(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) A group of U.S. Senators who just so happen to be jewish introduced “bipartisan” legislation that will “prioritize” health care and nutrition services for Holocaust survivors:
“The bill, the Trauma-Informed Modernization of Eldercare for Holocaust Survivors Act or “TIME for Holocaust Survivors Act” increases the chances that survivors could age in their own homes.
The bill introduced by Sens. Ben Cardin, D-Md., Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., and Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., incorporates several provisions into the Older Americans Act to ensure that Holocaust survivors have care and services tailored to their needs.
“Holocaust survivors came to the United States seeking refuge from unimaginable horrors. They have lived their lives here and enriched our nation. With an average age of 85, we have an obligation to provide Holocaust survivors the community support and special services they need to live out their final days,” Cardin said in a statement.
More than 300 national, state and local organizations – most Jewish organizations including Jewish federations, Holocaust education organizations and synagogues – signed a letter of support for the legislation
There are about 80,000 Holocaust survivors living in the United States, with one-third of them living at or below the poverty line. Aging Holocaust survivors have needs similar to other older Americans, but institutionalized settings, with confined spaces or restrictions on food, can induce panic, anxiety, and re-traumatization due to their Holocaust experiences, the bill notes.
The bill would include Holocaust survivors as a designated group with the greatest social need within the Older Americans Act; promote technical assistance and training for nonprofits that serve older adults experiencing the long-effects of trauma; and ensure that the providers of nutrition services through the Older Americans Act can meet the special dietary needs of Holocaust survivors when there is sufficient demand in a community.”
You read that right: apparently “forcing” old Jews to live in nursing homes like the rest of Americans “re-traumatizes” them and brings back unpleasant memories of living in concentration camps.
So to avoid this “trauma,” American taxpayers will now foot the bill to keep them in their own homes by providing expensive in-home private nursing care around the clock.
This is yet another example of jewish exceptionalism, otherwise known as “white privilege”.
And this is why it is absolutely crucial that the so-called Holocaust be exposed for the criminal shakedown operation that it is.
Apparently, America doesn’t have the same “obligation” to provide such expensive care to WWII veterans to risked their lives to defeat the Germans on behalf of world Jewry.
No, those veterans can rot homeless on the streets while so-called Holocaust “survivors” who never risked anything for this country will be provided with private care that only the wealthy can hope to afford.
And this outrageous proposal has “bipartisan” support in the U.S. Senate, which means no one has the guts to vote against it for fear of being run out of office in the next election cycle.
It’s difficult to comment on every article. The Jewish population before WW11 was about 16,000,000 . It’s still about the same today.. The Jews are still pulling the scam of poor suffering ,starving Jews in Russia : send money . This scam has been going on for decades. Shows like Archie Bunker, The Jefferson’s, In the Heat of the Night, Ellen, and others made homosexuality and mixed marriages and relationships possible. And made prejudice a subtle act seem as though White’s were guilty of it , and it was not natural. Many lost homes. possessions, vehicles, boats, planes, bank accounts, freedom, security from drug laws now made legal. That’s when the Police departments began to use SUV’s. They stole them from the public over drugs. Look up the pornographic sites to see all of the White women degraded in every way possible by Blacks and Jews. Somewhere a Jew said that they love to degrade White Christian women. Donald Trump and Alex Jones are on talk shows bragging of their sexual conquests. You can look up most any well known women in music, movies, TV., modeling, wrestling , some in sports, and find nudity. One well known talk show host has her nude photos an the internet. Women advertise and beg men for sex . And they are our mothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, and even grandmothers who put their photos on the internet. It will be the women, Blacks, minorities, and Jews who destroy our country and laws. Women are taking more positions of power in Police, Government, local and Federal, Military and displacing men. And they will cause the surrender of men in combat. The Jews are infiltrating every aspect of Christian civilization. They remind the Christian world periodically that if it wasn’t for the Jew, we would have no Christian religion, no Mary, no Jesus, no monothestic religion. We are living the Jew’s fantasy world. They give us our news, political interpetations, medical, education, moral attitudes. One news show had two Jews and a women. another , a Jew, a Black and a women. Name the combinations! The Jews got the Catholic Church to blame the Romans for crucifying Christ. The nightly talk shows are controlled by Jews hosts who mock our daily life. Game shows are given over to Blacks to hosts. The White’s are being made out to be enemies of and within our own country by the Jews. They already feel that they control this country, but they have to subvert it to the degree that they can overthrow it as their prize as they did to Russia , Germany and other European countries after WW1. The Jews bringing all of the immigrants into the US , under Joe Biden will outnumber the White’s assuring the Jews keep or gain more power and influence. Trump was no friend to us. He bragged loudly that he supported Israel 1000 per cent. Nor is Joe biden proving by turning all positions of influence in our government over to minorities, Blacks, women and Jews.. We are on the way of life we allowed Rhodesia and South Africa to suffer. Joe Biden is a Catholic?????????????????. I heard a Catholic , Irish , monseignor for over ten years say almost every Sunday during the cold War that the Catholic Church ruled the world and that the Pope was its king. And the Catholic Pope is trying to unite all religions. It is not the Black’s or any other race or civilization being degraded, but that of the White’s.
