[We have posted the following video in previous articles but have yet to comment on it — so that is what we will do here.]
This video — titled, “The Jews: The Not So Chosen People” — apparently made by a Jew who isn’t going along with his fellow Jews — and challenges their claim to “chosen-ness” by citing direct proof from the Bible.
And one interesting aspect of this video is that he is not anti-Christian — in fact, he shows that Christ’s prophecy about the fate of the Jews in Judea was correct.
Not only that, he even suggests that the “lost” ten northern tribes of Israel migrated up into Europe — a fact that most Jews will mock and deride — smearing it as an “antisemitic” conspiracy theory.
It is remarkable how simple the proof is that Jews are not — and cannot be — God’s Chosen People™ — and even more remarkable is that the vast majority of Christians simply take the Jews’ word for it without question — clearly demonstrating that they do not read their Bibles — and if they do, they most certainly do not understand even this most simple concept.
The only significant issue that we would disagree with in the video is that the narrator seems to suggest that today’s Jews are, in fact, legitimate descendants of the Israelite “Jews” — or Judah — of the Old and New Testaments — they most certainly are not — but that’s a different issue entirely — and one we’ve addressed in countless previous articles.
The “Jews” that this video addresses are the legitimate Israelite tribe of Judah — not the so-called “Jews” of today.
We’ve embedded the video here — and below the video, we’ve made a transcript of the narration, which will allow you analyze it more carefully — and read the comments we’ve added to clarify some of the points.
“The Jews: The Not So Chosen People”
It’s a pretty known “fact” that the Jews are “God’s Chosen People” — and the Jewish “homeland” is Israel — and the Jews “believe in” the Old Testament — and that the Old Testament is “about Jews.”
However, almost none of these facts are true — nowhere in the Bible does it call Jews “God’s Chosen People.” Modern day Israel isn’t really the homeland of the Jews. The Jews don’t really believe in the Old Testament. And maybe only 5% of the people in the Old Testament can even be considered “Jewish.”
So now that you’ve branded me an “antisemite,” we can begin.
Are Jews “God’s Chosen People”?
So the expression “antisemite” literally means “against Shem” or his descendants; however, being anti-Jewish isn’t the same the same thing as being “antisemitic”. So let me explain.
The Semites are the descendants of a man named Shem who would father some of the world’s most renowned empires and dynasties, such as the Assyrian and Babylonian empires — and even the Persians can call themselves “Semites.”
So why is it that when you say something against the Jews, you are considered “antisemitic”? Because just like stealing your religion, your homes, your money, and your businesses, some Jews also love stealing names, inheritance and land.
So Shem is the son of Noah — the guy who built the ark when Mesopotamia flooded. The Samarian Kingdom would be destroyed by the flood — and the Semites would descend from the Caucasian Mountains and establish the Akkadian Empire.
Shem would have children — and one of his descendants would be named Eber. He would be the father of the Hebrew people — and the Semites would be called by his name. Eber’s line would eventually give birth to a man named Abram of a “Jew” named Abraham — except that Abraham has never been a Jew — nor will he ever be a Jew — and to call Abraham [a Jew] is just plain ignorant.
So let’s go through it.
So according to the Bible, Abraham was a Hebrew and not a Jew (Genesis 14:13) whom God promised would be the father of many nations (Genesis 17:4) — not just one single Jewish nation but many nations — and that through him all the families of the world would be blessed (Genesis 12:3).
[CFT Note: The translation here is somewhat misleading. “Families” here is better rendered as “tribes” or “kindred tribes” (based on the Hebrew “mishpachah” — see Strong’s 4940. And “world” would be better translated as the “known land” where these related tribes dwell — see Strong’s 127 for “adamah“.]
Abraham would pass this blessing on to his younger son, Issac — and not his eldest son, Ishmael. Issac would have twin sons — Esau and Jacob. Again, the Abrahamic blessing would be passed down to the younger brother — Jacob — who would then be renamed to “Israel.”
Israel would then have twelve sons — his sons would become each their own tribes — and eventually become their own nations. One of his sons would be named Judah who would be the father of the “Jewish” people — and all Jews are related to him. Even though all Jews are Israelites, the majority of Israelites are not Jews.
