(Life Site News) The Catholic bishops of Austria believe that being injected with a vaccine against Covid-19 is a form of Christian responsibility:
“In a statement released at the end of their autumn plenary assembly on Friday, the Austrian Bishops’ Conference said “Christian responsibility” should manifest itself during the coronavirus pandemic as “personal responsibility, consideration, and solidarity.”
“The willingness to be vaccinated is an expression of this attitude,” the bishops wrote.
“We are still in the midst of a pandemic with enormous personal, social and economic implications,” they continued. “There must be no lockdown of hearts and help.”
The bishops indicated that they believe recent news points “encouraging indications that there could be an effective and safe vaccination against the infection in the foreseeable future.”
On Monday, November 9, shortly after the U.S. elections, BioNTech and parent company Pfizer announced that they had developed a viable “vaccine candidate” against Covid-19.
Echoing a May statement by Pope Francis, the Austrian bishops said coronavirus vaccines should be made available worldwide at reasonable prices. They condemned any national hoarding of vaccines or economic interests interfering with its accessibility by the poor.
However, they also stated that there are those who should get first crack at the vaccine, that is, people whose professions bring them in constant contact with infected people or who are otherwise particularly vulnerable.
In the bishops’ statement, they also published their wishes, which they described as a “responsible contribution” regarding restrictions on Catholic worship in Austria. Going above and beyond the government’s own requirements, the Austrian bishops required Catholics to stand 1.5 metres (4 feet, 9 inches) apart at all church services, whether indoors or outdoors, and to wear masks. In addition, all baptisms, first communions, confirmations, and weddings will be postponed.
“With these restrictions, the bishops want to make a responsible contribution to overcoming the crisis,” they said in their statement.
“At the same time, this ensures that the essential basic practices of faith continue to be possible,” the bishops continued.”
These same Austrian Catholic bishops support gay marriage which, like the “pandemic,” is another social mechanism to promote international bolshevism — the antithesis of Christianity.
As we previously reported, the Catholic Church is fully behind mass vaccination but allegedly only as long as the vaccines do not contain MRC-5 cell lines obtained from aborted human fetuses.
And the highly experimental and heavily promoted mRNA vaccine by Moderna does indeed use aborted fetal tissue — and it’s troubling to say the least that this group of bishops in Austria failed to mention it at all.
Of course, Catholic doctrines are rarely based on what the Bible actually says — submitting to experimental vaccines with potentially dangerous and fatal long-term side effects to help stave off a fake pandemic can hardly be construed as a “Christian responsibility.”
Our “Christian responsibility” is always to the truth — and real scientific truth never contradicts God’s truth — but from its beginning this current manufactured “pandemic” has been built on lies, inconsistencies, and contradictions — prima facie evidence that the pandemic and its “cures” are in opposition to the truth and Christ’s teachings.
The so-called “Christian” leadership is fully behind the governments’ position on this pandemic — and they are actively encouraging their congregations to submit to vaccination once it is officially green-lighted as “safe and effective” against COVID.
But then again, what more should we expect from treacherous “Christian” ministers who preach anti-Biblical doctrines that placate the enemies of God and mislead their flocks into worshiping the anti-Christ?
And not only is submitting to this vaccine your “Christian responsibility,” according to Jewish “expert” Dr. Michael Lederman from Harvard, it is also your “patriotic duty.”
In other words, just do it — and stop asking questions.
I live in America. Austria is far away like the middle east. No need to recite history. America first. 2A, bug out bags stashed outside of home and cars. Be prepared. Second Continental Army is de-centralized and ready to do whatever it takes to restore the republic.
WW1 and WW2, regardless of what or who they were fought for, resuted in the most Christian deaths from organized govts, mostly controlled by jews in positions of power.
Some disturbing footage if you still don’t think jews literally are draconian, draculean, parasitic, Godless vampires feeding on our blood and androchromes. Check this out:
Meanwhile what happened in Ukraine?
Euromaidan”Nazis”-jews puppets!
IT IS NOW APPARENT that the “Maidan protests” in Kiev were, in actuality, a Washington-organized coup against the elected democratic government. The purpose of the coup is to put NATO military bases on Ukraine’s border with Russia and to impose an IMF austerity program that serves as cover for Western financial interests to loot the country
All any organization needs is secrecy to become organized crime.