Most doctors and lawyers are jews. Graduating from a jewish owned, freemasonic operated private school, like most business in their company known as
All the non-jewish doctors took some time to realize they were about to be out of a job unless they work for state as a paid socialized medicine doctor. Many have lost their licenses already for speaking out.
As for old jews, they mostly have private physicians at their homes in their dotage. They often have a family member who is a doctor or a relative. Many just go the Eastern Star “hotel” for their last days. Very nice. Usually hiding behind the goyim St. Jude hosiptal or not far from it. Very discreet near where I grew up. Sneaky jews.
Holycost is a religion . It has actually superseded the CHristian. Has it not? Therefore it is believed from fear, deception or conformity . In congress for political expedience. Its sin is unversuehnlich , inexpiable . Caveat emptor. If you buy in to this religion you are encouraging a debt that can not be paid. This is one of the reasons , they murdered Jesus of Nazareth. WHether it is true and it is . But it was the German people . They are the real victim of Holocaust ; and the Truth of Christ. But were it the jew it is shamelessly contrived and exposed by egregious insults to one’s sensibilities and boundless exaggerations ; but perpetuated through ignorance, self righteousness and prejudice.
This “nursing home” evil was invented by jews to dispossess their parents , that would not die and leave them their fortunes. Biblical named korbin.
Jesus of Nazareth condemned them for this as violating the law of honouring mother and father. ANother reason they murdered him.
Every corrupt member of Congress who continually places the selfish interests of Israel above our own country must immediately resign or be fired by the electorate. Shame, shame, shame on you. America is broke, having borrowed trillions of dollars it does not have nor does not have any way to repay.
Moreover it is a blatant violation of our Constitution to give special favors to one group over others. These worthless non representatives are already being bribed by Israel to give them free money and other favors. They should be arrested, prosecuted and jailed not rewarded.
Wake up Americans, the inmates have taken over the asylum in America today. Any instant the bottom could fall out from our economy with devastating consequences. Demand every one of these whores in Congress be arrested and prosecuted today. Time is running out for this once great nation. America is now a nation of fools and idiots who believe money grows on trees.
Boycott the Ballot Box until every one of these despicable whores is arrested and jailed for their crimes against our Country. Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics By the way Israel along with traitors Bush, Cheney and some traitorous four star generals also did 9/11/01 but none have faced any punishment for their crimes against our country. This is disgraceful.
Hello Winfield. I couldn’t agree more. And it pains me to think this legislation may pass. This is at least the second attempt, the first by Ileana Ros Lehtinen of Florida. Her effort failed.
Here is our hope as patriotic Americans who hate injustice and seeing America taken for a ride. Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. You might link to other websites connected to this pursuit through this site. This ongoing effort is our hope. I can’t stand the thought of the culprits responsible for 9/11 going unpunished. If they are not identified and brought to justice, the next attack may be even bigger.
And Bollyn on Youtube:
Spread these links around!
That is all it is about with those people me, me, me!!
Selfish bunch of loafers!!
I have a bill for the Jews for our little police action in Germany.
What’s the national debt again ?
Its all about the numbers first.
“Nazi propaganda singled out the 500,000 Jews in Germany, who accounted for only 0.86% of the overall population”
“By the time the conference took place, more than 250,000 Jews had fled Germany and Austria, which had been annexed by Germany”
“in March 1938; more than 300,000 German and Austrian Jews continued to seek refuge and asylum from oppression.”