[CFT Note: As we’ve previously stated, all Jews are not related to Judah — just as their claim to be “God’s Chosen” is incorrect, so is their pretension that they are legitimate descendants of the Israelite tribe of Judah. As the 1980 “Jewish Almanac” states, “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”]
Obviously, Israel would have to have to pass the Abrahamic blessing to Judah in order for them to be the “Chosen” people. Israel would want his favorite son — Joseph — to inherit the Abrahamic blessing. However, Judah — the father of the Jews — would be jealous and conspire with his brothers to have Joseph killed. In the end, Judah sold Joseph into slavery for silver — much like Judas sold Jesus to the Jews.
So the Bible portrays Judah as the jealous villain — and Joseph as the chosen son. While in slavery, Joseph would rise to become the prime minister of Egypt — and father two sons named Ephraim and Manasseh.
In the end, Joseph would adopt his sons and pass the Abrahamic blessing onto them — making them the “Chosen” people — and dividing Joseph into two tribes — making 13 tribes of Israel.
As for Judah — the father of the Jews — his two eldest sons would die, and Judah would end up bowing down to Joseph.
So now that you understand that the Jews were never intended to bless the world — nor were they ever considered the “Chosen people” — we can move on to our second point:
So Is the Jewish Homeland Israel?
And the answer is “Yes” and not at all.
Israel was originally called “the Land of Canaan” — named after Noah’s grandson Canaan. The land of Canaan was conquered by the Israelites after they left Egypt with Moses — found in the Book of Exodus. The Bible says that God commanded the Israelites to punish the Canaanites for their sexual immorality — which led to child sacrifice — which would eventually lead to cannibalism.
The word “cannibal” actually comes from the words “Canaan” and the god “Baal” — Baal was the god of Canaan and — and the priests were known for eating the children after they were sacrificed to him. Hence why we call them “cannibals.”
So now that you understand what kind of people were living in Canaan, try not to feel so bad when you read that God ordered us to exterminate them.
The borders of the Jewish homeland were established by Joshua who was one of the descendants of Joseph — and not from Judah. So if we were to restore the Jews to their original land, according to the Bible, the Jewish homeland would look less like this:
….and more like this:
So like the story of Joseph and Judah, their children wouldn’t get along likewise either. After becoming nations, there would be a civil war — the Jews would rule the southern kingdom of Judea — while Joseph’s sons would rule the northern kingdom of Israel. They would have different religions — believe in different gods — and while Judah stayed in Judea, Joseph would ally himself with the Phoenicians and establish colonies and trade posts all over the Mediterranean.
The Kingdom of Israel would become corrupted by foreign ideologies — and like the Canaanites — would fall into materialism, sexual immorality, and child sacrifice — which would lead to them being conquered by the Assyrian Empire.
Some of the Israelites would be taken into captivity in the lands of Assyria and Medea — while some of the Israelites and Phoenicians would flee to their colonies and trade posts — fulfilling the promise made to Abraham that the world would be blessed through him (Genesis 15:5) as he would be the father of many nations:
So the sons of Joseph would become fruitful and multiply among the nations — forgetting who they are — which shouldn’t surprise us considering their names literally mean “fruitful” [Ephraim] and “forgetful” [Manasseh].
Just like the northern kingdom, the Jews would fall into sexual immorality and start sacrificing their children — they would be conquered and enslaved by the Babylonians — then freed and re-established by the Persians — conquered again by the Greeks — and later occupied by the Romans.
While under Roman rule, the Jews would launch the greatest revolution in Roman history known as “The Great Revolt” — which would fail, causing Judea and Jerusalem, and the Jewish temple to be destroyed — ironically fulfilling everything that Jesus and the Christian said would happen (Mark 13:2).
The Jews — not being satisfied with losing their temple and homeland — would stab the Romans in the back by launching two more rebellions [Kitos War and the Bar Kokhba Revolt], killing of half a million Greeks and Romans. God would bless “the Chosen people” with two more humiliating defeats, along with the banishment from the land — causing Judea to be renamed “Syria Palestinia”.
So the reason why the Jews have been able to take Palestine really rests on the fact that they’ve stolen the name “Israel” and convinced the Christian West that they are “the Chosen People” — and that they alone are Israel. But once putting things into perspective, we that this just isn’t true.
Which brings us to our third point:
Do the Jews believe in the Old Testament?
The answer is “kind of” and “not really.”
While waving around the Old Testament as if they believed in it, the Jews actually have secondary books that they consider just as important — the main book being called “The Talmud”.
