A Black high school football coach was placed on administrative leave Wednesday after he reportedly forced a Black “Hebrew Israeli” football player to eat a non-kosher pepperoni pizza as a punishment for missing a scheduled practice:
The Canton City School district also suspended an additional seven other members of the high school football coaching staff.
“I mean it just crosses a line on every level, it’s just wrong,” said the family’s attorney, Edward L. Gilbert.
Coach Wattley Marcus and seven assistant coaches forced a McKinley High School football player to eat a pepperoni pizza after the 17-year-old student-athlete missed a weight lifting session on May 20, according to the family’s attorney Edward L. Gilbert.
What happened four days later as punishment for missing the practice was traumatizing and disrespectful for the McKinley High junior, who is Jewish and keeps Kosher, Gilbert said.
“They order him to go into the gym. He sits in a chair,” said Gilbert. “There is a pizza box on the floor. He picks up the pizza — they tell him he has to, as punishment, eat that whole pizza.”
It is common knowledge among the football community, Gilbert said, that the 17-year-old does not eat pork for religious reasons.
“In his view, the whole pizza was spoiled. The whole pizza was something that could not be ingested,” said Gilbert. “He was ordered to eat that, and if he did not eat it then he would be most likely removed from the team, and the other teammates would have to do extra exercise that day. So you have the whole team around in this gym. You have eight coaches there yelling at him that he has to eat this stuff.”
After the player finished the pizza he was instructed to do further exercises, the attorney said.
“It’s our view that certainly for religious reasons this was inappropriate,” Gilbert said. “It was a dumb thing to do by the coach, and we haven’t been able to understand what was in this coach’s mind at the time.”
“To punish a kid thing like this for his religious beliefs is certainly beyond, it’s ridiculous,” he said.
The student’s family is considering a first amendment lawsuit against the school district, Gilbert said.
Beyond the possibility of a lawsuit, the athlete and his family are trying to navigate the social and emotional fallout from the incident.
“I know that they’re very uncomfortable, and, as you know, these coaches are role models for young men and women,” said Gilbert. “It’s going to affect them for the rest of their lives. We don’t know if he’s gonna go back to the school or not. Most likely he will not.”
Gilbert says this young man is a star athlete, and even though he’s only a junior, he’s already been offered full rides to several colleges. Now his family is unsure if he’ll return to McKinley high or its esteemed football program.
“They are really taking it very difficult because this is a situation where their religion is being disrespected, they are being disrespected and their son in front of the whole team has been disrespected,” Gilbert said.
This story leaves out some very salient facts — first and foremost, this player is obviously Black, not Ashkenazi — which explains the Black attorney, the Black high school, and the Black father interviewed in other coverage:
Oddly, the news reporters refer to the player’s “Hebrew Israeli religious faith” — not Judaism — which would lead us to conclude that the family of this player believes they are “Black Hebrews” — and no rabbi has ever halachically approved their “conversion” — a fact that the school’s attorneys should bring up in any potential lawsuit.
And notice the deafening silence of any accusations of “antisemitism” by the Black attorney — he mentions only a violation of the player’s “first amendment rights.”
There are, of course, “Jews of color” — that is, halachic Jews with Jewish mothers, but apparently that’s not what these “Hebrew Israelis” in this story are.
We have been unable to locate any Black Hebrew congregation or synagogue listed in the Canton, Ohio area.
According to video coverage of the story, the coach allowed the player to pick the pepperoni and cheese off the pizza before he ate it — proving that the coach didn’t know that pepperoni had pork in it and wasn’t kosher — or that dairy and meat cannot be mixed in the same dish — but nevertheless he tried to accommodate him.
Also, excluded from this story — but mentioned in the video news coverage — is the player allegedly was so distraught and traumatized over this hazing that he needed to seek professional psychological help — as if.
Jews of all stripes have to make compromises on their “kosher” diets all the time outside the home — and there is no doubt that if this player has ever eaten in the school cafeteria at this Black public high school, he’s violated his “kosher” rules.
Only a “Black Hebrew” would think that “keeping kosher” simply means avoiding pepperoni pizza — it’s far more complicated than that.
Attorneys for the school would be wise to look into just how strictly this player’s family adheres to kosher rules — for example, at home do they have separate plates and utensils — and even separate pot, pans, and countertops — for preparing dairy and meat? It’s highly doubtful.
Given how quickly the family got an attorney involved would suggest that they are looking to win the ghetto lottery here — with a big payout from the Canton school district — for “emotional duress” and “civil rights violations.”
Israel recently announced that they were deporting dozens of these American “Black Hebrews” who had been living there for decades — because they do not consider them real “Jews”.
Not that the Israeli’s are “real” Jews for that matter — in many ways they are no different from these “Black Hebrews” — merely LARPing — or pretending to be real Israelites.
“Hitler didn’t snub me. It was FDR who snubbed me. He didn’t even send me a telegram.”
— Jesse Owens
Yet until this day, the Jewish controlled journaille repeats the stupid story that Hitler left the games in order
to avoid shaking hands with America’s top gold medal winner,Jesse Owens, a Negro. They
conveniently forget to mention that Owens, like all the other medalists, was invited to a festive dinner
at Hitler’s chancellery. This included, of course, also the Jewish girl, Helene Mayer, who won the silver
medal in fencing for Germany. They also forget the remarks of another American Negro athlete, who,
on his return was asked by a reporter: “Did you meet any nasty Nazis in Germany?” Answer: “No, I
only met nice Germans and I didn’t have to ride in the back of the bus, either.”
