(Twitter) A video has been posted on Twitter of a black South African woman speaking about the “dismal failure” of black rule — how in the 28 years since the fall of Apartheid, the country has become a hopeless mess — and she wants Blacks to “swallow their pride” to give the country back to White people:
She says,
“Let the power go back to the White people. We, as black people, we just have to accept that we failed dismally. For 28 years, we were given chance to prove ourselves, and we failed dismally.
This thing of voting, one black person after the other, it won’t help us with anything. Let power go back to White people.
When White people were governing this country — irrespective of whatever that they were doing — but our parents were working, kids used to get passes to go to universities, the town used to be clean.
There was jobs everywhere. You apply you get a job. Even if you didn’t have qualifications, you could work in hotels — you could work wherever. You could even work in the farms — there were farms where people could work.
Black people are a dismal, dismal failure. They can’t govern. Let the power go back to White people. Let us just swallow our pride — and give this White people power back — so that the culture can go back to normal.
We have to accept it. We really, really respect people who fought for the liberation. We respect them — and we are still going to respect them.
But at the end of the day, we just have to take this power back to the White people.
We are tired. South Africa is a mess. Everywhere you go, it’s a mess. We are tired. We accept we failed.
Black people cannot rule. Black people cannot govern.
White people should take over this country so that this country can have dignity back. All these things that are happening in our country, they will never happen again.
This problem of foreigners — this problem of crime — it won’t be there any more.
White people, they don’t play. They don’t play. They rule. They govern.
The police — White police — they don’t play with criminals. They don’t play with undocumented people in the country…”
We would agree with everything this black woman has said — except for her “respect” for their black leaders who helped bring about their “liberation” — these Blacks — like the terrorist Nelson Mandela — were driven by envy, greed and hate — not by love for their own people
If they truly loved their own people — and knew what what best for them — they would have told them that Apartheid was for their own best interests — as this black woman clearly now understands.
Simply put, South Africa experienced a communist revolution that brought about the fall of Apartheid and White rule — orchestrated behind the scenes by Jews — like Denis Goldberg — and their White useful idiots like George Galloway and Alan Paton — who used black front men, like Nelson Mandela to be the false “black face” of the revolution.
The result of every communist revolution is misery and death — while promising the false hope of a utopian future that never comes.
Blacks cannot govern a nation because Blacks cannot even govern their own personal lives — they have no self-discipline — their natural impulses compel them to take whatever is in front of them — whether it’s prosperous farms built by Whites over hundreds of years, public infrastructure, or any woman they want to rape.
Not surprisingly, well over 90% of farms that have been “appropriated” by Blacks have failed — but Blacks would rather see them fail — and see their fellow Blacks starve — than allow Whites to own anything.
In fact, the black Minister of Agriculture stated that Blacks don’t need White farmers — because they can just go to the store and buy food.
Yes, in order to enforce necessary White Rule, the Whites of South Africa had to use force — sometimes brutal force — the only thing that Blacks understand and respect — to keep the peace and protect prosperity for all — and the international Jewish press made sure to trumpet examples of that necessary force as “abuse” to discredit Apartheid worldwide.
The Jewish press — with the backing of wealthy Jewish bankers — smeared South Africa’s greatest White prime minister — Hendrik Verwoerd — as a “racist” — and even went so far as to accuse him of being a pedophile.
One of the most influential Jews in South Africa who aided and abetted its destruction is billionaire Nathan “Natie” Kirsh — the “George Soros of Africa” — who amassed a fortune in commercial real estate and aerospace technologies — while registering his companies offshore in the British Virgin Islands to avoid paying taxes — then funneled that wealth into Israel — and then hypocritically financed the construction of the apartheid “security” walls between Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Apartheid South Africa was literally a cash cow for international Jewry — besides their monopoly on the gold and diamond mines, Israel relied on the rich uranium mines in South Africa to fuel their clandestine and illegal nuclear weapons program — which they had kick-started by stealing already processed uranium from America.
But the elite Jews were more than willing to use their ill-gotten wealth to destroy White Rule — knowing full well that their trade in diamonds, gold, and uranium would continue unabated — their black puppet rulers have all been pro-Zionist — their most important qualification for leadership.
Since the fall of Apartheid, over 40% of South Africa’s Jews have fled to the safety of Israel, England, and America — which has mysteriously lead to a decline in “antisemitism” in the country — leaving Whites to deal with the mess while the Blacks vote to steal their land — and the Whites who resist this “appropriation” are slaughtered wholesale.
Taking a cue from Jews, black radicals in South Africa have introduced a law to make “Apartheid denialism” illegal — much like the Jews made Holocaust denial illegal in numerous White nations over which they rule.
While Jews have had no problem getting exit visas from South Africa and finding other nations that will readily take them in, White South Africans have largely been denied this ability to leave and take their hard-earned assets with them.
Countries like Australia and Canada refuse to accept White South Africans seeking asylum on the basis of racial discrimination and the fear of death — because they are accused of “racism” for being part of any South African group that advocates rights for Whites.