To explain the Talmud, we have to understand some basic Jewish-Roman history, going back to Emperor Claudius (41AD – 54AD) who — like Emperor Tiberius — tried to ban the Jews from Rome after branding them aggressive troublemakers.
Sadly, Emperor Claudius didn’t understand how to play The Game of Thrones — and ended up mysteriously being killed. His successor — Emperor Nero — would lift the Jewish ban — which shouldn’t surprise us considering the Talmud says he was a Jewish convert. Nero and his Jews would engage in some of the most barbaric acts known to man.
[CFT Note: Roman historian Flavius Josephus called Nero’s wife — Poppaea — a worshiper of the ‘God of Israel’ and that she urged Nero to show compassion to the Jewish people. In one account, Josephus shows how Poppaea advocated for the Jewish priests when an issue was brought before Nero by Herod Agrippa II, who was the Tetrarch of Jerusalem, concerning a wall that was built blocking Agrippa’s view of the temple. She convinced Nero to not order the Jewish priests to tear down the wall and to leave the temple as is.]
Just to give you an idea how crazy this pro-Jewish emperor was — Nero burned down Rome and blamed it on the Christians, causing them to be tortured and killed in the worst ways imaginable. He murdered his entire family and then kicked his pregnant wife and unborn child to death — and then castrated a young boy named Sporus and force him to dress like the wife whom he had just murdered.
With the coming of Jesus, the Jews would divide into two main groups — those who believed that Jesus is the Messiah — while the other group of Jews rejected this claim, believing that their messiah would come wielding a sword to destroy the Romans and set up a Jewish empire — which is what led the Jews to rebel against Rome in the first place — that, and they just didn’t want to pay taxes.
After their failed rebellions, the Jews would retreat to Babylon — creating the religion we know today as “Judaism” — making Christianity older by 200 years. The Jews would argue and say that the Talmud is the oral law that was passed down orally without any mistakes since the time of Moses — before finally being written down between 200 and 400 years after Jesus.
This would place the Jews in first place above the Muslims for the longest, most successful game of Broken Telephone ever played.
The Talmud speaks of its “love” for Christians by calling the mother of Jesus a whore — and calling Jesus a bastard sorcerer who is in hell boiling in human [excrement] — which brings us to our last point:
Is the Old Testament About Jews?
The answer is “No, not really” — because the Jews have stolen the name “Israel,” you would never guess that the majority of the people in the Bible are not Jewish. The apostle Paul, for instance, even though everyone calls him a “Jew,” publicly separates himself from the Jews (Philippians 3:5, Romans 1:1) — and says, “I am an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin.”
[CFT Note: This is simply incorrect — Paul does, in fact, call himself a Jew in Acts 22:3, “I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus..” What this narrator fails to understand is that in the context of the New Testament, the term “Jew” — from the Greek “Ioudaios” (Strong’s 2453) — can refer collectively to the three Israelite tribes of the southern kingdom — Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. It can also mean “Judean,” but technically Paul is a Roman citizen from Tarsus, not a “Judean.”]
The Bible also says that God sent Paul to preach among the Israelites (Acts 9:15) — and funny enough, Paul’s ministry wasn’t in Judea, but he was sent to preach to the Galatians in Asia Minor, the Greeks in Greece, and the Romans in Rome.
The Bible is constantly separating the Kingdom of Israel from the Kingdom of Judah — as it is constantly separating Joseph from Judah. The entire Jewish deception — and highjacking of the Bible — depends on them stealing the terms “Semites”, “Hebrews”, and “Israelites”.
For example, Moses — the man who wrote the first five books known as The Torah — did not come from the tribe of Judah, nor was he part of the Kingdom of Judea — yet somehow he is [claimed to be] a “Jew.”
The reality here is that the majority of the people in the Old Testament are not Jewish. The Bible is a book that tells the history of many nations and peoples — like the Semites, the Hebrews, the Israelites, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Armenians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and many others. It’s not only about “Jews.”
Esau’s Edomites Rule, Genesis 27:40
They’ll say they’re Jews, Revelation 2:9 & 3:9
Jesus calls them Sons of Satan, John 8:44
Satan’s Sons are GOG, Revelation 20:7-9
God orders them slain, Obadiah 18
CFT Regulars ……………….
Anyone catch Newmax’s article/piece on the Shroud of Turin?
