also “offends” people of color who see our children as guardians of ‘White supremacy.’ If we can just get our children to somehow identify as gay penguins perhaps we can save the planet one day.
Karl the Hammer
Yep, penguins (as well as most birds, in fact) are also known to feed their offspring by vomiting into their mouths. Perhaps this should also be taken into consideration
STOP it- JUST- STOP it. we all know your propaganda tactics to get people to think this is “normal”. Males are ALWAYS the ones who warm the egg ! If you put an egg next to any male penguin they will warm it because they’re KIND. You put two males together with no females in sight you sick freaks!… making them live a life of loneliness & celibacy. What’s with the bite marks all over both faces ha? Ohhhhh but they love each other & want to raise an egg- Don’t make me puke. WE are supposed to believe this cockamamy story?????? I’m sure it went something like this- “Hey- here’s a picture of two penguins- write a story around the picture that will continue to DRIVE HOME the LGBT agenda because we seriously want to depopulate as many GOY as possible- that’s why we’re flooding the world with MILLIONS of M—–‘s (fill in the blank)and millions MORE each year (all males of fighting age- until they were found out & started kidnapping women & children for the photos to betaken wich they sold for their organs later) These are to take as many down as they can and ruin all we’ve built and stood for- and THEN turn Blacks against Whites by telling them they’re the REAL Jews and that Jesus was black and have George Soros (Elite jew of the cabal) to FUND & back all these anti-White groups EVEN THOUGH IT IS A FACT that jews hate Blacks more than they do Whites- They call us lower than animals & cattle – They call Blacks monkeys and state in the Talmu_d that they are lower than cattle- so why would a jew be funding their “movement”? Because it’s a LIE & the whole thing is part of their AGENDA! (Brothers are getting PAID to push this lying crap) So…After the dust clears and the M—–‘s (so called “”refugees…in NIKE’S no less- that HATE the countries that took them in and HATE the people in them and declare they will take over) The Elites evil plan THEN is to send in the UN (you know- to bring order out of chaos…. Problem-reaction-solution)when the civil wars that come from this clash gets BAD…and the UN will finally get to do what they were CREATED to do…Usher in the New World order…killing ALL sides- Black, Muslim and White. Those few left will be used as slaves and breeders of children for their adrenalin drinking, sacrifices to Satan… like CATTLE. It was ALWAYS their plan. Sorry, but when you KNOW…you just have to wake up others.
Maybe Im missing something…but from what I know about penguins, its natural for the male to care for the egg once its produced. The female drops the egg, and then has to go feed herself. The male takes care of the egg by holding it up close to his body on top of his feet to keep it warm. Seems I saw a documentary years ago about this. So correct me if Im wrong, but these two male penguins are simply doing what they are designed to do / their instinct tells them, i.e. cradle and care for an egg. That certainly doesnt mean theyre queer… just more politicisation for the (((agenda))) heaped on an ignorant public.
If those penguins arrived fairly recently, as stated in the article, it’s more likely that they see each other as friends among strangers.
As for White Supremacy, why SHOULDN’T we feel superior to the lesser races/species? What have THEY ever created? The entire civilised world was created by White People, so what are we if NOT the superior race? They all want to benefit from what we create, but not one other “race” has proven capable of anything remotely similar, and if they were to succeed in wiping us out, there’d be no-one capable of maintaining our creations, so the world would degenerate into savagery in a very short time.
White Supremacist? Yes, I am, and PROUD of it.
While I agree with much of what you say, I think we should first and foremost feel humbled rather than boastful to be part of such a great race of people with such a glorious past reaching back thousands of years to the very beginning of recorded history.
We should also feel humbled when we realize that as White Europeans, we are the true descendants of the ancient Israelites–and thus inheritors of many great promises from God, with that knowledge comes great responsibility to awaken our fellow kinsmen to the truth in a humble rather than boastful manner.
Well said my friend 🙂
Good point Chesterton. I’m proud of my race’s achievements, but perhaps I SHOULD try to be more humble. It’s difficult though, when Our Race is continually under attack by the inferior races.
They attack us out of jealousy, and from the fact that deep down they know they need us, but we don’t need them. And expecting them to ever admit that is the worst type of wishful thinking.
I Dunno
Envy, not jealously- a very big distinction:
I do believe it is safe to say both are very much contributing factors to the enmity in their hearts towards us…
Intolerant Steve
I think those penguins have AIDS.
yep, looks like homosexuality is a deathstyle even in penguins….
LMWAO! You couldn’t possibly be more spot on!
I mentioned this before, but these zoos are missing the boat in glorifying another breakdown in Christian society: The single mother household. Why aren’t these zoos holding the practices of the Black Widow and the Praying Mantis in high regard, to be held out there as a perfectly fine example of ‘human’ behavior…?