Ironically, it’s former communist countries like Russia and Hungary that are more than willing to grant industrious White South African farmers asylum.
Jews have always encouraged “Black Pride” — but what they really need is “Black Humility” — as this black South African woman understands — Blacks need to “swallow their pride” and very humbly ask — if not beg — Whites to take back the country and put it back in order — just as they did in Zimbabwe.
But most Blacks are incapable of such self-knowledge and humility — as Friedrich Nietzsche wrote,
“No one is more inferior than those who insist on being equal.”
ulysses freire da paz jr
All wars are aimed at the EXTERMINATION of the white race, the guardian of freedom https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/03/who-or-what-are-the-jews/#comment-53459)
THE KALERGI PLAN AND THE DESTRUCTION OF EUROPE https://cienciayraza.blogspot.com/2015/04/plan-kalergi-la-destruccion-de-europa-y.html)
Do you think that hunger in Africa is the fault of the first world? https://cienciayraza.blogspot.com/search?q=prospero)
Truth never slanders, because it highlights http://imgfz.com/i/YRf7K5y.jpeg)
“Putin has failed to destroy Ukraine, but he is succeeding in destroying Russia” – because the target & goal since 1789 with the two world wars against Germany is neither territorial nor political, but racial – the extermination of the white race https://katana17.com/2023/01/20/the-z-blog-a-ukraine-primer-jan-13-2023-transcript/comment-page-1/#comment-86053)
The race among which the energy of an Aryan variety has been preserved for the longest time and continues to act beneficially is, according to Gobineau, the Germanic race, and this explains the success of his theory in German countries, https://cienciayraza.blogspot.com/2022/02/ensayo-sobre-la-desigualdad-de-las.html)
According to Jared Taylor, colleges are bastions of anti-white propaganda. https://cienciayraza.blogspot.com/2023/06/white-supremacists-on-campus.html)
The white race, in its moral essence, is diametrically opposed to the Jewish race. https://judaismoemaconaria.blogspot.com/2023/07/comentarios-polemicos-sobre-os-negros.html?showComment=1698099470855#c959144280114004802)
Adolf Hitler said that if there was an antipode to the Aryan, it was undoubtedly the Jew. The Aryan is the creator and representative of all the greatness and beauty in the world, in terms of art, politics, philosophy, architecture, he is the standard-bearer of civilisation.
The Jew represents a completely opposite nature, the Jew is not capable of creating anything, because like his “god” Demiurge he copies and deforms everything. The Jew has no particular culture because he has usurped elements from various peoples to invent a history and an origin.
The Aryans have always shown tolerance of religious beliefs since they were pagans, but in the case of the Jews, they have brought out all their monotheistic and bloodthirsty intolerance of the cult of the totalitarian Jehovah, often massacring various peoples as they themselves proudly write in their holy scriptures. The Aryan always maintained a patriarchal system obeying the sacred laws of nature, as wise as they were ruthless, manifested a warrior nature and embraced the supreme values of honour, family, loyalty and the principle of lineage legacy.
The Aryans didn’t know what usury was, they lived by barter and fair negotiation in favour of the community; on the contrary, it was the Jew who proposed his insane customs of usury, practising credit, theft, lying and deceit.
The Jew, thanks to his Marxist or capitalist economic methods, corrupts the spirit of a people, encouraging vice and awakening the darkest side of men, said the German musical genius Richard Wagner: “The Jew is the devil who corrupts mankind”.
The Führer eliminated interest, credit and all those Jewish capitalist manoeuvres to enslave the people and planted a just system based on real help for the German people. The Jew always manages finances because only through a degenerate system guided by dollars, coins and electronic money can he reach the throne of a nation, never thanks to his own virtues. Hitler also says that the triumph of Jewish movements is not due to the talent of their Jewish leaders, but to the incompetence of those who defend that country. The Jew has always lived as a parasite on other peoples, sucking the vitality out of nations, and this is also how he has followed in the footsteps of the Aryan century after century.
Art is the deepest representation of the soul and through this virtue we can appreciate the genius and divinity of an entire race, we can also observe the abominable works made by the Jews and therefore through their degenerate art we observe their depravity and diabolical nature, that is, a malformation of perfection and Aryan absolutism.
The distinction between Aryans and Jews was established by art.
How can we compare fabulous Germanic musical pieces by Bach, Mozart, Bethoveen and Wagner with those horrifying noisy abominations of Jewish musicians, from that degenerate music comes jazz and all that noise that degenerates man. It is not the same to read a great story by Tolkien or Jules Verne as it is to read, for example, an incoherent and horrible degenerate text by the Jew Franz Kafka.