They have a photographic “rendering” of the Shroud — https://w3.newsmax.com/General/NMM/Offers/Issues/NMM-2023-04-V2?dkt_nbr=070102m4xsb0
Wondered your thoughts.
Obviously I don’t trust Newsmax. And I don’t completely trust the anthropologists behind this scientific process ………….. but it’s interesting, nonetheless.
I can’t help to think that their idea of Jesus being of Middle Eastern descent may have contributed to some bias. But to me, it seems their rendering is definitely more Aryan than arab. By far. They certainly could have made his eyes more blue. There is no way to prove that on the shroud itself. And his hair could have been much lighter.
The “We Wuz Kangs” people must be freaking out!!!
I don’t have any opinion of the Shroud itself, one way or the other. But I think the Shroud of Turin is real. Whether it was Jesus or not ………..
I had two copies of the Shroud, of the face ,about , I think, maybe about 14X12 inches on the type of backing called fiber board or pressed wood, the brownish , smooth surfaced materal and having a varnished or plasticized surface. The Catholic Church , I really can’t remember or maybe didn’t pay close attention to what was said about them , may consider them as the Shroud that Christ was buried in,because it is claimed that it shows the same mark locations as supposedly on his body. Catholic”s are taught to pray to many Saints, Popes, , and people even claim to pray to people who aren’t saints and claim the person prayed to answered their prayers. I tried to pray to it as a representation of Christ. It never appealed to me nor did I ever get the slighest sensation or emotion that it represented Christ and got rid of both of them. And glad. In a generation or so, or even this one ,Trump will probably be prayed to as a saint by his die hard , or proclaimed as a genius by his deluded followers as a political genius who saved the world, and was defeated for it.
This website is a source of exquisite information, well written, explained, and properly reasoned, thank you for your effort.
Greetings from a Portuguese reader.
John Mark
Does CFT and its readers who post on this site believe that we, the true Israelites, are commanded to keep all of God’s laws both old and new testament?
In short, John, yes and no. Yes, we must keep the Ten Commandments, as Christ said:
“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” (John 14:13)
“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do what Abraham did.” (John 8:39)
However, Christ did away with the rituals of the law, as they were impossible to keep, such as length of your beard, animal sacrifice, circumcision, etc. (Hebrews 10:8-10)
As Paul said, “Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God.” (1 Corinthians 7:19)
Belief in Christ circumcises our heart.
6million Julies
Jesus said “My commandments”, not Moses commandments (the 10). Jesus only had 2: put God first and treat your neighbor as yourself.
Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30)
Meaning, Jesus and the Father are of one mind. That applies to the commandments.
Jesus’s 2 commandments contain X commandments pretty much.
It was the Israelites who were commanded to treat “thy neighbor as thyself”. It would have been inconceivable to them that they were commanded to treat anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity or what God they believed in as themselves.
Christians have foolishly universalized this commandment to apply to anyone and everyone, something that the Israelites would have scoffed at.
Context is everything in the Bible.
This is a simple example of how Edomite Jews covet the Blessings of true Israelites.
Edomite Jew cheap corn chip vs. the Blessed Israelite salsa.
Off topic, but more typical behavior by the tribe. Jew hedge fund billionaire has multiple affairs while married, wife divorces him, she’s now with lesbian lover, and has extracted a cool $1 billion out of him for divorce settlement. What a bunch of degenerates.
Love the alt surname “Englander” ROFL
Although St Paul was an Israelite from the tribe of Benjamin, Jesus was a Jew from the tribe of Judah. You can say that Jews are not the only act in the OT, but a Jew is very much centre stage in the NT.
Tintagel….it depends on what you mean by “Jew”. Christians have a bad habit of equating all Israelites as “Jews”, which is not the case. Judah is only one of the twelve tribes, and one of the smallest.
The Israelites from the southern kingdom were obviously major players in the NT, such as the Pharisees, but so were the Israelites of the northern kingdom, the “lost” tribes whom Paul endeavored to bring the Gospel to. They are called by other names, such as “gentiles” and the “uncircumcised”. Christ came to regather all of Israel, not just convert “Jews”. No way is the NT just about “Jews”.
Tintagel …..
Must Read — https://christiansfortruth.com/who-are-jews/
I think it is important and I think CFT would agree that Identity Christians in 2023 need to be speaking in unison regarding this word “jew”.
One thing is Certain —- Modern Jewry have NOTHING to do with the Israelites from the first Century.
