Enthusiasts intending to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Rural Rides, a much beloved book by the 19th century British writer William Cobbett, have dropped their plans after Jews complained that his works were riddled with so-called “Jew-hate”:
Cobbett’s Rural Rides, in which he writes of his encounters with labourers in southern England to highlight the agricultural crisis of the early 1820s, has become a touchstone work for some on the left. However, his speeches to rural labourers quoted in the book are peppered with antisemitic rants, as Cobbett blames the crisis on “Jewish money” in the City.
Edward Fennell, founder of Hyde900, a Winchester history group, had been among those planning a festival to commemorate the publication of Rural Rides. He told the Hampshire Chronicle: “Within Rural Rides there were a number of gratuitous antisemitic and racist comments which seemed at odds with Cobbett’s generally ‘progressive’ opinions [and] organisers thought that they needed to be investigated further.”
Mr Fennell added that research showed that several of Cobbett’s other works – which have been largely forgotten and are no longer in print – were also filled with antisemitic rants.
He said: “As a result, it was decided that it could not be justified to hold an event which, as one person observed, ‘put him on a pedestal’.
Nonetheless the decision was taken with considerable disappointment.# “As an activist, Cobbett exposed corruption, stood up for justice for ordinary people, suffered imprisonment for challenging oppressive authorities and was a champion of the poor. His observations about life in Hampshire in the 1820s still has much value and is worth study. But his extreme (and truly vile) attitudes mean that a celebration of his life would now be completely inappropriate.”
It is absolutely inconceivable to Jews that someone like Cobbett who was a genuine champion of the common man against the abuses of the rich — a role that Jews have attempted to monopolize under the rubric of Jewish Marxism — could actually believe that Jews conspired with the landed aristocracy to rip off and impoverish the common British laborer.
But it wasn’t just in England that the Jews and the aristocracy ganged up to exploit the peasant class — they repeated this symbiotic relationship in many other countries, especially Poland — as Cobbett himself pointed out.
Jews act as if William Cobbett’s unflattering opinions about them have absolutely no basis in reality — rather, they would have us believe that this brilliant, popular writer and activist just woke up one day and completely fabricated slanders against Jews — for no reason whatsoever.
How is it possible that Cobbett repeatedly endorsed King Edward’s expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 — and lamented that they’d ever been allowed back in?
Only a “truly vile” antisemite could hold such “medieval” views about Jews.
When it really comes down to it, Corbett’s views about politics, economics, and Jews have much in common with National Socialism — he’s like Adolf Hitler and Karl Marx all rolled into one — how dare he?
Here are a few choice William Corbett observations about Jews — that have now gotten him “cancelled” 200 years after the fact:
“[Jews are] everywhere are on the side of oppression, assisting tyranny in its fiscal extortions; and everywhere they are bitter foes of those popular rights and liberties.…It is amongst masses of debt and misery that they thrive, as birds and beast of prey get fat in times of pestilence.…This race appear always to have been instruments in the hands of tyrants for plundering their subjects; they were the farmers of the cruel taxes; they lent a support to despotism, which it could not otherwise obtain.”
—William Cobbett, Good Friday: or the Murder of Jesus Christ by the Jews
“Let us, when [the rich] have the insolence to call us the ‘lower orders,’ prepare ourselves with useful knowledge, and let these insolent wretches marry amongst one another, ‘till, like the Jews, they have all one and the same face, one and the same pair of eyes, and one and the same nose. Let them, if they can, prevent their footmen from bettering their blood and from reinforcing the limbs of their rickety race; and let us prepare for the day of their overthrow. They have challenged us to the combat. They have declared war against us.”
—William Cobbett, Political Register, Dec. 3, 1817
“[Jews] did not merit any immunities, any privileges, any possessions in house, land, or water, any civil or political rights.…They should everywhere be deemed aliens and always at the absolute disposal of the sovereign power of the state, as completely as any inanimate substance.”
—William Cobbert, as quoted by Anthony Julius in Trials of the Diaspora, p. 401
Thomas Aquinas
The goal of the great reset is to make free speech illegal everywhere, by rewriting history, hunting down and burning all books that mentions the cult of foreskin eaters and chicken neck breakers.
Elfriede Lentner
How may the Great Reset’s organizers and their dupes view the book The Word Appears in the Flesh by The Church of Almighty God?
Yes, I’m sure many Christians who aren’t aware that mongoloids are beasts and not Adamic people would fawn over such a movement.
Jonathan Cross
The main reason for the bankers to organize a world war against Germany was
because Hitler began to create his own money, thus becoming independent of the international bankers and freeing the German people from the bondage of interest.
