An epidemic of “sluggish” teaching and learning was blamed for the astonishing 0% pass rate at South Africa’s Limpopo’s Senwane Secondary School:
The school, situated in the remote village of Ga-Molekwa in the Bakenberg area, enrolled 12 candidates for the exams and all of them failed.
It is one of the three schools in the province that had a 0% pass rate in 2018. The others are Letshekga-Malokwane and Ramoroke secondary schools, which enrolled 12 and two candidates respectively.
News24 visited the area on Tuesday and spoke to some candidates who pointed to the absence of a culture of learning and teaching at the school as the reason for the dismal performance. These sentiments were also echoed by some parents.
The principal, Max Mongatana, was reluctant to speak about the results. He has been acting in the position since the beginning of 2018.
Kholofelo Matlou, 20, who has since registered to repeat matric at the same school, said: “I believe the problem was teaching and learning. We did not receive enough lessons for the whole year, especially on mathematics and physical science.
“Sometimes we were left on our own because the teachers did not come to class often. I think some of the teachers should be changed and I hope this year we will do better because this is the first time this thing happened.”
Another candidate, Francinah Matlou, 19, pointed out that the pupils themselves should also share the blame because they did not show enough enthusiasm. She has also registered to repeat matric at the same school…
“We have been saying that small schools are not viable and not sustainable educationally. Efforts of the department to rationalise these schools are often met with resistance and reasons which do not advance education and the interest of learners who are at these schools.
“We cannot continue to supply six teachers for only two learners,” Kgetjepe said.
He also pointed a finger at the historical pattern of the construction of schools.
He said some people did not like it when people speak about the reality that, despite becoming a democratic nation, government had not planned to build schools in certain areas, leaving communities to do it themselves.
The Whites who originally settled and built South Africa into a thriving nation did not wait around for the “government” to build them schools, nor did they have a “system” to blame for any of their failures. School is not part of Black “culture” or history, and it is foolish to expect Blacks to have the disciple or intellect to succeed in schools modeled after White learning. This Black school has 6 teachers for every two students, and those 6 teachers can’t manage to get any passing students. When the average IQ for Blacks in sub-Saharan Africa is generously estimated at only 68, no amount of “schooling” is going to change the outcome.
But this isn’t just a problem in Africa, anywhere you find large Black populations, even in White countries, you find the same problems with the education system and Black failure. In America, they blame racism, low-incomes, poor schools and teachers, but never will they look into the huge disparity in IQ between Blacks and Whites. It is career suicide for anyone in academia to discuss this issue, and even Nobel Prize winner James Watson, who discovered the structure of DNA, had his reputation destroyed for insisting the real connection between genetics and intelligence. That’s why this problem will never be solved because the answers are “racist”.
R. Ahrens
The Bible tells us that there is, in the world, a two legged beast. One who can call to the creator, make children with mankind, talk, riot, commit adultry, and wear sackcloth.
Who ELSE, could this “Chayah” be, if not the negro?
The “Leader to be” of this corrupt government (I think ALL sides of the political spectrum are corrupt, self serving and evil…But having fallen away from God its what our nation deserves, so…) Joe “sniff-em” Biden, has stated that Kristen Clark will be in charge of civil rights laws. Clark openly states that blacks are “superior” to whites intellectually, morally, and spiritually, because of “magic melanin from thier brains” and that they should have superior treatment under law. Yes. She brazenly and openly says this…And states that whites need to be in the “servant” role to the “superior black race”….I highly recommend people look into what she says, because demonic woman is going to have the power to draft civil laws very soon unless people wake up and return to God, so we can regain his blessings and protections.
What I am going to say next may seem “radical”…But only because our enemies conditioned our people to see such truth as radical. Just a handful of decades ago, this WAS common knowlege and the status quo, until Edom/Jewry created Weimar 2.0 by using our peoples kindness and compassion against them, and conditioning them to usher in thier own demise, for which ALL of us, myself included, bear some responsibility…We strayed from God, and THIS is what happens when we do, after all…None of the chaos today is new to the world. Its all played out before, whenever our people lost thier way. There is truly nothing new under the sun. And no, I am NOT calling for random violence or violence of any sort…I am simply stating truth.
All anyone has to do, is look to their behavior and ours. Blacks are violent sociopaths, who have limited or no compassion, even in natural disasters. Here where I live, when it was hit by Hurricane Katrina, we had to forcibly fend off out of state negro, who had car pooled to come here and loot. Not ONE looter we encountered was white (or even any other race for that matter)… When blacks do take over a city, state, or country, it IMMEDIATELY becomes a slum. Haiti, Baltimore, Detroit, Rhodesia and many others show that this is the way it just is, and not a one off….
Most blacks have an education of about a 5th grade level. A study in New York showed that 0 percent could pass Standard Math tests, and the same study showed the same results in south Africa. Therefore the above article could not be more truthful…In fact, there are VERY FEW truthful sites like this left. MOST of the websites now are controlled op, trying to sell the covid lie…And the blackouts are probably a way they can excuse rushing the population controlling “mark of the beast” out to people- Gotta use them if we cant refrigerate them, after all….Sorry, thats a little off topic-Anyways…
The ONLY reason they may have refined speed and muscle builds is because Jewish slavers BRED them as such to do more work. But running across the field or kicking a ball or throwing it into a hoop is no match for moral and intellectual superiority, which just about every race has over them….The afro-centric pseudo science of “magic melanin” is some ridiculous nonsense one of them cooked up to feel better about themselves and is NOT supported by any scientists, biologists, or neurologists of any credibility.