This is why we hate the word ‘jew’ — because when used in the wrong context, it just muddies the waters.
For me personally, if I were to speak to an evangelical christian, when speaking of Scriptural peoples, I will always say “Israelite”. I would never use the word “jew”.
If the context is vague — I will say “Judean”. Never do I utter that word — jew.
The only time I use that word is when I refer to modern jewry.
If you are new — Welcome.
Read the series on E. Michael Jones and Africa. Great way to catch up!
James Smith
Assuming you were right about that, then that still leaves one question unanswered: Who are the “synagogue of satan” jews in Revelation 2:9?
“Unless the Ten Tribes of Israel are flown into the air or sunk into the earth, they must be those ten Gothic tribes that entered Europe in the fifth century, overthrew the Roman Empire, and founded the ten nations of modern Europe.”
-Jacques Abbadie
…And unless the synagogue of satan jews were flown into the air or sunk into the earth, they must be the Edomite-Khazar jews who founded the USSR regime that was responsible for the deaths of as many as 61 million Christians (academic estimate; might actually be over 100 million in reality).
I believe you to be correct about the khazars. They are not irsraelites nor judean. But false “converts” who practiced pagan and satanic rituals under the guise of “Judaism”. I also think they were highly influential in the Constantinian Paganism/Blasphemy that is “Catholicism”. Anyway, these are merely my opinions and the Holy Spirit showed me who the Khazarians are. Funnily enough, it is modern day Ukraine. Hmmm, I’m sure that was just coincidence;)
Do you know who registered the trademark to ‘God’s Chosen People’™ and why?
This article should be sent to John Hagee and his gang!
John Hagee’s favorite “Jew” verse is Genesis 12:3….
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
The problem is that this verse is about Abraham, not Jews, not Israel the country, as Hagee wants his zombie followers to believe.
Abraham was not a Jew. This is God’s blessing to Abraham’s seed that goes through Issac, Jacob, Joseph, and then Ephraim and Manasseh, not the Jews, not Judah, not the country of modern Israel.
How does he get away with this? What’s wrong with Christians today? No wonder Christ doubted he would find any true believers when He returns.
I finally watched an episode of Tucker Carlson and I got that awful commercial that starts with Genesis 12:3, begs us to send money to make matzos for poor starving holohoax survivors in Israel, and ends with erstwhile Representative Michele Bachmann shilling for (((them))).
I would think that the Israelis would be embarrassed to tell da goyim that they let old yenta ladies starve in their own “homeland”. Apparently not?
Jews have no shame when it comes to bilking Christians out of their hard-earned money. Israel is a welfare state with its hand out in perpetuity. Lying a little here and there, or a lot, is condoned by the Talmud, if it’s good for the Jews.
James Smith
Ever since the United States started supporting the 1948 state of Israel, it has not been blessed at all. It has only gone downhill.
Agreed 100%, James Smith. We have over 7 million of (((them))) in America now. No nation has financially ‘blessed,’ fought and died in wars for ,etc etc, international jewry and israel more than the USA. Based on (((their))) claims, America should be the most blessed country , but we are not . We are the most CURSED! Every jew we have in this country is a satanic Curse x 7 million.
A. Clifton
Israel is a People…..See Genesis 49 & Deuteronomy 32.
{No Dallas Cowboys at the Alamo}
In Fact the Old Testament, is all about “Israel”….The People.
{No {{{{JEWS}}}} in the Old Testament.}
However the Proselytes to Talmudic Judaism {From the land of
Gog & Magog} can be {{{{JEWS}}}} until HELL freezes over, but
{{{THEY}}} will never be……” Israel ” 12 Tribes….see Revelation 7.
The Issue is properly identifying the Synagogue of Satan,
Federal Reserve, Congress, ADL/FBI & ADL/ATF.
{{{{HOLLYWOOD}}}} ….Tares…..go into THE OVENS of Truth…
@ Matthew 13:39-43.
The Jewish {Synagogue Of Satan} so-called {{{{STATE}}}} can NOT be
“Israel” @ Genesis 49 & Deuteronomy 32.
English Tom
I would suggest 1913 and the creation of the federal reserve as the date America started its fall.
English Tom ….
Agreed. Word Picture — they put a live White body in a coffin in 1913 and then started adding the dirt. I believe that body is now a corpse.
