The Black boyfriend of Louella Fletcher-Michie has been found guilty of manslaughter after he filmed the daughter of Holby City actor John Michie dying from the effects of the drugs he gave her:
The Winchester Crown Court jury took just over nine hours to find Ceon Broughton guilty of manslaughter and guilty of supplying a Class A drug.
The Independent understands that Broughton’s defence team plan to appeal against his conviction, which was secured with a unanimous jury decision. Broughton, who will be sentenced on Friday morning, made no show of emotion as the guilty verdicts were delivered, but moments later he called a lawyer to his side and told him: “text my mum”.
Broughton, 29, of Enfield, north London, had denied the charges, but he declined to enter the witness box in his defence.
The court heard that Louella – described by police who investigated her death as “a free spirit” – died from the world’s first known fatal overdose of 2C-P at the Bestival music festival on September 10 2017, the night before her 25th birthday.
She was just 400 metres from the festival’s medical tent, but the prosecution said that instead of taking effective action to help, Broughton filmed her as she enduring a “gradual demise” over several hours, during which she “screamed like a wild animal” before collapsing.
The court heard that as Louella’s condition deteriorated, Broughton had been worried about getting in trouble with the police because he already had a suspended prison sentence hanging over his head due to a previous offence.
When a friend told him to call an ambulance, the jury was told, Broughton messaged back: “I can’t get bagged [arrested].”
Prosecutor William Mousley QC said the real reason Broughton “let Louella down so badly, was to save himself and perhaps even to collect souvenirs of the fatal evening on his phone”.
“That,” said Mr Mousley, “is shocking and despicable negligence of the highest order.”
Louella, he added, had fallen victim to the consequences of a “fatal attraction” for her boyfriend.
“Her attraction to Ceon Broughton,” said Mr Mousley, “Her feelings towards Ceon Broughton, turned out to be a fatal attraction.”
Medical expert Professor Charles Deakin said Louella would have had a 90 per cent chance of survival had she received early medical help. Instead, Prof Deakin said, Louella was “in all probability dead” in the last video that Broughton took.
White women who “date” or “marry” Black men increase their chances of being murdered or physically abused tenfold. Apparently, Louella’s father was too busy being a celebrity to have “the talk” with his young, impressionable daughter, explaining to her the violent reality of race mixing. He should have explained to his daughter that the idealized version of inter-racial relationships that is promoted on television has no basis in reality.
He failed her as a father, but at least she didn’t die a “racist”. In order for multiculturalism to succeed, many more young White women like Louella will have to be sacrificed. How many more Whites must die before we achieve an ideal level of “diversity”? All of them? Whites like Louella who do drugs are far more likely to come in contact with criminal Blacks like Broughton, and drugs will certainly be blamed here, but the real law that was broken here was the very first one in the Bible, “kind after kind”.
It seems that White women just love to feel that they are so neutral to color and act like they believe they’re showing how unprejudiced they are with a black male, boyfriend or husband.
But over a decade or more ago, black males were bragging that they had more testosterone than White males. That ended. I wonder why? Maybe they were seeing success in their relationships with White females and were not wanting to make it noticeable and bragging.
But it is the black sex hormone that does its work to trap a White women if the black can get her interest long enough or get her natural defenses down.
Just like male animals can smell female hormones, women can sense or smell black hormones.
Nice to see ‘justice’ served…manslaughter, that’s it???
These are the front line victims of the jewish utopia called ‘multiculturalism’. We should expect no less.
And realistically, he would have walked away completely had there not been video evidence of the crime. But Blacks, for obvious “cultural” reasons, love to get their smartphones out and make videos of their most vile and criminal acts, and I would encourage them to continue to do that, for the sake of our District Attorneys everywhere.