Source: https://cienciayraza.blogspot.com/2016/03/la-raza-aria-versus-la-raza-judia.html)
Masonic ideals always generate a nation without race, without identity, without any bond or commitment to the nation and its community. World War II was a great struggle of the white genome against opposing forces that want whites to stop evolving and mix with non-whites – and therefore to become extinct as whites. https://www.unz.com/aanglin/ana-kasparian-blackmailing-jimmy-dore-with-metoo-hoax-for-exposing-the-young-turks-pro-war-agenda/#comment-5986421)
Empirically, as soon as this lie collapses https://www.actualite.co/73623/l-holocauste-juive-un-ignoble-mensonge.html all the others will likewise collapse https://nationalvanguard.org/?s=If+the+the+Holocausts+lie++ )
Most of the history of modern terrorism, not just since 2001, but really since the Second World War, has been a deception fabricated by Western and Israeli intelligence services https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/07/the-jews-holocaust-culture-of-contrived-victimhood-threatens-white-survival/#comment-46345)
The hysterically slandered “Nazis” and the SS shared their meagre food, medicine, housing and much more with the Jews – even until the last days of the war! The misery and death of thousands of Jews and non-Jews in many of the camps at the end of the war were among the Allies’ greatest successes. https://johndenugent.com/german-michael-winklers-blog-gegen-luzifer-2/#comment-727876)
If Hitler had intended to exterminate anyone, he wouldn’t have built gigantic confinement camps with swimming pools, medical and dental care, football pitches, even brothels, just for communist terrorists, not coincidentally mostly Jews. Only zombies and brainless people can’t concatenate such evidence https://graviolat.blogspot.com/2020/01/an-introduction-to-holocaust-revisionism.html?sc=1674586700907#c5383970030669253255)
The confinement camps housed ONLY terrorists, communists, mostly Jews, and with perks that don’t exist in many of today’s 5-star hotels. https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/05/auschwitz-why-did-they-say-nothing/#comment-33537)
If Roosevelt hadn’t brought America into the war on false pretences, http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/wars/germanyandengland/1.shtml) Hitler would have ended Stalin’s Bolshevik nightmare in a few months. Roosevelt gave billions of dollars in aid to Soviet Russia to defeat the Reich Forces and establish a Jewish-Capitalist-Communist Order in Europe. FDR prolonged the war for at least four years, and even more than Stalin, he was a bloodthirsty, power-hungry servant of the Jewish Money Power. https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/01/a-niagara-of-lies/#comment-51086)
Every atrocity attributed to Germany, https://fingersblog.com/2022/06/27/mit-greuelpropaganda-haben-wir-den-krieg-gewonnen/) was proven to have been committed https://fpp.co.uk/Auschwitz/Dachau/VanRoden1948.html) by those who moved the world to save communism so that it could spread to Brazil.
It is now clear that Germany’s defeat was a defeat for all the world’s inhabitants, just as Adolf Hitler predicted http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/wars/germanyandengland/1.shtml)
”Love, the natural and healthy kind, is indeed what defines the world around us, and it is the holiest and most beautiful miracle we have ever seen on this earth. But without effective action against those who threaten what we love, love is an empty word, a catchphrase for hippies, gays and cowards.” George Lincoln Rockwell, https://christiansfortruth.com/mobile-gas-vans-not-invented-by-nazis-but-by-the-communist-jew-isai-berg-to-mass-murder-ukrainians-during-holomodor/#comment-208923)
Even when UNO would force Rothschild + De Beers to return all south african gold + diamondsto them, the blacks would continue their impulsive childish behaviours . Before white man came to africa already black tribes were in wars with their neighbour tribes and because of this many more peaceful tribes were eliminated by aggressive tribes.
With white men it became worse since they got rum + modern firearms from them and slave business begun. The pygmies + the kalahari bushmen therefore will be extinguished because they are peaceful .
I noticed Renegade Tribune stole CFT’s story about this African woman’s comments, pretending they found the video on another website, and doesn’t even mention CFT’s story which was published a day before Renegade’s story appeared. They obviously read CFT but refuse to acknowledge where they get their sources because they don’t want to promote Christians, especially Christians who are more racially aware than they are.
And RT literally plagiarized CFT’s article on Logos in Africa quoting it verbaitm without giving any credit to CFT:
I guess plagiarism is a White pagan value.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Renegade Tribune do not seem to like Christians even though they promote Hitler who was a Christian – what an odd situation over there.
Noticer ….
I caught that too. I still check their site from time to time. Kyle does put out some really good articles.
Let us pray and hope that someday Kyle will actually read CFT’s article and the Spirit might enrich his soul.
Kyle kind of reminds me of Paul’s agitation with Alexander Coppersmith. I mean, Kyle and his followers literally seethe at the thought of those like us who believe ourselves to be the Israelites of Scripture. Regardless of how well CFT exposes jewish perfidy, it does not matter to them. They loathe us. It’s Supernatural to watch. I gave up trying to “reason” over-there. They simply will not listen.
He continually falsely labels our beliefs knowing full well our truth. Ex — we do not call ourselves “jews”. Far from it. But yet every time he speaks of us, he continues to repeat the false claim that we consider ourselves ‘jews’. He just won’t “hear”! He does it on purpose. He can’t accept that we see “Israelites” and “jews” as two separate peoples. He can’t go there. That would blow his whole thesis.