International organizations, plus secrecy becomes international organized crime.
Organized religion with their many denominations all over the world is organized crime because their leaders are all secret oath takers.
Many international hotel chains are run by organized crime.
You see all it takes is fore the few at the top of these organizations to be secret society members.
Most of these companies are owned by those who can afford it. The secret, usurious bankers who own the American “federal” reserve and run by, managed, operated at the highest levels by their secret oath takers that have sworn loyalty to them under pendalty of death in one their many organizations, religions, fraternities, sororities, cults, secret societies, etc…
So secret usury and secret nepotism ruin and rule the world for most people.
Non-denominational Christianity and home service and study with family and friends is the way to go. Organized religion is basically a black market front for organized crime hiding in plain sight now and has been for quite a while. Especially the crime of human and drug trafficking and pedophilia.
Following Jesus only is the path. God bless.
AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine with ChAdOx1-S (recombinant) has aborted human fetal tissue in it:
[Cardinal] Schonborn and B’nai B’rith Ancestors, Together Cruelly Exploiting Common People for Centuries
Any global organization plus secret society members at the few top position means global organized crime.
Doesn’t take too many of those, like denominational Christianity or any religion for that matter to take over any country, and indeed, the world. Think about that. Cut and paste that please. Give it your kids.
Organized religion is not your friend.
Take race and religion out of judaism and all you have is a global organized crime ring. They started it. Many others copied them. Unfortunately, they control the money system and most that have tried to copy them get infiltrated by jewish moles, simply used, or insurrected, or taken down by framing, scandal, entrapment.
“Elite Transnational Fascism – Covid & The Gameplan” [November 16, 2020]
“Since March 2020, the form of rule that has been systematically unfolding since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989/1990 has been fully in evidence: A transnationally operating oligarchic caste has taken over rule in the Western “democracies”.
By transnational “elite” fascism I mean an alliance of transnational capitalist class, transnational power elite (2) with the transnational digital, military, intelligence, science and media complex and the governments as their executive committees. I refer to this conglomerate as the parasites of civil societies, which serve as their “host” bodies.
Their new means of rule is a health dictatorship based on infection regimes that can be activated at any time. Today Covid-19, tomorrow rhinoviruses, the day after tomorrow perhaps malaria or a “biological warfare” attack.
The never-ending “war on terror” has been extended by the “war on infection” since March 2020. This is directed against humanity as a whole.
The “great concern” of the centres of power for “public health” is a propagandistic masterpiece unprecedented in the history of mankind. It is a PSYOP prepared for years, a psychological warfare against civil societies.” [Continue]:
Covid is intended to usher in the “Great Reset”, so it’s little surprise that these lackeys of the Rothschildian internationalist class are falling in line with the script. They know already what it will mean for you.
“Great Reset” Mastermind [Klaus] Suggests Risk Assessment “Brain Scans” Before Allowing Travel”
“Implantable microchips to read thoughts.
“Great Reset” mastermind Klaus Schwab suggests a number of draconian measures for controlling the population under the umbrella of the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, including risk-assessment brain scans to cross borders and implantable chips to read people’s thoughts.
World Economic Forum founder Schwab has repeatedly emphasized how technocrats need to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to implement “The Great Reset,” a sentiment that was echoed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a recent UN video conference.
“As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” he writes, suggesting Minority Report-style pre-crime programs.
The globalist also goes beyond merely the mandating of vaccine certificates to travel, suggesting that, “Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.”
He also makes clear that implantable microchips will be the cornerstone of a transhumanist agenda that will merge man with machine.
Schwab suggests that the population could be encouraged to adopt brain-reading chips as part of a business model that involves someone “trading access to his or her thoughts for the time-saving option of typing a social media post by thought alone.”
A voluminous and frightening summary of everything Schwab and other globalist technocrats are pushing for is contained in this excellent article published by Winter Oak.”
[Flanders]: That Winter Oak link cited above has this very scary introduction, so be pre-warned about the “evil Germans”:
“Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state regime built on fear and violence, on brainwashing and control, on propaganda and lies, on industrialism and eugenics, on dehumanisation and “disinfection”, on a chilling and grandiose vision of a “new order” that would last a thousand years.”