Its similar to the way they claim melanin makes them “living Gods”….They have a justifiably low self esteem. I remember discussions in the 1980s, about how “Perhaps if we helped raise negro self esteem, they would commit fewer crimes”? And all they got for thier efforts were arrogant criminals whos idea of magic melanin is no different from thier African black magic/Haitian voodoo mumbo jumbo….Jews are probably laughing at people like THIS in roles of power in our nations put there by misplaced guilt of white Liberals and affirmative action .
We need to find our line in the sand, and send these people ALL back to their own continent, along with all the scum who stand with them. In a way, I am kind of glad for extremist blacks like this one…Its waking our people up, just as their riots and accosting peaceful people even at restaurants started waking our people up…The founding fathers wrote MANY TIMES that co-existing with blacks would not be possible, AND our Christian religion calls race mixing a sin in which God will “put to death” those who do so…
As they wake more of our brethren, people research and learn these things they were lied to about and what was kept from them….Such as 514,000 violent black on white crimes per year JUST in America alone…And when enough of them wake, I believe we, the people, WILL finally get it in our heads that these blacks need to be shown to the door…They have overstepped their welcome, starting with demanding more then the generous “guest status” they had in the 1960s. And now they have even begun brutalizing Jews…The dog DOES bite the hand that feeds with this one… But one way or another, they MUST go…And the ONLY way that happens, if we do the following.
2 Chronicles, 7:14
If my people, whom are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, turn from thier wickedness and seek my face, I will hear from heaven, and I will HEAL THIER LAND!
We cant win this war without God. But with God, none can stand against us! God bless and protect you all!
Those poor “teens” inside South Africa will never be allowed to read the words of their black “savior”.
There is such intense jewish censorship happening inside our America that even you are not allowed to read the book which the esteemed Nelson Mandela wrote prior to him having been imprisoned.
So far as I can determine, this book has never been on the NYT’s best-seller list. That is doubly strange in that the jewish communists were the ones who so heavily promoted Mandela and the ANC communist movement and Party within South Africa.
“HOW TO BE A GOOD COMMUNIST”, by Nelson Mandela
[The censorship Cheka has been very active in removing materials with this, so you may want to make a copy of the book to share later.]
After all the “commitments” which the jews’ had made to South Africa!
A Litvik jewess takes pride in the “accomplishments” of her fellow jewish tribe members in South Africa.
“In the anti Apartheid South African Liberation struggle, it was estimated that Jews were over represented by 2,500 percent in their proportion to the governing population.
Jews comprised only about 2% of the White (ruling) population and 0.6% of the total population, South African Jews should take tremendous pride in the very high proportion that opposed Apartheid in multiple fashions. Of the 150 charged in the 1956 Treason Trial of Anti-Apartheid activists, 23 were whites and of the 23 whites, at least 14 were clearly identifiable Jews (well over 50%). Advocate Isie Maisels won acclaim for his leadership of the defense team which achieved acquittal of all the accused in the Treason Trial. As a committed Jew, Maisels had served as President of the Federation of Synagogues, as well as on the Executives of the Jewish Board of Deputies and the South African Zionist Federation. The 1963 Rivonia Trial resulted from the ANC having secretly established underground headquarters where the military arm of the ANC Umkhonto we Sizwe (The Spear of the Nation) was conceived. The premises at Lilliesleaf Farm were acquired by Arthur Goldreich who had served as a volunteer in the nascent Israel army in 1948. Nelson Mandela stayed at the farm in the guise of a farm worker. Significantly, all the whites arrested in this epoch-making event were Jewish: Arthur Goldreich, Rusty Bernstein, Dennis Goldberg, Bob Hepple, and Dr Hilliard Festenstein. Goldreich now lives in Israel
It is doubtful that any other group can boast anything approaching the proportionate number of Jews who took part in the struggle against Apartheid. The South African Muslim community comprised 1.1% of the total population compared with Jews 0.6%.”
[Continues and is instructive and well worth reading to the very end of the post].
LOVE the comments.First place I look for my daily redpill.On any site that has articles based in reality.
“Sluggish”, eh?
Based on the test scores, I believe that was simple spelling error on their part. I’ll give them an ‘A’ for effort, as they at least got the first letter correct. I think the intended word “Stupidity” was just a couple letters too long…
This is painful. It is more than painful , it is cruel. In order to study and pass Western academic subjects – reading, writing, math, science, civics, history etc you have to have an IQ in 3 digits. I am sure there are some Blacks – probably with some European genetics who will be able to do this – but in the main, this is the population that throughout its history developed a culture around tribal war and the round up and sale of Africans to the great empires of the Middle East, to Rome and later to the Islamic Caliphates. And yes – some also were sold West to the New World. These people did not even invent so much as the wheel or the calendar. They did not have written language. They don’t get numbers and math. Cause and effect does not seem to make an impression on them. What they are good at is outbreeding Whites and using demographic superiority to seize what the Whites have designed and built – but they can not manage or maintain the infrastructure of a first world economy.
True, and don’t forget that African languages didn’t have the word “why”, as if they didn’t have a concept of cause and effect.
I Dunno
Pat Boone explains the meaning of Why:
I’m so happy I ventured on this page ? you have to be joking
Blacks are “sluggish” all right, which is a polite way of saying “lazy”. But calling Blacks “lazy” is racist, so we’ll just call them “sluggish”. After all, the heat in Africa can make anyone “sluggish”, except for the Whites who built up South Africa out of nothing.
I Dunno
No- lazy implies it could be otherwise, with volitional effort.
The black problem is wholly genetic.