All we can do is pray for them.
This video show just how lost and hopeless blacks are. “Nick Cannon: ‘Non-Melanated’ People Lack Compassion… Were Savages, Barbaric… Closer To Animals… Evil”
Quote from negro about White people, “The only way they can act is evil. They have to rob, steal, rape, kill in order to survive.”
Whites have tried to show compassion for blacks and lift them up but always failed. What they say about Whites is just projection of what they know about themselves.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Africa gets used a lot for fraudulent charities hey people donate to african charities think of the poor Africans , but the reality is most of the money gets money laundered via networks like Finchley Road, Swift Incorporated ltd, Temple Secretaries, Centrum company formations – all operating out of city of London, the head of it Rothschild bankers.
Live Aid was a monumental scam they hoodwinked people into handing over their money but where did the money go in hands of a commie dictator who bought Russian weapons to attack freedom rebels. Money went to IMF, World Bank, Rothschild bankers. Bob Geldof was one of the main frontmen behind live aid
https://www.spin.com/2015/07/live-aid-the-terrible-truth-ethiopia-bob-geldof-feature/ http://falsificationofhistory.co.uk/banksters/live-aid-live8-a-sham/
Another dodgy charity is Comic Relief, and its to be expected from a bent and corrupt BBC.
Anyone who wants to understand what Africa was like before the White man (or Jews) showed up, must read Hinton Helper’s “The Negroes In Negroland”….it was a real eye opener for me….
Blacks especially should read this book, as it would be a very humbling experience for them to learn about what their ancestors were really like without the white man around to help them.
Nothing explains the current state of Africa better than this book, written in the 19th century:
Thanks for getting it out of the CFT archive Kumbaya…..
I am accused of putting White people on a guilt trip but here is one more example that supports my position.
“Rowan Helper spoke on behalf of the majority of Southern whites of moderate means—the Plain Folk of the Old South—who he said were oppressed by a small but politically dominant aristocracy of wealthy slave-owners.”
“The reaction in the South was very negative. John Spencer Bassett studied the issue and observed in 1898 that circulating Helper’s book could be the basis of criminal charges. Politicians often accused each other of having read it, but many of the most successful politicians read it and used its observations of the negative effects of slavery as the basis of their attempts to solve some of the problems Helper pointed out slavery caused. In his 1867 essay, “War of races. By whom it is sought to be brought about. Considered in two letters, with copious extracts from the recent work of Hilton R. Helper,” John Harmer Gilmer calls Helper “a profane miscreant,” one of many insults directed at Helper in that essay.”
“There are very few references to blacks in the book, and certainly slavery as an economic institution is denounced, not black people. It generated a furor in the South, where authorities banned its possession and distribution and burned copies that could be seized. Between 1857 and 1861, nearly 150,000 copies of the book were circulated, and in 1860, the Republican party distributed it as a campaign document. In December 1859, Democrats returning to Congress reacted with indignation because 68 Republicans had endorsed the book and planned to use it as campaign literature in the presidential election of 1860. Opponents blocked the election of Republican John Sherman as speaker because he had endorsed the book.”
Hinton Rowan Helper was not subjected to cruelty by Black people but by White people because he spoke on behalf of White. Talking about guilt tripping, he is also labeled a White supremacist because he spoke on behalf of White people…..who would do such a thing like that?
None of that is relevant to the factual contents of the book. The criticisms were political, not factual. The emancipation advocates hated the book because it pointed out, correctly, that blacks could never live as equals to Whites in the same society. And the last 150 years have proven that to be true. Read the book, not the brouhaha surrounding it.
Chris Maley
Haiti is a classic example. More than 200 years of independence from France and what have they achieved?
Lisette …
“White Guilt” as it relates to the propagation of the JQ is a positive thing. White people need to know the evil of the JQ and they need to know they are responsible.
But do it ANYWHERE else but here!!!! We get it already. We don’t need to be reminded.
Do me a favor …… if you ever leave a comment SOMEWHERE else, please come here and share that link.
Go to any judeo-christian website or forum or anything relating to History, politics and global affairs, and share your information.
I’d really enjoy reading your comments at THOSE places. I would be interested in their response. In fact I will personally follow up on your comments and share Christian Identity in support of your comment.
Just please, stop doing it here.
Do you understand?
CFT gets it. We get it. Ok?
There are no answers through some Left/Right, “Fascist”/”Anti-Fascist” political dialectic, both sides are controlled. We will never win a political argument with Satan’s minions.
It’s impossible to understand the Jewish Question outside of prophecy and the Bible. Jews own politics, and to try to solve the JQ politically is a fool’s errand. This is a spiritual battle.
The current Jewish Empire will collapse under its own internal contradictions, but also because it is anti-Christ in nature, and God will not be mocked.
Kevin …..
I agree with you.
What I care about now is saving souls.
I want Lisette to preach her white guilt (exposing the Js perfidy along with the aid of spiritually deceived White peoples ) elsewhere…….