Hitler let 550,000 Jews emigrate to friendlier countries .
That leaves far less than 20,000 to “holocaust”
A good explanation why the so-called “death camps” were conveniently situated and protected from public inspection behind the (((Soviet))) “Iron Curtain” after WWII:
The first reason that Hitler did not kill 6,000,000 jews was that Hitler had no where near this number of jews in his control. Anyone jew or Gentile can look at pre-war censuses and confirm this. You will also need to know how a lot of the borders changed during this period.
Second, the Police place eyewitness testimony as the LEAST reliable of evidence. Yes listen to as many as you can. The more you listen the less you will believe the Myth of the Holhoax, as the unbelievable and contradicting evidence comes from the eyewitnesses.
A prominent jewish businessman who lives in Sydney Australia was published in a mainstream magazine that his family and he spent the 3 years of the German occupation of Poland hiding under the floor boards of a chicken coop and had to learn to walk again after liberation. We need more survivor testimony, not less.
That’s a good insight. To maintain the myth of the Holocaust, as little information as possible must be revealed about it. It must remain shrouded in vagueness.
Few people realize that there were only three witness testimonies to account for the alleged 2 million deaths at Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec. 3 witnesses! And their 3 accounts contradict each other. There should be thousands of reliable witnesses for 2 million murders.
A Jew’s idea of proof is, “But my grandparents died in the Holocaust,” with no corroborating proof beyond the fact that they didn’t allegedly survive WWII, like 60 million other people.
As Harry Truman found out, Jews are never satisfied. If every Holocaust survivor were put up for free at the Ritz-Carlton courtesy of the US taxpayers, they’d still kvetch about something, “Meh, the food is terrible, and such small portions.”
This is why I can’t stand Jews.
Mitch, Mary, Mike, and Marc (lots of “m’s”…intriguing coincidence) –
Have any of you read the Nuremberg Trial transcripts? In particular, the thousands of “eyewitness testimonies” from jews? I have.
It is one of the most preposterous things I had ever read in my life up to that point. There is not one truly corroborating story, and some of these testimonies are so IMPOSSIBLE, that it is utterly amazing that they are even published, like “bodies were piled on to fuel the fire burning in the pit”. If I even have to start to explain to you why this is a ‘scientific’ impossibility, then you are hopeless.
Having a knee-jerk emotional reaction to the suggestion that the Hoaxaco$t is indeed a hoax, goes to prove how totally propagandized you are. What is wrong about a debate of facts? Why can’t the jews produce them to back up their claims? WHERE ARE ALL THE REMAINS…BURNT OR NOT? How is all this anti-German propaganda not INCITING HATRED against white people? How does the death of 6 million jews transcend the death of 150 million white Christians, who died because of jewish treachery??? As Christians, are we supposed to “cry over spilled milk”? Do we use our suffering as a tool to pander to others to get them to do what we want (*cough* jews *cough), or are we supposed to understand our suffering and use it to better ourselves (e.g. carry our crosses)? Wake up white Christians.
Not one of the jewish “witnesses” was allowed to be cross examined by the defense attorneys. Their testimonies were unchallenged in a courtroom, which is unheard of. The judges even coached the witnesses when they said something so outrageous that it was embarrassing to the court.
If you think you believe in the Holocaust, yes, read the witness transcripts from the Nuremberg trials, and you will never again say, “Yes, but what about all the eye witnesses?”
They must all have pretty good health to have made it out of the damned illusionary made up gas chambers and extermination camps!! they can last a bit longer without more sponging!!
Christians are warned to not believe jewish fables:
Titus 1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
One of the best, most thoroughly researched documentaries on the Holocaust is titled, “One Third Of The Holocaust” which examines the eye witness accounts and evidence concerning Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec.
After watching this, you will never think of the Holocaust in the same way:
Great film, thank you!
On the other hand, a real genocide did happen during WWII, and it was committed against the German nation and people at the behest of powerful Jewish interests. The undeniable proof is found in the brilliant documentary by Dennis Wise called “Hellstorm”:
Lots of great films debunking the Holocaust, including “The Last Days Of The Big Lie” can be found here:
Why are there so many Holocaust survivors 75 years after the war? Because the definition of a “Holocaust survivor” is any Jew who lived in any country that was occupied by Germany at any time during WWII. You didn’t have to spend one minute in a “concentration camp” to qualify for “reparations”. All you have to be is a Jew who lived in Europe or North Africa. Oh, the hardship!
