(The Algemeiner) At the behest of a powerful Jewish watchdog and supremacist group, a Black kindergarten teacher at a charter school in Charlotte, North Carolina, was fired on Monday following the discovery of a historically-accurate Tweet that he posted over the weekend:
Jarrin Wooten — a teacher at Sugar Creek, a K-12 charter school in northeast Charlotte — posted the tweet defending Nazi leader Adolf Hitler on Sunday.
“Hitler was trying to keep those demonic ass Rothschilds and fractional reserve banks out of Germany and then we let those same ‘Jews’ come to America and teach us he was a terrorist….all I’ll say is look into it some more,” Wooten wrote.
Local broadcaster WFAE reported that Charlotte schools Superintendent Cheryl Turner began an investigation into Wooten on Monday after his tweet was exposed by watchdog StopAntisemitism.org.
She said the teacher initially told her he was hacked, adding that such a tweet would be surprising from “a black male teacher who has experienced racism himself.”
But a few hours later Sugar Creek board chair H. Bryan Ives III issued a statement saying the tweet was real and the teacher “is no longer employed at our school.”
The tweet violated the school’s social media and nondiscrimination policies, the statement said, adding that “hateful speech and discrimination against any person of any religion, race or color, will never be tolerated at Sugar Creek Charter.”
Notice that this Jewish watchdog group — StopAntisemitism.org — doesn’t dispute the factual basis of what Wooten tweeted — they simply call him an “antisemite” as if that alone refutes the historical contention in his Tweet.
Not only that, the school itself didn’t bother to look into whether or not the Tweet was true — they threw this dedicated and intelligent Black teacher under the bus — an example of how the Black community destroys itself at behest of Jewish interests.
And if Wooten was aware of these historical facts about Hitler, then he was probably more qualified to teach children than 99% of his fellow teachers — but he was fired for knowing and daring to share the truth.
But as Nobel Prize winner, Alexander Solzhenitsyn pointed out, “For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth.”
Jews want a “healthy” relationship with Blacks in America — but only as long as they remain on the kosher plantation and don’t question the official Jewish Version of History™.
Last year, powerful Jewish groups demanded — and got — the firing of a NAACP leader in Philadelphia because he tried to warn his fellow Blacks that Jews rule over them.
When the NAACP was originally founded — by Jews, not Blacks — all the leaders were Jews because they didn’t believe that Blacks were capable of running their own advocacy group — and they still don’t in light of that firing.
Jews “love” Blacks and employ and promote them through their media-industrial complex — but only as long as they don’t get too “uppity” and bite the hand that feeds them.
After all, it was largely Jewish-owned slave ships that brought these hapless Black slaves from Africa — their own African chiefs often traded them for a few cases of Jewish-produced whiskey and some shiny trinkets.
Had it not been for Jewish slave traders, their Black ancestors may never have made it to America — so in that sense, Blacks do indeed owe the Jews a lot — and it makes sense what Jews would be incensed when ungrateful Blacks start griping about “usury” and “conspiracies” — and other Jewish canards.
Jews have been very generous to Blacks, spending billions educating them about the evil “racist White man” — and the least that they can expect in return is for Blacks to grasp two very simple concepts:
Joe F.
Things are rarely what they appear or what we’ve been told they are by the media/government/history books.
In the spirit of the above comment, I recommend watching this video on the possible Jewish ethnicity of the person we were told was the African American Black Panther”Huey Newton”: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LeU78F4088Su/
I don’t know what to make overall of the Mag Bitter Truth videos. I suspect he’s probably another agent who reveals bits of truth here and there mixed in with lies/exaggeration/doomsaying-stuff-designed to-demoralize-the-viewer, the way they all do. However, I thought the video about “Huey Newton” was particularly good/interesting.
It just goes to show that the CIA has been creating characters to play roles leading the opposition for a long time. In this covid season, I’ve noted a bunch of fake doctors circulating, saying that the disease covid never existed.
The Jewish supremacist could not corrupt MalcolmX, so they don’t own him like the own Martin Luther King and use him to continue the exploitation of Black people. MalcolmX knew these hypocrites and called them liberal foxes, because that’s the cover these racist supremacist Jews in America wear instead of the Bolshevik communist garb of Russia and Germany.
I think MLK was starting to venture off the reservation. He cancelled a planned trip to Israel after the Six-Day War and was starting to make rumblings about the Israeli treatment of Palestinians. Given his sordid personal life, MLK was probably considered to have outlived his usefulness.
Holysmoke, I am out of FB gulag and make the same case that Hitler went after the Bolshevik communist who used America to wreak havoc on Germany, sofar nobody can dispute the facts. Lucky me I am not working for the government and know a thing or two about the perverted laws that the Bolshevik communist use to censor people…if you say Rotschild they can call you antisemite but they cannot do jack if you call them by their real name Bolshevik communist.