On a somewhat related note, I happened to see a Daily Stormer article that mentions the Japanese have considered their royal family to be Israelites since the 1600s, descended from Gad, and that their ancient religion incorporates elements of ancient Hebrewism.
DS articles usually include Biblical references and an overall call to get right with God, so I thought at first that this article was like what we discuss here, the diaspora of the Israelites and how, in effect, White minorities used to run everything until they got browned out.
So I was surprised when DS decided that (in effect) “This means the Japanese are kikes and it explains why they should be hated.”
darkies think that they could be Jews, Whites think that Israelites were Jews…so much confusion abounds, there has to be a way to clear it up. Though I’ll admit that I am a bit confused as the DS article mentions that the Japanese Imperial House is adorned with “Stars of David”, and I’m still on the fence as to whether that is the Acts 7:43 “Star of Remphan” that the Jews were worshiping.
When the designers learned that FDR’s administration would not allow helium to be shipped to “Nazi” Germany, the Hindenberg was re-engineered to use hydrogen for its lift instead — a gas which is flammable. The man responsible for denying helium to Germany was Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes (cough cough) — a fanatical German-hater and FDR Marxist. Though the German engineering geniuses were still able to construct a very safe airship — because hydrogen was flammable — there now existed an opportunity for an “accident” with a plausible “explanation” for it.
1. A suspicious blast — at the exact moment of mooring with the cameras filming — destroys Germany’s Airship industry. // 2. It was FDR’s Jewish Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes, who would not permit helium exports to Germany. // 3. FDR with the mighty Ickes.
according to James Perloff, the Hindenburg was shot by a rifle with an incendiary charge by a group led by (((Moe Berg))), who may or may not have been working for the U.S. federal govt
maybe he was working for International Jewry as well
A single incendiary bullet could have taken down the whole airship?
I don’t doubt that FDR and (((the boys))) sabotaged the airship.
The airship was struck repeatedly with Six Gorillion Volts that arced through it after each lightning strike, and it shrugged them all off.
Can a flaming bullet do what lightning could not? Did the Germans pull a “Skytanic” and fail to make proper firewalls to contain any internal flame?
Rabbi-Communism Invented by Jews
Update: most of the football coaching staff involved in this incident have been fired. But interestingly, none of the reports of this incident use the accusation of “Anti-semitism” but just imply it so that the reader assumes it without proving it….
Holocaust Made in Russia.
The msm is now calling him “Jewish”. Not too surprising since Jews themselves can’t agree on who is a Jew.
Negroes never had an indigenous faith, hate their ancestral home land and hate-love their own kind & everything ‘white’…did I forget anything? Its a wonder to me that even the jew could have found a use for the ilk.
“German jews accuse you and associates to be tools of outside political influences. stop! your senseless overrating of [your] own international importance and lack of judgement, damage largely those you pretend to want to protect … better shut off your own limelight and useless meetings, as [the] surest means against antisemitism … this is your most important duty to repair your crimes against us.”
New World Order pledged to Jews .. October 6 1944
There was also a video of the physical paper being looked through too.
I laughed and laughed at the term “ghetto lottery”! Haha!
I can’t touch this, too much for my brain….I am busy with Google firing their diversity czar because he said that “Jews have developed an insatiable appetite for war”, which is an accurate statement, American’s perpetual war foreign policy is shaped by Jews.
America’s two wars against Christian Europe on behalf of the Jews set the stage….but they called him an anti-semite for telling the truth…confirming once against the extremism and intolerance of Jews. Their behavior vindicates the man in question. The world is watching how Jews who constantly point the finger at White people and accuse them of racism engage in cruelty against Black people in America.
Orcs are a corrupted, mindless, destructive & unholy force personified, devoid of all light.
So of course leftists say this is offensive to Blacks.
Most of the headlines for this story in different sources say the player was forced to eat “pork” not pepperoni, to make the incident sound more “antisemitic” than it really was. Like, “Jewish football student in Ohio forced to eat pork as punishment for missing practice”. And the headlines omit the fact that the “Jewish” student isn’t really Jewish but is a black hebrew. The whole thing is such a tempest in a teapot….no wonder people have become immune to headlines about “antisemtism”…..no one cares…..keep at it up, I say…..
Peperoni is made of cured pork, so it’s technically correct.
Well, you could use any pork-like meat in a sausage like that, really.
But yeah, pepperoni seems less like an intentional slight.
The problem is that there are people that care, far too many.
This news agency was digging at the bottom of the barrel so that they could score some points with the Jews.
Although it’s funny how religion can produce a love for feeling offended. If blacks are capable of that behavior, what does it say of the white folks who do the same?
I see it in atheists & agnostics all the time, so I suspect this popular theory isn’t very well thought out. The same social issues that plagued the Catholics or Puritans also plague Atheists, despite the differences in views on morals.
Do the vast majority of Indians live like they do because they are Hindu? No, if they convert to something else or stop being religious, it won’t get rid of the problems, maybe fixations will alter but similar problems will still plague them.
The vast majority of people are not smart, or even have decent morals/ socialisation.
Even amongst whites, they’re not all equal to or above 100 IQ, they don’t all have good parents, genetics & a cultivating environment. Even the offspring of nobility were notorious for disappointing their parents by not living up to their heritage, spoiling people strips them of the hardship required to make a decent person.
The Jews made protected classes in society, these classes are the ones that especially love being offended. Idiotic narcissists use that political & social leverage to get free attention, have a power trip and validate their meaningless existence.