In the prayer and hope that Adamites/Israelites will wake up to the Jesus of the Scriptures.
My journey is similar. I was a judeo-christian until I began to learn of the JQ which then led to the discovery of our Identity that is in Christ Jesus.
Lizette is simply preaching to the choir here at CFT.
I come here to learn and to Fellowship from like minded peoples.
I’m getting really tired of non-christians coming here and “guilt tripping” me and I’m tired of judeo-christians shaming me for my beliefs here at CFT which I consider the only place for Fellowship.
But I agree with you — there is no political solution.
Maybe, if anything, it only slows down the inevitable.
I hope what I wrote makes sense in light of Lisette’s constant criticism of White peoples here at CFT. She can criticize white people all she wants ….. just not here.
We here already know the score.
It’s useless to complain about the Jews. They are doomed, and they know it, and have howling about their holocaust they pretend happened, when the reality of it is about to come for them. It is biblical in scope and race ending for the jews.
Every man woman and child will be destroyed. Very soon. It will be a world wide destruction of Edom. What you call God is coming with his angels, driven out of heaven.. In Great wrath!!
Isaiah 13:5 They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.
6 Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man’s heart shall melt:
8 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames.
9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. Not Jesus The Christ, but the Antichrist coming to you.
13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.
14 And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land.
15 Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.
16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.
17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.
18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children.
19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.
Chris Maley
I was listening to a popular London based talk radio show (LBC) in the late hours last night. They were rabbiting on about Ukrainian refugees being favoured over boat people (illegal migrants) arriving here in dinghies.
A South African guy with British (white British I hasten to add) grandparents called in to say he went through hell to get residence legally in his ancestral land and had to spend a fortune in the process, – a process which poorer South Africans of British descent could never afford. I don’t think he was aware that the host he was speaking to was a British resident Jew (Ben Kentish) who openly dismissed his fears about the country saying quote; “I have relatives over there and they’re just fine. Don’t compare the plight of white South Africans in a country where’s there’s ‘no war’ with the plight of ‘desperately poor’ migrants fleeing wars in boats” ??
(Most of these ‘poor migrants’ are fighting age males. Many are from countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ghana and Sri Lanka where there’s NO WARS either paying up to £3K per head or more allegedly, deliberately omitted. They’re also in the knowledge that a hotel in England awaits to accommodate them with all expenses paid, – again deliberately omitted! ) …. He then cut him off.
Says it all to me. Trust me, the majority of home-grown indigenous Brits and Europeans are STILL led to believe by white hating Marxists using columns, talk shows and radio propaganda via the common branded media channels that their white brethren in or from South Africa/Zimbabwe are ALL “nazis” and racists on a par with National Socialist Germany and deserve nothing.
Only sporting greats that can be used or ideological leftists with hard evidence to prove it have an easier time. There are now more black Zimbabweans resident in England alone than the entire white population was at its peak in 1972. Double in fact.
Personally I am now at the point of not caring what the small pool of brain washed white Brits who stand up for non-Brits and any invaders legal or illegal say or think and I am now happy to let the natural order wipe them out to be replaced by Native Brits who actually want to save our race and way of life and history.
The non-Brits who have taken over our institutions and convinced our native people either at home or abroad that we do not matter, will get what they deserve in time.
Success is the best revenge!.
The photo speaks a thousand words. When nature has been destroyed and there is no hope to get out for a better life, when all one sees is piles of garbage everywhere. Food is the occasional dog that gets run over by a jeep that rumbles through once a week or so on the muddy road. No jobs, no schools, no hope. Just an endless sea of sad black faces begging to anyone who will help them…. stop having children. Just stop. Do whatever it takes. Abstinence. Pull out. Drink bleach. It doesn’t matter. Perpetuating this misery is just wrong.
Benton Harbor, Michigan…Black Cop chased a Black Motorcycle gang member. The motorcycle crashed. Negros burned down Benton Harbor homes and businesses, all Black owned properties. That makes a great deal of sense, right?…
Then we have Chicago where Negros on the South and West Sides kill each other in great number daily. It’s only when it is really cold or wet, the killings rate slow almost to a stop. Negros are too lazy to go out in the cold…Then we have East Chicago + Gary + Hammond Indiana, and Rockford + East Saint Louis, Illinois where Negros kill Negros in large number daily…
You can take them out of the jungle, but you cannot take the jungle out of them despite the fact that they are in North America for almost 600 years.
vegan health
The issue is not blacks, it is the Zionists who control the media, control politicians and control the printing of money. Blacks of have nothing.
David Westerlund
Voltaire — ‘If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize.’
Since 1945, National Socialism has been outlawed in Germany, and today in most of the world. We (Whites) need another man like the man that started the GR8st (greatest) society in the world back in 1933. 88Dave
You don’t need another strongman, because if people really cared about their country they would not oppose him like they did in favor of the depraved Marxist Zionist democracy garbage. Hitler opposed the death and destruction communist ideology of the Jews….White people embraced it like manna from heaven.