So, somehow ignorance is alive and well in the 21st century. Unfortunately you are all quite misinformed. The Holocaust, which comes from the Greek word for “destruction by fire” did happen. Having been a history teacher for over two decades now, and having specialized in the History of the Holocaust, I must say that those of you who are toxically adding to this thread need to do some fact checking before blindly making these statements.
1.Has anyone here spoken to a survivor of the Holocaust? I have, over thirty of them. They have all been quite traumatized and their pain is real.
2. Has anyone been to Europe and seen the concentration and death camps? They are there at Auschwitz, Majdanek, and scattered throughout Poland and Germany. Some of them still have the charred remains of skeletons and skulls still in the ovens.
3. How many of you have been to the museum in Washington DC? It is there for all to see.
4. How many of you have been to Germany? There are plaques and memorials all over the country. Are you telling me that they are in on the “hoax” too?
5. Why if the Holocaust was fake, is it ILLEGAL to possess anything dealing with Hitler and the Third Reich. You cannot own a copy of Mein Kampf or anything with a swastika on it. Look online for articles about how people have given the Heil Hitler solute in Germany and what fines and jail time they have faced.
You, the reader of this response will probably say “oh he must be a Jew” Yes, I am. Would you bad mouth a Native American for defending the horrors of the Trail of Tears? Would you discount the plight of the Asian Americans who were put into internment camps in California after the attack on Pearl Harbor?
Please for the sake of humanity and the future of peace in our world, Learn more than what is in the poorly constructed textbooks that are in our schools, listen to those whose opinions differ from your’s and watch public access TV to learn what the real truth is.
God bless you all.
Mitch, why are so many Jews denying the Holocaust?
Have you seen the video of David Cole touring Auschwitz in his yarmulke, pointing out how the “gas chambers” have wooden doors, glass windows, giant gaps at the bottom, no locking mechanism, and were converted air raid shelters, built by Soviets after the war?
Mitch, did you know Jews have been claiming a “holocaust” with the “6 million” number since the early 1900s, long before WWII started? See the bottom of this article for sources:
Mitch, did you know that there was no order to kill the Jews, but the jews claim there were “code words” used instead?
Did you know that Germany was the only power during World War II that let International Red Cross observers monitor the labor/internment camps throughout the war? Why would they do that if they were “gassing millions” of Jews? Doesn’t add up.
The US didn’t have International Red Cross observers with the “concentration camps” used to intern Japanese – should we call that a “Japanese Holocaust” since they were also put in wartime camps?
The Soviet Jews slaughtered tens of millions of White Christians in the Bolshevik takeover of Russia and eastern Europe, where are the reparations for the survivors and families of these victims?
Sorry Mitch, the gig is up.
Dear Reader, there may be some reading who are not knowledgeable with regards to the events of world war 2 and the holocaust. If so, please do not believe the despicable and hateful comments by ‘Earl’ above. It truly frightens me that after such a horrendous event was possible to happen in our world, that there are still those who are denying the holocaust, instead of trying to make sure something like this never happens again. The atrocities, gas chambers and crematorium of course were real. The liberating armies have documented films of what they saw when entering the concentration camps :piles of emaciated bodies stacked metres high, so shocking, that american General Eisenhauer, later president of the United States, commented that it must be documented because in 100 yrs, nobody would believe it. And here we are, less than 100 yrs, and we have people like ‘earl’ trying to whitewash history. These films are readily available on the internet, as are multiple first person accounts from survivors. Just punch in ”holocaust survivor testimony’ or ‘allied forces films of concentration camps’. There are also numerous books on amazon and biographies of holocaust survivors. Please read some. Steven Spielberg holocaust library, collected thousands of testimonies from holocaust survivors. My grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins….both of my parents’ entire families were murdered in the holocaust, most in Treblinka death camp. I implore you, the intelligent reader, to educate yourself and learn the truth for youself. There will always be haters, but dont let them win.Use the information you discover to help heal the world, and spread love and kindness.