Why do a good number of people believe that they need someone to approach OUR LORD AND SAVIOR for them?
Why? Because God Himself founded one Church (singular, not plural, in Matthew 16:18), a visible Church with Divine Rights to govern (Matthew 16:19 & 18:18), teach (Matthew 28:19-20), and sanctify (Matthew 28:18-19; John 20:23), a sacramental priesthood (John 20:21-23), a hierarchy (Acts 20:28) with one central authority (Matthew 16:19 & 18:18), a visible organized society (Mark 4:11), and called for oneness of doctrine (John 17:11, 21-23).
The Bible warns against private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20, Acts 8:26-31).
Not good news from Austria . Advent is soon to begin . It will be end at Weihnacht . These were the holy time for centuries. Now they may be preempted or replaced by another god.
This coronna invention everyone is fearing and the creator probably also in unholy Israel. Vaccines is the saviour. Is the votive church in Vienna. open n after the refugees desecrated it to the joy of the apostate and jews.
But good news arrived from Dresden. The people have had enough and are “aufgerufen” assembling to march against the new from the evil Mutti Merkel closing their most important time of life (Christmas), which liberals have repudiated. They are marching and everyone is invited or (called to serve).
How angry will they become when the vaccines are mandated by the same traitors and murderers?
“Corona” means crown, and who will be crowned “King of the world” using COVID as the leverage? Hint: everyone is forced to wear a yarmulke around on their face.
Bishops Of Austria: Submitting To Potentially Dangerous COVID Vaccines A ‘Christian Responsibility’
TRANSLATION: Every war has been caused by jews with the result of Christians being the group with the most dead fighting them. This is a “reset” to bring down whites. Jews are scared. Trump was not supposed to happen.
It’s our “Christian responsibility” to speak out and warn the public about jews, jewry, the Vatican, Jesuits, masonry and the occult. Christian responsibility includes calling out the wolves among the sheep. Christian responsibility includes defending your family from presumptuous jews hellbent on our destruction.
Ahhhh… the Virgin Mary worshipers, eh… what else will they come out with next? Nothing quite like a real example of “Christian” hypocrisy to turn even more good God fearing people away from Christianity.
I will not be taking a vaccine… especially one made with baby cells! Disgusting!
We WORSHIP only God. Just as we HONOR our fathers and mothers, we HONOR Mary exactly as Luke 1:26-55 instructs:
“virgin …and the virgin’ s name was Mary. And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. …Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. … the mother of my Lord …behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed…”
I didn’t know as a newer christian it did until found out i have since stayed away from all medicines and vaccines and was so upset to find out i begged Gods forgivness and stayed far from is awful!
Like lambs to the slaughter at the alter of the synagogue of Satan.
Just as the details of the mass siphon off of billions of UK £s to corrupt thieving murdering tory tory Jew parasites, their friends families and donors gutless thieving murdering Jew the incest laden swivel eyed inbreed & thieving murdering kike rat Johnson pretends he has to lock down again gutless murdering ugly beast, obviously ploy to run away which he does every single time one of his dirty kike treason genocides and thefts are rubbed in his ugly kike face.
And the BMJ even spelling out so even a thick kike can understand.
there really could be no bigger insult to the English than having Jews
on the throne and only being allowed to vote of Jews and every single one of them a thieving lying murdering international jewish paedo ring protecting scum bag.
The covid scamdemic is 1 of the worlds biggest kike heists. All to siphon off Englands money and make them even more beholden to greedy corrupt despised Jewish bankers who by the same corrupt practices have got the world into another recession where we all loose and the corrupt Jews never do. These brain dead kikes think we cant see what the ugly little evil deranged enemy are up to
Incest is causing these freaks to go totally loopy in so many ways. Proven to be the most demented of all humans although I wouldn’t call Jews human they are parasites.
These high-priests together with their judeo-masonic infiltrated governments all over the world are planning the greatest genocide ever. What boggles my mind is how 90% of people still can’t see through all blatant covid-lies…or is it denial – to face the fact that their government, media, health-system etc are all corrupt, is too much to handle.
None of those men are legitimate priests, let alone bishops. Neither are they Christians nor Catholics.