America waged two wars in Europe supposedly to liberate Europe from Hitler but subjugated the continent for the international fascist Zionist. European countries were forced to incorporate the Marxist social democracy into the system of government which turned all European countries into socialist welfare states that glorify the Jews. European countries forced the Marxist garbage down the throat of their overseas territories including my country.
If white people stop glorifying the death and destruction Marxist ideology and the Zionist supremacist government needs to take care of me garbage things will change.
A Texan
So true! I had uncles that served in support roles in WWII, but what was so great about a war that gave half of Eastern Europe to communist kikes to plunder and destroy? Patton was right.
Because of my experience with the minority group violence in New York, I started digging. WWII was the final Bolshevik communist subjugation of White countries under the guise of Democracy. The Kingdom of the Netherlands allowed them to plunder the natural resources of my country in South America to destroy Europe.
The propaganda machine spreads the victim of Hitler and Nazi propaganda which Hannah Arendt called the banality of evil, but you never hear about WWI and the Jewish Bolshevik communist Zionist genocide in Germany and Russia, with support from the majority Democrat party Congress, House and the Senate. The blackmailed Woodrow Wilson led the charge.
The Jewish bankers from the comfort of the US government wrecked havoc on the German people, the victims Jewish Bolshevik communist-Zionist aggression, and the truth is coming out slowly but surely…..
Vegan Health ……….
“……. the issue is not blacks ……………….
Surely you must be joking. Try living near them. I suspect you live in New Zealand, or the Swiss Alps or something.
Come move to Atlanta or any other Metropolitan city where they are everywhere.
I will give you one thing —- yes, it is Js who have flooded our nations with them and put a kybosh on our trying to export them. See — Barbara Lerner Spectre.
But if you think White and blacks can co-exist ………………… you are truly naive.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Black people get the brunt of the frustration while the problem is with the Zionist who were put at the center of the universe by White people who hate White people. WWI Britain and France with the help of America put the Bolshevik communist in power in Russia and subjugated Germany. When Germans resisted America to the rescue again with WWII and subjugated the whole continent with military might…..it were Jewish bankers who expanded to US America and military industrial complex. Democrat party FDR and his Communist-Zionist inner circle plundered the natural resources of my country to destroy Europe.
The genesis of the death and destruction Marxist, communist ideology aka slavery under a new formula. Jews use Black people to hate White people while they get rich plundering the natural resources of South Africa….and it happens in other countries too, with the help of the corrupt Bolshevik communist Jews dictating American policy foreign and domestic. The truth is out dare for those have eyes to see and ears to hear. Nobody thought is could happen there but it did….Black and White are catching hell is Marxist Bolshevik communist Zionist liberal democracy America.
He came from a longtime of insatiable fascist imperialist,
Africa would still be a “dismal mess” with or without Jews. They have shown no ability to govern themselves, as this black African woman says.
To blame all of Africa’s failures on Jews is just as foolish as Whites blaming all their problems on Jews.
However, Whites have proven their ability to develop advanced civilizations with or without Jews, while Blacks have not.
Whites have allowed Jews to destroy the nations they have built on their own, whereas blacks never built a civilization on their own for Jews or anyone else to destroy.
You are comparing apples to oranges.
Lisette is half-black or has black admixture and she doesn’t even claim to be a Christian. She never contributes Scriptural edification.
She loves to come here and remind us that all of our problems are our own. She is partly right so therefore her comments remain —- but I’m beginning to wonder why she remains to come here with nothing to offer. She is not us.
It’s getting old. Seriously ……………….. she hasn’t contributed anything to this site that we don’t already know.
Why do we continue to allow people who are not really our friends here on this forum.
It’s great to hear from new people with differing opinions, but Lisette has been here for years now. What I am learning from Lisette??? Absolutely nothing.
I’m frankly tired of her guilt trip.
Graphic of prominent Jews who helped destroy South Africa:
vegan health
Not sure how trying to free blacks from servitude and apartheid destroyed South Africa.
history talks
vegan health, do you not know the history of post-colonial Africa?
In every single case, when the white Europeans left, every African country fell into chaos and economic despair.
Same in America after their emancipation. Rampant crime, poverty, ignorance, etc.
Blacks don’t understand freedom the way whites do. Freedom destroys blacks, because they cannot control their impulses.
You do realize that Jews did that simply to destroy South Africa and to seize control of it themselves, right? If you are not a Jew, you have a very weird understanding of them.
Jesus Accommodate
Look at Palestine to see what being forcefully integrated with a [Jewish] people looks like. The Brits uprooted the Native Palestinians, too.
Maybe a video will help you understand
BTW it has now been censored by Twitter which tells you everything.
Jesus Accommodate
Amen! I have that flyer, too.
The Beast system is when the “beasts of the field” are ‘in control.’ The (non-Adamic) jews , like their father the devil , are the ‘most cunning’ beasts of the field.
God gave Dominion over ALL these non-White beasts to Adam and the White Adamites, whether people like it or not.