Within 5 years Germany, wich was the poorest nation in Europe, became the richest.
Worse, the freedom and economic prosperity could spread to the other countries
and bankrupt big bankers. Hitler had to be stopped!!!!!!!!
Well no that is not the main reason,WW2 was declared on Germany at the Treaty of Versaille ,that was its purpose.
Immediately following the war the British government, acting
on orders from their hidden masters in the City, clamped a blockade on Germany. This move had a devastating effect on the
German people. On March 4th, 1919, Winston Churchill declared
in the House of Commons that Britain was “enforcing the blockade
with vigor. . . This weapon of starvation falls mainly on the
women and children, upon the old, the weak and the poor. P116
When the leaders of the ‘victorious’ nations assembled at
Versailles in France to decide the fate of Europe, the Rothschilds
and their agents were there in force to ensure that events were
guided in a direction that would be beneficial to their interests. The
United States delegation was supposedly led by Woodrow Wilson,
but there were no doubts in the minds of the other leading participants: House was the man who called the shots. He was the man
who made the decisions. Nothing happened without his approval.
A third leading member of the American delegation, acting
in the role of an ‘adviser,’ was Bernard Baruch. When he was the
despotic head of the War Industries Board during World War I,
Baruch had somehow managed to accumulate a fortune in the
region of $200,000,000 by placing lucrative government contracts in
the ‘right’ places. Baruch had poured a personal fortune into
Wilson’s campaigns in 1912 and 1916. He was handsomely rewarded!
Britain was represented by Prime Minister David Lloyd George.
At his side was Sir Philip Sassoon, a direct descendant of Amschel
Rothschild, and a member of the British Privy Council. During
the peace conference Sassoon acted as Lloyd-George’s private
secretary. This enabled him to be present at all the top secret
On the French side, prime minister Clemenceau was ‘advised’
by a man who went by the name of ‘Georges Mandel.’ This was
no new job for the sharp-nosed stocky little Clemenist who, during
the war, ran the country’s domestic affairs and kept up civilian
morale. Born Jeroboam Rothschild, Mandel was often called
France’s Disraeli.
‘Colonel’ House was no stranger on the European political scene. ……………….
There is considerable evidence to indicate that Woodrow
Wilson, even as early as 1914, had come to the frightening realization that he had ‘sold his soul to the devil’ in return for a fleeting moment of ‘glory’ on the national and international scenes. …..
The final ‘treaty,’ reached with the connivance of the International Bankers, was recognized as a cruel hoax by many observers.
Philip Snowden, who later became a member of the British Parliament, made an accurate assessment: “The treaty should satisfy
brigands, imperialists and militarists. It is the death-blow to those
who expected the end of the war to bring peace. It is not a peace
treaty, but a declaration of another war. It is the betrayal of
democracy and of the fallen in the war. The treaty exposes the
true aims of the Allies” (Empire of “The City,” p. 42).
Lord Curzon stated that the agreement reached at Versailles
was “not a peace treaty, it is simply a break in hostilities.”
Lloyd-George later observed that “we have written a document
that guarantees war in twenty years. . . When you place conditions on a people [Germany] that it cannot possibly keep, you force it either to breech the agreement or to war.
Patrick White
There isn’t one intelligent man in history who has enthused about the jews. The greatest minds of all have despised these hideous inbreeds.
“gratuitous antisemitic and racist comments which seemed at odds with Cobbett’s generally ‘progressive’ opinions ”
That quote says it all, eh. The whole mindset being pushed these days is one of “how can progress occur without a melting pot?” It is Bollocks!
Rural Rides is incomparable; it is one of my favourite works. And needless to say, Cobbett’s remarks about the Jews of his day are dead on target.
I found this site a couple months ago and it has quickly become one of my favourites. I check your site everyday and am always elated when I see a new article. Your writers bring up useful, interesting information with a measured wit and humour I find nowhere else.
I especially like how you guys interpret scripture and introduced me to Bertrand Comparet’s work.
Lastly, the intelligence of the comments section is amazing and I learn as much from the commenters as I do the articles.
Knowing that you guys are out there bravely speaking the truth gives me a sense of hope that , as a father of four, is sorely needed.
God bless you.
Christians For Truth
AlbertaGold, we are glad that you have found us — it’s always encouraging for us to hear that we are reaching new readers. We are especially glad that you appreciate the wit and humour we try to add to the articles — despite the seriousness of the problems that face us, we should never forget to laugh at the absurdities and enjoy the ironies when we can.
TRUTH is “anti-semitic”.
[yes, I know jews arent semitic…]
Guy Marley
More from Leese
Guy Marley
He looks a bit like Arnold Leese but less visceral.