Now we wait to see how Eschatology will play out. Luke 18:8 disturbs me. Not for me personally ….. but what does my world look like prior to this happening.
Missouri Confederate
It started when the forefathers didn’t expel the Jews. It really went down hill , after alleged Juden Fagala Lincoln invaded the South on April15 , 1861. The Republic left on that day, It was replaced by a Military Dictatorship.
I believe it was around 1867 or 69 when the United States in America became the United States of America, a corporation.
I agree with you. The promises made to Abraham in Genesis 12 were fulfilled by Jesus Christ according to Paul in Galatians 3. This is absolutely confirmed by the writer of Hebrews 8 who elucidates that there is a new covenant and a new spiritual King and the fact that the old covenant was fading away, which it did in 70 AD. Hebrews 8 also quotes Jeremiah 31:31-34 where that prophet spoke of a new covenant for the house of Judah and the house of Israel.
So God will bless or curse those who do to Abrahams spiritual descendants which are true believers in Christ.
Vince Gracie
Right, but both the Galatians and the Hebrews were Israelites. They weren’t just “spiritual” inheritors of Abraham’s promises, they were also his direct descendants, according to the flesh. It’s both.
Galatians 3 makes it clear that the blessing to all of the earth is Jesus.
“Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, “And to offsprings,” referring to many, but referring to one, “And to your offspring,” who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise. Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, until the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made, and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary.” – Galatians 3:16-19
To “prove” that Jews are “chosen” both Christians and Jews will quote Isaiah 43:10-12,
“Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God.”
What they fail to quote is Isaiah 43:1,
“But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.”
So Isaiah 43 is NOT just about the Jews or Judah, but about ALL of Jacob’s descendants, all of the 12 tribes of Israel.
We see this sleight of hand all the time where “Jews” is substituted for “Israel”. And Christians always fall for it.
And another favorite verse is Zechariah 2:8,
“For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.”
But this verse does not prove that the “Jews” are “chosen”. Yes, it’s about Judah, but this English translation is very misleading, as “apple of his eye” is a uniquely English expression and does not exist in Hebrew.
“The original Hebrew for this idiom, in all but Zechariah 2:8, was ‘iyshown ‘ayin (אישון עין). The expression refers to the pupil, and probably simply means “dark part of the eye” (other biblical passages use ‘iyshown with the meaning dark or obscure, and having nothing whatsoever to do with the eye). There is, however, a popular notion that ‘iyshown is a diminutive of “man” (‘iysh), so that the expression would literally mean “Little Man of the Eye”; if so, this would be consistent with a range of languages, in which the etymology of the word for pupil has this meaning.”
(from Gary B. Palmer, Toward a Theory of Cultural Linguistics, p.102)
“In Zechariah 2:8, the Hebrew phrase used is bava ‘ayin (בבה עין). The meaning of bava is disputed. It may mean “apple”; if so, the phrase used in Zechariah 2:8 literally refers to the “apple of the eye”. However, Hebrew scholars generally regard this phrase as simply referring to the “eyeball”.
(from The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament)
So what this verse may mean is that Judah is “the little man” of God’s eye, the little tribe among the 12 of Israel. Or it may simply mean Judah is God’s “eyeball”. Nothing about being His “chosen”.
One of the interesting things about this video is that is was made by a Jew. So if you share it with a judeo-Christian, they will be more likely to believe it. They can’t accuse you of being “anti-semitic” for sharing it.
Ed Pierce
Good point. I noticed that many of the articles at CFT quote jewish sources directly, so that we hear it directly from the mouths of Jews. It is always their own words that reveal the truth about what they think and believe. Open mouth, insert foot.
A. Clifton
No Dallas Cowboys at the Alamo
No Jews in the Old Testament.
Jew (n.) == https://www.etymonline.com/word/Jew
late 12c., Giw, Jeu, “a Jew (ancient or modern), one of the Jewish race or religion,”
from Anglo-French iuw, Old French giu (Modern French Juif), from Latin Iudaeum
(nominative Iudaeus), from Greek Ioudaios, from Aramaic (Semitic) jehudhai
(Hebrew y’hudi) “a Jew,” from Y’hudah “Judah,” literally “celebrated,” name of Jacob’s
fourth son and of the tribe descended from him.
[Note: The following excerpt is a direct quote (copy) from a Special Delivery letter
to Dr. David Goldstein LL.D. FROM Benjamin H. Freedman, October 10, 1954.]