Every time this order is disrupted (usually by satan’s own usurping jew beasts) the inevitable result is curse (error/arror Strong’s #778) and total failure .
Of course the ever-seething jews and the other ‘races’ / beasts reject the Word of God in Genesis 1, both because they are faced with the reality that they are ‘beasts’ and it places them in a position of inferiority to the White Adamic Race. (Master Race of God’s Dominion.)
The satan-serving Jews, as ‘leaders’ of the other beasts, whom they use as their orc army against us, place their ‘throne’/ dominion above the Throne of the Most High. Just like their daddy the devil declares in Isaiah. It’s all so obvious and predictable.
Paul Kurt
Integrated schools in America are collapsing -Teachers abandoning their careers and fleeing . Most have suffered from years of jews’ lies and education – and symptoms of mental illness emerge from inveterate indoctrination. Who profits from this?
Intellectuals are summoned with their behaviorism, professing the problem is not the system but the teacher who must be further educated. This to further confuse them and aggravate their problem. But bureaucrats are never wrong – and never, never repent!
Negroes are obeying their jew masters and killing their white enemy, excited by another grievance like “white privilege “; and also black teachers, who must suffer the wrath of contumacious , little negroes alienated by black “egalitarianism”.
Other teachers more successful (proselytized), liberalized and promote sodomy and other perversions conveyed by the cheap deception of intellectualism. Also intoxicated with effeminate and anti-Christ spirit, they thrive on exceptions and dismiss the obvious generality.
The family is destroyed —– white and black through the plague of egalitarianism and amoral liberalism. Everything is sortilege and a few are chosen, while the rest are given to another bureaucracy to be “processed” – join the army or become “black”, their last salvation.
Integration has hurt everyone. No one benefits, white or black , only the cadre of plastic intellectual PhDs with Marxian ideology which is now revealed as another great lie.
Negroes themselves subconsciously beg for a master, a refuge from themselves and the liberty that is destroying them and many whites. The first thought of freedom is to realize one’s abject slavery to this satanic system.
There is nothing wrong with slavery . If one has a good master.
Does not old Solomon says: (and I paraphrase) “Woe the country where a slave is made king . . . . ?”.
Is it…?
“For three things the earth is disquieted, and for four which it cannot bear: For a slave when he reigneth; and a fool when he is filled with meat; For an odious woman when she is married; and an handmaid that is heir to her mistress.”
–Proverbs 30:22
Rex Nevius
That’s why I don’t like when white people whine that they aren’t allowed to talk about “White Pride”….
White’s don’t need “Pride” to make them feel better about themselves. Our history speaks for itself.
White people are superior, but we don’t walk around feeling superior because it just is that way and we’ve never felt a need to talk about it until the Jews tried to prove that we weren’t better, dragging us down to their level.
We don’t feel a need to rub other people’s noses in it. They do it for themselves through envy.
Non-whites all feel a need to express their “Pride” because deep down, they know they can’t hold a candle to us.
They need us. We don’t need them.
Spot on! Whities follow the advice of Henry J. Kaiser:
”When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt.”
D. Poole
American conservative writer Joe Sobran put it this way:
“Western Man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself.
Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.
The charge of racism puzzles Whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled goodwill, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.
The White man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And superiority excites envy. Destroying White civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call ‘minorities’.”
Next, The Mexicans, then the Indians, then The Chinese, then The Japs, then……
wilfred john
I wouldn’t lump the Japanese with the rest. Although they aren’t inventors, they are by far the most superior of the Asian races, some call them the “Aryans of the East”. Their civilization is well ordered, clean, sophisticated, humble, and not parasitical. That’s why Hitler admired them.
Experts say....
According to a 1943 poll, “90% of the American people stated that they would rather lose [World War II] than give full equality to the American Negroes.”
—Source: “Troubling the Waters: Black-Jewish Relations in the American Century” by C.L. Greenberg (2006)
“…beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings. Therefore, the Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because (Negroes) have little that is (essentially) human and possess attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.”
—14th-century Tunisian scholar Ibn Khaldun
“For in a world which would be composed of mongrels and negroids all ideals of human beauty and nobility and all hopes of an idealized future for our humanity would be lost forever.”
—Adolf Hitler
“As a Jew, I have no room in my mind or heart for racial prejudice. But I have come to know that if we sell one house to a Negro family, then 90 to 95 percent of our white customers will not buy into the community. That is their attitude, not ours.”
—William Levitt, creator of the model post-WWII suburban city
“The negro has been, and still is, thoroughly misunderstood. However severely we may condemn the horrible system of slavery, the results of emancipation have proved that the negro does not appreciate the blessings of freedom, nor does he show the slightest feeling of gratitude to the hand that broke the rivets of his fetters. His narrow mind cannot embrace that feeling of pure philanthropy that first prompted England to declare herself against slavery, and he only regards the anti-slavery movement as a proof of his own importance. In his limited horizon he is himself the important object, and as a sequence to his self-conceit, he imagines that the whole world is at issue concerning the Black man.