PS: how dare this site call themselves Christians for truth. True Christians believe in love and kindness….and honesty. This is just a ploy to spread hatred and lies. Not Christian at all.
Are you saying Christians are obligated to believe in the Holocaust without question in order to be a “good” Christian? Where is that written in the Bible?
My Bible tells me
Titus 1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
No, I am saying that good Christians don’t intentionally spread lies and encourage hatred, which many of these comments are doing. The holocaust is a fact. If you choose to convince yourself that its not true, then maybe you have to look within yourself and question why its so difficult for you to accept the truth….
Are you forgetting that Jesus was Jewish!?
Christians are obligated to scrutinize all things before they repeat them. However, there is no prohibition in the jewish Talmud to lie to non-Jews, and that’s why Jews can lie about the Holocaust with a straight face. Their entire basis of morality can be summed up in the question, “Is it good for the Jews?” That’s why Jews and Christians have virtually nothing in common.
And no, Jesus Christ was NOT a Jew the way Jerry Seinfeld is. Christ was a Judahite, from the tribe of Judah. Today’s “Jews” are not true Judahites. They are descendants of the Edomites, the Canaanites, Hitites, Kenites, and Khazars, who have stolen the identity of Judah for their own purposes.
The 1981 “Jewish Almanac” on page 3 admits this to be true, “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
Mitch, the Holocaust is a psy-op to terrorize Jews and keep them in line with the Zionist agenda. It is meant to keep you living in fear that the “goyim” could at any minute round up Jews for no reason and start exterminating them. By going along with this lie without question, you are merely submitting to your own debasement and enslavement to a lie.
Mitch, as a history teacher, do you investigate events critically or do you just accept what is written in textbooks and taught as truths in tertiary institutions? Watching msm documentaries on TV is not an enlightenment. Saddam Hussein’s ‘weapons of mass destruction’ comes to mind.
There was a time I believed in the Holocaust narrative, even purchasing ‘The Yellow Star’ by Gerhard Schoenberner in 1969 where the unbelievable figure of 6 million was repeated… my ‘wake up call’ came in about 1989 when the plaque at Auschwitz was replaced to reflect a revised figure of 1.5 million (down from 4 million) yet the ‘6 million’ number remains. Surely this must be a trigger for many to conduct their own research.
For your information, Mein Kampf is the second biggest selling book, next to the bible…. even in Germany.
You must remember that Germany (and most of Europe) was fighting the threat of Communism and that Communism was a Jewish construct, spread by Jews then you’ll understand why the inmates of interment camps were predominantly Jewish. Even researching Mandela you’ll find that it was not a fight to end apartheid but for a communist takeover of the South Africa…. 80% of those arrested with Mandela were communist Jews.
Speaking of South Africa….. The Boer people never received any reparations from the British for placing women and children in concentration camps…. To think, there was no bombing of infrastructure leading to the South African camps yet there were many victims like Lizzie van Zyl Typhus killed indiscriminately just as it did in Europe.
Fred, according to the statistics of the International Red Cross, which monitored the camps throughout WWII, Jews comprised only 40% of the inmates, so it would not be accurate to claim that the inmates were “predominantly” Jewish, although they were certainly over-represented based on their tiny percentage of the overall population of Europe.
So who had a higher percentage? 40% sounds predominant to me…
There were more Christians in Auschwitz than Jews, mostly from Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc., but in the 1990s when some Catholic nuns tried to erect a cross in remembrance of them, the Jews threw a fit. Only Jews died there. End of story.
The point I’m getting at, Victor, is that at 40%, they would have to be the highest percentage single category perpetrator. Are you going to tell me that Poles, Czechs, Russians, etc. are all lumped into a single category (i.e. gentiles) and that is how the prison population was broken down? Also, for the jews to supposedly comprise such a small percentage of any host nation’s population (Germany in this instance), 40% is a huge number, and therefor absolutely qualifies as ‘predominant’. Obviously, 60% of the remaining detainees were non-jews, as I am not at all trying to claim that only jews ‘suffered’ there. That information only bolsters the truth of what we are claiming here, but the jews have long since cornered that market…
Well, I think the point is that Jews would have us believe that only Jews were rounded up and put in concentration camps, and only Jews died there, but according to the IRC, Jews account for less than half the inmates and deaths.