It is an incontestable fact that the word “Jew” did not come into existence until the year 1775.
Prior to 1775, the word “Jew” did not exist in any language. The word “Jew” was introduced
into English for the first time in the 18th century when Sheridan used it in his play “The Rivals”,
II, i, “She shall have a skin like a mummy, and the beard of a Jew”.
Prior to this use of the word, “Jew” in the English language by Sheridan in 1775… the word
….. “Jew”…….
had not become a word in the English language.
Countless Christians know today that they were “brain-washed” by the so-called “Christian clergy”
aka as “JEW” worshippers on the subject “Jesus was a Jew”. … Christians now are demanding from
the “Jew” worshipping ” Christian clergy” “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”.
It is now time for the Christian clergy to tell Christians what they should have told them long ago.
Of all religious groups in the world, Christians appear to be the least informed on this subject.
Have their “Jew” worshipping religious leaders been reckless with the truth?
… Christians will no longer believe that the race, religion, nationality, and culture
of so-called or self-styled “Jews” today or their ancestors have a common origin or character.
… Christians everywhere today are seeking to learn the authentic relationship between
the so-called and self-styled “Jews” throughout the world today and the “Judeans” who
populated “Judea” before, during, and after the time of Jesus.
… Jesus abhorred and denounced the form of religious worship practiced in Judea
in His lifetime and which is known and practiced today under its new name “Judaism”.
The religious belief was then known as “Pharisaism”.
The “Jew” worshipping “Christian” clergy learned that in their theological cemetery days
but have never made any attempt to make that clear to Christians.
and where in the Old Testament do we read about the Toe of Ra…?
James Smith
For me, it comes down to: 1) Jews have one of the highest rates of atheism of any ethnic group and support marxism 2) Jews are too mongrelized, with many groups having clear non-Adamite ancestry 3) Ashkenazi Jews are over 50% Canaanite (though secular Jews tried to spin that study by claiming the Israelites were Canaanites all along, which is fallacious).
I wish every ‘“judeo”-Christian would take 15-20 minutes to read this article and let it really sink in!
In my opinion, one of the most important words in the Bible with many occurrences is BRIT (covenant) Strong’s 1285. This is the root for British. Most White Adamites don’t know this or put it together.
Even the talmudic jews change the Word ‘Brit’ to ‘bris’ to hide the damaging (to their narrative) facts that White Adamic race are the Israelites.
For example, they primarily use the term ‘bris mullah’ for their ‘oral circumcision’ ( can anybody say pedophilia/ grooming/ lgbtq+++?) How convenient.
These important words from scripture are numerous. One more of my favorites is Laban (Strong’s 3836 and 3837) meaning White.
It makes sense that when Jacob/Israel needed a White Adamic wife , his father Isaac sent him to White Laban.
If he was a jew he would have needed to search for a turco-mongol mongrel wife!
It’s no wonder that seething jews wish to destroy us White Adamites, just like satan was trying to do all through the Bible.
Thanks, yet again, CFT for the informative, important article and analysis.
I will be sharing it with as many as I can. May God bless all of my White Adamic brothers and sisters here at CFT!
OldSaxon, agreed, this should be required reading by every judeo-evangelical Christian in the world, and imagine the world that it would be if they did, and they understood it, and took it to heart.
That won’t likely happen. Judeo-Christians are completely “all in” with the Jews, and believe that Christ’s return is contingent upon the “Jews” returning to Palestine. They will be waiting for an eternity in that case.
Being a judeo-Christian is much like being addicted to the television. They go into passive mode and just absorb what they are being told without any critical thinking.
Kevin …
“…Being a judeo-Christian is much like being addicted to the television. They go into passive mode and just absorb what they are being told without any critical thinking….”
Great word picture! Watching (listening) to the man behind the pulpit is exactly how you describe it — going into Passive Mode.
It is very interesting to debate with some of these people. They all repeat the same talking points. It’s fascinating, really. The Supernatural quality to it all. I mean there must be thousands upon thousands of Pastors/Authors etc., and they all speak the same things.
Then, every now and then, you’ll get the one person who says they never listen to a Pastor or they don’t read christian books and they will demand that you believe they learned everything they believe straight from the bible. But yet they have all the same talking points too.
I’m just so thankful I am no longer part of that crowd. Literal brain-washed zombies. It’s impossible to reason with them.