The negro, therefore, being the important question, must be an important person, and he conducts himself accordingly, he is far too great a man to work. Upon this point his natural character exhibits itself most determinedly. Accordingly, he resists any attempt at coercion; being free, his first impulse is to claim an equality with those whom he lately served, and to usurp a dignity with absurd pretensions, that must inevitably insure the disgust and abhorrence of the white community.”
—Samuel Baker, from “The Albert N’Yanza Great Basin of the Nile” (1866), p. 197
Is the Japanese aristocracy descended from Whites?
I’ve seen this discussed before, a long while ago, the theory that Whites from India emigrated to Japan. Today the Japanese, to their chagrin, are a mix of “Jomon”, a hairier and more White-like people, and “Yayoi”, who look like stereotypical Chinese/Koreans.
I’ve heard that the samurai were white originally, and it follows as the rule of thumb is that every civilization that had castes/”forbidden cities” etc was one where a White minority ruled a non-white nation.
The only wrinkle here are the Ainu people, who are said to be White but yet lived a lifestyle more in line with the American Indian.
Democrats and blacks are evil
Not really you forgot Korea, Philippines because at one point
the Philippines rivaled Japan in the 1960s so no they are not by far
the most superior of the Asian races. this just proves that any Asian
nation at one point or another in a different decade rivaled Japan except
that time around it was the Philippines. you will think it would have been
Korea ( South Korea ) to be exact that would have been the one to rival there
next door neighbor which would be Japan.
Really, she is just stating the obvious and this applies to every White Nation.
I keep writing “Demographics is Destiny” on various FB posts and other online comment sections.
Hardly a man “gets it”. They always ask what do I mean. Then when I tell them, of course they get it. They know it deep down in their soul. They just can’t bring themselves to speak it.
What’s the saying —- “we’ve been cucked….”
And that didn’t happen overnight. A slow steady burn.
I believe it started after ww2. This was our collective punishment for stepping into that war.
It’s only a matter of time now Brothers —- “….. when the Son of Man returns, will He really find Faith on the Earth?” Luke 18:8
I believe this is both Literal and Spiritual. Literal —- there won’t be hardly any White Peoples left — and also Spiritual — only a Few will have proven to have Walked that Narrow Road that leads to Eternal Life.
Paul exhorts us —– EXAMINE YOURSELVES ………….
Time is short.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
I have said similar things like examine yourself – i would say look within yourself look around you to see what is going on in the world what is being done to our people. Take no notice of the jewstream media – it’s not your fiend. It goes back to what Netenyahu said of America once we get what we want it can dry up and blow away and he said we destroy a country we hate slowly and sell it off piece by piece.
Jews are con men – promise this and that, but once they have you once they get what they want they betray you ,
Wherever Whites went they brought civilization, prosperity as in the case of South Africa where White people gave blacks jobs better way of life. Blacks like Mandela repaid that with betrayal for jewish communist interests. Jews portrayed White rule as something bad – it was wrong for whites to own those farms and that blacks must take them back they were portrayed as heroes in the jewstream media calling them war veterans.
Jews turned prosperous South Africa into a corrupt crap hole – i bet jews made promises to blacks that things would be better, but it was not. all these jews have to offer is death and misery where they go, and when they subvert other people’s countries, they persecute and oppress them – and jews complain of their persecution but never say why they were forced out of countries because the outstay their welcome abuse a countries hospitality pervert destroy that countries culture religion, cause mass death as in the case of Russia and China.
CFT mentioned useful idiots like George Galloway whom I have tried telling others that he is no good – I remember when he was fronting workers party that was not officially registered as a political party, so the grifter Galloway was asking for money to join the Workers Party when he never protested the covid psy ops lockdowns that were destroying jobs, businesses and companies. He attacked those who were questioning the narrative, blocked anyone that questioned his stance, having a go at me when I questioned him -he blocked me too. Galloway lives in Russia more than he does in UK.
this is a tweet from the horses mouth as they say
TeReSa 🇮🇱🇺🇸 Proud jew
Nelson Mandela was a true friend of Israel
The billboard poster displays a photograph of Mandela alongside a quote taken from a speech he delivered to the South African Jewish community in August 1993 that stated: “We insist on the right of the State of Israel to exist” https://twitter.com/EmELBoYY/status/1627336211172847618?s=20
Here a black man says nelson mandela was a fraud and no friend to black people
Thabo khumalo
“Mandela was fraud. Imposter and we are here because of Nelson Mandela. He sold our country to globalist. Our country is in the verge of collapse because of the laws he signed with Jewish Cabal and un. Sorry was not a hero but a fraud.”
This tweet admits that Mandela had jewish associates
Jews use others to do their dirty work using other races like blacks against whites much the same way they use muslims against whites in white countries. I got into a debate with a jew regarding the symbol on
Israeli flag – I said it’s not the star of David – it’s an occult symbol.
I post many CFT articles here on this FB page to try get message across – if you know anyone that’s on facebook, mention this page, please thanks
Agreed, a Negros 4m w/a.