It merely supports the jewish version of WWII to agree that they comprise “most” of the camp inmates because they, in fact, didn’t. Why throw them a bone?
I certainly understand where you are coming from, however you may be missing my point – not that it detracts from what you are so right in saying, but it deserves clarification.
The jews themselves would still be the largest single population at 40%, unless another single population (ex. Russians) were 40% or higher, leaving quite a small amount (>20%) for the remainder to be distributed among the other population classifications. All I’m saying is, we not only have proof in these numbers that the jews were public enemy #1 (and not some poor picked on persons), but proof that they were not SINGLED out (i.e. due to claimed ‘anti-semitism’).
When the truth is reported correctly, it does not play into the jews hands ? We don’t not need to lie (or avoid seemingly ‘unpleasant’ truths) to glorify our God, or to make us ‘look better’. Thanks for your attention in this matter, brother ?
Holocost hoax? What do the rescuing armies say about what they found
“Rescuing armies” claimed to have found shrunken heads, and soap made from jew fat, and those claims were found to be 100% lies. Of course there were labor camps, which were not just for jews, it was total war. The US had internment camps for Japanese. If Germans won the war and “liberated” those camps, then what? What about the actual death camps run by Soviet Jews, which killed tens of millions of White Christians? Have you looked into the Jew Genrikh Yagoda?
And why are so many jews denying the Holocaust?
Every special interest group seeks special treatment ie blacks, native Americans, 9-11 responders. Nothing unusual. Jews are just people not alien predators.
Blacks really did experience slavery. American Indians really were pushed off their land. 9-11 first responders really did rescue people and risk their lives. Jews were not put in gas chambers and murdered by Nazis. That’s the difference between these “special interest” groups.
I think it’s time Jews paid out billions to Holodomor survivors..
We don’t want their filthy money. We want them to leave us alone, so we can prosper in peace, so they can chose to live in peace under the rule of God (which will never happen, or else they would have done it by now), or they can disappear, wallowing in their self imposed misery.
I used to believe what we were all taught about the holocaust, but a person barely has to scratch the surface to see that three main claims of the holocaust—(1) six million jews were killed, (2) many in gas chambers, (3) genocided by order of Hitler—are not based in fact. As Christians we are called to seek the truth. You are sitting at a computer with an internet connection. Quit believing the lies of the filthy lying media owners and their minions, and take the time to inform yourself.
Yes, the internet did more to destroy the Holocaust myth than any other mode or device. The cat is out of the bag, and the Jews can’t control it yet the way they want to, as millions of people wake up to the truth every year. This is the Jews’ biggest Achilles Heals.
Christians shouldn’t even be doing business with Jews as Jews are anti Christ.
John 8:44-48 KJV
44 Ye are of your father the devil (Satan) and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth inhim. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?
47 He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
48 Then answered the Jews . . .
Evidence the Jews wanted Jesus dead
John 7:1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
The holohoax is a lie. We owe those parasites nothing. How about the millions of Christians murdered by Jews in the 20th century.
I’m half Jewish but utterly disgusted by this proposal. Not only did the holocaust whatever the extent of it was, did not happen here, but also many other people suffered during World War Two. The stupidity and arrogance of American Jews know no bounds. Many of us including me, who is an amateur student of history, have a severe case of holocaust fatigue. Sooner or later all of this hubris and over the top chutzpah as the Jews themselves say, will blow up in their faces.
Thanks, more Jews need to come forward and tell the truth, because when Jews say they don’t believe the Holocaust myth, people are more likely to listen.
Unfortunately, Jews who come forward often times are threatened by other Jews into silence, like the jewish filmmaker David Cole:
The “Holocaust” allegedly happened in Europe, not America, so why are American taxpayers being forced to subsidize the retirement of these European Jews who now happen to reside in America? That is, unless they’ve redefined “Holocaust survivor” to include Jews living in America during WWII, which wouldn’t surprise me at all.
America owes them nothing.
Oh…we owe them plenty – but it sure isnt what theyre demanding! We owe them the exact misery (((they))) have given us plus interest.
They “redefine it” every couple of years. Jews control the U.S. and it’s taxpayers.
The holocaust is a lie.
The U.N. definition of a hoaxaco$t parasite is now such a broad brushstroke, I’m pretty sure that children of these parasites will be considered ‘survivors’!