Sy Bergsteinowitz
The holocaust junkies are in the final roundup of all who dare think for themselves & read REAL history, not the sanitized BS we get shoved down our throats.
Why aren’t blacks raising hell about the Jews wanting to remove the great legacy of Malcolm X?
If some white guy had advocated this, all hell would break loose, but since it’s Jews, well just go back to sleep.
Malcolm X Must Fall: Hundreds of Streets, Schools Named After Black Ally of the KKK
Thanks for this heads-up…..
Where is the NEA, SPLC , NAACP , BLM, ACLU, reps from school board or even Washington or an irate neocon PHD from Chapel Hill with constitution in his hand to help this man … ?
jonathan goldmeyer
alas, all those institutions are also owned by the same cabal…
Wayne Dodds
Gregory Voitinsky
and this ugly Gargoyle
“We joked that once again the wandering Jew had left his mark — this time, by advising Chairman Mao”. https://forward.com/schmooze/159051/a-jew-in-maos-china/
Guy Marley
The new face and voice of British “Christianity”
Erick Linscott
Fifty years ago, when I lived in Maine, there were two wooden square rigged ships listing and rotting in the coastal mud banks of Wiscassett. I often wondered what their histories were but only knew their names: the Hesper and the Luther Little. A few years ago I saw a list of jewish owned slave ship names, and there I saw the Hesper was listed. The ship is surely gone now but had it been saved, been a wonderful historical reminder of the central planners and perpetrators of the slave trade.
Erick, I looked it up….was the “Hesper” that you’re referring to abandoned in Wiscasset, Maine? If so, this wasn’t a slave ship; rather, it was built in 1918, far too late for that. But interesting name coincidence….
A brief history of this particular Hesper reads, “Hesper was built by Crowninshild Shipbuilding, South Somerset, MA. Her career started poorly, as the launching ways collapsed beneath her on launching day, 4 July 1918. The 1348 ton schooner made several lengthy voyages, including runs to Spain and Venezuela. In June of 1932 she was sold to Frank Winter for $600. She was towed to Wiscasset, arriving 1 September 1932 to join Luther Little.”
Photos of this Hesper in Wiscasset, Maine can be seen here:
So, just as I predicted, Twitter removed J**s posting their L’s… then it came back again under a new name, J Taking L’s… and now it has been shut down again.
Why are the jews sooooo precious that they cannot be made fun of? even lightheartedly? even they themselves poking fun at themselves is met with ire from other jews. Why are they so afraid of humour directed at them? Everyone gets made fun of… and people take it as humour, for the most part, anyway… not the jews tho… and not mohammedians either haha! They are just as bad.
The twitter thought police strike again. And again. And again.
j goldmeyer
guilty conscience….
Chaplain bob Walker
Malcom x figured out who was pulling the strings and started warning the brothers and sistah’s and soon after he “died”
Just a coincidence of course.
PC is just another name for ….
“October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).”
From the imported Olmeca miners of meso-america to the cotton-picking & sugarcane-cutters of new world the stupid African chattel were and will always remain expendable commodity to the world’s custodians being eventually exterminated in Every place they were used in with the african Abyss ever eager to resupply more cattle. The creole’s end in N. America is catered to be at the hands of latin-america. Self-obsessed and temporal negro is just the ideal & eternal dumbass throwaway tool for the world rulers that Never sees its end coming .
Patrick White
Isn’t this just a blatant admission that they are the most parasitical people on the planet? Talk about advertising themselves.
Stopantisemitism gets around.
Off Topic but important-is PCR swab test a vaccination procedure?
17:40 mins in.
Former Liberal
Absolutely disgusting what happened to this man. But as “New Nation News” likes to say, “There is no freedom of speech in a far left wing dictatorship. “
I saw this on Twitter yesterday, and Im glad CFT picked up on it. It is really wrong… I hate this cancel culture stuff!
If you wanta taste of real depravity and bizarre behaviour, have a look at this Twitter account: https://mobile.twitter.com/insaneppltweets
Be warned though, fellow Xtians, there are some sickos there… However, it does good to show that Twitter and the jews do not cancel people because of that stuff: be as weird and creepy and perverted as you want… just don’t mention the jews in a negative way and Twitter will let you post all you want! They are hypocrites!
atheism is jewish
“Xtians”? Why would you X out Christ? Only atheists say “Merry Xmas”.
X is shorthand for Christ. I write on my phone, so I use shorthand sometimes. X has been used for Christ since ancient times. There are numerous symbols that amalgamte X for Christ in them. IC XC (you see this in Icon paintings) is shorthand Greek for Jesus Christ… do some research; it is a wonderful subject the symbolism of the church throughout the ages.
Good news from the multicultural -polis of Charlotte. Thank Satan for the board of education . Such unequivocal , insubordinate, enlightening , uncontrolled , discriminating and edifying thoughts must not be revealed in the American schools– it is caustic anti semitism. Blacks are getting wise to the irreproachable pretender’s real identity? And they are confessing it. Good news!